Coldwater's Abomination Vaults

Game Master Quentin Coldwater

Loot sheet


[dice=Cherry Berry]1d20+15[/dice]

Cherry Berry 78/78
Fuìn 106/106
Kka 83/83
Kvit 48/48
Lough 92/92

1,301 to 1,350 of 1,574 << first < prev | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | next > last >>

NG Kayal Fighter/Blessed One 7 | HP 56/106 (Neg Res 3)| AC 25 (26 w/Shield) | F +14 | R +15 | W +12 | Per +14 (Darkvision) | Stealth +17 | Focus Pts 2/2 | Spd 25 ft | Exploration: Avoid Notice| Hero Pts 0/3 | Adjustments: None | Reactions: Blade Brake, Reactive Strike, Shield Block | Class DC: 23

Gang Up is practically a must for a rogue, especially in this AP where the combat spaces are often cramped. Double Slice would certainly be a nice boost to your attack rolls!

I'm also considering adding a ghost touch rune to my shopping list. Fuin does pretty solid damage, but that damage resistance to corporeal weapons definitely sucks when it comes up.

As to skill feats, I'm not sure what your other options are but that certainly looks like a good one. Never hurts to be able to reduce conditions. I will say, it might cause some action economy issues, since you have to be holding your tools or have a hand free, and if you're dual-wielding that means spending an action stowing the off-hand blade (or dropping it, requiring you to pick it up after). Considering it's pretty situational (most things aren't going to cause those specific conditions after all) it probably won't be a big issue, but maybe something to consider.

As for myself, I have no idea what to take. Honestly, none of the fighter feats are really calling to me. :\

Slides Loot sheet

I took a look at the Fighter feats, and yeah, very few speak to me. Swipe seems useful with your reach weapon?

Also, while it might be flavourful to pick up more Ghost Touch runes, if that ends up breaking the bank, I can give the slight hint that you don't have to worry about it right now.

N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

I'm okay with leaving the basilisks for now. Though I am curious if any of the statues could be revived that could be useful. Though I think we could always try to come back later and hope they don't have babies.


For level 6

Wizard feat I'm thinking Split Slot. This could give him a little flexibility.

Free Archetype Expert Alchemy. This brings my advanced alchemy up to 3. So I'd like to pick up a few more formulas for some higher level mutagens and tools. Though I realize that my alchemy has not been super useful so far, though I have used it, especially for ghost charges.

Skill Feat Not sure here, was thinking Quick Identification, but that doesn't seem to be that useful unless we're in a time crunch. I would greatly appreciate some ideas here. Maybe Magical Shorthand?

Spells I get two more 3rd level spells. I can copy quite a variety from the two spellbooks now. There are some neat new spells from RoE. Even some reaction spells like Cloud Dragon's Cloak.

Slides Loot sheet

While you're prepping for level 6, which stairs would you like to go down? I've labeled the options on the map. Option A is the most straightforward, it's halfway down the circular staircase where you got here in the first place (you can also go all the way down, but I wouldn't recommend that). Options B and C use the smaller staircases to the side.

And I guess there's the option of you dropping down the pits in the water (the room west of the mimics), but that's more dangerous than just taking the stairs.

N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

I would say A. Then we could come back up and around to the others if we get stuck?

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword, +1 Striking Wounding Shortsword | Status:

The round staircase 'A' is fine with me.

Are we heading to Otari as part of the leveling up? I'd like to get the Doubling Rings and an extra shortsword to be able to make use of my new Double Slice feat. Lough could also get rid of his enfeebled condition and spells could be renewed.

The following is a first swipe at the loot accounting, including the sale of Kka's +1 Shortbow and arrows and the purchase of Kka's Doubling Rings and secondary shortsword. Time to review your shopping lists.

The only other thing on Kka's shopping list that might be worth buying is a Ghost Touch Rune for her shortsword (75gp) though it seems that the GM has indicated that it may not come in as handy on the next level as it would have on this level. We may also want to keep the Healer's Tools (Expanded) instead of cashing it in for 25gp, though with the handwaving of healing, the benefit of doing this is essentially nil.

Stuff we're keeping

A: Cash or equivalent
0.0 - Starting Gold
110.0 - Gold Pieces
52.0 - Old Silver Coins
31.0 - Gold Pieces
10.0 - Alchemical Reagents
25.0 - Emeralds

A TOTAL: 228.0

B: Equipment that we're cashing in at 50%
1.2 - Light Hammers *4
160.0 - Studded Leather Armor +1
15.0 - Climbing Bolt
13.0 - Dragon Turtle Scale
12.0 - Bestial Mutagen (Moderate)
12.0 - Juggernaut Mutagen (Moderate)
12.0 - Quicksilver Mutagen (Moderate)
160.0 - Magic Wand (L2): Heal
160.0 - Magic Wand (L2): Summon Animal
10.0 - Healer's Tools *2
50.0 - Healer's Tools (Expanded)
40.0 - Bloodseeker Beak *2
340.0 - Hat of Disguise (Greater)
90.0 - Everburning Torch *6
360.0 - Ring of Wizardry (Type I)
230.0 - Staff of Abjuration
182.5 - Spellbook & Rituals
0.3 - Arrows *3 (Kka)
35.0 - Shortbow +1 (Kka)

B TOTAL = 941.5 (1883 @ 50%)

C: Purchases
50.0 - Doubling Rings (Kka)
0.9 - Shortsword (Kka)

C TOTAL = 50.9

GRAND TOTAL = 1118.6 (A:228.5 + B:941.5 - C:50.9)

NG Kayal Fighter/Blessed One 7 | HP 56/106 (Neg Res 3)| AC 25 (26 w/Shield) | F +14 | R +15 | W +12 | Per +14 (Darkvision) | Stealth +17 | Focus Pts 2/2 | Spd 25 ft | Exploration: Avoid Notice| Hero Pts 0/3 | Adjustments: None | Reactions: Blade Brake, Reactive Strike, Shield Block | Class DC: 23

That all looks fine to me. I agree we should stop in town before heading down to the next level. The next item on Fuin's wishlist are the mirror goggles, which would actually be super nice to have before facing the basilisks, should we ever get around to that, but since we're skipping them for now, the goggles are not really a priority. Part of me would rather save up for the slippers of spider climbing anyway.

As to feats, I decided to go with Reflexive Shield. Swipe is okay, but not super tempting. I also lose out on a big perk of that feat because I don't use a weapon with the Sweep trait. At least with RS, it gives me a chance to mitigate damage with my shield spell if I take a nasty hit from an area effect.

I also took Mercy as my Free Archetype feat. Neither option wowed me, but the ability to try and counteract a fear or paralysis effect might come in handy.

This does create a conundrum, though. Technically, the Blessed One archetype doesn't give me proficiency in spellcasting of any kind, so using LoH or Mercy by RAW would only use my Charisma modifier (since I'm "untrained"). Reading a few forums, it appears most people agree the archetype should have granted at least Trained proficiency in divine spellcasting (since LoH is a Devotion Spell and those are divine), and it was probably an oversight in the APG that it never got this. But even if we agree with that and grant Fuin Trained in divine spell DC's, that's only a DC 19/ +9 counteract. Not great, but better than only DC 11/ +1 counteract!

What's the GM's ruling here? If we go option #1 (RAW, not Trained in spell DC), I'll probably just swap my FA feat for Accelerating Touch. Way less utility probably, but at least it doesn't work off spell DC's.

Oh, and I took Titan Wrestler for my skill feat. I'm probably never going to get better than Trained in Athletics (at least, not in this AP) but being able to use Knockdown on bigger baddies might be helpful later on.

Verdant Wheel

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Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Maybe the GM could roll a DC 11 flat check?

Fail = We fight the basilisks, enfeebled, spellshort, and all.

Success = We head back to Otari, level up, sell / buy new stuff, and leave the basilisks where they be.


N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

Anyone martials interested in

Injection Reservoir
Weapon Siphon

One let's you add poison to a strike and the other energy damage. I can make something with advanced alchemy to power them.


I'm okay either way on fighting them. We could just do it to get it out of the way?

Slides Loot sheet

If people don't feel like fighting the basilisks, I'm fine with that. They have their own space, are out of the way, and aren't likely to chase you down and ambush you while you're down there.

Ah derp, I basically discounted all the shield-feats because Fuìn doesn't carry a physical shield, but Reflexive shield works. I was in doubt whether it qualifies, but the Shield spell literally says it counts as raising a shield.

Kka: you might've missed it because I shortcutted it, but you also found some loot HERE. It's not a lot of money, but wanted to mention it anyway. :)

Verdant Wheel

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Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
Kvit the Ruin Delver wrote:

Anyone martials interested in

Injection Reservoir
Weapon Siphon

One let's you add poison to a strike and the other energy damage. I can make something with advanced alchemy to power them.

I think adding some bomb to Fúin's hammer could be cool?

Or to Kka's second shortsword?

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword, +1 Striking Wounding Shortsword | Status:
GM Kwinten wrote:
Kka: you might've missed it because I shortcutted it, but you also found some loot HERE. It's not a lot of money, but wanted to mention it anyway. :)

Definitely missed it. Added to the loot sheet and my spreadsheet.

B: Equipment that we're cashing in at 50%
55 - Alchemist's Lab (Expanded)
9 - Tanglefoot Bag (Lesser) *3

B TOTAL = 973.5 (1947 @ 50%)

GRAND TOTAL = 1150.6 (A:228.5 + B:973.5 - C:50.9)

- LG Fruit Leshy | Cleric 7 | HP 78/78 | AC 22 | F +13 R +13 W +15 | speed 25 ft | Perc +14(lowlight) | Hero Point 2/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells: 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 4: 2/2 | Heals: 5/5 | Berry: 1 | Spell DC 25 | active condition: | Exploration activity: Search

More formally:

New Third Level spell: Soothing Blossoms

Class Feat: Selective Energy

Skill feat: Student of Canon

Dedication Feat: Advanced Wilding (Leshy Familiar)

Familiar: Sinkwa
Leshy (Gourd Leshy, angled luffa)
Has the Tiny, Minion, Plant, Low-Light Vision traits
Master Ability: Recall Familiar
Familiar ability: Speech Sylvan Sylvan feels more thematic, but it might be easier to handle if it was common instead. What do peoplel think? And does anyone else speak it?

NG Kayal Fighter/Blessed One 7 | HP 56/106 (Neg Res 3)| AC 25 (26 w/Shield) | F +14 | R +15 | W +12 | Per +14 (Darkvision) | Stealth +17 | Focus Pts 2/2 | Spd 25 ft | Exploration: Avoid Notice| Hero Pts 0/3 | Adjustments: None | Reactions: Blade Brake, Reactive Strike, Shield Block | Class DC: 23

Ooh, that's a neat spell!

I dunno about anyone else, but Fuin definitely does not speak Sylvan. I don't know if it's a problem though, really. I have a raven familiar in the Tyrant's Grasp AP that only speaks Celestial, much to the chagrin of the other party members because he's constantly talking smack about everyone (including his master) and only his master understands him. It's a good time. XD

Anyway, it seems like people are kind of on the fence? I vote we rest up in town before hitting the next floor. People can fill new spell slots and make purchases.

Slides Loot sheet
Drosil "Fuìn" Arimsyn wrote:

I also took Mercy as my Free Archetype feat. Neither option wowed me, but the ability to try and counteract a fear or paralysis effect might come in handy.

This does create a conundrum, though. Technically, the Blessed One archetype doesn't give me proficiency in spellcasting of any kind, so using LoH or Mercy by RAW would only use my Charisma modifier (since I'm "untrained"). Reading a few forums, it appears most people agree the archetype should have granted at least Trained proficiency in divine spellcasting (since LoH is a Devotion Spell and those are divine), and it was probably an oversight in the APG that it never got this. But even if we agree with that and grant Fuin Trained in divine spell DC's, that's only a DC 19/ +9 counteract. Not great, but better than only DC 11/ +1 counteract!

What's the GM's ruling here? If we go option #1 (RAW, not Trained in spell DC), I'll probably just swap my FA feat for Accelerating Touch. Way less utility probably, but at least it doesn't work off spell DC's.

Forgot to reply to this. Trained in Divine DCs make sense. It's been an oversight for a long time and basically everyone agrees that's how it's supposed to work.

N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3
Cherry Berry wrote:

... Sylvan feels more thematic, but it might be easier to handle if it was common instead. What do peoplel think? And does anyone else speak it?

I don't speak Sylvan, but does the leshy Familiar automatically get a language? I think it has to have the speech ability for that?

I really like the rest of the choices though. Selective channel would be great for a dozen spells on my list if there was a wizard equivalent.

N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

Regarding loot this time around.

Obviously I would like to keep the ring of wizardry, but if we really think the 180gp can be better used elsewhere we can sell it.

At the least we need to hang onto the spellbooks until I can copy a few spells from them, but that costs money.

Besides money for learning spells and formulas, Kvit doesn't have anything major on his wishlist urgently.

I don't know what the rules are for copying or learning rituals? But I assume we'd need to keep those to use them.

@GM Which Create Undead ritual is it this time? I don't think it said.

Slides Loot sheet

The adventure doesn't say which kind of undead it creates, but I don't think you're the "raising the dead" type, so I don't think it matters. Just generic zombies, I guess.

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NG Kayal Fighter/Blessed One 7 | HP 56/106 (Neg Res 3)| AC 25 (26 w/Shield) | F +14 | R +15 | W +12 | Per +14 (Darkvision) | Stealth +17 | Focus Pts 2/2 | Spd 25 ft | Exploration: Avoid Notice| Hero Pts 0/3 | Adjustments: None | Reactions: Blade Brake, Reactive Strike, Shield Block | Class DC: 23

Oh yeah, we should probably keep the ring of wizardry. That's a freaking amazing item for a caster, so I agree Kvit should keep that one.

- LG Fruit Leshy | Cleric 7 | HP 78/78 | AC 22 | F +13 R +13 W +15 | speed 25 ft | Perc +14(lowlight) | Hero Point 2/3 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells: 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 4: 2/2 | Heals: 5/5 | Berry: 1 | Spell DC 25 | active condition: | Exploration activity: Search
Kvit the Ruin Delver wrote:
Cherry Berry wrote:

... Sylvan feels more thematic, but it might be easier to handle if it was common instead. What do peoplel think? And does anyone else speak it?

I don't speak Sylvan, but does the leshy Familiar automatically get a language? I think it has to have the speech ability for that?

I really like the rest of the choices though. Selective channel would be great for a dozen spells on my list if there was a wizard equivalent.

I had selected Speech as a familiar ability, as it lets you interact with your familiar more. Sinkwa would get one language Cherry Knows, which are basically their racials of Common and Sylvian.

Druid would be thematic too, but at that point no-one in the party would be able to talk to Sinkwa except Cherry.

Drosil "Fuìn" Arimsyn wrote:

Ooh, that's a neat spell!

The poison and disease save bonuses seemed like a good idea. Not to mention that growing plants seems very on-point for Cherry

I was really tempted to swap Recall Familiar with the additional cantrip master ability and get either Rousing Splash for at-will temporary hit points, Slashing Gust for a general improvement on Electric Arc, or Timber for plant-themed lols.

It seems that Rage of the Elements has introduced that all cantrips appear to be of smaller dice, but more of them IE 2d4 as a starting damage value.

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N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

The rousing splash Cantrip just seems great and versatile. And I imagine using it to douse Lough once in a while to get him to snap out of whatever his problem is, lol.

Ring of Wizardry is only 2x Rank 1 spells and +1 arcana. So nothing game breaking, but more utility options is nice. The +1 arcana is really nice, but we could sell the ring and buy a hand of the mage and still come out ahead. So, I would like to keep it (Kvit definitely does) but if something else is better for the group I won't be heartbroken. Plus I got a staff of evocation out of the last loot round.

CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword, +1 Striking Wounding Shortsword | Status:

Except for Resilient armor runes at level 8 (and maybe +2 weapon runes at level 10), we’re pretty maxed out on our fundamental weapon and armor runes for this AP, so there shouldn’t be any must-get big-ticket items on the horizon we have to save up for. If we don’t need the money for anything else right now then we can hold onto any interesting items we’ve found until such time that the money is better spent elsewhere. Nevertheless, I would like to get those Doubling Rings and a Ghost Touch rune for Kka before we continue, but we should have plenty of cash for that without having to sell anything we’d rather not. Is there anything else players would like to get their PCs before we head down to the next level?

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Lough would like to eventually trade up his Minor Sturdy Shield (100gp) into a Spellguard Shield (250gp), to cover his relatively vulnerable saves.

N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

Leveling Changing my skill pick, Magical Shorthand is not that valuable since it only saves time. Even at 1hr per spell rank, I can learn multiple spells in one day. But I don't know what. Lengthy Diversion? Kvit has a decent deception, he could use this to get away from combat. Root Magic? With only trained Occultism, it would be a +1 bonus once per day. Multilingual again? But not super useful if we don't have an idea of what additional languages would be useful. Additional Lore - Piles of flesh?

Any ideas/thoughts would be great.

I'm good with the doubling rings and ghost touch rune for Kka. Spellguard shield for Lough seems to make plenty of sense.

I think we can just sell Chafkhem's spellbook. The only uncommon spell I see in it is Mind Reading which doesn't seem super useful since it's just surface thoughts. The main useful thing would be the Awaken Portal ritual. Which we do need to look at doing at some point. So, assuming I can at least tear out the page for Awaken Portal, we can sell his collection of spells.

Kvit would like to learn a few new spells. The below assumes we don't plan on selling the Thresholds of Truth since we promised to give it back. So, I can just continue to borrow the spells and not spend any money on learning those spells for now. With a +15 Arcana, I should generally be able to reliably borrow several.

Rank 3
I get two common spells for free with no check for leveling

  • Wooden Double (Rage of Elements)
  • Safe Passage
  • Distracting Chatter (Secrets of Magic)
  • Borrowing from ToT as needed, DC20 (or less, see below)

    Rank 2

  • Borrowing from ToT as needed, DC18 (or less, see below)

    Rank 1

  • Interposing Earth (RoE)
  • Color Spray
  • Borrowing from ToT as needed, DC15 (or less, see below)

    2x Rank 1 scroll, -4gp
    2x Learn Rank 1 spell, -2gp
    2x Sell Rank 1 scroll, +2gp
    1x Rank 3 scroll, -30gp
    1x Learn Rank 3 spell, -16gp
    -54gp total
    2hours total (assuming no failures)

    @GM Kwinten For Borrow an Arcane Spell I've been using the standard DC for learning a spell. But actually the borrow spell description says: The GM sets the DC for the check based on the spell’s level and rarity; it’s typically a bit easier than Learning the Spell. Do you think -2 to the standard DC would be fair?

  • Slides Loot sheet

    I think you got Awaken Portal earlier as well, from Belcorra's notebook from that secret room on level 3.

    Borrowing at standard DC-2 sounds good. Maybe -3 even. But yeah, that would mean you auto-succeed on spell rank 1 and 2 unless you roll a nat 1.
    As for skill feat, maybe Assurance? Do you reach the DCs with that? Would save a lot of rolling and potentially missing out on stuff.

    Kka Magwi wrote:

    AC 26 with +18 to hit? This guy looks like he's likely a Level 8 creature, so we have our work cut out for us here.

    Do you know the DCs and to-hits by heart, or did you look that up? Anyway, I'd rather you not metagame like that (or at least not share with the party), I'd rather let challenge ratings stay secret (though it is pretty easy to eyeball by number of opponents).

    CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword, +1 Striking Wounding Shortsword | Status:
    GM Kwinten wrote:
    Kka Magwi wrote:
    AC 26 with +18 to hit? This guy looks like he's likely a Level 8 creature, so we have our work cut out for us here.
    Do you know the DCs and to-hits by heart, or did you look that up? Anyway, I'd rather you not metagame like that (or at least not share with the party), I'd rather let challenge ratings stay secret (though it is pretty easy to eyeball by number of opponents).

    No need to look it up. I work from experience and extrapolation. He seemed a little strong for 7 and too weak for 9, so without minions, I guessed 8. I figured this would mirror what Kka would do naturally, but I understand completely if you’d rather I didn’t say it out loud.

    I am going to be a little busy from now through the end of the weekend and may have trouble finding a lot of time to spend on pathfinder stuff. As such, further detailed accounting will have to wait. I’m pretty sure that we have the money to buy Kka those two items and swap out Lough’s Minor Sturdy for a Spellguard shield, so let’s proceed as if that’s the case and I will fix the loot stuff when I get the chance.

    N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

    Learn Safe Passage: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22 DC20
    Learn Interposing Earth: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27 DC15

    Success on both. 4 hours total. 50gp spent. Plus now a scroll of Safe passage on hand. (Could sell it back for 15gp)

    borrow haste: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29 DC18
    borrow dispel magic: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35 DC16
    borrow Color Spray: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29 DC15
    borrow Paralyze: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30 DC18

    Success on all!

    N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

    @Lpugh Does Lough still want a weapon siphon? I can provide it with a least a couple charges per day.

    @kka Does Kka want an injection Reservoir and poisons? Only DC19 but might still be worth it?

    Formulas Kvit is interested in
    These are all level 3 or below, so I can use my free reagents for them. (Up to six a day now!)

  • Spiderfoot brew - 3gp Fuìn expressed interest in spider climbing slipper I think? This could maybe fill that?
  • Ghost charge moderate - 3gp Shockingly has been useful several times, upgraded version of it.
  • Energy Mutagen moderate - 3gp resistance to energy and could proc weakness
  • Bravo's brew lesser - 2gp have a feeling fear resistance will be useful later
  • Bottled lightning moderate -3gp Only thing I've got that can inflict flat-footed< upgraded version
  • Blood Booster lesser - 3gp Helps against persistent bleed and poison, both things we've been up against so far.

    17gp total

    Weapon Siphon - 10gp
    (Can provide lightning or positive, 1gp-3gp for the formula of whatever energy flavor you like)

    Injection Reservoir - 10gp
    + Graveroot Poison - 3gp

  • NG Kayal Fighter/Blessed One 7 | HP 56/106 (Neg Res 3)| AC 25 (26 w/Shield) | F +14 | R +15 | W +12 | Per +14 (Darkvision) | Stealth +17 | Focus Pts 2/2 | Spd 25 ft | Exploration: Avoid Notice| Hero Pts 0/3 | Adjustments: None | Reactions: Blade Brake, Reactive Strike, Shield Block | Class DC: 23

    Assurance (Arcana) might not be a bad idea, actually. That should let you learn/borrow a lot of spells without having to roll. Gods only know what happens on a nat-1 with those!

    I wouldn't mind carrying a spiderfoot brew for special occasions. The weapon siphon sounds interesting. What all can you put in it? Any alchemical bomb, or just certain ones?

    N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

    I originally didn't think assurance (arcana) suggestion would do much, but at +10 I can hit DC20. Which you're right, that'd take care of the borrowing a spell question. I could also automatically identify creatures up to CR5 (though knowing what CR they are would be metagaming at least). So I likely couldn't count on assurance for recall knowledge. At level 7 I plan to go up to master arcana, so would be able to hit DC23 automatically (4th level spells and CR7 creatures). I think I'm sold. It's not fancy but it's useful. Thanks GM Kwinten and Fuìn for the advice!

    I could either use Advanced Alchemy to make two spiderfoot brews at the beginning of the day or use Quick Alchemy to make one on the fly if we need climbing. The former could be quicker in combat, but still two actions for you to retrieve and imbibe. If we are adjacent I could use Quick Alchemy to make one and hand it to you and then it'd be two actions for me and 1 for you.

    Weapon Siphon Looks like any lesser bomb that does energy damage. "... The bomb must be one that deals energy damage, such as an acid flask, alchemist's fire, bottled lightning, frost vial, or thunderstone..."

    Then it just does 1d4 of the energy type on the next three attacks. The downside is the MAP of the Weapon goes up by 1. If you're only making one attack it's no big deal. I currently only have bottled lightning and ghost charges, so if you want something else it'd just be 1gp for the lesser bomb formula.

    NG Kayal Fighter/Blessed One 7 | HP 56/106 (Neg Res 3)| AC 25 (26 w/Shield) | F +14 | R +15 | W +12 | Per +14 (Darkvision) | Stealth +17 | Focus Pts 2/2 | Spd 25 ft | Exploration: Avoid Notice| Hero Pts 0/3 | Adjustments: None | Reactions: Blade Brake, Reactive Strike, Shield Block | Class DC: 23

    I mean, I've been trying to use Knockdown on the regular, and that's two actions, usually followed up by shield, so I don't actually make an iterative attack super often anymore. It's a downside I can live with for sure. I feel like it would still be more useful in Kka or Lough's hands, but I would certainly take one if offered.

    Considering it's a non-action for you the other way and I would get two of the elixirs (you still get Advanced Alchemy with the archetype, right?) I'd rather spend two actions myself than have us spend 3 actions combined. BUT that does mean you'd be down a slot you could have used for Quick Alchemy at some point, even on days where I don't find a use for the spiderfoot elixir. There's pros and cons either way; since it's your alchemical reagent, it's up to you which one you think is a better idea. I'm good either way!

    Verdant Wheel

    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

    Lough doesn’t use weapons at this time.

    Go for it Fuín.

    N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

    I get 6 reagents per day and they don't get much use. So I've been leaving them all for quick alchemy to use as a quick fix as needed. If they're wanted, I can definitely use Advanced Alchemy instead and two of us can have one on hand.

    If there is anything else anyone knows they want on hand, please speak up. I'd rather hand out a bunch of stuff at the beginning of the day than not use the reagents by the end of the day. Mutagens, Poisons, Bombs, etc.

    rainzax wrote:

    Lough doesn’t use weapons at this time.

    Go for it Fuín.

    For legal purposes I think Lough's fist and claw count as lethal weapons.

    Verdant Wheel

    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
    Kvit the Ruin Delver wrote:
    rainzax wrote:

    Lough doesn’t use weapons at this time.

    Go for it Fuín.

    For legal purposes I think Lough's fist and claw count as lethal weapons.

    I’m of the opinion this is not true, but can be persuaded.


    N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3
    rainzax wrote:
    Kvit the Ruin Delver wrote:
    rainzax wrote:

    Lough doesn’t use weapons at this time.

    Go for it Fuín.

    For legal purposes I think Lough's fist and claw count as lethal weapons.

    I’m of the opinion this is not true, but can be persuaded.


    I was joking! By RAW (just read up on it again) it doesn't appear the sterling dynamo counts as a weapon since it is an unarmed attack. It doesn't seem like prosthetics has any differing rules compared to a "normal" unarmed attack.

    Alchemy Again
    Also I should have noted above, I can do moderate mutagens now, so moderate juggernaut, quicksilver, etc. If you do have any requests.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Slides Loot sheet

    By RAW, unarmed strikes are not weapons. It also seems weird to attach a weapon siphon to your arm, considering there's tubing and such involved. That said, Lough has a prosthetic arm. I'd definitely allow Lough to put a weapon siphon on that.

    The siphon also says "the next three attacks", which I read as attacks in general, not just hits. If you attack and miss three times, the bomb is wasted. Does that sound fair?

    Verdant Wheel

    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions


    Go go gadget Borbo.

    Maybe Kvit can fix me up between fights to keep the juice flowing. Plus. If we get intel on a beastie ahead of time, maybe target a weakness. Maybe rely on Ghost Charge and someone else can take my Ghost Touch rune?

    N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3
    GM Kwinten wrote:
    ... The siphon also says "the next three attacks", which I read as attacks in general, not just hits. If you attack and miss three times, the bomb is wasted. Does that sound fair?

    That is how I interpreted it. Next three strikes regardless of success.

    @Lough, if you want something other than electricity or positive damage, let me know. Then I can grab the formula for Alchemist's fire or whatever.

    Verdant Wheel

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

    Up to you - personally I think electricity damage is thematic, and positive damage is useful.

    We will probably run into more alchemical junk - perhaps this time we won't sell it?

    But we'd need downtime to properly process it...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NG Kayal Fighter/Blessed One 7 | HP 56/106 (Neg Res 3)| AC 25 (26 w/Shield) | F +14 | R +15 | W +12 | Per +14 (Darkvision) | Stealth +17 | Focus Pts 2/2 | Spd 25 ft | Exploration: Avoid Notice| Hero Pts 0/3 | Adjustments: None | Reactions: Blade Brake, Reactive Strike, Shield Block | Class DC: 23

    Then yeah, I'll gladly take an elixir and you can keep the second on hand to dole out if anyone else ends up needing it. Might as well get some mileage out of your alchemy!

    N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

    Stuff we're keeping
    360.0 - Ring of Wizardry (Type I) (Kvit)

    A: Cash or equivalent
    0.0 - Starting Gold
    110.0 - Gold Pieces
    52.0 - Old Silver Coins
    31.0 - Gold Pieces
    10.0 - Alchemical Reagents
    25.0 - Emeralds

    A TOTAL: 228.0

    B: Equipment that we're cashing in at 50%
    1.2 - Light Hammers *4
    160.0 - Studded Leather Armor +1
    15.0 - Climbing Bolt
    13.0 - Dragon Turtle Scale
    12.0 - Bestial Mutagen (Moderate)
    12.0 - Juggernaut Mutagen (Moderate)
    12.0 - Quicksilver Mutagen (Moderate)
    160.0 - Magic Wand (L2): Heal
    160.0 - Magic Wand (L2): Summon Animal
    10.0 - Healer's Tools *2
    50.0 - Healer's Tools (Expanded)
    40.0 - Bloodseeker Beak *2
    340.0 - Hat of Disguise (Greater)
    90.0 - Everburning Torch *6
    230.0 - Staff of Abjuration
    182.5 - Spellbook & Rituals
    0.3 - Arrows *3 (Kka)
    35.0 - Shortbow +1 (Kka)
    55.0 - Alchemist's Lab (Expanded)
    9.0 - Tanglefoot Bag (Lesser) *3
    4.0 - Rank 1 scroll of Interposing Earth
    100 - Minor Sturdy Shield

    B TOTAL = 845.5 (1641 @ 50%)

    C: Purchases
    50.0 - Doubling Rings (Kka)
    0.9 - Shortsword (Kka)
    75.0 Ghost Touch Rune (Kka)
    30.0 - Rank 3 scroll Safe Passage (Kvit)
    4.0 - Rank 1 scroll Interposing Earth (Kvit)
    16.0 - Learn Rank 3 spell (Kvit)
    2.0 - Learn Rank 1 spell (Kvit)
    3.0 - Spiderfoot brew (Kvit)
    3.0 - Ghost charge moderate (Kvit)
    3.0 - Energy Mutagen moderate (Kvit)
    2.0 - Bravo's brew lesser (Kvit)
    3.0 - Bottled lightning moderate (Kvit)
    3.0 - Blood Booster lesser (Kvit)
    1.0 - Alchemist's Fire lesser (Kvit)
    10.0 - Weapon Siphon (Lough)
    250 - Spellguard Shield (Lough)

    C TOTAL = 370.9

    GRAND TOTAL = 702.6 (A:228.0 + B:845.5 - C:370.9)

    N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

    My character sheet and statblock are updated and ready to go.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword, +1 Striking Wounding Shortsword | Status:

    Sorry for the recent silence, but big stuff has been happening in my life recently and I am being a little distracted. After the death of my wife some 2.5 years ago, I had pretty much resigned myself to living out my life on my own. I am naturally an introvert and a loner, so this was by no means a disagreeable outcome. But just as I was getting used to this prospect, it seems I am going to have to rethink my future again almost from scratch. About a month ago I met a wonderful woman and to say we've hit it off would be an understatement. We've been seeing a lot of each other and even spent last week together in New York (thus explaining my spotty posting during that time).

    I will try to find some time today and tomorrow to catch up with stuff. Looks like Kvit picked up my dropped baton on the loot stuff, but I still have to officially upgrade Kka to 6th. On top of it all, I will be traveling again starting next week which may take me off the boards for a day here and there while I'm in the air. I'll then be spending all of November is Australia before reversing the process and returning to California at the start of December.

    Thanks for bearing with me while I work through all these changes in my life. Once the dust settles and I put together a new routine, my posting should return to its previous rate.

    Slides Loot sheet

    Congrats on finding someone! We haven't progressed much in the story due to leveling up, so you disappeared at the right time. :)
    Thanks for letting me know when you'll be gone, I'll try to keep it in mind.

    CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword, +1 Striking Wounding Shortsword | Status:
    GM Kwinten wrote:

    Congrats on finding someone! We haven't progressed much in the story due to leveling up, so you disappeared at the right time. :)

    Thanks for letting me know when you'll be gone, I'll try to keep it in mind.

    Thanks. I have great hopes for this new relationship.

    I'll let you know in advance when I'll be incommunicado due to traveling.

    And... I've finally leveled Kka's profile up to 6th, so that's something at least.

    N Male Ratfolk (Longsnout) Wizard 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 24 | F +9 R +15 W +13 | Perc +11 (scent 30ft, imprecise) | Stealth +13| Speed 25ft | Focus 2/2 | Exploration: Search | Hero Points: 3

    Sounds amazing! Congratulations!

    And welcome back. I think I captured all of the loot stuff correctly, let me know if something seems off. I haven't updated the Excel sheet with the info yet.

    Verdant Wheel

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions


    You know I totally feel you - I was surprised by the support my fellow gamers here met me with when I experienced my PbP crash.

    Whoever your new beau is she inherits the attentions of a wildly creative and humorous mind - your posts are consistently some of the best reads I enjoy on these boards - Kka, Mandoo, Mimi - I wish you luck in your irl adventure, and yes, if you need a bot of Kka for a bit, I can do my best to play it - your character profile is so neatly organized it's going to be easy even if we hadn't already been playing side-by-screenside these past couple years.


    CN Female Tengu (Nephilim) Rogue/Medic 7 | ♥️ 83/83 | ➕ fire 5 | AC 25 (27 Nimble Dodge) | Speed 35' | Avoid Notice (Init +16) | F+11 R+17 W+14 | Perc +16 (Darkvision) | Hero 2 | ✋+1 Striking Ghost Touch Shortsword, +1 Striking Wounding Shortsword | Status:

    Thanks for all the kind words, especially rainzaz'. It is nice to hear that the work I put into my posts is appreciated.

    I found some time to go over the loot stuff. I updated my spreadsheet with Kvit's additions and made the following tweaks:

    1) There were 94 arrows remaining from the cache we picked up on the first level, which added to the 30 Kka is selling is 12 bundles of 10 arrows
    2) Kvit had a scroll of Interposing Earth on the cashing-in list and the purchase list. I assume the entry in the cashing-in list was a typo

    The final accounting looks like this:

    Stuff we're keeping
    Ring of Wizardry (Type I)

    A: Cash or equivalent
    0.0 - Starting Gold
    110.0 - Gold Pieces
    52.0 - Old Silver Coins
    31.0 - Gold Pieces
    10.0 - Alchemical Reagents
    25.0 - Emeralds

    A TOTAL: 228.0

    B: Equipment that we're cashing in at 50%
    1.2 - Light Hammers *4
    160.0 - Studded Leather Armor +1
    15.0 - Climbing Bolt
    13.0 - Dragon Turtle Scale
    12.0 - Bestial Mutagen (Moderate)
    12.0 - Juggernaut Mutagen (Moderate)
    12.0 - Quicksilver Mutagen (Moderate)
    160.0 - Magic Wand (L2): Heal
    160.0 - Magic Wand (L2): Summon Animal
    10.0 - Healer's Tools *2
    50.0 - Healer's Tools (Expanded)
    40.0 - Bloodseeker Beak *2
    340.0 - Hat of Disguise (Greater)
    90.0 - Everburning Torch *6
    230.0 - Staff of Abjuration
    182.5 - Spellbook & Rituals
    1.2 - Arrows *12
    35.0 - Shortbow +1
    55.0 - Alchemist's Lab (Expanded)
    9.0 - Tanglefoot Bag (Lesser) *3
    100.0 - Sturdy Shield (Minor)

    B TOTAL = 761.95 (1523.9 @ 50%)

    C: Purchases
    50.0 - Doubling Rings (Kka)
    0.9 - Shortsword (Kka)
    75.0 Ghost Touch Rune (Kka)
    30.0 - Scroll (L3): Safe Passage (Kvit)
    4.0 - Scroll (L1): Interposing Earth (Kvit)
    16.0 - Learn a Spell (L3) (Kvit)
    2.0 - Learn a Spell (L1) (Kvit)
    3.0 - Craft: Spiderfoot Brew (Kvit)
    3.0 - Craft: Ghost Charge (Moderate) (Kvit)
    3.0 - Craft: Energy Mutagen (Moderate) (Kvit)
    2.0 - Craft: Bravo's Brew (Lesser) (Kvit)
    3.0 - Craft: Bottled Lightning (Moderate) (Kvit)
    3.0 - Craft: Blood Booster (Lesser) (Kvit)
    1.0 - Craft: Alchemist's Fire (Lesser) (Kvit)
    10.0 - Weapon Siphon (Lough)
    250 - Spellguard Shield (Lough)

    C TOTAL = 455.9

    GRAND TOTAL = 534.05 (A:228.0 + B:761.95 - C:455.9)

    I've updated the loot sheet accordingly.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Slides Loot sheet

    I echo rainzax's comment completely. Your effort into your posts clearly show and I'm happy to GM for you. You're a great player to have and it makes GMing for you all much more fun as a result. I've been in PbPs where players just post "I attack" or "I roll this skill," and that takes the fun out of GMing as well. (I don't mean to throw anyone under the bus here, if you feel attacked, I didn't mean to) Plus, as I've said before, your lootkeeping is amazing and thank you again for doing it.

    Same goes for rainzax. Your weird mind is amazing and leads to tons of fun situations. I admit I had to get used to it for a bit, but I always greatly enjoy your posts.

    That's not to say I don't enjoy the rest of the party, I very much do, I just wish to highlight your efforts. :)

    NG Kayal Fighter/Blessed One 7 | HP 56/106 (Neg Res 3)| AC 25 (26 w/Shield) | F +14 | R +15 | W +12 | Per +14 (Darkvision) | Stealth +17 | Focus Pts 2/2 | Spd 25 ft | Exploration: Avoid Notice| Hero Pts 0/3 | Adjustments: None | Reactions: Blade Brake, Reactive Strike, Shield Block | Class DC: 23

    Happy for you, Kka! No worries on the posting, we understand. Especially with such a crazy travel schedule! I hate flying; I don't know if I'd be able to do that much in that amount of time. That's a lot!

    I will also update my taglines and profile sheet later today, but I spent my break watching the Paizo crew playtest Starfinder 2e (!!!) so I need to get back to work.

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