Year of Our Lord 1437 Pathfinder RAW PVP Combined Tables 1 & 2

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

In Fairytale Earth circa The Year of Our Lord 1437, the Crusaders of the Catacombs and the Desert Jackals join forces as a larger party to confront Antichrist Nero in his dungeon below the Roman Catacombs and stop him from hastening the Apocalypse!

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M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

THE KNIGHTS CHAMPIONS Miniature designation, so we are all on the same page with these battle dioramas...

Ihrin Dracula: rapier holder on top central tower
Cardinal Lucius D'Borja: red cape and sword on foremost tower top
Habiba Al-Sahim: wand holding female on balcony
Algoral: Winged hawk front center
Johann: coiled naga under bridge
Lord Perpireen: Green winged imp on bridge
Alexei:blue robed wand holder on bridge
Zagathoth: orc with curvy blade on turret
Mwikali: red robed female on turret

Male HP 117/117 |AC 28/28/FF18 | F+6/R+18/W+11 | CMB +0 | CMD+31 |init +8 | Perc + 24| Insp 16/16 | Hero Points 2/5 Irish Sprite [Outsider] Investigator - Psychic Detective [L14]

Lord P is in the close chest, filling his bag of holding with all the loot muuahahahah

Lord P scoops coin and Perl into his wee bag.

Grand Lodge


HP: 45/48| AC: 16 FF: 16 Touch: 10 CMD: 14| Init: +0|Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +11| Perception +14|

Habiba feels her companions have this well in hand, and isn't much use against crowds of weak undead (or enemies of any sort, really).

She feels especially stymied by the underwater climate; if only she could find a dry pocket, and something to write with that isn't soaked to the core. She could perhaps find some answers that would make their current search faster.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
W E Ray wrote:

Hiya, Ray! Following my latest shenanigans? Lol...

Zagathoth wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Not wanting to waste time fighting the pirates, Zagathoth steps back into his dragon stance and unloads a barrage of attacks at the Hobgoblin (and anything else he can reach).

[dice=attack 1]1d20+10, [dice=for]1d10+19
[dice=attack 2]1d20+10, [dice=for]1d10+19
[dice=attack 3]1d20+5, [dice=for]1d10+19
[dice=attack 4]1d20+5, [dice=for]1d10+19

Zagathoth busts his foe's skull with the first mighty swipe of his green hand, so he continues his flurry of dragon claw strikes against adjacent pirates, felling two more with a "dragon"s wing" elbow and "dragon's tail" kick!

9 down, 5 to go...

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:

Lord P is in the close chest, filling his bag of holding with all the loot muuahahahah

Lord P scoops coin and Perl into his wee bag.

By the time the others have taken care of the drowned pirates, Lord P has finished looting the pirate booty into his bag of holding...

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

ADVENTURE MAP OF LOST CITY OF ATLANTIS with 56 number-keyed encounter areas to explore!

The wreck of the Lamprey is area 2...

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

It does not take long for the Champions to finish off the last few pirates, and for Lord Perpireen to finish looting the pirate booty...

With water breathing time a limited resource, they waste no time moving on...

Area 31:

From the wrecked pirate ship, the party travels back to the east and north to another barnacle-encrusted building, possibly once a house or shop... There is nothing to be found here...

Chance of random encounter as party exits area 31 is 1 in 6... 1d6 ⇒ 5 no encounter...

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Assuming that the party explores the next few areas in this order, unless anyone would like to suggest alternatives: 30, 29, 28, etc...

Grand Lodge

Male Skinwalker Shifter 13/Monk 1; 224/224 HP; Init +8; Perception +21; Low Light Vision; Scent; [AC 30][Touch 19][FF 28]; [Fort 19][Reflex 16][Will 13],[CMD:43, vs grapple 45], [Minutes of Minor Aspect 17/17], [Hours of Major Aspect 17/17]

"Hssss.hhhss...ffffssss..." Isn't this a grand time, Zag? Picking up treasure on the bottom of the ocean and the enemies just fall before us!

Johann is pleased to continue circling around and seeing all there is to see. He can just taste that wild-shaped armor.

Male HP 117/117 |AC 28/28/FF18 | F+6/R+18/W+11 | CMB +0 | CMD+31 |init +8 | Perc + 24| Insp 16/16 | Hero Points 2/5 Irish Sprite [Outsider] Investigator - Psychic Detective [L14]

"Come on follow me"

Lord P says while leading the charge.

Grand Lodge

Mike, follow the Link:

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Johann Kaltgeboren- Cobra! wrote:

"Hssss.hhhss...ffffssss..." Isn't this a grand time, Zag? Picking up treasure on the bottom of the ocean and the enemies just fall before us!

Johann is pleased to continue circling around and seeing all there is to see. He can just taste that wild-shaped armor.

Funny he should mention wilding armor... There just happens to be a nice suit called the Lobster's Shell: +1 wild full plate hidden somewhere hereabouts...

Grand Lodge

Male Skinwalker Shifter 13/Monk 1; 224/224 HP; Init +8; Perception +21; Low Light Vision; Scent; [AC 30][Touch 19][FF 28]; [Fort 19][Reflex 16][Will 13],[CMD:43, vs grapple 45], [Minutes of Minor Aspect 17/17], [Hours of Major Aspect 17/17]
Michael Johnson 66 wrote:

Funny he should mention wilding armor... There just happens to be a nice suit called the Lobster's Shell: +1 wild full plate hidden somewhere hereabouts...

drool drool. looks like I am taking heavy armor proficiency as my next feat!

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Area 30:

The next structure was likely a warehouse or shop, possibly a home... There is little of value among the barnacle-encrusted debris and seaweed... A school of minnows darts away from the explorers as they like around...

Area 29:

The domed structure with flanking porticoes is about 100 feet in diameter and some 50 feet high, with pieces of verdigris-coated copper plating on the barnacle-encrusted exterior. This building was once a theater or opera house, or auditorium, with rows of marble seats now crumbling and cracked...

On a raised dais or stage some 20 feet in diameter at center of the interior lies the skeletal remains of two horrible monsters:

One skeletal carcass is the size of a large, hulking man, with a head like an octopus on a humanoid body armored by a lobster-like exoskeleton with crab pincers, that went about on two legs...

Knowledge (planes) DC 20+:
A piscodaemon from the River Styx in Hell...

The other skeletal carcass is that of a blue-skinned giant woman with pointed ears clad in Turkish fashion...

Knowledge (planes) DC 20+:
A marid genie from the Elemental Plane of Water (Oceanus)...

A thorough search of their bodies Will reveal:

A golden key worth 150 gp on a leather cord around the piscodaemon's neck (if anyone is keeping treasure, note that it's the piscodaemon's key)

A necklace of adaptation around the marid's neck!

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

The proximity of these strange corpses and their relative state of deterioration might provide some clue as to how they came to this fate... Healing checks from those examining the bodies of the octopus-headed man-sized creature and the blue-skinned giantess...

Healing DC 20 on the octopus-headed daemon:
Appears to have died in battle against the marid and possibly others...

Healing DC 20 on big blue genie lady:
Seems to have been killed by the other monster and vise versa several moons ago...

Current Song: none 3/31 Spells used: 2nd 1 3rd 1 Bard 9 | HP 76/76 | AC:19 T:16 FF:15 | CMD:19 | F4 R10 W8 | Perc:15 | Init:3

Weird, A demon from Hell and another Marid...

Auto success on the knowledge planes taking 10 (bardic knowledge)

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Algoral wrote:

Weird, A demon from Hell and another Marid...

Auto success on the knowledge planes taking 10 (bardic knowledge)

Yes, something has been afoot here over the past several months...

Grand Lodge

Male Skinwalker Shifter 13/Monk 1; 224/224 HP; Init +8; Perception +21; Low Light Vision; Scent; [AC 30][Touch 19][FF 28]; [Fort 19][Reflex 16][Will 13],[CMD:43, vs grapple 45], [Minutes of Minor Aspect 17/17], [Hours of Major Aspect 17/17]

Johann slithers right up to the two corpses so his passengers can disembark and get a good look...

I really hope these two don't come alive...

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Chance of random encounter as party examines the bodies is 1 in 6, checking... 1d6 ⇒ 4 nope!

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6


Male HP 117/117 |AC 28/28/FF18 | F+6/R+18/W+11 | CMB +0 | CMD+31 |init +8 | Perc + 24| Insp 16/16 | Hero Points 2/5 Irish Sprite [Outsider] Investigator - Psychic Detective [L14]

Perception 10+25=35

Lord P spots the key and takes it,

"We just need the other pearl"

He says.

HP 58/58 | AC 13 | F +6 R +4 W +9 | perception (darkvision) +1, initiative +1 | active effects: --

Alexei looks over the piscodaemon's carapice to assess its condition, and suitability to be sold as a novelty or crafted into armor.
appraise: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31

"And some way to travel to land safely..." the rabbi retorts, unhappy to see the sprite emerge from the now empty chest without offering any report of its contents.

I got a decent enough look at the top of the pile to have some idea what was in there but if it hides something from the bottom I'll be hard pressed to notice...

also, it seems like you're telling us about all the magic stuff but just to be safe I'm going to keep detect magic running whenever we're not actively in combat.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Alexei Orlovsky wrote:

Alexei looks over the piscodaemon's carapice to assess its condition, and suitability to be sold as a novelty or crafted into armor.


Alexei thinks it could have value toward crafting a suit of unique and demonic magical armor, providing 6,000 gp toward the material costs of a suit of demon armor...

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Alexei Orlovsky wrote:
also, it seems like you're telling us about all the magic stuff but just to be safe I'm going to keep detect magic running whenever we're not actively in combat.

On examining the fragment of the Mirror of the Multiverse, have Alexei roll a Spellcraft check...

Spellcraft DC 30+:
This is one-fifth of the Mirror of the Multiverse, a potent artifact of divination and conjuring magic. Once per day, it can be used to cast scrying (caster level 20th).

HP: 45/48| AC: 16 FF: 16 Touch: 10 CMD: 14| Init: +0|Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +11| Perception +14|

Habiba poses a question to her companions.

"It is risky, but I could cats my consciousness into the repository of all knowledge and hopefully come up with answers to our predicament. The casting of this spell is lengthy, however: 10 minutes, with an additional time constraint on finding my information. Would this risk be acceptable?"

Grand Lodge

Male Skinwalker Shifter 13/Monk 1; 224/224 HP; Init +8; Perception +21; Low Light Vision; Scent; [AC 30][Touch 19][FF 28]; [Fort 19][Reflex 16][Will 13],[CMD:43, vs grapple 45], [Minutes of Minor Aspect 17/17], [Hours of Major Aspect 17/17]

"Hssss.hsssss" Zag, Tell Habiba that we can stand guard while she delves into the unknowns...

Johann begins circling around her.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Habiba Al-Sahim wrote:

Habiba poses a question to her companions.

"It is risky, but I could cats my consciousness into the repository of all knowledge and hopefully come up with answers to our predicament. The casting of this spell is lengthy, however: 10 minutes, with an additional time constraint on finding my information. Would this risk be acceptable?"

Assuming Habiba casts akashic record while the others stand guard...

Habiba's glimpses...:
At the center of the city is a round island surrounded by the inner canal. Here towers the royal palace of Atlantis, carved by Poseidon from a lone mountain peak. Atop the highest spire of the fabled palace rests the Pyramid of Kronos, a fabulous vessel capable of journeying not only across vast gulfs of space, but also through vast oceans of time! Here at the royal palace, Atlas, the son of Poseidon, ruled over Atlantis until its cataclysmic downfall... Now, it is contested by strange and terrible monsters of the briny deep!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP 117/117 | AC 24* (t17/ff24*) | CMD 31 | Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +8 | Perception +13 (darkvision 60'); Sense Motive +1; Initiative +2 | active effects: --

When the snake finishes hissing the orc offers, ”Bear says we can watch while you dig into your...unknowns.”

Male HP 117/117 |AC 28/28/FF18 | F+6/R+18/W+11 | CMB +0 | CMD+31 |init +8 | Perc + 24| Insp 16/16 | Hero Points 2/5 Irish Sprite [Outsider] Investigator - Psychic Detective [L14]

Lord P stops the party.

"Gather round one and all, lank hands and make a wish, for I will grant ye water breathing longer than thous weak bottle of brine"

for all that do lord P will cast 'water breathing' which gives 16 hours of water breathing / number of subjects who link hands.

Changeling Witch(Tatterdemalion)14th|HP:85|AC:21(23)(T:14FF:18)|F:+7|R:+9|W:+16|SR:20| CMD:18|CMB:+8|Init:+2 Per:+18|Spear:+9(+8), Claw:+7,Dagger:+7,Sling:+10,Cestus:+7|Spells:0-4,1-7,2-7,3-7,4-6,5-5,6-4,7- 3

Moves to take Lord Ps' hand. She smiles and looks at the others.

"We should take time to check a few of these places to see what we can find. It's not a very great plan but it might be the only plan we have should other means fail" She says as Kiku moved down to rest in between her breasts.

Dark Archive

Male Medium Human Cleric 10 | HP: 47/99 | AC: 24/23 | F: +15, R: +16, W: +21 | Dec/Itm/Perf +16, Lore/Soc +15, Dip/Rel/Per +19, Med +21| Speed 25ft | Hero Points 3/3, Focus 1/1, D Font 3/5, Heal 0/1 SL 1/1| Active Conditions:

The Cardinal claims the necklace from the Marid's neck and then nods his thanks to the Fey Lord. "With this I will have no need of your spell, but my thanks Sir." He removes his amulet, a rugged lump of what seems to be hardened tree-bark and replaces it with the necklace, sighing slightly in relief as fresh air appears around him.

That done he examines the bodies with the clinical eye of one trained in healing.

Heal: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
Heal: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

"These two creatures died in battle with each other." He concludes. "Although the marid did not strike the final blow against this demon. She must have had allies."

He makes the sign of the cross above the genie-kin. Requiescat in pace.

Stat lines suggest everyone is at full health. That accurate or do people need the heals?

female Human Unchained Rogue 11th/Samurai[Warrior Poet] 3rd HP:152|AC:32(t:22,ff:22)|F:+11|R:+15|W:+11|CMD:25|CMB:+12|Init:+4 Per:+23(+28)|Dagger+16/+11/+6,Lgt Mace+15/+10/+5,Hvy Wrist Launchers+15/+10/+5,Cestus+15/+10/+5,Katana +16/+11/+6 Wakizashi +16/+11/+6

Ihrin takes someone's hand for the spell and raises a brow as she looks at those gathered. It was still dark here and she strained to see. Still, she was watching her eyes always looking for whatever sort of creature could be barreling down upon her and the others.

Goosebumps rose once again as she remembered some memories. Form when she wasn't sure as she found herself enjoying the cool breeze of the sea on her naked body, a few well-armoured men around her and others who seemed to enjoy food, drink and other things. She eventfully remembers enjoying all the beach had to offer, from food to the ocean's water and even the others at the beach. She shook the thoughts away and spoke.

"I say we get out of here while the getting is good" She says not wishing to remain in such unfamiliar waters, so to speak.

Changeling Witch(Tatterdemalion)14th|HP:85|AC:21(23)(T:14FF:18)|F:+7|R:+9|W:+16|SR:20| CMD:18|CMB:+8|Init:+2 Per:+18|Spear:+9(+8), Claw:+7,Dagger:+7,Sling:+10,Cestus:+7|Spells:0-4,1-7,2-7,3-7,4-6,5-5,6-4,7- 3

I believe I was hurt, let me check

I am down 3 hp

Dark Archive

Male Medium Human Cleric 10 | HP: 47/99 | AC: 24/23 | F: +15, R: +16, W: +21 | Dec/Itm/Perf +16, Lore/Soc +15, Dip/Rel/Per +19, Med +21| Speed 25ft | Hero Points 3/3, Focus 1/1, D Font 3/5, Heal 0/1 SL 1/1| Active Conditions:

Deal with it :P More seriously, I assume you can survive until you take a bit more damage! :)

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:

Lord P stops the party.

"Gather round one and all, lank hands and make a wish, for I will grant ye water breathing longer than thous weak bottle of brine"

for all that do lord P will cast 'water breathing' which gives 16 hours of water breathing / number of subjects who link hands.

Cardinal Lucius is wearing the necklace of adaptation and Zagathoth holds Crabpincer, granting both the ability to breath underwater, so that leaves six adventurers to divide Lord Perpireen's water breathing spell duration, so just about two hours and a half of water breathing per subject...

Changeling Witch(Tatterdemalion)14th|HP:85|AC:21(23)(T:14FF:18)|F:+7|R:+9|W:+16|SR:20| CMD:18|CMB:+8|Init:+2 Per:+18|Spear:+9(+8), Claw:+7,Dagger:+7,Sling:+10,Cestus:+7|Spells:0-4,1-7,2-7,3-7,4-6,5-5,6-4,7- 3

*Rolls Eyes* Ugh I guess I can, but this serious hangnail is annoying.. ;)

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Area 28:

Proceeding north from the domed structure, there is an obelisk that rises some 90 feet above the ocean floor, its surface graven with strange glyphs and covered with barnacles and algae.

Area 27:

North of the glyph-engraved obelisk stands a pair of adjacent structures of barnacle-encrusted marble, both with dark open doorways...

The first structure searched is empty of life or interesting objects...

The second structure contains much algae-covered debris, unidentifiable after millennia of undersea erosion. Nothing of interest is found here either...

1 in 6 chance of random encounter as the party exits area 27: 1d6 ⇒ 5 no encounter...

Dark Archive

Male Medium Human Cleric 10 | HP: 47/99 | AC: 24/23 | F: +15, R: +16, W: +21 | Dec/Itm/Perf +16, Lore/Soc +15, Dip/Rel/Per +19, Med +21| Speed 25ft | Hero Points 3/3, Focus 1/1, D Font 3/5, Heal 0/1 SL 1/1| Active Conditions:

The Cardinal casts the cantrip 'Pedicure' to remove Mwikali's hangnail.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Cardinal Lucius d'Borja wrote:
The Cardinal casts the cantrip 'Pedicure' to remove Mwikali's hangnail.


As the Knights Champions discuss whether to continue northward along the ring of raised land inside the outer canal to explore the ruins there, or to venture west toward the outer parameter and what appears to be another shipwreck, to the south, a mighty predator known as Sargasso the Sea Serpent, terror of sailors and aquatic humanoids indigenous to the Atlantic Ocean, homes in on the delectable scent of blood in the water around the wrecked Alanqilis...

Finding only unsatisfactory scraps of human meat in the water, the great Sargasso rumbles angrily and begins to track down the trail of blood that follows in the wake of the formidable Knights Champions...

Fresh blood... fresh meat... hungry...

HP: 45/48| AC: 16 FF: 16 Touch: 10 CMD: 14| Init: +0|Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +11| Perception +14|

Having awakened from her trance, Habiba excitedly relays what she was able to glean from the Akashic Record.

"A solution presents itself, and endless opportunities! At the center of the city, in the palace's highest tower, a vessel of unmatched potential awaits! If we can but slay what guardians it has, the Pyramid of Kronos can not only free us from these watery depths, but convey us any place we wish...and more interestingly any TIME we could desire. The possibilities astound! With the combined powers of the Pyramid and the Mirror, we could see all there is to observe in the world, and uncover the greatest secrets of the past! Perhaps even the future!"

Sated for the moment by their feast on ten sailors from Cordova at the wreck of the Alanqilis, the three monster megalodons swim lazily after the scent trail of blood left by the weapons of the Knights Champions...

They react with alarm when the Sea Serpent of Atlantis creeps up out of the gloom on their tail!

Sargasso blasts through the school of megalodons like a torpedo, asserting dominance over the apex predators at once!

Yous guys can eat the scraps when I'm done, ken me fat boys!?

Whatever you say, Sargasso... You're the boss!

The trio of megalodons fall into a school formation that puts the monstrous sea serpent at the point...

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Would the Knights Champions go west to check out the shipwreck at area 7 before continuing the exploration of structures to the east around the outer ring? Or would they make a beeline for the center to find the Pyramid of Kronos next?

Grand Lodge

Male Skinwalker Shifter 13/Monk 1; 224/224 HP; Init +8; Perception +21; Low Light Vision; Scent; [AC 30][Touch 19][FF 28]; [Fort 19][Reflex 16][Will 13],[CMD:43, vs grapple 45], [Minutes of Minor Aspect 17/17], [Hours of Major Aspect 17/17]

With our most recent spell cast on us, we have quite a bit of water breathing time. I vote to continue exploring.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Johann Kaltgeboren- Cobra! wrote:
With our most recent spell cast on us, we have quite a bit of water breathing time. I vote to continue exploring.

But where to next? The shipwreck (area 7), or to the next building on the outer ring (area 26)?

Changeling Witch(Tatterdemalion)14th|HP:85|AC:21(23)(T:14FF:18)|F:+7|R:+9|W:+16|SR:20| CMD:18|CMB:+8|Init:+2 Per:+18|Spear:+9(+8), Claw:+7,Dagger:+7,Sling:+10,Cestus:+7|Spells:0-4,1-7,2-7,3-7,4-6,5-5,6-4,7- 3

Mwikali looks at the others."More ships or should we begin our way into the interior.I personally vote for the interior as it seems the logical spot to find a faster way to the surface." she says casting her vote.

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