A Wheel Of Time adventure (Inactive)


The lure of Treasure, recovery of ancient ter'angreal, and adventure pulls hard upon those that seek the treasures of mighty Malkier!
But, the danger is heavy, for the party must adventure through the Blight to gain access to the ruined Seven Towers, fabled capital of Malkier, and keeper of the relics, arms and armor, and treasure.

It difficult to get into the Blight...

...But its near impossible to leave.

perception checks:


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"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

sooooooooooooo yeah. apparently i got my weeks mixed up. I am going camping today, and not next week like i thought we were. Was going to make a posting today about how next week im going camping, and was going to see if someone wanted to SubDM for the week for you guys while you did your "downtime" interactions while resting. Instead i woke up yesterday to the wife saying "alright, let's get packed for camping"

i know we are in the middle of a critical point, combat and resolution of a plot point, but i hate to admit, i dont have enough time to find someone to subdm, and relay the vital info to properly convey the story in my absence. So i think the best thing to do would be to pause the game for the week.

Sorry about the mix up on my end guys.

we'll pick up again by the 27th/28th.

Retired to SUMITHA

Not an issue Rizz, enjoy your trip camping.

Silver Crusade

female Human Initiate 5| HP 50 | AC 14; Touch 14; FF 13 | F +6; R +4; W +8 | CMB+2; CMD 13| Speed 30 ft | Init +1 | Perc +5 | Stealth: +1 Initiate 5

Enjoy stay safe!

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

well, im back. I can say that it was 40% fun, 60% wet. weatherman said it was supposed to rain for a few hours monday, and it wouldnt rain again until saturday. Well, it started raining monday evening about 3 hours after we got set up....and it didnt stop raining until thursday afternoon. and then it would rain again on saturday as well. We were scheduled thru tomorrow, monday the 27th, but we decided that it would be better to pack up and leave on friday while a majority of our gear had dried. here's some pics i took of the hiking we did. We went to amnicon falls, copper falls, and big manitou falls in wisconsin. unfortunately, i couldnt get a decent picture of Big manitou falls because of it's height and the trees blocking the sight.

Retired to SUMITHA

Sad to hear it rained on you the whole time, looks like you got some great pictures. I had to google Manitou Falls to see where you were at. Glad you back safe and sound, and not too waterlogged.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM
Elek Kardforgató wrote:
Sad to hear it rained on you the whole time, looks like you got some great pictures. I had to google Manitou Falls to see where you were at. Glad you back safe and sound, and not too waterlogged.

lol, yeah. My wife and i had our own tent, and each of my kids had tents as well. My daughter snuck into the treeline and set up, my son off to one side, and my wife and i set up in this other area. Son and daughter tents remained dry and didnt have any moisture seeping in through the floor. For my tent, we apparently set up over a natural drain area, so our floor was wet, and anything left on the floor was wet as well.

Retired to SUMITHA

So I've been waiting for Tenora to answer, If she doesn't by this time tomorrow I will have Elek assume Jair is dead and move on...

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

just found out hasbro is crowdfunding Heroquest...

Retired to SUMITHA

so a question about the oath for the doorway, how specific can they be? How much metagaming about the books can we use? About the only oath Elek would be willing to make is if Lan raises the Malkier flag, Elek would ride with him.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM
Elek Kardforgató wrote:
so a question about the oath for the doorway, how specific can they be? How much metagaming about the books can we use? About the only oath Elek would be willing to make is if Lan raises the Malkier flag, Elek would ride with him.

Well...its common knowledge of Lan being the king.

Its common knowledge that if lan were to raise the Malkier standard, men would flock to his army.

So yeah, id say itd do be within your wheelhouse to make such an oath

Retired to SUMITHA

interestingly, Elek intentionally made oaths to both women, "My life above yours." Pulled the quote from "New Spring."

But I'm not sure how willing he would be to do anything other than deliver the girl at this point.

Maybe when the conversation shifts a little.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

i hate to say it, but i think this game is dead. The only people who are reliably posting are Elek and Cor'ellis. I looked through other peoples alias' to determine if the players are active on other threads and just lost interest in this game, but it looks like that several players havent posted anything in the last couple weeks, or month+. One even mentioned being hammered with more work.

so i am just going to put this game to bed.

thanks for playing with me, and putting up with my misses as a DM. I do appreciate it.

Retired to SUMITHA

Wow, sad to hear it Rizz, Anytime you want to run a WoT game or anything else for that matter, give me a heads up.

So, since it's a mute point now, can you give us the skinny on the doorway and the girl?

Male Human Woodsman 5 | HP 60/60 | Defense 19, T 19, FF 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +4 (+6 in the Blight) | Perception +10 (+12 in the Blight or vs Myrddraal; +14 vs Trollocs or Myrddraal in the Blight; +16 vs Trollocs in the Blight)

Sorry, Rizz. Renlo is just so out of his depth right now that he's looking to people with more useful knowledges for guidance, and it's affected my posting.

Female Human (Illianer) Noble 2 / Wilder 3

I must confess I'm sort of glad to hear it. I have a lot of games going and my motivation for this game has been dwindling away. Not your fault, Rizzen, but you've accidentally been exploring some subjects that bring up personal issues for me. With two kids on the spectrum and my eldest's biological father serving a prison sentence for abuse, some of this hit a little too close to home.

Also, just a tip for the future: It's a terrible feeling as a player to keep trying to act on the game world and it does no good or has no observable effect. When stuff keeps happening by GM fiat and no actions we take seem to make a difference, it's a very helpless feeling and leaves the player wondering what is the point.

My theory about the girl is that she is a dreamer and the "spirit" possessing her is an Aelfinn, the "snakes" of the snakes and foxes. Maybe she was also part Aelfinn? Anyway, I was trying to find my way to accept the Oath but was worried about being careful with the wording since they have a genie-like tendency to speak in riddles and twist promises.

But given that Sha'rah is the Old Tongue name of the strategy game they usually called "stones", it seemed pretty clear that this was all a gambit of some sort to get an Aelfinn piece on the board and in our party. Very glad we didn't end up fighting the girl, at least.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

My apologies cor'ellis. I didnt mean to hit upon something close to home. Wasnt my intention to make you feel uncomfortable.

And yeah, i was a crappy DM. I was trying to go too fast with responses and didnt fully read and consider the players actions.

And youre spot on with your theory. An Aelfinn spirit had inhabited sharrahs body and was using her to consume emotions.

Male Cairheinian/ Tar Valon HP 35/35 AC 15 F+1R+8 W+3 wanderer 5

I for one was like Renlo, Just had no clue what to do with Marik, all that was way out of his skill set and knowledge. Sad to see it go, Sorry i didnt post more, I should have for sure.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Ahhhh. I understand.

Well, i could just hand wave this and say it was a terrible dream and we could move on?

Retired to SUMITHA

Rizz, ultimately keeping the game going is up to you. If we do, I would rather walk away than pretend none of it happened. Nothing says we can't tell the women the situation and go.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

I'll kill it. Its fine.

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