Year of Our Lord 1437 Pathfinder RAW PVP Combined Tables 1 & 2

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

In Fairytale Earth circa The Year of Our Lord 1437, the Crusaders of the Catacombs and the Desert Jackals join forces as a larger party to confront Antichrist Nero in his dungeon below the Roman Catacombs and stop him from hastening the Apocalypse!

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Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin foregoes her sword and does two snowglobe throws at the dragons.

[Dice= Attack]1d20+9+4

[Dice=Snowglobe Damage]10d6
[Dice=Snowglobe damage]10d6

Shell then move to give Johann and the other melee combatants flanking.

Okay so forgot the bombs do 10d6 damage, and I am down to 17 hp!!!

87 cold damage due to cold vulnerability!

As the two snowglobe bombes explode on the great red dragon's head and neck, a spray of molten dragon ichor bursts from the wounds made from the icy shrapnel! Wormwood voices an earsplitting scream of pain! GGGNNNAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHH!!!

Thrashing in midair, convulsing in agony, the dragon begins to fall, plummeting away from the heroes to smash into the rooftop of Saint Peter's Church, caving in the entire roof and ceiling over the nave!

It's massive body, motionless, lies upon the church for only a second before a previously cast contingency causes the unconscious dragon to vanish into thin air with a loud *POP!!*...

Wormwood has been defeated!

Damn! Congratulations, heroes! I thought he'd at least be able to use the major ring of spell storing with heal stored on it that Nero gave him before you knocked him out. Those snow globes, though... Well done! And no PC or NPC casualties, even! I already did calculations in case you won, and this definitely pushes you over the goal for level 10!

female Human Unchained Rogue 11th/Samurai[Warrior Poet] 3rd HP:152|AC:32(t:22,ff:22)|F:+11|R:+15|W:+11|CMD:25|CMB:+12|Init:+4 Per:+23(+28)|Dagger+16/+11/+6,Lgt Mace+15/+10/+5,Hvy Wrist Launchers+15/+10/+5,Cestus+15/+10/+5,Katana +16/+11/+6 Wakizashi +16/+11/+6

Ihrin slumps her body sore and her face determined. She knelt smoking sheathing the Wakizashi as she eyes the others before place the remaining three snowglobes to the others and speaks."God was with us this day, however, that Dragon is not out yet, I believe we will see more of him. Until then I need some healing, a nice bath, a massage and maybe something to drink and read" she says as she tries to stand on the nearby roof she had chosen to land and winces.

"Also maybe some music, I think some music is in order. I mean we did just slay a dragon and save a city'Ihrin says laughing as she rests on her knees sitting on her feet.

Figured We heal up rest and then head out after a bit of rest. Cause I mean...WE DEFEATED A FREAK'N DRAGON!!!

Changeling Witch(Tatterdemalion)14th|HP:85|AC:21(23)(T:14FF:18)|F:+7|R:+9|W:+16|SR:20| CMD:18|CMB:+8|Init:+2 Per:+18|Spear:+9(+8), Claw:+7,Dagger:+7,Sling:+10,Cestus:+7|Spells:0-4,1-7,2-7,3-7,4-6,5-5,6-4,7- 3

Mwikali sets to work sending her Elemental to work putting our fires. After it Disappears she looks to the others and steps forward.

'What now'

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali sets to work sending her Elemental to work putting our fires. After it Disappears she looks to the others and steps forward.

'What now'

Mwikali's water elemental quenches the fires within the City, and the others use the decanter of endless water from Rumplestilskin's rucksack to fight the wildfires east of the city for much of the night, finally extinguishing the last of the flames around 3 o'clock the next morning (Friday 15th February)...

Finally, there is a chance to collapse, exhausted, into bed... Celebration can wait until all are rested...

Just after Wormwood falls and then teleports away:

Vitelleschi raises Sanctifier in salute to the Champions.

Bravo, Cardinal D'Borja! Bravo, Johann, and Ogon Fox! Brava, Princess Dracul, and Mwikali! Brava, Habiba! Bravo, Lord Perpireen and Abe no Toshiro! We have saved Rome from the dragon! Wormwood has fled to lick his wounds... I fear we did not kill the beast... But it knows, now, the quality of Rome's defenders, and will think long and hard before it tries such a thing a second time!

The Bishop of Recanati flies to each of the heroes and embraces them firmly, laughing with relief and the thrill of victory.

Male HP 117/117 |AC 28/28/FF18 | F+6/R+18/W+11 | CMB +0 | CMD+31 |init +8 | Perc + 24| Insp 16/16 | Hero Points 2/5 Irish Sprite [Outsider] Investigator - Psychic Detective [L14]

lord P Looks at where the Dragon fell.
He had a feeling this wound be one that got away.
Flying to the others he was in a happy mood.

"Next time then, so go see the pope feller then"

Lord P holds up his hand to stop the hug from the Paladin.

"Ya get get me a drink o nice wine, and we can call it even"

He says.

Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:

lord P Looks at where the Dragon fell.

He had a feeling this wound be one that got away.
Flying to the others he was in a happy mood.

"Next time then, so go see the pope feller then"

Lord P holds up his hand to stop the hug from the Paladin.

"Ya get get me a drink o nice wine, and we can call it even"

He says.

I will buy you all you can drink, my Lord Perpireen! Heheheh...

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

When the word is received in the catacombs that the dragon Wormwood has been defeated, there is a great uproar of rejoicing. Pope Eugenius IV leads the multitudes in prayers and hymns of thanks, and leads a procession out of the Catacombs and into the streets.

Though the eastern sky glows a Hellish orange-red from the wildfires not yet extinguished by the heroes with their decanter of endless water and Mwikali's water elemental, the city has suffered very little damage. The collapsed roof of Saint Peter's Church will need to be rebuilt, perhaps by Ogon Fox on his organetto of building, but the fireproofed buildings of the Eternal City of Rome stand proud and unmarred, save by a little soot.

All through the streets and plazas, people sing, dance, and rejoice, for Rome's defenders have saved them from what seemed like certain death by holocaust. The Champions have earned a much needed respite, and the city will go on more or less as before, thanks to their valor.

Changeling Witch(Tatterdemalion)14th|HP:85|AC:21(23)(T:14FF:18)|F:+7|R:+9|W:+16|SR:20| CMD:18|CMB:+8|Init:+2 Per:+18|Spear:+9(+8), Claw:+7,Dagger:+7,Sling:+10,Cestus:+7|Spells:0-4,1-7,2-7,3-7,4-6,5-5,6-4,7- 3

" Drinks sound lovely, maybe I'll invite the lovely Molly to join. She needs to be out and about" Mwikali says as she winks to Lord P and continues on her work of summoning water elementals to help in recovery

Grand Lodge

Male Skinwalker Shifter 13/Monk 1; 196/196 HP; Init +9; Perception +21; Low Light Vision; [28 AC][21 Touch][25 FF]; [Fort 18][Reflex 17][Will 13],[CMD:41, vs. grapple 43], 17/17 Minutes of Minor Aspect, 17/17 Hours of Major Aspect Buff/Debuffs:

Johann approaches the Fox and Lucius after the battle. He talks quietly.

"It was a fear-filled battle, my friends. To think we have come so far. We found the threat of this plot many a month ago, and now we have prevailed."

"Listen, you are both brothers to me, but I wish to see my home again. I want to make sure the Black Forest is in order, that the Big Bad Wolf has not emerged from his hibernation, and that Rapunzel is safe in her tower. I shall return, of course, and find you. The Black Forest is home, but it is also not big enough for me any more, not after what I have seen."

He shakes Lucius' hand and wraps Fox up in a hug, then turns and leaves Rome, heading north.

Male HP 117/117 |AC 28/28/FF18 | F+6/R+18/W+11 | CMB +0 | CMD+31 |init +8 | Perc + 24| Insp 16/16 | Hero Points 2/5 Irish Sprite [Outsider] Investigator - Psychic Detective [L14]

As Johann sets off for the Black Forest Lord P joins him.

"I think I will keep you company, I know some fey there and I have been hearing some things I wish to know more about."

Dark Archive

Male Medium Human Cleric 10 | HP: 47/99 | AC: 24/23 | F: +15, R: +16, W: +21 | Dec/Itm/Perf +16, Lore/Soc +15, Dip/Rel/Per +19, Med +21| Speed 25ft | Hero Points 3/3, Focus 1/1, D Font 3/5, Heal 0/1 SL 1/1| Active Conditions:
Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:

Johann approaches the Fox and Lucius after the battle. He talks quietly.

"It was a fear-filled battle, my friends. To think we have come so far. We found the threat of this plot many a month ago, and now we have prevailed."

"Listen, you are both brothers to me, but I wish to see my home again. I want to make sure the Black Forest is in order, that the Big Bad Wolf has not emerged from his hibernation, and that Rapunzel is safe in her tower. I shall return, of course, and find you. The Black Forest is home, but it is also not big enough for me any more, not after what I have seen."

He shakes Lucius' hand and wraps Fox up in a hug, then turns and leaves Rome, heading north.

"Go with God's speed my son." Lucius says, sketching the sign of the cross above Johann's head. "We have done great things but the Lord has more for us to do. You will always be welcome here in Rome."

Lucius briefly considers mounting an expedition to Vesuvius, but without knowing what has actually happened to the unconscious Wormwood it is too difficult a task and he lets the idea slide.

"Rest well my friends. We should prepare and then move forth to find the Mines."

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

At this crossroad the adventurers disband for a time, and journey to their homelands to see what consequences have developed since the Saint Valentine's Day Holocaust...

Johann the Bear and Lord Perpireen McGibel trek off to the Black Forest of the Holy Roman Empire, a dark and wondrous woodland filled with sylvan wonders. Here, they will defend the Wereboar Houses of Straw and Sticks from the siege of the Big Bad Wolf and his clan, and use the sovereign glue in Rumplestilskin's rucksack to put Humpty Dumpty (the Wall King's intelligent crystal egg golem) back together again... And it is here that they learn of another evil Wyrm, the green wyrm Eisenbacken, and how his poisonous gas was the doom of hundreds in Paris...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Changeling Witch(Tatterdemalion)14th|HP:85|AC:21(23)(T:14FF:18)|F:+7|R:+9|W:+16|SR:20| CMD:18|CMB:+8|Init:+2 Per:+18|Spear:+9(+8), Claw:+7,Dagger:+7,Sling:+10,Cestus:+7|Spells:0-4,1-7,2-7,3-7,4-6,5-5,6-4,7- 3

"Wait, Johann" Mwikali says as she does a bit of magic and quick work to make a plushie of a Fox, that looks strangely like Ogun Fox.

"Look on him and remember us in your journeys" She says with a smile as she ruffles Johanns' hair and then waves.'May the Spirits watch you, guide you and protect you' She says giving him a blessing.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Michael Johnson 66 wrote:

At this crossroad the adventurers disband for a time, and journey to their homelands to see what consequences have developed since the Saint Valentine's Day Holocaust...

Johann the Bear and Lord Perpireen McGibel trek off to the Black Forest of the Holy Roman Empire, a dark and wondrous woodland filled with sylvan wonders. Here, they will defend the Wereboar Houses of Straw and Sticks from the siege of the Big Bad Wolf and his clan, and use the sovereign glue in Rumplestilskin's rucksack to put Humpty Dumpty (the Wall King's intelligent crystal egg golem) back together again... And it is here that they learn of another evil Wyrm, the green wyrm Eisenbacken, and how his poisonous gas was the doom of hundreds in Paris...

EDIT: Grünerraver is the green wyrm that attacked Paris, Eisenbacken is the white wyrm that attacked Nidaros.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Something, an intuitive compulsion, draws Habiba Al-Sahim east to the Arabian Desert and the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon, where she finds the remnants of the Tower of Babel, and discovers mysteries within that reveal clues to her past lives...

Communicating via extraplanar telepathy with his son, Nero Antichrist, the Devil reveals his plans to corrupt the souls of mankind and condemn greater numbers of souls to damnation...

Very soon, my son, mankind's lust for gold will cause even the most pious Christian monarchs to ignore the evil cruelty of slavery and endorse the trade of living flesh to gain it... For the sake of gold, men will fall upon their brothers and put them in chains, to mine the gold, to be sold as slaves for the gold... The Navigator Prince will see how wealthy the slave trade has already made the Turks, and he will want some of that gold and power for himself... So shall the Lords of Spain, France, and England... All shall lust for gold and will sell their own kindred into slavery to get it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!

Male Half-Drow Investigator [Mastermind] L10

Niccolo machiavelli II sits in his tower room in Rome, his sits at a desk from which he can look out the window from which he can see the fight with the Dragon. On his desk sits writing equipment as he composes a report for his father.

His often dose this as he often fills in for his farther when he can't make a meeting.
And today while his father was away, Niccolo machiavelli II was ordered by the church to watch the proceedings of the Dragon attack.

There was a light knock at the door. 'Nicko' as he liked to be called called out.

"Come in"

A servent, a monk came in and handed him a celled letter, before leaving the room.

Nicko opened the letter and read it, before ripping it up and burning it.

Well well well, something to do at last

female Human Unchained Rogue 11th/Samurai[Warrior Poet] 3rd HP:152|AC:32(t:22,ff:22)|F:+11|R:+15|W:+11|CMD:25|CMB:+12|Init:+4 Per:+23(+28)|Dagger+16/+11/+6,Lgt Mace+15/+10/+5,Hvy Wrist Launchers+15/+10/+5,Cestus+15/+10/+5,Katana +16/+11/+6 Wakizashi +16/+11/+6

Ihrin Continues her training with Autumn, teaching the woman more of her skills and how to best serve the Cardinal from threats he can't see and help maneuver things better in his favor.

She even gives her the cane sword, to have her act like she has a limp letting her keep the sword handy at all times just incase.

When not training she is with the monks and priests learning Celestial and finding out the secrets of her tattoos.

In Norway, Eric of Pomerania, King of the Kalmar Union, has died, fallen in battle against the white wyrm Eisenbacken. After killing the Scandinavian King, and filling the streets of the mountain city of Nidaros with ice, the great white brute plundered the gold and jewels of the Nordic city with the aid of its frost giant thralls and returned to its glacial mountain cavern in the northmost peaks of Midgard. The folk mourn their fallen king, and place him on a funeral barge adorned with what treasure was left after the dragon and its frost giant minions plundered. The barge is set adrift in the cold fjord and ignited with a flaming arrow.

In Paris, the survivors of the Saint Valentine's Day Holocaust mourn for the deaths of hundreds by poison gas blown upon them by the green wyrm Grünerraver, who then plundered the riches of the City of Lights before flying back to its cavern lair in the Black Forest. Nicolas Flamel died defending his home city against Grünerraver, horrifically mauled over the Champs-Élysées by the dragon, though Cat Lord PusInBoots gave three of his remaining four lives to protect the Alchemist. In the end, PusInBoots was forced to flee to fight another day, with only the last of his nine lives barely intact.

In Constantinople, the Byzantine Emperor and his valiant Varangian Guards found themselves ill-equipped against the terrible lightning bolts of Aljanahalbarq, blue wyrm of the Sahara Desert. After suffering too many casualties, the Varangians forced their emperor to retreat to save his life, as the priests could not keep up enough healing to outweigh the dragon's damage.

The blue wyrm and its janni raiders pillaged the wealthy Byzantine capital, returning to its desert canyon lair with a fortune in gold soliduses and sparkling jewels.

Changeling Witch(Tatterdemalion)14th|HP:85|AC:21(23)(T:14FF:18)|F:+7|R:+9|W:+16|SR:20| CMD:18|CMB:+8|Init:+2 Per:+18|Spear:+9(+8), Claw:+7,Dagger:+7,Sling:+10,Cestus:+7|Spells:0-4,1-7,2-7,3-7,4-6,5-5,6-4,7- 3

Mwikali begins to work on all the items before her as she needs to be ready to head back into the bosom of mother Africa to fetch ancient treasure to aid in rebuilding not only Rome but other cities suffering destruction. She would make sure that some of the gold and jewels went back to her vision of New Africa free of Bondage from outsiders.

"We shall secure these mines of Solomon and secure its riches for Africa Kiku, and from there aid not only the motherland but those who have risked there lives to aid our quest. Such wanton destruction from those Dragons was bad, what sort of Champion would I be to ignore the plight of my allies"

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali begins to work on all the items before her as she needs to be ready to head back into the bosom of mother Africa to fetch ancient treasure to aid in rebuilding not only Rome but other cities suffering destruction. She would make sure that some of the gold and jewels went back to her vision of New Africa free of Bondage from outsiders.

"We shall secure these mines of Solomon and secure its riches for Africa Kiku, and from there aid not only the motherland but those who have risked there lives to aid our quest. Such wanton destruction from those Dragons was bad, what sort of Champion would I be to ignore the plight of my allies"

Well said, 'Kali! Well said.

Ever "God's mercenary", Bishop Vitelleschi collects his payment for defending Rome and rides back to Recanati. A tithe of his reward goes to poorbox in his home church, and some portion of the remainder he keeps to enrich his own estate, and the rest he uses to finance his own company of loyal men at arms.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

The fourth campaign of the Wars in Lombardy occupies much of the Pope's thoughts and efforts during the rest of February. Duke of Milan Filippo Maria Visconti pitches his condottieri, Niccolò Fortebraccio and Niccolò Piccinino against Papal forces, including Francesco Sforza and Duke of Florence Cosimo De'Medici. Sforza defeats and kills Fortebraccio at Fiordimonte, leaving Piccinino in sole command of the Visconti army. In a series of campaigns against Sforza, Piccinino seizes a number of cities in Romangna by treachery.

These conflicts might be something that occupies Cardinal Lucius and the other Papal champions for a while during our hiatus from adventuring...

Burning for revenge against the Bishop Vitelleschi and the other papal champions for foiling the attack on Rome, Wormwood nurses both wounds and a smoldering hatred for his new enemies until fully recovered. Then, he begins a campaign of terror to avenge the wounds dealt to body and pride on Saint Valentine's Night...

He finds upon the slopes of Mount Vesuvius a massive basalt boulder, weighing perhaps a ton, and dislodging it, flies with it in his talons to the town of Recanati under cover of night on Thursday, 28th February, two weeks after the foiled holocaust.

Flying with the massive boulder over the Palazzo Vitelleschi, the red wyrm from Mercury lets the lethal missile fall upon the round tower it knows contains Vitelleschi's bedchamber! The sleeping Bishop of Recanati is crushed beneath the boulder and the caved-in roof of the tower! Laughing like deep peals of malevolent thunder, Wormwood sets fire to the rooftops of Recanati, bringing a vengeful surprise holocaust of his own upon the defenseless town!


That'll teach that pious little monkey to poke 'iz nose where it ain't belong...

The Christians of Greek Byzantine Constantinople see the blue wyrm' s attack on their city as a black plan of the Devil. But the devout Muslims besieging the City see it as an avenging angel of Allah. Abaddon, the angel of destruction come to purge the infidel...

Taking advantage of the city's weakened state, the Turks press their siege hard, and Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Empire in the summer of 1437...

Prince Henry leads the Portuguese conquest of Morocco, using the port of Safi as a beachhead. During the moons of February and March, they capture the port of Anfa as well, securing two strongholds on the North African coast. Henry notices the wealth and opulence of the Turks, and the preponderance of black African slaves in their retinue, and the wheels begin to turn in his head (greased by Lucifer)...

Such cheap, easy labor... The gold... What am I thinking!? ... It is not Christian... and yet... the power and wealth this Slave Trade brings our enemies cannot be denied... What if we beat them at their own game, just so we can put an end to their deviltry?...

Prince Henry of Portugal wrote:

Prince Henry leads the Portuguese conquest of Morocco, using the port of Safi as a beachhead. During the moons of February and March, they capture the port of Anfa as well, securing two strongholds on the North African coast. Henry notices the wealth and opulence of the Turks, and the preponderance of black African slaves in their retinue, and the wheels begin to turn in his head (greased by Lucifer)...

Such cheap, easy labor... The gold... What am I thinking!? ... It is not Christian... and yet... the power and wealth this Slave Trade brings our enemies cannot be denied... What if we beat them at their own game, just so we can put an end to their deviltry?...

Yes... Very nice... Justification... Insanity, gold fever... Twist the minds of these pathetic Christian princes... Let their pride and lust for wealth and glory pull them down into the Pit where I can chew their souls as I chew upon Judas Iscariot! For is not slavery a treason the tyrant commits against his subjects?


Inside the looted shell of the Hagia Sophia, Christianity's greatest church, a group of men stand with impossible stillness. As the trumpets and cries of victory approach the men remain motionless until the huge doors open and the victorious figure of Sultan Murad appears, bedecked in a gorgeous jewelled turban. As befits the victorious he wears mail and carries a scimitar. As the Sultan advances towards the great altar, covered with a cloth to prevent the icons of the infidel distracting the faithful from their prayers, the call of the muezzin rings out across the city.

"God is greatest, god is greatest! I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah."

Outside the church, and across the Golden Horn where the main body of the army is still encamped, men stop their work and prostrate themselves - facing south to Mecca.

The Sultan prays silently and alone, his motionless bodyguard little more than shadow cloaked pillars as he gives thanks to The Greatest for his victory over the infidel. As he finally rises, his prayers done, the bodyguards let out a great shout.

"Allahu Akbar!"

With a gesture the Sultan summons his servants, who remove his prayer mat and proffer water for the Sultan to quench his thirst. He gives quiet orders and the bodyguards suddenly snap into motion, marching as one out of the church - leaving six of their number behind. As the Sultan turns to them each snaps a salute, their speed and precision of movement too perfect to be human.

The Sultan speaks for a few minutes, his delivery sharp and brisk as a military man should be. The six remaining men look at one another until on steps forward.

"Sultan, for the Glory of The Highest One, I shall undertake this journey. I wish to see Egypt once more where my sword-brother, Saladin, lies in rest."

The Sultan nods and raises one hand in benediction as the figure bows and marches from the once great church.

As he leaves the shade of the portico and emerges into the full force of the noon-day sun he halts momentarily as the elaborate calligraphy at his neck blurs, enveloping Saleh el'Dinn in shadows as he paces through the ranks of the Sultan's Immortals, the vampiric bodyguards perfectly still once again as they await their sultan's pleasure.

As he emerges, one of the bodyguards, dressed with the helm of a file leader, steps forward and salutes him.

"Assalamu Alaikum Commander. Your orders?"

"Alaikum Salam, Hameed. I ride for Egypt on the Sultan's command. You answer to Mehmet al'Suman until I return."

"Service beyond death Commander!"

"Praise be to Allah!"

The exchange concluded Saleh el'Dinn breaks into a run, covering the bloodied and broken cobbles of Constantinople at a long, loping stride that would carry him leagues beyond counting. Across the length of the former Byzantine Empire, through the Holy Lands of the Crusades into which he was born and south - to Egypt, land of the Pharaohs, and further still. West, into the heart of Africa.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

The lust for gold is the root of many evils to come...

Male Half-Drow Investigator [Mastermind] L10

He spends a few days watching the Jackles in Rome. He is just out of sight, or a face passing that is never the same twice. He makes some notes and then talks to time to learn thire routine.

Disguise 1d20 + 1d6 + 30 ⇒ (3) + (4) + 30 = 37

Dark Archive

Male Medium Human Cleric 10 | HP: 47/99 | AC: 24/23 | F: +15, R: +16, W: +21 | Dec/Itm/Perf +16, Lore/Soc +15, Dip/Rel/Per +19, Med +21| Speed 25ft | Hero Points 3/3, Focus 1/1, D Font 3/5, Heal 0/1 SL 1/1| Active Conditions:

Just the Jackals Niccolo, or are you spying on all of the Champions currently in Rome? Lucius might actually catch you! :P

Male Half-Drow Investigator [Mastermind] L10

yes He is, lets see if he dose, that should give him time for 2 rolls to catch Niccolo

Niccolo, spends some time watching Cardinal Lucius d'Borja.

female Human Unchained Rogue 11th/Samurai[Warrior Poet] 3rd HP:152|AC:32(t:22,ff:22)|F:+11|R:+15|W:+11|CMD:25|CMB:+12|Init:+4 Per:+23(+28)|Dagger+16/+11/+6,Lgt Mace+15/+10/+5,Hvy Wrist Launchers+15/+10/+5,Cestus+15/+10/+5,Katana +16/+11/+6 Wakizashi +16/+11/+6

perception: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (6) + 19 = 25

Ihrin does not notice anything as she comes and goes form the house of d'Borjas

Disguise: 1d20 + 11 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 11 + 10 = 27

As she is leaves looking like an ordinary maid.

Walpurgisnacht, 30th April, also called Hexennacht, or Witches Night in the Holy Roman Empire...

On Brocken Peak, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains of northern Germany, a coven of evil witches that worship Lucifer meet for their Black Sabbath, at which they have revel with the Devil and his demons and devils, engaging in orgies and vile rites of animal and human sacrifice!

Margery Jourdemayne, the Witch of Eye Next Westminster, accused of treasonous witchcraft against the King of England, but recently escaped from the Tower of London, is high priestess of this coven, and leads the wicked rituals and fornication...

At the Blocksberg, as Brocken Peak is also known, on Hexennacht, Lucifer himself appears among the witches and warlocks that chant his name in unison!

Infernal: I am come among thee, to sow evil seeds and bring rack and ruin to what He hath created!!

The witches and warlocks gasp, sigh, howl, moan, or cackle madly at the frightful presence and proclamation of the Unclean One!

Nero also attends the Black Sabbath at Blocksberg on Walpurgisnacht, playing a fiddle and wearing a festive devilface mask of ruddy gold.

The vrock demon that was nearly destroyed by the Crusaders of the Catacombs during one of their earlier forays into Catacombs attends the Black Sabbath at Blocksberg on Walpurgisnacht as well, performing his dance of ruin in memory of Faithcarcas, his less lucky broodmate...


The Archduke Mephistopheles attends Walpurgisnacht on the Blocksberg as well, signing unspeakable pacts with witches and warlocks...

The Duke of Burgundy is in attendance at Hexennacht, reveling and intoxicated, fornicating with the witches and succubus demons...

... as is the Duke of Gloucester, carousing with succubus demons and witches...

Dark Archive

Male Medium Human Cleric 10 | HP: 47/99 | AC: 24/23 | F: +15, R: +16, W: +21 | Dec/Itm/Perf +16, Lore/Soc +15, Dip/Rel/Per +19, Med +21| Speed 25ft | Hero Points 3/3, Focus 1/1, D Font 3/5, Heal 0/1 SL 1/1| Active Conditions:

Perception: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 37
Perception: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (19) + 20 = 39

Lucius notices the figure observing him, even as he moves through the city dealing with the news just come from Venice of the fall of the Roman Empire of the East.

Never one to shy from a confrontation the Inquisitor turns sharply on his heel to confront the man directly.

"God's blessings on you my Son. What business do you have with Holy Church?"

And English astrologer and necromancer Roger Bolingbroke serves as high priest of Lucifer at the Witch's Sabbath...

Male Half-Drow Investigator [Mastermind] L10
Cardinal Lucius d'Borja wrote:

"God's blessings on you my Son. What business do you have with Holy Church?"

Niccolo stops and looks down shaking his head.

In noble latin he says

"I was told you where good, Cardinal d'Borja, not many can see me at work. But no more of this, let me do away with the foolary."

And lifting his cloak across himself so for a moment he cant be seen, when he came back into view he is no longer a simple street runner. He stands in noble clothing. By his side is a long thin blade, on the other a dagger will made but with out to much finery.

He bends his nee and waits for the good Cardinal to offer his ring of office so he may kiss it. In the formal way. IF/when the good Cardinal he holds the offered hand with his own on which is a also has a ring on it.

His ring:

The image on his ring

You know it at once and what it means.
The mythical order with in the church that looks after the church, the Illuminati.

"May we retire to your home, I will introduce myself there if I may and talk about other matters."

Male Half-Drow Investigator [Mastermind] L10


His a little to thin, and ears just slightly pointy, but most of all his eyes, they are back and glint with keen intelligence. A well dressed Italian Noble

Dark Archive

Male Medium Human Cleric 10 | HP: 47/99 | AC: 24/23 | F: +15, R: +16, W: +21 | Dec/Itm/Perf +16, Lore/Soc +15, Dip/Rel/Per +19, Med +21| Speed 25ft | Hero Points 3/3, Focus 1/1, D Font 3/5, Heal 0/1 SL 1/1| Active Conditions:

Lucius notes the ring as Niccolo offers the proper obeisance and his eyebrows rise a little.

"Indeed, it is long since I have spoken with one of your order. Tell me, how fairs your Grandmaster?" Lucius doesn't mention that the reason he hasn't spoken to the Illuminati in a long time is because he is certain that more than a few Luciferans exist within the society - but this doesn't seem like a politic time to mention that.

Returning to the Palazzo he gives orders for wine and leads the man to his study. Once both are served he makes a slight gesture for Autumn to remain quietly in the room to observe the meeting.

"Your transformation is impressive my son, but I would know, if you will, your real name."

Just realised there's a problem with your plan Niccolo - the real Machiavelli isn't even born yet! You're more likely to be his father than his son - which would work really well all on its own!

Pestilence and plague for Europe is planned and seeded that Walpurgisnacht. A return of swarms of rats bearing the Black Plague to the German cities of Mainz and Wörms, and the Italian cities of Siena and Ferrara...

Crops will fail this season, milk will sour, and an unusual number of two-headed goat kids or calves are born that spring...

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Following Walpurgisnacht, there is a rise in reports of devil worship and bestiality... Goatherders in Bavaria and the Scottish Highlands are discovered by their neighbors engaging in abominable acts to appease Baphomet, the goat-headed demon... Cases of siphylus spreading from animal to human degenerates are reported to the Church in growing number...

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