Gestalt Carrion Crown

Game Master bigrig107

Roll20 link
Harrowstone first floor map
Shadowbrook Map

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F NG Tiefling Druid 4 // Magus 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | F +6+1 R +3*+1 W +9+1 | Init +6 Per +14*+2 (darkvision) SM +7*+2 | AP 5/5 | familiar HP 17/17 | druid spells 1st:4/5 2nd:1+2/3+5 | magus spells 1st:4/4 2nd:1/2 | effects/conditions ablative barrier (20) 4h, ashen path 10m, tears to wine 40m

Oh, sorry! Not sure how I missed them when looking at your sheet. I remember thinking it was funny that you had a dye arrow but not any blunted ones. :)

Male Tiefling Fighter(Weapon Master)/Bard(Duettist) | HP: 31/36 | Perception: +10 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive: +10 | Diplomacy: +15, Intimidate: +10 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 13 +2 for Cat's Grace| CMD: 19 | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Init: +6 | Bard Song/day: 9/13 | Spells: 4/4 : 2/2 | Active: Triple Time 1 hour +10' base speed., Cat's Grace 4 minutes.
GM of the Crown wrote:
Actually you have been calling this familiar ‘Duet’, just took a look back (searched for “duet” in the gameplay thread). Obviously whatever name you want is fine, just saying that’s likely where she got the idea from.

I wondered about that but didn't do a search. That would explain why it is familiar, just not why I did it.... I checked on the original copy of my CS, scribbled notes and all. I had a couple of names but Duet wasn't there. I think I'll stick with Birdie. Thanks for pointing it out!

Male Tiefling Fighter(Weapon Master)/Bard(Duettist) | HP: 31/36 | Perception: +10 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive: +10 | Diplomacy: +15, Intimidate: +10 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 13 +2 for Cat's Grace| CMD: 19 | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Init: +6 | Bard Song/day: 9/13 | Spells: 4/4 : 2/2 | Active: Triple Time 1 hour +10' base speed., Cat's Grace 4 minutes.

Just did the search. Every post I made matched because of Duettist in my header. But then I did introduce my familiar as Duet.... Guess I'm just getting old!

Glad my nephew isn't in this game. He knows how old I am.

LOOT HP:33 | AC:24 ; T:20 ; FF:24 (w/Mage Armor); CMD:25/19 (+2 vs grapple+) | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+9 ; Will:+3 | Init:+5 ; PER:+10 (+12 vs invisible/incorporeal) (Low-Light) SM:+12

Raj Spending Spree & Training Regime!

Wand of Mage Armor (<75%): 1d100 ⇒ 28 YES! (300 GP from Raj, 300 GP from Mila, 150 GP from Park)
Cracked Dark Blue Rhomboid Ioun Stone (<75%): 1d100 ⇒ 63 YES! (400 GP)
Wayfinder (<75%): 1d100 ⇒ 61 YES! (500 GP)

Total cost: 1200 GP

Training Regime!

21 Days To Spend
Retrain Trap Spotter to Minor Magic (200 GP, 5 days) – 16 days left
Retrain HPs +1 (120 GP, 3 days) – 13 days left
Retrain HPs +1 (120 GP, 3 days) – 10 days left
Retrain HPs +1 (120 GP, 3 days) – 7 days left
Retrain HPs +1 (120 GP, 3 days) – 4 days left
Retrain HPs +1 (120 GP, 3 days) – 1 day left

Total cost: 800 GP

LOOT HP:33 | AC:24 ; T:20 ; FF:24 (w/Mage Armor); CMD:25/19 (+2 vs grapple+) | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+9 ; Will:+3 | Init:+5 ; PER:+10 (+12 vs invisible/incorporeal) (Low-Light) SM:+12

Raj is updated!

Male Tiefling Fighter(Weapon Master)/Bard(Duettist) | HP: 31/36 | Perception: +10 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive: +10 | Diplomacy: +15, Intimidate: +10 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 13 +2 for Cat's Grace| CMD: 19 | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Init: +6 | Bard Song/day: 9/13 | Spells: 4/4 : 2/2 | Active: Triple Time 1 hour +10' base speed., Cat's Grace 4 minutes. ng,%20Minor

Is it available? 1-75: 1d100 ⇒ 7

LOOT HP:33 | AC:24 ; T:20 ; FF:24 (w/Mage Armor); CMD:25/19 (+2 vs grapple+) | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+9 ; Will:+3 | Init:+5 ; PER:+10 (+12 vs invisible/incorporeal) (Low-Light) SM:+12

Raj goes shopping in Tamrivena...

Scabbard of Vigor (<75%): 1d100 ⇒ 60 success! (1800 GP)

Male Tiefling Fighter(Weapon Master)/Bard(Duettist) | HP: 31/36 | Perception: +10 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive: +10 | Diplomacy: +15, Intimidate: +10 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 13 +2 for Cat's Grace| CMD: 19 | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Init: +6 | Bard Song/day: 9/13 | Spells: 4/4 : 2/2 | Active: Triple Time 1 hour +10' base speed., Cat's Grace 4 minutes.

Looking for that +1 Mithril chain shirt in Tamrivena.... <75%?: 1d100 ⇒ 86

Gotta wait 'til we get to Lepidstadt then.

Male Tiefling Fighter(Weapon Master)/Bard(Duettist) | HP: 31/36 | Perception: +10 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive: +10 | Diplomacy: +15, Intimidate: +10 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 13 +2 for Cat's Grace| CMD: 19 | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Init: +6 | Bard Song/day: 9/13 | Spells: 4/4 : 2/2 | Active: Triple Time 1 hour +10' base speed., Cat's Grace 4 minutes.

"Raj didn't want them rolling into town with the reputation of having deep pockets."
That why I said digging the coins out of a pouch in the adventurer's sash. The six pouches are small and wouldn't hold much. Most of my money in in the small bag of holding in my pack.

LOOT HP:33 | AC:24 ; T:20 ; FF:24 (w/Mage Armor); CMD:25/19 (+2 vs grapple+) | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+9 ; Will:+3 | Init:+5 ; PER:+10 (+12 vs invisible/incorporeal) (Low-Light) SM:+12

I wasn't criticizing. Raj is just 'selling it' by complaining about the price.

Male Tiefling Fighter(Weapon Master)/Bard(Duettist) | HP: 31/36 | Perception: +10 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive: +10 | Diplomacy: +15, Intimidate: +10 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 13 +2 for Cat's Grace| CMD: 19 | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Init: +6 | Bard Song/day: 9/13 | Spells: 4/4 : 2/2 | Active: Triple Time 1 hour +10' base speed., Cat's Grace 4 minutes.

Hey folks, please check in. This game seems cursed but I can't believe that we've lost two more. ??

Mila, the GM and I don't want to monopolize the thread.

LOOT HP:33 | AC:24 ; T:20 ; FF:24 (w/Mage Armor); CMD:25/19 (+2 vs grapple+) | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+9 ; Will:+3 | Init:+5 ; PER:+10 (+12 vs invisible/incorporeal) (Low-Light) SM:+12

I'm here. Raj isn't a face guy and the conversation seemed to be going along fine without my input, so I've just been watching the action.

Roll20 link
I'm guessing that we're not supposed to get this one....

It wasn't about getting it or not, was just an opposed Bluff check. He rolled really well, that's all!

Male Tiefling Fighter(Weapon Master)/Bard(Duettist) | HP: 31/36 | Perception: +10 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive: +10 | Diplomacy: +15, Intimidate: +10 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 13 +2 for Cat's Grace| CMD: 19 | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Init: +6 | Bard Song/day: 9/13 | Spells: 4/4 : 2/2 | Active: Triple Time 1 hour +10' base speed., Cat's Grace 4 minutes.

LOL! Understood. I meant fate was blocking us from getting this one.

F NG Tiefling Druid 4 // Magus 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | F +6+1 R +3*+1 W +9+1 | Init +6 Per +14*+2 (darkvision) SM +7*+2 | AP 5/5 | familiar HP 17/17 | druid spells 1st:4/5 2nd:1+2/3+5 | magus spells 1st:4/4 2nd:1/2 | effects/conditions ablative barrier (20) 4h, ashen path 10m, tears to wine 40m

I'm going on a week-long vacation starting Friday, and I might not be around much tomorrow. I will have my laptop with me and internet access for most of it, so I will probably check my email and respond during that time, but this is just a heads-up that I might be slower at posting than usual.

Roll20 link

Rajuna and I have worked together on one of the 'problematic' investigation breaking spells. We all know Paizo isn't the best at making sure the system handles investigations well. This won't change anything about this specific use of his spell, and he will get all the info he requested this time.

I had my concerns about it breaking future story plots with the small investment of a single spell, so we came to a compromise: for this specific spell I will choose what info to reveal out of the options so as to provide hints but not outright spoil the entire storyline at the press of a button, should he get lucky with his chosen target. In addition, he will be limited to a 3/basic section in terms of uses of the ability. So, for example, he has 3 uses of it in this village. He'll have 3 more uses once you all arrive in Lepidstadt.

I reserve the right to discuss similar fair restrictions with any other detect X spells that may break things beyond my ability to repair, but know that I do not aim to take away any agency in terms of getting use out of these spells. If you currently have any abilities you believe could be problematic in the future, you are more than welcome to discuss them with me or substitute them at no penalty.

Thanks for your understanding!

Male Tiefling Fighter(Weapon Master)/Bard(Duettist) | HP: 31/36 | Perception: +10 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive: +10 | Diplomacy: +15, Intimidate: +10 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 13 +2 for Cat's Grace| CMD: 19 | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +5 | Init: +6 | Bard Song/day: 9/13 | Spells: 4/4 : 2/2 | Active: Triple Time 1 hour +10' base speed., Cat's Grace 4 minutes.

Wow! Yeah. That Psychic reading spell could cause issues in the game....

F NG Tiefling Druid 4 // Magus 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | F +6+1 R +3*+1 W +9+1 | Init +6 Per +14*+2 (darkvision) SM +7*+2 | AP 5/5 | familiar HP 17/17 | druid spells 1st:4/5 2nd:1+2/3+5 | magus spells 1st:4/4 2nd:1/2 | effects/conditions ablative barrier (20) 4h, ashen path 10m, tears to wine 40m

I'm back at my computer today and busy catching up. I'll post something in a little while. :)

LOOT HP:33 | AC:24 ; T:20 ; FF:24 (w/Mage Armor); CMD:25/19 (+2 vs grapple+) | Fort:+4 ; Ref:+9 ; Will:+3 | Init:+5 ; PER:+10 (+12 vs invisible/incorporeal) (Low-Light) SM:+12

Doh! Forgot to add Park's song bonus to my attacks. The adjusted numbers should be:

HIT#1:13 | DAM:18
HIT#2:26 | DAM:23

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