V20 - Chapter One - Clan Tremere - To Tame the Red Dragon

Game Master Dennis Harry

Link to Discipline Descriptions and Systems

Dramatis Personæ
Henry Gaden - A7
Zhang Jim - A3
Marcus Townshend - A2
Badger - A2
Wenzel Rainer - A2

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Perception + Empathy DC 4. 1 Success.

Perception+Empathy: 5d10 ⇒ (7, 3, 7, 7, 9) = 33

He is telling the truth.

Have any of us heard of Saint Germaine's association with the clan before this?

Henry Gaden wrote:
Have any of us heard of Saint Germaine's association with the clan before this?

Make an Intelligence + Politics + Kindred Lore roll DC 8 2 successes.

Intelligence+Politics: 7d10 ⇒ (2, 6, 6, 1, 3, 3, 3) = 24

You do not recall the name but the rest of the group can also make a check.

Intelligence + Politics: 2d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (7, 9) + (3, 6) = 25

8th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 13/15 | Willpower: 9/9

Intelligence (Problem Solving) + Politics Diff 8, 2 Sucesses: 4d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (9, 2, 1, 7) + (5) = 24

Making the rolls for Badger & Jim to get moving:

Badger: Intelligence + Politics - 2d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (8, 3) + (7) = 18

Jim: Intelligence + Politics - 3d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (2, 6, 6) + (10) = 24

A few of you had one success, I'll update the thread, allow some time for posting any further PC thoughts, then move along the narrative.

8th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 13/15 | Willpower: 9/9

Pardon the distraction, but I am looking for a few players to join a semi-homebrewed Chicago by Night game

The game originated as a V5 game, but in the interest of getting more players, I have made the decision to switch the game to V20.

If you are interested, please contact me via PM. Feel free to ask Shadow about the game, as he is one of remaining players.

Back to your regularly scheduled discussion thread.

Shadow's Status
Marcus Townshend wrote:

Pardon the distraction, but I am looking for a few players to join a semi-homebrewed Chicago by Night game

The game originated as a V5 game, but in the interest of getting more players, I have made the decision to switch the game to V20.

If you are interested, please contact me via PM. Feel free to ask Shadow about the game, as he is one of remaining players.

Back to your regularly scheduled discussion thread.

It comes highly recommended by me!

Fun factoid: Saulot's philosophy shifted each year as part of the metaplot as a concerted attempt by Justin Achilli to have a "heel-face/face-heel" turn with each new year of releases. Each time there would be new context layered on to Saulot to change his motivations and characterization.

Shadow's Status
Zhang Jim wrote:
Fun factoid: Saulot's philosophy shifted each year as part of the metaplot as a concerted attempt by Justin Achilli to have a "heel-face/face-heel" turn with each new year of releases. Each time there would be new context layered on to Saulot to change his motivations and characterization.

Yeah, it was spectacularly ridiculous. Creating an IN game reason though has actually been pretty fun.

I'm not a great fan of Achilli in general.

I actually don't know enough about the high levels of the lore to know how good/evil Saulot actually is, which I suppose is only a benefit in a game like this. Not that a character like Henry would care much either way. He's not Tremere and therefore must be destroyed.

Been sick, I will update likely tomorrow at some point.

No worries, hope you feel better soon!

Still meh.

Piece of cake right!?

What could possibly go wrong?

Zhang Jim wrote:
What could possibly go wrong?

That's the spirit!

what did master beschi manage to teach us along the way again?

Badger the ___________ wrote:
what did master beschi manage to teach us along the way again?

I'll dig back in when I have a moment and post up on that, likely this weekend as I'm swamped at work after being out for a week.

Badger the ___________ wrote:
what did master beschi manage to teach us along the way again?

Beschi's training consisted of assistance with the local languages and dialects for the regions to which you will be traveling, geography of those regions including cities.

I'll probably move us along tonight.

I'll give one more day/evening for someone to interact with the other Kindred, if no one does, I will move us along.

Wenzel has been buried, he requested contact so I posted for him. Any one of you can of course engage her in conversation.

I will push us ahead tomorrow evening!

OK, tomorrow I will move us along.

I presume that the Coterie wishes to stay on mission and won't disembark at any ports of call. Post up her in discussion if you would like to RPO a bit more on the ship or if you would like to disembark and i'll slow the trip down.

If I don't see anything in discussion by tomorrow evening [my local time of course], we will land in the final port of call!

I have moved the China game officially to China, well, Hong Kong, but you all need to start somewhere!

Some of you have not posted in 3 to 4 weeks, please sound off if you are still here.

I know that Marcus is still around as he is active in my other Vampire game.

Still here.

The Coterie can choose whatever direction they wish at this point. You have an idea of where Celestyn wishes for you to head, though no furtehr travel itinerary picked ahead of time by him for you to get there. One of the Inner Circle of the Tremere, Wyncham, is believed to make his Haven here so you can interact with him. Gwen has provided Wenzel with the correct location for the Prince of the City.

Over the weekend I will put together a little Gazetteer for Hong Kong, likely basing it off of the modern Hong Kong sourcebook, if you wish to stay for more than a night.

Based on Badger's absence, it looks like he is out. I will DMPC him as I will Eliastor.

Let's get 5 XP on the board for the safe arrival in Hong Kong!

Sorry about that. I'm not really sure what happened. I just sort of memory-holed the game until just a moment ago.

dr. kekyll wrote:
Sorry about that. I'm not really sure what happened. I just sort of memory-holed the game until just a moment ago.

Feel free to jump in!

I will likely have a large update for Wednesday evening, I will try and update tomorrow if I have time.


I will assume that Wenzel, Henry, and Jim will head to the Hotel now that they are all together after Wenzel gathered the Elysium intel.

Updates on Saturday, RL super busy ATM.

Weekend ended up being just as busy, updates now.

I will move this along tonight if no one posts up.

RL struck, update now.

Shadow's Status

RL has me sidetracked still, will try and post tomorrow night.

Post up, a bad two week stretch!

Despite my best efforts, I'll have to work over the holiday weekend as well. However, by Sunday I should be completely caught up and back to daily or at least every other day posting once more.

Shadow's Status

Second night in a row I had to work late. Tomorrow is 50/50 if I have to work late or not. I will post again no later than Friday evening.


I think it's in the PCs court anyway but I can always have a push post from Eliastor (the Gargoyle) if no one responds before then.

Sorry, almost caught up at work, had to work this weekend. I believe by tomorrow night I should be good to go once more.

OK, RL doesn't want to give me an breaks so I woke up a half hour early to post! :-)

Shadow's Status

Updates tomorrow night.

Shadow's Status

Forgot about back to school night and I have a concert tonight, I'll get updates in Saturday night. :-(

If I don't hear anyone object to this idea by tomorrow night, I'll move us along!

Sorry, burnt out over the weekend and last night. I'll get a post up tonight now tat I have pretty much (finally!) caught up on work!

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