Dorian 'Grey' |

Hello All!
I am excited that you have decided to join me on this adventure! Please take your time to read through the information in Game Play for ideas for your character.
This will be 1st level. You may choose anything of
Source Core Rulebook pg. 629 2.0
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
trait. We will be opening up access to Uncommon and beyond, as we go.
This link will help you create your character.

Miss Canella |

Hi everyone
I am thinking rogue or ranger. More toward the rogue.

Dorian 'Grey' |

Welcome Miss Canella, Delmoth and Parrot!
That is the main point of this campaign, quest, mission! Ot is literally your characters first time too!
This module is for beginners. I wanted to play with you 4 (gotta have faith, faith, faith!) and I completely understand the hesitations.
Read through the information in Gameplay for the town that your characters grew up in for hooks, motivation and eye color (very important).
Any mechanical issues, questions, rants please post here, so that I may help.
Looks like Miss Canella will be our Rogue.
We have plenty of time to discuss builds and roles and backgrounds.
Have fun in Otari!

Sabrina Sara Sierra Sabelsash |

Ugh but its a huge wall of text.

Dorian 'Grey' |

Lol...just the initial post because it timed out on me before I could neaten it up.
You guys may read spoiler posts too for further Otari background.
Any thoughts on classes? I can help.

Sabrina Sara Sierra Sabelsash |

Only if i choose to heal.

Dorian 'Grey' |

@Sabs are you actually thinking Oracle? It is a solid class, but it may be top 3 most complicated class in PF2e (Alchemist and Investigator also imo).
I actually do like the Oracle though...lol. By the way, having Heal as a known spell (even with a dedicated healer) would be a good idea.
@Parrot Take a look at Medic Dedication. You could easily play a non-caster healer (Medicine trained+Battle Medicine skill feat+Godless Healing skill feat or Continual Recovery skill feat+Medic dedication).
Admittedly, depending on Class selection not on line totally until 2nd (if Rogue or Investigator) or 3rd.
That being said, a Cleric always angry because he needs to pray to a deity to Heal would be hilarious.
Reminds me of Pathfinder Tales with the Inquisitor hating to rely on Pharasma...lol.
I am enjoying the chatter!

Sabrina Sara Sierra Sabelsash |

Is it though? I'll just cast spells every now and then. Advice on getting diplo trained?

GM Parrot |

Only if i choose to heal.
Of course. I read your character sheet and it seemed healer-ish, and I didn't want to encroach on the role if you have it covered.
I don't have a sense of what a party needs to have fun in 2e.
@Dorian: Maybe I'll do that, but maybe the witty swash will seduce me away from medicine and church.

Dorian 'Grey' |

Looks like you have Background skills (arcana and lore), class skills grant you Religion and Medicine (from Life) plus 3+Int modifier (5). So, you can pick those 5 skills to become Trained.
Ability scores:
Remember your ABCDs.
A. Ancestry boosts
B. Background boosts
C. Class boost
D. Decide where to put 4 +2 boosts (non the same)
A= Gnome (-2 Str +2 Con and Cha plus free +2 (not Con and Cha)
B= Academic Dropout (+2 Int or Cha plus free +2 (not Int or Cha, depending where you put other +2)
C. Oracle (+2 Cha)
D. You decided ? Looks like you need 3 more +2 boosts here?
Str 8 (A) Dex 10 Con 12 (A) Int 14 (A and B) Wis 10 Cha 18 (A, B, C, D)
EDIT: Please use only Common Ancestries, feats, equipment, etc.
(as much fun a kobold witch would be!)
This is supposedly to introduce you guys to PF2e gently....sticks, rocks and paddles will come later once you all get the basics.
If I may make a general suggestion: Try to stay in the Core rule book for this initial adventure.
Once we complete the 1st module then perhaps if you are feeling froggy we expand into Uncommon ranges.
@Sabs and Parrot I was hoping someone would go cleric or/and oracle. If you two each wanted to build a Healer I am certain survival probabilities grow quite a bit.
@Parrot many ways to build a Cleric. If you wanted to "lessen" the healing factor just only rely on Font. The Domains give lots of versatility.
Warpriest for melee or Cloitered for caster.
Your Rogue will have lots of skills and skill feats to cover most things NOT Wisdom based. Just an FYI.
Swashbuckler seems fun, although I have not played(researched) it. I have one in my FotRP game.
This is exciting!

Sabrina Sara Sierra Sabelsash |

Derp now I see where to select skill trainings.
This can't bring it up to expert iirc

Dorian 'Grey' |

I never use any software to build my characters, so I am no help there.
In very rare circumstances will any character start Expert in a skill.
Skills attained from different sources do not stack. You just choose a different skill to become Trained.

Ariarh Kane |

Hello! I just got a lovely invite to join in. I’ve never played in any PF2e games and when I tried reading the rules once, I was flustered. I’d love to try and learn. Not sure what I’d like to play yet. I’ll take a look at the creation rules in my morning and see what classes other people wish to play and go from there. :)

Dorian 'Grey' |

Welcome Ariarh!
Everyone this is another friend from another of my PbP games. I want to teach some newbies to PF2e and invited those that I enjoy gaming with...hehe!
Please communicate here about ideas, concepts, and eye color (very important).
Remember Otari is your playground. Get to know your town because these heroes may be its only hope!
(Que scary music and maniacal laughter)

Dorian 'Grey' |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Here is a PF2e character sheet for your Profile page. It will help me greatly for ease of reference.
The () is for Trained(T), Expert(E), Master(M), Legendary(L)
Also these symbols will be important:
◆= 1 Action
◆◆= 2 Action Activity
◆◆◆= 3 Action Activity
◇= Free Action
↺= Reaction
Ancestry: Heritage: Background:
Class: Deity:
Alignment: Size: Traits:
Perception() Senses:
Languages: Common, Hero Points: 3/1
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
AC() ,Fort() [],Ref() [],Will() []
Resistances & Immunities
Class DC()
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Ancestry Feats & Abilities
Skill Feats
General Feats
Class Feats & Abilities
Bonus Feats
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Magic Tradition
Spell Attack Roll()
Spell DC()
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------

Sansaárë |

Hello and welcome, Ariarh!
This is Miss Canella's rogue.
I will have Thievery, Athletics, Intimidation, Stealth, Acrobatics, and Diplomacy as the skills she will increase as we level in order of preference.
She is strongest in Athletics.
She would be happy to have 2 healers. She will be melee.
I am thinking tat she is an orphan that has been raised at the Dawnflower Cathedral.

Dorian 'Grey' |

I absolutely love the name! But I can't open it? Either me or your end? It says, "Unable to create PDF. Please make sure that your character details only contain latin characters (cyrillic and greek alphabets are not supported)"
Happens often. Everyone here has probably witnessed my tech skill....
Can you also copy/paste PF2e Character Sheet above and fill it out either here and/or in Profile?
Makes my tech skills look manageable.
But Swash away!
@Sansaárë I am loving it!

Dorian 'Grey' |

Party People!
I have my AoA on Roll20 game at the moment, but a cursory glance has me asking how an Elf got Int 8?
ABCDs of character building above should help that issue. Follow that in order and your character will only need to spend 15gp for equipment.
We are not using flaws for our Ability scores, so lowest should be 10 before ancestry.
Ancestry (A). Elf -2 Con +2 Dex and Int and a free +2 to place
Background (B). Magical Misfit +2 Dex or Int plus 1 Free +2
Class (C). Swashbuckler +2 Dex
Decided (D). place 4 Free +2s none in same ability
Str 10 Dex 18 (A, B, C, D) Con 12 (A, B, D), Int 14 (A, D) Wis 10 Cha 14 (A,D)
My suggestion... also Magical Misfit is a Background and Seer is a Heritage from Elf.
@everyone please fill free to use Sansaárë crunch as a guide.

Tannakin Skinker |

Yeah I used the flaws--will unflaw.

Dorian 'Grey' |

I am really liking these concept ideas! Please fill free to read information in Game Play for any background ideas and such folks.
@everyone are my Examples for ABCDs making sense?

Ariarh Kane |

Yes, it makes sense, from what I've gleamed so far.
Just a question: Would a Ranger or Druid be a better fit for the current party makeup? I'm okay with either.
I read this in my research of Otari: In the Immenwood: The growth of the trees was once supercharged by the Old Forest Aeon Tower, but since the death of Aroden more than a century ago, the local lumber barons of the Kortos Consortium have been looking to druids to help boost it. It appears they have a vital purpose to the lumber industry of Otari.

Dorian 'Grey' |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

FYI: The Kortos Consortium would be an outside faction that is looking to monopolize the lumber industry by underhanded means....
I like Ranger and Druid.
Food for thought: Current speculative party make-up is: Rogue, Swashbuckler, Oracle and Ranger or druid?
Observation (not that it may matter): Only 1 Caster (divine tradition). Druid would add another caster (Primal Tradition), which has benefits.
That being said, I like both choices! Helpful...lol.

Ariarh Kane |

Alrighty, I'm leaning more to Druid now. I think it's fitting since the very first character I played in 1e is a Druid and now my first in 2e is a Druid.
I think I'm going with the Leaf Druidic Order and getting a sweet Leshy Familiar. ;)
Hmm. I think I'm going Dwarf Druid with Plant Whisperer background.

Dorian 'Grey' |

Considering that I am not planning for our start date for a bit, tossing out any character ideas to discuss is normal...lol.
I have changed my character 6 times for my upcoming SoT game...lol.
My only ask is that everyone communicate their ideas and remember that you all most likely have met in town.
So as of now party composition:
Human Wizard
1/2 Elf Rogue
1/2 Elf Swashbuckler
Dwarf Druid
I would be aware of healing methods in and out of combat.
Medicine skill is Wisdom based. In combat Battle Medicine skill feat is almost mandatory.
Heal spell is on Primal and Divine list.
Soothe spell is on Occult.
There may be other avenues that I am not aware, but doubt it...hehe!
This current composition is perfectly fine (I like it); just may need to coordinate possible healing techniques.

Ariarh Kane |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm still working on my Dwarf, but so far, regarding healing, has Healing Plaster as a primal cantrip, Heal as a first level spell and has the Goodberry order spell under the Leaf Druidic Order. Under Plant Whisperer background, has the Nature Medicine skill feat (at level 2?).

Dorian 'Grey' |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If your Background grants a skill feat you get it immediately!
Well played!
EDIT: @Ariarh and if you just keep a pouch of herbs and berries then you will always receive the bonus +2! Also, Goodberry order spell is great! You can spam it every 10 minutes outside of combat.
@Tannakin I feel like your Ability scores are off?
@everyone whomever has invested any Wisdom should consider Medicine skill. It will help outside combat healing.
If you want to take Medicine, but not so Wise, than Assurance feat for Medicine is the way to go, but doesn't kick in until 3rd.
Please don't get too worried over it though, because I heard through the grapevine that your DM may be a bit training wheels for this initial adventure....

Tannakin Skinker |

I'm also still under construction. I don't think I'll have room for Battle Medicine, but I can push a skill into Medicine if that'd be a good idea.

Ariarh Kane |

If I swapped my Dwarf background from 'Plant Whisperer' to 'Field Medic' then I get the following: You're trained in the Medicine skill, and the Warfare Lore skill. You gain the Battle Medicine skill feat.
Does it make more sense to have the Field Medic background since we no longer have a cleric in the party?

Nyswyn Greenseyn |

<=== This is Ariarh Kane's Dwarf Druid with a Leaf Leshy familiar named Verdant Skydancer - 'Verdi' for short. The crunch is on her profile (hopefully I haven't stuffed up the crunch too much. If I've missed anything, please let me know.). If I do change her background (from Plant Whisperer to Field Medic), I'll adjust the sheet accordingly. I'll work on fluff (not sure how much 'fluff' you want, Mister Grey. Please advise. Thanks!)

Dorian 'Grey' |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Good morning!
Isn't it nice to wake up to posts...lol?
I would leave Plant Whisperer. The flavor is great. Also, being a druid you want to use Nature for Treat Wounds. Besides, if needed you can take Battle Medicine at 2nd (Natural Medicine qualifies).
@everyone backstorys should be as long as you like (fun part afterall) and it should include your life up until now. Although, just a couple of paragraphs should do it.
Try incorporating some information from Otari spoiler(s) in Gameplay.
I want to know your characters.

Nyswyn Greenseyn |

That's great as I did want to keep Plant Whisperer for flavour sake. It's been a long day, here. I'll work on the fluffiness tomorrow when I'm fresh and full of energy. lol
Please have a great day, Mister Grey and crew. Night from me!

Dorian 'Grey' |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@everyone the common conception for PF2e is that you want an 18 in your main stat; especially if you use it for anything related to an opponent's AC, Saves, skill DCs.
The numbers are a lot tighter than PF1e.
Now that being said there is nothing wrong with not following conversational wisdom either.
I myself have been known to game a bit unconventionally...
In PF2e you will receive 4 +2 Ability boosts at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th. Any score 18+ only receives 1 point though.
Also, once we complete "Menace in Otari" (MiO), we will revisit our builds and we can decide on any adjustments prior to starting "Troubles in Otari" (TiO).
I kind of was giving you examples of Ability placements with the gnome oracle and elf swashbuckler examples...hehe.
Your DM may do that on occasion.
EDIT: Skill increase will happen at 3rd and evey odd level for all classes except Rogue and Investigator (every level).
Trained may be increased to Expert at 3rd and after.
Expert may be increased to Master at 7th and after.
Master may be increased to (wait for it) Legendary at 15th and after.
Most classes will be able to advance only 3 skills to (wait for it) Legendary.
I recommend communicating which 3 Skills your characters will be focusing on.
There are ways to advance more with feats, class abilities and such.
That was what Sansaárë's run down of her preferred skill list above was for. Although, think Deception will be on her 6 list instead of Diplomacy.
Rogues and Investigator get 6 to (wait for it) Legendary.
A good way of deciding on your "3" is to look at a skills related skill feat list. Some feats build on each other, so perhaps start at top and read to bottom.
Let me know if this helps?

Tannakin Skinker |

I totally forgot about my free boosts. Will fix and will have 18 DEX!
Definitely going to max Diplomacy, which is core to the Wit Swash. Acrobatics is important, too. Intimidate/demoralize looks fun. Those three are my ideas for main skills so far.
As for backgrounds, which do you think I should I take:
Deckhand: sailor who lands on her feet sounds good. DEX.
Warrior: boost to intimidate is good, but it is STR/CON so not great for a swash.
Emissary: Get some languages so I can properly insult monsters that don't speak Common. CHA.
Magical Misfit: UMD is always a good thing. CHA.

Dorian 'Grey' |

@Parrot are you going 1/2 elf? If so, Human Ancestry with 1/2 elf heritage is route to go.
A. Grants two free +2 boosts (Dex and Cha)
B. I liked Magic Misfit for you. (Dex and ?)
C. +2 Dex
D. 4 free +2s
Those 3 skills are great for a Wit Swashbuckler! If not then we can reevaluate at 2nd.
I enjoy the thought of seeing swashbuckler tumbling into flank with Rogue! Going to be nice 1, 2 punch!
EDIT to be fair elf ability scores above looked good plus Speed 30 is really useful. Just my opinion.

Tannakin Skinker |

Thanks! I am leaning away from elf and toward half-elf. Will post an updated sheet later today!
I agree that the swash-rogue 1-2 will be entertaining and powerful!

Sansaárë |

Hi everyone. I like your ideas. It will be great having a swashbuckler to flank with me and kick some ass with.
Hi HUSBAND. How is it going? Ready to have some fun???? I am. Welcome back. Watanabe retire from the Agents to Otari...hehe
@Nyswyn, I like that we have a drawf druid with a cute little flower.
My main skills will be Deception, Intimidate, and Thievery are definitely going to Legendary.
Sansaárë (San-sa-airi) or just Airi for short (found Sunshine in elven is árë) has been raised in Otari at the Dawnflower Cathedral. She is a follower of Sarenae.
She has recently just turned 18. She has been mostly working at the Library. But now she is ready to make her own way. She just not sure which way that is!
Airi definitely will know Watanabe because books, books, books. What about the rest?

Tannakin Skinker |

I will write my backstory once I nail down my ancestry... having trouble deciding! Feel free to weigh in.
One minor goal was to get the Daze cantrip to follow up on Bon Mot's penalty to Will Saves and as a backup ranged weapon.
Another is to use One for All to aid via Diplomacy.
It might come down to balancing my desire to Daze vs. my desire to use the One for All swashy aid feat, because I don't think I can do both from the get-go.
Crunchy pros/cons:
Cooperative Nature Ancestry Feat for +4 to rolls to aid, plus grabbing the One for All feat to use Diplomacy to aid, and then I can combo the two to buff my friends (the above can sometimes grant panache to a Wit Swash, too)
Versatile Heritage for Intimidating Glare, granting a useful debuff when I can't speak to our enemies
Good stats and HP
No cantrips, so no Daze (maybe could do Sorcerer Dedication later for Daze... Draconic?)
One for All means no Dueling Parry, AC will be stuck at 18 rather than bumping up to 20 sometimes
5 feet of speed (will mean 35 with panache!)
Detect Magic via Seer
Daze via Otherworldly Magic
16 HP vs 19 for the others
Dueling Parry for 20 AC
Daze via Otherworldly Magic
Good stats and HP
Dueling Parry for 20 AC
I have a fun backstory for a half-elf that I could use, which is an added bonus for the .5elf.
What do you think would be more fun or more likely to work in practice: using Aid reactions to make pep talk mini-speeches to buff my friends, or Dazing my foes after they're dazzled by my sparkling Bon Mots?

Dorian 'Grey' |

I am impressed! You found The best use of 1 Action that still allows you to do your thing!
One for All feat is soooo good! Imagine granting your rogue flanking with you a +3 bonus to attack! Every round! Assuming you make your Diplomacy check.
Also, this will grant you panache!
Spoiler Alert!
In my FotRP PbP, our Swashbuckler does that for my fighter. Crit city!
Plus talking trash during combats and getting mechanical benefit for it is late in coming...lol.
So quandary: Elf for flavor and good fancy elven swashbuckler ing. Also really good Ancestry for a bit of innate spells. Ability array is fine; allows for investment in Int skill, along with Diplomacy and Acrobatics.
Could also use sweet-ass elven curve blade. Speed speed speed
Probably more....
Human (1/2 elf) also great choice. But can do everything an elf can with right feats.
Speed is less but Panache gives +5 so cool. Dex and Cha still but Int less, Con higher although could still get
Str 10 Dex 18 (A, B, C, D) Con 12 (D) Int 12 (B) Wis 10 Cha 14 (A, D)
Still have a +2 from (D) so depending Con, Int or Wis for 1/2 elf. Or Str too..lol.
Plus that Human feat to Aid would be quite strong.
Tough decision....

Tannakin Skinker |

One for All will definitely be part of this, then! All aboard for Crit City!