GM Cellion's Rusthenge + Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Double Feature

Game Master Cellion

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San's Loot Log

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Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 26/26 | AC 19 | F +6 R +10 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions:

First of all, that grapple flowchart was my best friend... haha! Despite that, I'm glad 2e cleaned up a the maneuvers.

Most of that counteract flowchart is how to calculate the DC you're rolling against, the other half if how to determine your bonus. Not nearly as bad as the grapple one. This mainly consolidates a bunch of the rules from all over into one place.

There's a google sheet I've used for 1e campaigns that should work for this as well. It just does math based on what is entered and splits total gp value for the party. There's functionality for the party to claim items from the loot pile as well. I don't think it removes that item from the total to split to the party at the moment. I can work on that though. I entered in a 'thing' worth 400 gold for an example.

Loot Sheet

Human Sorcerer 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Speed: 25' | Exploration: Search +5 | Conditions: n/a | ◆◇↺ | Spells: 2/4 1st lvl, 1/1 focus | 1 hero point

That's an awesome sheet San! I've added all my records for party loot to the sheet, as well as 'another thing' worth my two coppers. :)

F Dwarf (Ancient-Blooded) Warpriest Cleric 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 19/21 | F +8 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8+1 | Stealth +5 | Exploration: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Speed 20 | Hero 1/2 | spells Font 0/4; 1 2/3 | Active Conditions: Rust Creep: Stage 2 (-1 Athletics), lesser eagle-eye elixir (+2 secret doors/traps), Bronze Bull Pendant

Thanks for the flowchart! So it looks like my roll will be:

[ dice=Counteract Rust Creep w/ Remove Disease vs. DC 15]1d20 + 7[/dice]

spellcasting proficiency (+2) + modifier (+4) + level (+1) vs. the Rust Creep's save DC. And since I'm level 1, the level-based DC is 15.


And the loot sheet looks great!

Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 26/26 | AC 19 | F +6 R +10 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions:

Almost, the DC of the check is whatever the DC of the affliction is. If there's no DC listed, you go to the level of whatever caused it then create the DC from there. I have a feeling there's a DC listed for this one...

F Dwarf (Ancient-Blooded) Warpriest Cleric 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 19/21 | F +8 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8+1 | Stealth +5 | Exploration: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Speed 20 | Hero 1/2 | spells Font 0/4; 1 2/3 | Active Conditions: Rust Creep: Stage 2 (-1 Athletics), lesser eagle-eye elixir (+2 secret doors/traps), Bronze Bull Pendant

Ah, ok. So I'll leave that off and let the GM handle it. Thanks!

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Loot log has been linked in the campaign header!

And yes, San's got it right on the affliction DC for counteracting.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

As a heads up, I will be traveling starting Friday this week through to Christmas. I hope to get a few posts in during this time, but some of it will be in places without internet, so do expect a few interruptions.

Human Sorcerer 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Speed: 25' | Exploration: Search +5 | Conditions: n/a | ◆◇↺ | Spells: 2/4 1st lvl, 1/1 focus | 1 hero point

Thanks for the advance notice. Enjoy your trip!

F Dwarf (Ancient-Blooded) Warpriest Cleric 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 19/21 | F +8 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8+1 | Stealth +5 | Exploration: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Speed 20 | Hero 1/2 | spells Font 0/4; 1 2/3 | Active Conditions: Rust Creep: Stage 2 (-1 Athletics), lesser eagle-eye elixir (+2 secret doors/traps), Bronze Bull Pendant

Have fun!

Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 26/26 | AC 19 | F +6 R +10 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions:

I went through the rest of the campaign to add any loot we talked about picking up but didn't really record anywhere. I added the dero poisons, an eyepiece we never ID'ed, and another longbow from the roof as well as some coinage we picked up along the way.

Human Sorcerer 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Speed: 25' | Exploration: Search +5 | Conditions: n/a | ◆◇↺ | Spells: 2/4 1st lvl, 1/1 focus | 1 hero point

Autumn had all the coinage recorded under her profile (she used the coins from the dead body to pay Elsie for the elixir), so I fixed that part on the loot sheet.

Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 26/26 | AC 19 | F +6 R +10 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions:
Autumn Forfallan wrote:
Autumn had all the coinage recorded under her profile (she used the coins from the dead body to pay Elsie for the elixir), so I fixed that part on the loot sheet.

Pefect! I wasn't sure what was used or not from that.

F Dwarf (Ancient-Blooded) Warpriest Cleric 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 19/21 | F +8 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8+1 | Stealth +5 | Exploration: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Speed 20 | Hero 1/2 | spells Font 0/4; 1 2/3 | Active Conditions: Rust Creep: Stage 2 (-1 Athletics), lesser eagle-eye elixir (+2 secret doors/traps), Bronze Bull Pendant

Thanks for doing that! It must've taken a bunch of time. Much appreciated!

Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 26/26 | AC 19 | F +6 R +10 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions:
GM Cellion wrote:
The other weapons are mundane and not of special materials. You can find up to six common simple and mundane weapons of your choice primarily made of steel.

Common and Simple weapons

Any ideas? At best I would pick up a pair of spiked gauntlets to do lethal piercing in melee without changing weapons. Morga should be able to use the cold-iron mace right?

At first I thought it was odd that the clerics of Gorum would have only simple weapons. Then I remembered the 'cleric' part of that. They wouldn't have a full armory as they wouldn't be proficient with most of it.

Human Sorcerer 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Speed: 25' | Exploration: Search +5 | Conditions: n/a | ◆◇↺ | Spells: 2/4 1st lvl, 1/1 focus | 1 hero point
San Thevin wrote:
Any ideas? At best I would pick up a pair of spiked gauntlets to do lethal piercing in melee without changing weapons. Morga should be able to use the cold-iron mace right?

Those ideas sound good to me. One thought is to pick up just ordinary gauntlets (or one ordinary, one spiked) to have a variety of damage, since San's arrows deal piercing damage.

F Dwarf (Ancient-Blooded) Warpriest Cleric 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 19/21 | F +8 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8+1 | Stealth +5 | Exploration: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Speed 20 | Hero 1/2 | spells Font 0/4; 1 2/3 | Active Conditions: Rust Creep: Stage 2 (-1 Athletics), lesser eagle-eye elixir (+2 secret doors/traps), Bronze Bull Pendant

Yup, Morga can use the mace. Do Autumn and Vildran have daggers already, just in case? Even if it's just for show, it could help with Intimidation.

Human Sorcerer 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Speed: 25' | Exploration: Search +5 | Conditions: n/a | ◆◇↺ | Spells: 2/4 1st lvl, 1/1 focus | 1 hero point

Autumn does have a dagger, though she's unlikely to ever use it.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

I meant to write "mundane simple and martial weapons", so it does expand your pool a bit.

Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 26/26 | AC 19 | F +6 R +10 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions:
GM Cellion wrote:
I meant to write "mundane simple and martial weapons", so it does expand your pool a bit.

In that case, I'll pick up a Main-gauche, a dagger with Parry and Disarm in case I need to be a bit more defensive. Also a set of gauntlets, one spiked and one not if that's ok. Otherwise a pair of regular gauntlets.

That's still either three or four items left. I'm going to assume there isn't a bunch of exquisite sword canes on the wall as the price for those are just busted... doesn't seem very Gorumite either.

F Dwarf (Ancient-Blooded) Warpriest Cleric 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 19/21 | F +8 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8+1 | Stealth +5 | Exploration: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Speed 20 | Hero 1/2 | spells Font 0/4; 1 2/3 | Active Conditions: Rust Creep: Stage 2 (-1 Athletics), lesser eagle-eye elixir (+2 secret doors/traps), Bronze Bull Pendant

In case there's ever a need for ranged fighting, I'll grab a crossbow and 20 bolts.

male elf (ancient) wizard (ars grammatica, sorcerer) 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17* (mystic armor) | F +4, R +6, W +6; +1 vs emotion effects (S is CS) | Perc +4; low-light vision | 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☑alarm ☑command ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor | staff slots☑; spells 1 breathe fire ∞ignition | ☐drain bonded item | focus☑ | ☘️☐ | Active Conditions: None

This is feeling like a tower defense game. Those of us shooting down through the trap door are the first line of defense, and whichever acolytes get through face Morga and Vanda at the stairs.

Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 26/26 | AC 19 | F +6 R +10 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions:

I have a feeling we're only going to get one round of shooting before they run away unfortunately. I could drop down behind them and keep shooting making them run back and forth. That's assuming there's a firing lane on the first floor to the stairs... play it by ear. There isn't a whole lot of room on the stairs is why I was thinking that.

Did it take the normal amount of time for Trygve to fix Morga's shield? Could we try to ID the arrows if it did?

Arcana +5

Human Sorcerer 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Speed: 25' | Exploration: Search +5 | Conditions: n/a | ◆◇↺ | Spells: 2/4 1st lvl, 1/1 focus | 1 hero point
San Thevin wrote:
I have a feeling we're only going to get one round of shooting before they run away unfortunately.

I agree. Still, one free round of attacks is better than none.

@GM: We're all positioned on the 2nd floor.

Human Sorcerer 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Speed: 25' | Exploration: Search +5 | Conditions: n/a | ◆◇↺ | Spells: 2/4 1st lvl, 1/1 focus | 1 hero point

Jumped ahead with a post tonight because I'll be away this weekend and unable to post until Monday night.

If necessary, I'm hoping that Vildran will bot Autumn during my absence.

Human Sorcerer 1 | HP 7/15 | AC 16 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Perception +4 | Status: lit torch | Exploration: Search +4
Remaining Resources:
1/3 1st level spells; 1/1 focus point; 0 hero points

Can do! (especially with Vildran knocked out, sheesh!)

F Dwarf (Ancient-Blooded) Warpriest Cleric 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 19/21 | F +8 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8+1 | Stealth +5 | Exploration: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Speed 20 | Hero 1/2 | spells Font 0/4; 1 2/3 | Active Conditions: Rust Creep: Stage 2 (-1 Athletics), lesser eagle-eye elixir (+2 secret doors/traps), Bronze Bull Pendant

Wow. I totally misunderstood the map. I thought the only viable way to get upstairs was the staircase at the north end. Dang!

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

To be fair, no one opened the trapdoors to work out what's below them, so it was a fine assumption Morga. The stairs below the trapdoors are steep (difficult terrain).

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F Dwarf (Ancient-Blooded) Warpriest Cleric 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 19/21 | F +8 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8+1 | Stealth +5 | Exploration: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Speed 20 | Hero 1/2 | spells Font 0/4; 1 2/3 | Active Conditions: Rust Creep: Stage 2 (-1 Athletics), lesser eagle-eye elixir (+2 secret doors/traps), Bronze Bull Pendant

Ah, so the trap doors aren't grates, as the map seems to indicate. Fair enough. And honestly, this is the kind of top notch planning one should expect from some level 1 characters. ;D

Human Sorcerer 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Speed: 25' | Exploration: Search +5 | Conditions: n/a | ◆◇↺ | Spells: 2/4 1st lvl, 1/1 focus | 1 hero point

Happy holidays everyone! My posting for the next couple days might be uncertain, but I'll definitely be back on track by the 27th.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Happy Holidays all! Hope everyone's enjoying some time with friends and family. Currently posting from the airport, but I'll be back in the normal swing of things posting-wise on the 26th.

F Dwarf (Ancient-Blooded) Warpriest Cleric 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 19/21 | F +8 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8+1 | Stealth +5 | Exploration: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Speed 20 | Hero 1/2 | spells Font 0/4; 1 2/3 | Active Conditions: Rust Creep: Stage 2 (-1 Athletics), lesser eagle-eye elixir (+2 secret doors/traps), Bronze Bull Pendant

Safe travels and happy holidays! I'll be cooking a lot tomorrow, so no guarantees on posting until the 26th.

Human Sorcerer 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Speed: 25' | Exploration: Search +5 | Conditions: n/a | ◆◇↺ | Spells: 2/4 1st lvl, 1/1 focus | 1 hero point

The level up (and especially the associated HP increase) is most welcome! Just for the record, here are my choices for Level 2.

Class Feat: Rogue Dedication (add Stealth & Thievery as trained skills)
Skill Feats: Lie to Me, Quick Coercion (from Rogue Dedication)
Spells: Added Soothe

Autumn's profile should be updated to reflect the level up.

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Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 26/26 | AC 19 | F +6 R +10 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions:

Hope everyone had a good Christmas! Gm got us all a level!

I believe I'm all updated. Picked up Assisting shot and quick identification.

F Dwarf (Ancient-Blooded) Warpriest Cleric 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 19/21 | F +8 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8+1 | Stealth +5 | Exploration: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Speed 20 | Hero 1/2 | spells Font 0/4; 1 2/3 | Active Conditions: Rust Creep: Stage 2 (-1 Athletics), lesser eagle-eye elixir (+2 secret doors/traps), Bronze Bull Pendant

Leveled up. Wishing I could take Ward Medic, but I don't get a skill increase until 3rd level.

Class Feat: Healing Hands
Skill Feat: Inoculation

male elf (ancient) wizard (ars grammatica, sorcerer) 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17* (mystic armor) | F +4, R +6, W +6; +1 vs emotion effects (S is CS) | Perc +4; low-light vision | 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☑alarm ☑command ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor | staff slots☑; spells 1 breathe fire ∞ignition | ☐drain bonded item | focus☑ | ☘️☐ | Active Conditions: None

Level up! Wizard 2

Class feat Cantrip Expansion
Skill feat Recognize Spell (notable: new reaction)
Spellbook additions Alarm, Befuddle

male elf (ancient) wizard (ars grammatica, sorcerer) 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17* (mystic armor) | F +4, R +6, W +6; +1 vs emotion effects (S is CS) | Perc +4; low-light vision | 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☑alarm ☑command ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor | staff slots☑; spells 1 breathe fire ∞ignition | ☐drain bonded item | focus☑ | ☘️☐ | Active Conditions: None

I love that Autumn is going all-in on Deception. Quit an effective level, covering our biggest remaining gap with rogue multiclass.

F Dwarf (Ancient-Blooded) Warpriest Cleric 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 19/21 | F +8 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8+1 | Stealth +5 | Exploration: Defend | ◆◇↺ | Speed 20 | Hero 1/2 | spells Font 0/4; 1 2/3 | Active Conditions: Rust Creep: Stage 2 (-1 Athletics), lesser eagle-eye elixir (+2 secret doors/traps), Bronze Bull Pendant
Vildran identifies that four of the vials are minor elixirs of life, one is a lesser antiplague, and one is a lesser eagle-eye elixir.

Who wants what?

Either Morga or San can drink the antiplague at some point before bed (probably whoever isn't getting treated).

Morga's Perception is +8 with darkvision. Does it make sense for her to drink the eagle-eye elixir before we go down to the basement? Or save it for when we go back to Rusthenge? Should someone else use it?

We could each take an elixir of life, but Morga would probably give hers to Vanda.

male elf (ancient) wizard (ars grammatica, sorcerer) 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17* (mystic armor) | F +4, R +6, W +6; +1 vs emotion effects (S is CS) | Perc +4; low-light vision | 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☑alarm ☑command ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor | staff slots☑; spells 1 breathe fire ∞ignition | ☐drain bonded item | focus☑ | ☘️☐ | Active Conditions: None

probably we should each get a minor elixir of life and perhaps eagle eye elixir to the highest perception for maximum search potential (Morga?)

Human Sorcerer 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Speed: 25' | Exploration: Search +5 | Conditions: n/a | ◆◇↺ | Spells: 2/4 1st lvl, 1/1 focus | 1 hero point

I agree with one elixir of life for each PC, antiplague to either Morga or San (since they're the ones infected), and Morga should drink the eagle-eye elixir before we search the basement (since she has both the highest Perception and Darkvision).

@Morga: No healing needed for Autumn. Thanks for checking,

Human Sorcerer 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Speed: 25' | Exploration: Search +5 | Conditions: n/a | ◆◇↺ | Spells: 2/4 1st lvl, 1/1 focus | 1 hero point

@Vildran: Sorry, I had no intention of putting Vildran in harm's way. The Light allows you to move the light up to 60' by Sustaining it. Vildran doesn't need to move at all. I want Azomi in bright light, not dim shadows.

male elf (ancient) wizard (ars grammatica, sorcerer) 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17* (mystic armor) | F +4, R +6, W +6; +1 vs emotion effects (S is CS) | Perc +4; low-light vision | 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☑alarm ☑command ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor | staff slots☑; spells 1 breathe fire ∞ignition | ☐drain bonded item | focus☑ | ☘️☐ | Active Conditions: None

Right. I'm still getting used to the remastered light spell and it's additional capabilities. Good call.

Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 26/26 | AC 19 | F +6 R +10 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions:

Starting off strong with a crit!

The latest version of the light spell is basically Dancing Lights and the old Light spell wrapped up in one. I think this one only creates "balls" of light instead of making things glow though.

male elf (ancient) wizard (ars grammatica, sorcerer) 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17* (mystic armor) | F +4, R +6, W +6; +1 vs emotion effects (S is CS) | Perc +4; low-light vision | 30ft | wizard spells 1 ☑alarm ☑command ☑force barrage ☑mystic armor | staff slots☑; spells 1 breathe fire ∞ignition | ☐drain bonded item | focus☑ | ☘️☐ | Active Conditions: None

Yup. I just haven't used it in combat for that long so I'm still used to the basic "cast it on everyone's weapon" use-case :D.

Male Elf (Seer) Fighter 1 | HP 26/26 | AC 19 | F +6 R +10 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | speed 30 | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions:

Rune ideas:
We could ask Trygve to transfer the rune from the runestone to Morga's starknife.
At the same time we can ask/pay Derrol to transfer the +1 rune from the warhammer to San's longbow. It should cost 3.5 gold plus whatever service fee.

I figure Trygve would have some hesitation modifying Ragnulf's weapon, even if the leader did go crazy at the end. Hence not asking him to move the rune from the warhammer.

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