Female Tiefling

Zhandar's page

175 posts. Alias of eriktd.


AP 5/5 | familiar HP 17/17 | druid spells 1st:4/5 2nd:1+2/3+5 | magus spells 1st:4/4 2nd:1/2 | effects/conditions[/ooc] ablative barrier (20) 4h, ashen path 10m, tears to wine 40m


[ooc]F NG Tiefling Druid 4 // Magus 4 | HP 35/35 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | CMB +2 CMD 14 | F +6+1 R +3*+1 W +9+1 | Init +6 Per +14*+2 (darkvision) SM +7*+2 |

About Zhandar

A strange part-devil, part-human woman from the wilds of Ustalav must leave her home to fulfill a promise she made to a dead man thirty years ago.

Zhandar grew up in the county of Tamrivena, in a small farmstead north of the town and close to the edge of the Shudderwood forest. Her family were once Varisians, and her mother was an adventurous spirit who left home when she came of age and infamously returned with a newborn tiefling babe. Zhandar's father is a topic that her relatives do not like to discuss, but Zhandar suspects he charmed her mother with infernal magic. Zhandar's mother claimed that her faith in Cayden Cailean gave her the power to escape his wiles, and she taught her daughter to follow the Accidental God's teachings.

For all of her youth, Zhandar felt like an outcast in her extended family. They allowed her to live with them in their community as long as she earned her keep, but she was always treated like she was different. She became most comfortable ranging in the forest and the steppes surrounding the community, finding herbs and berries for her mother's family's tavern. On one of these hikes, she encountered a young human man who had gotten his leg caught in a bear trap. Though wary, her mother had instilled in her the necessity of always helping those who are bound in fetters. So, she came forward from the brush and broke the mechanism to release the jaws and free the man.

The man's name was Petros Lorrimor, and he said he was searching for evidence of standing stones in the area. Grateful to her for saving his life, he instructed Zhandar to visit him in Lepidstadt, where he would reward her properly for her aid. He was apprenticed to a powerful wizard, he said, and wielded deep and subtle magic that he would be pleased to share with her. She tried to dissuade him, but he made her promise that she would come before he would leave. Afterward, she wrote him a letter asking about his health and inviting him to visit if he should ever find himself in the area. They corresponded back and forth a few times, and though he might not have known it, his answers about his career inspired her latent interest in the secrets of the arcane, which she subsequently began to pursue on her own.

Thirty years later, her wanderlust began to gain the better of her, and she decided it was time to look him up. She wrote to ask if his offer to visit was still valid, but she got no response for several months before receiving a notice that he had moved away without instructions for forwarding her message. She had an odd sense of foreboding, encouraged by unusual dreams she began to experience where Petros was walking ahead of her on a long road. She consulted her grandmother, who often read Harrow cards for her relatives, and she said that the omens indicated Lorrimor was dead or soon would be. Over the next few months she began to ask the traveling heralds and bards for any news about the man's death, and eventually she traveled to Lepidstadt to discover that until recently he had lived in Ravengro (where there was a strange event at his funeral), and that he has a daughter who still lives there.

Feeling that she must discharge her promise to Professor Lorrimor, and curious about the circumstances of his death, Zhandar decides to travel to Ravengro and look up Kendra Lorrimor. She feels guilty she didn't seek him out before he died, and she wonders if she could have prevented his death if she had kept in touch.

Zhandar is short for a human, with long dark hair and visible horns. Her face is plain, and her teeth are obviously pointed-- this slurs her words and makes her difficult to understand. Her skin is scaly and reddish, and appears to be weathered by either age or hard living. She also has a tail. Her muscles look weak, though she is not especially scrawny, and she leans on a long walking staff. She wears leather armor and carries a spell components pouch, and her chest is crisscrossed by two bandoliers stuffed haphazardly with various flasks and potions of earthy-looking liquids.

She is curious, irritable, and very self-critical. For this reason, she drinks a lot of alcohol, to try and calm her nerves.

Race: Tiefling

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Cayden Cailean

Classes: Druid (Skinshaper) 4 // Magus (Eldritch Archer / Hexcrafter / Staff Magus) 4

Abilities: Str 9 (-1), Dex 14* (+2, +2[*skinshaping]), Con 12+2[race] (+2), Int 16 (+3), Wis 17+2[race]+1[level] (+5), Cha 7-2[race] (-3)

HP: 35/35 (4d8[8+5+5+5]+8[CONx4]+4[FCB])

AC: 17* (10 base, +4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor, +1[*skinshaping: +1 size, +1 Dex, -1 natural armor])
Touch AC: 12* (10 base, +2 Dex, +2[*skinshaping: +1 size, +1 Dex])
Flatfooted AC: 15* (10 base, +4 armor, +1 natural armor, +0[*skinshaping: +1 size, -1 natural armor])

Initiative: +6* (+2 Dex, +2 race, +2 trait, +1[*skinshaping])

Speed: 30'* (light armor), [*skinshaping: climb 30']

Fort +6 (+4 base, +2 Con)
Reflex +3** (+1 base, +2 Dex; +1[*race, vs underground traps/hazards], +1[*skinshaping: Dex])
Will +9 (+4 base, +5 Wis)

Energy Resistance: fire 5*, fire 0[*skinshaping]

BAB: +3
CMB: +2* (-1[*skinshaping: size])
CMD: 14

• flask thrower +6** (+3 BAB, +2 Dex, +1 masterwork, +1[*Inspire Courage], +2[*skinshaping: Dex/size]), 20' range
• potion (with flask thrower) +7** (+3 BAB, +2 Dex, +1 masterwork, +1 trait, +1[*Inspire Courage], +2[*skinshaping: Dex/size]), 20' range
• touch attack +5** (+3 BAB, +2 Dex, +1[*Inspire Courage], +2[*skinshaping: Dex/size])

Armor: darkleaf leather lamellar (light armor, +4 armor bonus, +5 max Dex, 0 ACP)

Tiefling (Devilspawn): Darklands Guide, Darkvision*, Prehensile Tail, Scaled Skin*, Vestigial Wings* (low-light vision [*skinshaping])

Favored Class Bonus (Druid): +4 hp

Traits: Accelerated Drinker, Chance Savior, Rough and Ready, Warded Against Nature (drawback)

Feats: Brew Potion* [druid 1], Combat Expertise* [EitR], Deadly Aim* [EitR], Power Attack* [EitR], Quarterstaff Master* [magus 1], Weapon Finesse* [EitR], Weapon Proficiency (thrown weapons) [level 1]; Vaporous Potion [level 3]

Skills: Acrobatics 0+5*, Craft (alchemy) 4+6*, Fly 0+6*, Heal 4+8, Knowledge (arcana) 2+6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 2+6, Knowledge (local) 3+3, Knowledge (nature) 2+8, Knowledge (planes) 2+6, Knowledge (religion) 3+3, Perception 4+8*, Profession (herbalist) 4+8*, Sense Motive 0+5*, Spellcraft 4+6, Survival 1+10, Swim 1+6; ACP 0

Languages: Abyssal, Common*, Hallit, Infernal*, Varisian

Druid (Skinshaper) 4: nature bond (modified Druidic Herbalism), nature sense, spontaneous casting, wild empathy; woodland stride; trackless step; resist nature's lure, skinshaping 1/day

Modified Druidic Herbalism:
The druid gets a number of bonus spell slots of the highest spell level she can cast equal to her Wisdom modifier, in which she can prepare concoctions that function like infused alchemist extracts and are treated as potions. She regains these spell slots each day like other spell slots, but once prepared the druid can choose to let a concoction persist, continuing to take up the spell slot just like an infused extract until it is used. It takes one minute to prepare a concoction into an empty spell slot. Concoctions must be made from spells on the druid list and must meet the requirements for potions.

Druid concoctions also can be prepared using any of the character's druid spell slots, not just the bonus spell slots, as long as the spell level of the concoction is less than or equal to the spell level of the slot. It takes one minute to prepare a concoction in an empty spell slot.

The druid receives Brew Potion as a bonus feat, and she can use Profession (herbalist) as the associated crafting skill. She can craft any of her prepared concoctions into potions, using the standard rules for creating magic items. (1 day, 25 gp x spell level x caster level cost, DC 5 + caster level.) This uses up the concoction during the crafting process.

At 4th level, the druid can make concoctions of any spell she can prepare, not just spells on the druid list, as long as they are valid potion spells. She can also prepare concoctions in spell slots of other classes, though these concoctions use the casting modifier and caster level of that class instead of the druid's. In addition, she can make a concoction by preparing a special mixture and then casting an applicable spell into it, which also takes one minute and uses up one of the druid's empty bonus spell slots. This allows the druid to create concoctions from spells cast from scrolls, wands, or even by other spellcasters.

At 7th level, she can prepare concoctions of any spell, including spells that can't normally be made into potions (spell level 4th or greater, Personal range, or Area/Effect spells). These concoctions still treat the creature, object, or square to which they are applied as both the caster and the target, and the target's square is considered to be the effect's origin point.

Druid bonus concoctions (CL 4):
2nd (x5): empty (5/5)

Druid spells / concoctions+ (CL 4):
orisons (x4): create water (x0), detect magic (x1), enhanced diplomacy (x0), grasp (x0), guidance (x1), light (x0), read magic (x0), resistance (x1), spark (x0), stabilize (x1), empty (x0)
1st (x5): charm animal (1/1), cure light wounds (0/0), entangle (1/1), faerie fire (0/0), feather step+ [vaporous] (0/0), frostbite (0/0), heightened awareness (1/1), liberating command (0/0), magic stone (0/0), monkey fish (0/0), obscuring mist (1/1), ray of sickening (0/0), remove sickness (0/0), snowball (0/0), spirit share (0/0), summon nature's ally i* (0/0), tears to wine (1/1), empty (1/1)
2nd (x3): ashen path (1/1), barkskin (0/0), bear's endurance (0/0), bull's strength (0/0), burst of radiance (0/0), cat's grace+ [vaporous] (0/0), delay poison (0/0), eroding ray (0/0), frigid touch (0/0), full pouch (0/0), insect scouts (1/1), lesser restoration (0/0), owl's wisdom+ [vaporous] (0/0), resist energy (0/0), summon nature's ally ii* (0/0), empty (1/1)

Magus (Eldritch Archer / Hexcrafter / Staff Magus) 4: arcane pool (half level+INT; +1), quarterstaff master, ranged spell combat, ranged weapon bond (flask thrower), spell combat; ranged spellstrike, spellstrike; magus arcana (Familiar); hex magus (flight)

Magus spells / concoctions (CL 4*):
cantrips (x4): acid splash (x1), detect fiendish presence (x0), disrupt undead (x1), mage hand (x1), open/close (x0), prestidigitation (x0), ray of frost (x1), empty (x0)
1st (x4): blade tutor's spirit (0/0), chill touch (0/0), grease (0/0), ill omen (0/0), keep watch (1/1), magic missile (0/0), mount (0/0), shield (1/1), shocking grasp (0/0), snowball (1/1), true skill (1/1), true strike (0/0), empty (0/0)
2nd (x2): ablative barrier (1/1), mirror image (1/1), empty (0/0)
3rd (x0): dispel magic (0/0), empty (0/0)

Equipment: acid flask 6/6, alchemist's fire 8/8, alchemist's lab, bandolier x2, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, blue whinnis poison 8/8, canteen, cooking pot, darkleaf leather lamellar armor, handy haversack, lesser metamagic (Ectoplasmic Spell) badge, maps (from survival kit), masterwork flask thrower (ranged weapon bond, free), masterwork herbalist's tools, mess kit, potion of cure light wounds (vaporous) 4/7, potion of cure moderate wounds 1/1, potion of cure moderate wounds (vaporous) 4/4, potion of ill omen (vaporous) 5/5, potion of magic missile (CL 5, vaporous) 4/5, potion of neutralize poison 2/2, potion of shield of faith +2 2/2, potion of shocking grasp (CL 5, vaporous) 4/5, rope (100'), scroll of heightened awareness 3/3, scroll of magic stone 3/3, spellbook (free), spell components pouch, survival kit, trail rations 5/5, traveler's outfit, wandermeal 10/10, wand of lesser restoration 12/12, waterskin x2; 3,057 gp and 3 sp remaining

Typical actions:

Full round:
• spell combat (cast spell, full attack)
• withdraw

• cast spell
levitate 1/day
• ranged attack (flask thrower)
• skinshaping 1/day (4 hours)

• drink readied potion (Accelerated Drinker)
• move
• retrieve stowed item

• enhance weapon (arcane pool)
• retrieve stowed item (Prehensile Tail)

feather fall

Build plan:

1. druid 1//magus 1, Brew Potion*, Quarterstaff Master*, ranged weapon bond (flask thrower), Weapon Proficiency (throwing weapons)
2. druid 2//magus 2
3. druid 3//magus 3, magus arcana (Familiar), Vaporous Potion
4. druid 4//magus 4, hex magus (Flight)
5. druid 5//magus 5, Craft Wondrous Item*, Intensify Spell
6. druid 6//magus 6, magus arcana (Broad Study: druid)
7. druid 7//magus 7, Skill Focus: Knowledge (religion)
8. loremaster 1//magus 8, secret (The lore of true stamina)
9. druid 8//magus 9, magus arcana (Reach Spellstrike), Secret of Magical Discipline
10. druid 9//magus 10
11. druid 10//magus 11, Dazing Spell*, Secret of Magical Discipline x2
12. druid 11//magus 12, magus arcana (Throwing Magus)
13. druid 12//magus 13, Secret of Magical Discipline x3
14. druid 13//magus 14
15. druid 14//magus 15, magus arcana (Bane Blade), Secret of Magical Discipline x4


Name: "Fingers"
Type: Tarsier monkey
Size: Diminutive

Abilities: Str 3 (-4), Dex 16 (+3), Con 10 (+0), Int 7 (-2), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 7 (-2)

HP: 17/17 (4d8+0 HD, half master's hp)

AC: 19 (+3 Dex, +2 natural armor, +4 size)
Touch AC: 17 (+3 Dex, +4 size)
Flat-footed AC: 16 (+2 natural armor, +4 size)

Speed: 20' move, 20' climb

Fort save: +4 (base +4)
Reflex save: +5* (base +2, Dex +3; improved evasion)
Will save: +5 (base +4, Wis +1)

BAB: +3
CMB: -5 (BAB +3, Str -4, size -4)
CMD: 8 (BAB +3, Str -4, Dex +3, size -4)
Reach: 0

• bite: +10* [+3 BAB, +3 Dex, +4 size; -1 PA] (1d2-4* [-4 Str; +2 PA] B/P damage, 20/x2)
• throw potion: +6 [+3 BAB, +3 Dex, +4 size, -4 improvised weapon]

Feats: Combat Expertise* [EitR], Deadly Aim* [EitR], Grasping Tail [level 1], Power Attack* [EitR], Weapon Finesse* [EitR]

Skills: Craft (alchemy) 4-2, Fly 0+7, Heal 4+1, Knowledge (arcana) 2-2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 2-2, Knowledge (local) 3-2, Knowledge (nature) 2-2, Knowledge (planes) 2-2, Knowledge (religion) 3-2, Perception 4+4, Profession (herbalist) 4+1, Sense Motive 0+1, Spellcraft 4-2, Survival 1+1, Swim 1+6

Familiar: alertness, deliver touch spells, empathic link, familiar ability (+3 Acrobatics), improved evasion, natural armor adj +2, share spells

Typical actions:

• ranged attack (throw potion)

• retrieve stowed item

• retrieve stowed item (Grasping Tail)