Ærde: Lost and Found in the City of Wonders

Game Master Jibril Johan Sameh

On the north western edge of Al Aimtidad, the anvil desert, sits the jewel of the world, the city of Zhayalammar. It is the ancient city of invention, horror, passion, and sorcery.

The Narrative * City Map * Character Status * Lands Around Zhayalahmar * Known Power Groups * Gossamer House * Current Map * The Scoreboard

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male (he/him)

Dounia - you don’t roll 2d6, you get what Cairee rolls

HP 24nl/31| AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+7/W+2 | CMB +2, CMD 16 | Acro 11, climb 5, DD 14, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 8, SoH 9, SM 5, Stealth 11, Surv 9

Okey dokey. Combined with the 4 HP from overnight, it still brings her up to full

male (he/him)

Dounia - the resistance potion lasts the full minute and isn't expended when you use it. "You imbue the subject with magical energy that protects it from harm, granting it a +1 resistance bonus on saves." That's all saves, not just will, for one minute. Your will save would be 21.

male (he/him)

Cairee - I just read rite of the centred mind. The bonus on will saves is a +1 'resistance' bonus. The potion of resistance gives a +1 'resistance' bonus.

These wont stack to give you a +2 bonus to will saves. The Resistance potion gives +1 on all saves (not just will) and the Rite of the Centred Mind give +2 vs fear and emotion effects with the option to end the spell for a reroll - so both are a good idea. But if you want to retcon your choice of using the potion now you may. 1 time offer.

With 'Owl's Wisdom' your wisdom is currently at 22. You have a Will save of (+4class +1potion or spell +6wisdom) +11 with and additional +1 for fear and emotion effects.

Cairee didn't take a potion, but she did cast resistance on herself. It's a freebie so it doesn't really matter if she cast it or not. I'll keep it.

Is this a fear will save? If so it'll be +2 for ROCM. If not it'll be 1.

male (he/him)

No - a save vs non-magical confusion - not an emotion save

male (he/him)

What is the order on the rope line?

I imagined it as:
Cairee, Dounia, Zahra, Tymythy, Cyn, E'gama

Human Draconic Sorcerer/4 | HP 26/26 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+4 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17

I pictured Tymythy before Zahra but I’m ok with the order suggested.

Cairee had suggested Caire, Dounia, Cyn, E'gama, and Tymythy and Zahra at the back.

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 2 | HP: 24/37| AC (temp): 19 (14 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +8 R: +6 W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +1 | SMB: +4, SMD: 15 |

I'm fine as long as Tymythy isn't leading or is the last one in line... with his +1 Will save he is in danger here ;^)

male (he/him)

Cairee, Dounia, Cyn E'gama, Tymythy, and Zahra it is.

male (he/him)

If you thought fighting duplicates of yourself in the trap challenge was weird …

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Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 2 | HP: 24/37| AC (temp): 19 (14 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +8 R: +6 W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +1 | SMB: +4, SMD: 15 |

Oh, this gonna be good ;-)

male (he/him)

The mirror challenge is the easiest of the six challenges.

There is no main saving throw. As players you decide to look or not to look.

If you don't look there is some relatively small physical repercussion and you miss out on information - don't worry, the information isn't very important (I swear on my GMs amulet that this isn't a climax point for the game we've been playing)

If you do look you get a little tidbit of unimportant information (again, I swear on the thrown of Gygax) and there is a sizable mental repercussion - looking is quite dangerous.

So, just don't look and collect your points after the challenge ... easy.

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 2 | HP: 24/37| AC (temp): 19 (14 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +8 R: +6 W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +1 | SMB: +4, SMD: 15 |

Easy, the GM says...

should we be worried?

Can I roll sense motive on the GM? :)

@corey after what they just experienced, would Cairee think that a spell to help saves against charms and compulsions would help? Or is this something else? I'm wondering if Unbreakable Heart or Supress Charms & Compulsions would help.

male (he/him)

Cairee - you know from Zahra that part of what's going on here is an 'enchantment' effect. The other two auras sensed at the front door were 'illusion' and 'divination'. So you already know that there is a pretty good chance there is a charm or compulsion effect in place.

Give me a knowledge arcana roll and I can tell you what you know. The rest you'll have to guess at.

One thing to note is that 'Unbreakable Heart' and 'Supress Charms & Compulsions' both give morale bonuses so casting them on the same person will not stack for a +8. They do have slightly different descriptions though and are effective against slightly different things.

male (he/him)

Cairee - The first save you all made entering the room of mad mirrors wasn't magical but it was a confusion effect

The other saves were magical but an 11 won't tell you of what kind.

The effect you've sensed doesn't feel like a fear effect.

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 2 | HP: 24/37| AC (temp): 19 (14 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +8 R: +6 W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +1 | SMB: +4, SMD: 15 |

So... how to get through the maze... just my thoughts on the matter.

- If this is just your regular maze with some magical traps to slow us down we will eventually reach the goal by being methodical - every time take the leftmost/rightmost turn at every intersection, double back if we hit a dead end, and we will get there. Since we have no idea about the dimensions of the maze, or where the exit lies, there is no point in agonizing over the choices. It's just a question of some small amount of luck for time, and whether we can survive what the mirrors' reflections throw at us.

- There might also be some hints that would allow us to pick the right direction at every intersection (well, every intersection that has a route leading in the right direction at least)... we'll know if end up finding some (assuming we notice them)

- Since this is a magical maze there is the possibility the maze itself is shifting... unless we see this happen there's little we can do to notice this, short of marking the turns we take and eventually being led back to where we were and seeing our previous route seems to run us right into a solid wall... if this is the case, getting to the exit is either pure luck, with no logic involved (unlikely, doesn't sound like great entertainment value for the guests) or there is a trick to the shifts that is possible for us to figure out.

- Also, there is the possibility there is something we need to do in the maze, some puzzle to solve, and until we do, there won't even BE an exit, or at least no path leading to it. Again, we'll have to wait and see.

As a side note, I'm kinda interested what would happen if we "thought outside the box" and just smashed every. Single. Mirror. In the whole maze until there was nothing left to stop us from just walking to the exit ;^)

Smashing would be fun! But may also shred us into ribbons. these are big mirrors. Maybe we try one?

HP 24nl/31| AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+7/W+2 | CMB +2, CMD 16 | Acro 11, climb 5, DD 14, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 8, SoH 9, SM 5, Stealth 11, Surv 9

I got the impression these were silver mirrors, not silver-backed glass mirrors. Might be hard to break. Corey?

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 2 | HP: 24/37| AC (temp): 19 (14 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +8 R: +6 W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +1 | SMB: +4, SMD: 15 |

Also, come to think of it, I thought of the mirrors AS the walls, not something hanging from actual walls... so might not be as easy as intrusive thoughts suggested ;^)

male (he/him)

Hard to break? You'll have to try

male (he/him)

It is a very difficult thing to translate a maze into play-by-post. I was going to go more threater-of-the-mind but it is clear that a map is needed. I have a floor plan for the map already but it needed to be properly drawn out. It also means that - mostly as a time saver - I will make a few rolls on behalf of the group.

When asked what the word 'skill' means, Anton Chekhov once said 'Knowing what's important' ... or something to that effect.

This maze is to serve a particular purpose but it makes me want to design a more traditional? maze for a future game. It should be on every GM's checklist - design a great maze.

Since this path was so long, can Cairee have cast resistance on a few of them as they walked?

Human Draconic Sorcerer/4 | HP 26/26 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+4 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17

Can we avert eyes while still focusing on the magical auras? Or does mean we automatically look if we focus on auras?

male (he/him)
Cairee Featherfriend wrote:
Since this path was so long, can Cairee have cast resistance on a few of them as they walked?

Yes, because you didn't know how long the path would be consider the duration to have seven rounds left.

Zahra al Asmar wrote:
Can we avert eyes while still focusing on the magical auras? Or does mean we automatically look if we focus on auras?

Detect Magic does not have a 'visual based' descriptor. In contrast, the spell 'True Seeing, doesn't either but mentions 'seeing' several times in the description. The forums I've read say the spell allows you to 'sense' auras.

One might imagine a Yoda-esque character closing their eyes to feel a disturbance in the magical norm.

I'd say you can use this with your eyes closed and I like the idea that it is a sight beyond seeing.

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 2 | HP: 24/37| AC (temp): 19 (14 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +8 R: +6 W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +1 | SMB: +4, SMD: 15 |

Happy Finnish independence day, folks ;^)

male (he/him)

Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää!

Happy Finnish Independence Day! Also, happy birthday to our GM!!

HP 24nl/31| AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+7/W+2 | CMB +2, CMD 16 | Acro 11, climb 5, DD 14, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 8, SoH 9, SM 5, Stealth 11, Surv 9

What a day! Mazoltovs all-round!

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 2 | HP: 24/37| AC (temp): 19 (14 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +8 R: +6 W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +1 | SMB: +4, SMD: 15 |

Oh? Happy birthday, Corey!

Human Draconic Sorcerer/4 | HP 26/26 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+4 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17

Happy Birthday! Happy Independence!

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 2 | HP: 24/37| AC (temp): 19 (14 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +8 R: +6 W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +1 | SMB: +4, SMD: 15 |

New plan - next time, Tymythy goes in eyes wide open and trying to take in as much information as possible, as well as to see which of his actions the man in the vision will mimic and what happens then ;^)

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 2 | HP: 24/37| AC (temp): 19 (14 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +8 R: +6 W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +1 | SMB: +4, SMD: 15 |
Dounia Mehar Mehek Ghali wrote:
Tymythy-son-of-Stywyrt wrote:
”Me'za'kar. Tash'lul'tum. Hammu'rappi. Hamilcar. Bomilcar. Abdastartos. Puabi. Enheduanna. Semiramis. Belshazzar,”
Aren't those the dwarves from The Hobbit?

Well, Hammurabi and his Code is quite famous, and Semiramis was an ancient Assyrian queen - being a Fate franchise fan can apparently pay off occasionally ;-)

male (he/him)

Oh, you smart basderd ;)

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 2 | HP: 24/37| AC (temp): 19 (14 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +8 R: +6 W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +1 | SMB: +4, SMD: 15 |

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, whatever is socially acceptable where ye all happen to live! ;^)

male (he/him)

Sorry everyone - I've been absent for sometime - just a bad funk and some minor life stuff. Checking in to say I will post soon.


Merry Christmas and a happy holidays!

male (he/him)

The 'current map' in the menu should be updated

Tymythy wrote:
Did we buy more healing pots for this run? Someone please remind me ;^) Tymythy used a pot he was given at the end of the last run.

We purchased 4 and Cairee gave one each to Tymythy, Dounia, Zahra and Cyn. You may also have one from the 4 the Halfings gave us. Cairee healed everyone 6 hp a during this challenge. Do you need more healing? Best let Cairee take care of it while she can :)

Also, happy holidays!

male (he/him)

minor point - they were gnomes. You haven't seen any halflings except a couple at the Zhayalamar opera and very few at a distance

male (he/him)
Tymythy-son-of-Stywyrt wrote:
Too much ground to cover to search everything everywhere unless we want to move in here to live, but I assume there hasn’t been any signs at crossroads to indicate one way might lead forward?

I've been assuming from some of the posts that you've been looking carefully and walking. Basic move speed 30' + perception check each round. I've used Dounia's perception check for the entire hallway.

You can do a deep search anywhere you like for a second check in a 10' area.

You can also hustle and only receive a passive check (Taking 10 with a -2 condition penalty, or, 8+perception bonus = Dounia's would be 16).

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male (he/him)

Over the next two months I will be very busy at work and it will disrupt my normal posting. I expect to be busy until March 7th. I will post whenever I can.

We are installing a new exhibit called 'Pjila'si' (ep-ji-law-see or ji-law-see; meaning: welcome) and it is dedicated to artifacts and cultural identity for the L'nu or Mi'kmaw people (mee-g-maw; the indigenous peoples of Nova Scotia). It is an incredible opportunity and deep responsibility.

male (he/him)

I have changed the 'current map' in the top menu

Human Draconic Sorcerer/4 | HP 26/26 | Init +2 | AC14/F12/T13 | Mage armor AC18 | F+2 R+3 W+4 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor | Spells per day: 1st 7/7 2nd 4/4 | Claws: 7/7rounds | SMB 7; SMD 17
GM Corey Homebrew wrote:

Over the next two months I will be very busy at work and it will disrupt my normal posting. I expect to be busy until March 7th. I will post whenever I can.

We are installing a new exhibit called 'Pjila'si' (ep-ji-law-see or ji-law-see; meaning: welcome) and it is dedicated to artifacts and cultural identity for the L'nu or Mi'kmaw people (mee-g-maw; the indigenous peoples of Nova Scotia). It is an incredible opportunity and deep responsibility.

Sounds very cool. Congrats!

male (he/him)

Trouble posting - bad wifi here - current map should be updated

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