Michael Johnson 66 |

It takes all five scrolls of greater teleport to transport the large company of adventurers from Kyoto City to Rome in Italy, with a couple lay overs in the middle of the sea!
By evening of Wednesday 23rd January, around 5 o' clock, the champions arrive, sea-soaked and weathered, at the Palazzo D'Borja, just in time to bathe and dress for a delicious feast served by the Cardinal's staff...

Geisha of Flower Palace |

Japanese: Meiko... My name is Meiko... I was born in Kyoto twenty four years ago, in the autumn... You may call me Autumn in English, if you please! The liberated geisha smiles, excited about her newfound freedom and new lands and cultures to explore...
To Cardinal Lucius, in accented English: Cardinal Borjia Sensei, it would please me and honor me greatly to serve as part of your household servants, if it please you, master?
Bowing deeply to the elder Inquisitor, she adds: I will cook, clean, sew, massage your tired feet and temples, and sing songs of my homeland, if it please you, my lord...

Bishop Vitelleschi of Recanati |

Visiting the Holy Father in Rome, which he fought for during the Schism, the formidable fighting bishop of Recanati, Giovanni Vitelleschi, pays his respects to Cardinal Lucius D'Borja at his Palazzo the very night the Champions return to Rome. He attends the Cardinal's table, feasting on steamed lobster in drawn butter, filets of roasted zebra from Africa, and other choice dishes.
To Lucius: Your Grace, I thank you for your hospitality tonight, when you have so many unusual and exotic guests from afar! It pleases me greatly to attend your generous table at this fortuitous moment! It seems we have less than a moon's cycle before the dreaded fire dragon, Wormwood, falls upon our beloved and holy city of Rome. You have my assurance that I will be here to defend her against her enemies, with all the soldiers I can muster... with His Excellency, Duke De'Medici's generous financial contributions, of course...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

"Autumn it is." Ihrin looks over the girl and smiles."Normally I do not care to have a personal attendant, but I would love to have you become a member of my court.Also I will make sure you are educated in the court,Europe and more. If you wish" She says with a smile

Geisha of Flower Palace |

"Autumn it is." Ihrin looks over the girl and smiles."Normally I do not care to have a personal attendant, but I would love to have you become a member of my court.Also I will make sure you are educated in the court,Europe and more. If you wish" She says with a smile
[ooc]Oh, yes, my lady! I would be honored to serve in your court, and excited to learn the ways of your native land![/b]
Her smile changes briefly to a frown of consternation.
Oh... but just a few moments ago, I offered to serve in Cardinal Lucius D'Borja's retinue... If he will kindly excuse me from that offer, I should be glad to serve you instead, kind mistress...

Sir Landry of Orleans |

On the morning of Thursday, 24th January, around 10 o' clock, a raven delivers a letter to Cardinal Lucius D'Borja at his Palazzo in Rome.
To His Grace, Cardinal Lucius D'Borja,
From his grateful servant and brother in Jesus Christ, Landry D'Orleans in Marrakech
My dear Cardinal Lucius D'Borja,
I hope this missive finds you well in Rome. All is at peace here in Marrakech, and the Arena of Death has been renamed the Arena of Glory, and is being governed with more care and Christian benevolence than it was in the odious hands of the Turks. A considerable profit should be expected from the admission fees paid by these bloodthirsty Arabs to spectate the matches between free paid gladiators and criminals, monsters, and wild beasts brought in and purchased from hunters.
You will perhaps recall the circumstances that led to my captivity at the Arena of Death. I had been captured by Arab slavers after a failed expedition of my brother knights Templar to the fabled Mines of King Solomon. We had been ill-prepared for the horrors we encountered during that doomed expedition. I alone survived. But perchance a stronger expedition, better prepared and equipped, might prevail where we poor brothers of the Temple of Solomon failed.
For this reason, I am writing to you, and enclosing a map drawn by my own hand of the vicinity of those fabled and perilous mines. There is doubtless great treasure to be found there, enough to finance an army to quell the evil Church of Lucifer. But there be dangers as well, as I have born witness to. Be cautious, should you choose to use this map to pursue the quest that my poor fellow knights and I have failed at.
I am ever your faithful servant, Landry.
With this letter is a map, the OVERLAND MAP OF KING SOLOMON'S MINES, posted at the top of the board.

Michael Johnson 66 |

A Pathfinder adventure set in MJ66's Fairytale Earth circa 1437, for a party of 7 to 10 adventurers of 8th to 10th level!
Following the untimely death of Emir Zagathoth in Japan during the Champions' daring rescue of their fellow the Ogon Fox from the Ghost Tower of Flower Palace in Kyoto, Sir Landry of Orleans has become the de facto Emir of Marrakech, though he is not yet aware of this fact. In gratitude for being freed from captivity and saved from almost certain death in the infamous Arena of Death in Marrakech, and for the prestigious post of regent bestowed upon him in the Emir's absence, Landry has relented in his refusal to reveal what he knows regarding the location of the Lost Mines of King Solomon.
Landry has sent to Cardinal D'Borja a map of the vicinity of the mines, showing the locations of the pit that leads to the mouth of a treasure cave where King Solomon is rumored to have stored up great wealth taken from the mines, as well as the city of Loo, its Kraal, and various natural landmarks.
Will the Champions act upon this information, and quest for the Lost Mines of King Solomon?

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The Cardinal nods graciously to the pugnacious prepare, accepting the compliment to his table with grace. "It is always an honour to have an illustrious champion of Christendom at my table, my Lord Bishop. Rome will be well guarded in your hands. The Holy Father and the entire college gives thanks for your valor. I must introduce you my Lord to a dear companion of mine, Johann of the Black Forest. One of those who so recently aided me in defending our city against the forces of Hell in the catacombs. Also his friend the Ogon Fox, a wedlock of great prowess and good heart." The Cardinal stands and raises his glass. "To Bishop Vitwlleschi, Ogon Fox and Johann the Bear! Rome is blessed to have you all among us once more!" Lucius decides to gloss over the exact details of how his companions returned to the Holy City as not being appropriate to dinner time conversation.
It is only once the dinner has wound down that Lucius can finally bring his former companions to his study and talk en familie. He nods graciously to the young woman who offers him her services but when the princess of Wallachia makes her offer he nods and gives the young Trisha a pat on the shoulder. "You will have a place here if you need it child. My house will be enlivened by your presence."
He looks among the adventurers, his experienced gaze cutting through each of his former companions. "You are all welcome here, as long as you intend to aid our Holy City, but you must tell me. What has happened? What of the Pyramid? And where is Zahatjoth? The Rabbi? And Who sir, he asks, turning to Toshiro, "are you?"

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

"I understand that, and if he shall have you then I accept that. However, if he does I would still like you to be my personal attendant while I am in his house. I shall also train you to do more then just be a servant in his house. I shall make you capable to defend him and his house, to go out and root out those who wish him harm as well as administer to the day to day and his staff. I shall make you invaluable to him if he so chooses to keep you. if not I will make you have all this and more."She says smiling as she looks about.

Geisha of Flower Palace |

"I understand that, and if he shall have you then I accept that. However, if he does I would still like you to be my personal attendant while I am in his house. I shall also train you to do more then just be a servant in his house. I shall make you capable to defend him and his house, to go out and root out those who wish him harm as well as administer to the day to day and his staff. I shall make you invaluable to him if he so chooses to keep you. if not I will make you have all this and more."She says smiling as she looks about.
Sighing and smiling, overwhelmed with gratitude, Autumn bows to Princess Ihrin and to Cardinal Lucius D'Borja.
Surely, my fortune has changed! My ancestors smile upon me! Thank you, both!

Mwikali |

Mwikali leans over and whispers in Johanns' ear."What is a Bishop?"
After the meal, she speaks to the Cardinal.'Dead, the mighty Zagzagoth is dead, slain in the far east to dangerous denizens in the thrall of some wicked Lord King..." She pauses confused at what exactly the Shogun would be on this side of the world.
"The Pyramid and the Priest have left us, disappeared and confused by the power. As for the young man He aided us in saving Fox. As for us, we return with wealth and artifacts to aid us in our further journey. Which lead us back to you."She says with a smile as she leans in to look at the Cardinal.
"So care to aid us once more in freeing Rome and Africa. I mean who wants this Hell to come to earth?" She says her statues strong with her hands on her hips.

Michael Johnson 66 |

The mighty Knights of the Order of Champions have saved their friend, the Ogon Fox. Are they ready to save the world?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Johann "whispers"..."Mwikai, a bishop is a church man. I don't know who is more important than this one or that one, all I know is that the Cardinal is rich, the Pope is the most important, and they all outclass me."
During the conversation, Johann pipes up. "The whole affair of the Pyramid was one big mistake, Cardinal. Surely you were right. We lost the Rabbi over it, and then all becomes a black mess in my mind, and we woke on the shores of Japan with not a clue. Zag... poor Zag... I can't help but think he would still be alive had you been with us. You could have given him proper instruction in battle, as you used to. But you left, because of the Pyramid. How I wish we never found it! And ever since you left, and then the Rabbi, we have been leaderless. None of us here could lead like you used to, and the Rabbi could have been a leader, but he disappeared so soon after we met. I hope wherever our next destination is, you are happy to come with us and guide our path."

Mwikali |

'Pfft Speak for yourself Johann, I could have lead you" She says crossing her arms as she gives a look of superiority over the others confident in her ability to do so.

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”You had the chance! We all did! But we were like a boat without a rudder in Japan. Everyone running this way and that, all separated, no tactics, no commands, barely an idea between us. “
Johann conveniently leaves out that he was the one running everywhere.

Mwikali |

"And you ran off like a wild man, granted you were a bear but still. Otherwise, I think I did well" She said pointing at Johann before turning and cocking her head.
"That aside do you know you look incredibly cuddly as a bear! Like I imagine if I were to lay on your bear form it would be like laying on a giant fur-covered matress" She says with a smile

Mwikali |

She rolls her eyes and nods to her companion.
"Still you are an adorable bear Johann" She says giggling a bit before she gives a slight curtsy and relaxes.

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

"I am pleased to be back in Europe. I do hope we are not intruding on you too much Cardinal. I know we did not journey together long, but I hope out time apart has been fruitful for you and the preparations in the coming war with the Anti-Christ'She says looking at him in the eye. Not with a negative nature as the witch, but as she would any dignitary.
'I must ask if it would be alright for us to stay, and if I may be so bold, take advantage of your baths. I do know that the journey back was strange and we did tread water here and there.'[b] She says then pauses before she looks everyone over and then turns back to the Cardinal.
[b]"Seems we are in need of some better attire than we currently have, as ours are weather-worn and wet. Fresh clean garments are needed as well as a chance to clean and repair our old clothes. That is if you allow it." She says noting to not overstep her bounds. She may be a Princess but she was in the House of a Cardinal, and it was his home after all.

Saint Cecilia |

In the early hours of predawn darkness the morning of Thursday, 24th January, as the adventurers sleep in their beds at Palazzo D'Borja, the Ogon Fox is visited in his dreams by Saint Cecilia, who banishes his nightmares of jorogumo with a calming smile and a sweet song, accompanied on her harp.
When her hymn of praise ends, she smiles at Fox/Toshio Okumura, and says: Do not neglect the Emperor's commission, good Fox! Your talent deserves recognition, and the Dame of Griffons still awaits its completion...
Then, she fades away, and Fox awakens.

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Johann gives Mwikali alarmed looks as she speaks of his bear fur...I am a little....scared... of this one...
The next morning, upon directions of the Cardinal, who frowned continuously as gave them, Johann heads out to a rather dingy hovel well off the main streets of Rome, to find an old woman with the local reputation as an enchantress.
She cackles..."Hee hee heee! Good sir, it is what I do! My magic is unpredictable though... It is never certain what will happen..."
She shrugs, and begins to conduct her magic.
Time passes...
She hands it back to Johann, and the amulet has a different aura about it. It is powerful, and there is... a fuzzy creature with wings on it, in place of the snake.
Odd.... What is this thing. Ahhh...not matter. I'm sure it will be JUST FINE.

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord P arrives in Rome and vanishes at once.
he is no ware to be seen, but when the meal is
just the known adventures. Then he pops back itno
sight, but only to wave at the cardinal before vanishing
once more

Abe no Toshiro |

And Who sir, he asks, turning to Toshiro, "are you?"
Toshiro nods politely to the Cardinal.
"I am Abe no Toshiro, of Japan. I believe the kami will me to be here, to help stave off your 'Armageddon'." he says, slightly stumbling over the still-unfamiliar word.
"I have heard you also speak for a god? It is nice to meet so many gaijin with proper respect for the spiritual. What we know of the outside suggested otherwise." he says, smiling.

Habiba Al-Sahim |

Habiba is polite, but cool to the Cardinal. She remembers the arguments that were made against the Pyramid, and still rejects them; only an outside force acting on them had proved the use of the device a poor idea. The fact that so many accepted that he was completely right using only results-based hindsight nettled her.
Still, they were all on the same side. They did not need to like each other to work together, but neither did they need to be hostile.

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Ihrin changes into more proper and formal clothes for her station. She limps instinctively on her cane as she meets with the others."I shall try and see what things I can find some nice tea and maybe coffee"

The Ogon Fox |

"If you would like, Fox-san, I can attempt to remove the foul magic that has seeped into your cloak. At least long enough for it to be removed."
Sorry, I didn't get a post in! But I would like to do this, please.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"Cardinal Lucius, it is very good to see you again. When you have a moment, will you receive my confession?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I do want to roll an Artistry (musical composition) check to work on that commission--but I'll wait until it's confirmed if we have successfully removed the Irish Farewell from my shoulders, since I do get a penalty on skill checks from that. I don't know if it's a sure thing that remove curse allows me to take off the cloak or if there is a caster level check involved.

The Ogon Fox |

"Habiba, I would like you to have this armor." He hands over his chain shirt, which is fashioned from mithral and further strengthened by magical enhancement. "It is quite a fine piece of work, but I have changed, and I find it has become a hindrance to me. Truly, it is no loss to me to give it up, and I would desire that it provide for your protection rather than gain me some coin."
Removing the +1 mithral chain shirt from my sheet...

The Ogon Fox |

The Fox also pays a visit to the papal armory to return the scrolls of magic weapon, detect secret doors, and obscuring mist (2 of each) which went unused in his possession.

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"Of course Ogon." The Cardinal responds, leading his friend from the room. "I am glad to see you unharmed after this incident wiith the cape. I can arrange for divine aid to remove it if you need."
He hears the kitsune's confession professionally, and only asks at the end. "Is there anything else you want to say Toshiro? How are you after this?"
Lucius greets Habiba and Lord Peripeen in much the way they greet him, with cool politeness to Habiba and respect to the Fey Lord.
Once the Champions are all fed, rested and reclothed the Cardinal begs them all for a moment of their time before embarking on their shopping.
"I have heard of Zagathoth's death with great sadness, and it makes what I must say now even more important. Sir Landry, who was left regent of Marakesh, has written to me recently with detail of his orders attempt to find a great treasure - the Lost Mines of King Solomon. I have spoken to the Pope and even the Medici bank itself is spread thinly - more funds are needed to finish preparing the Eternal City for Wormwood. I propose that we set out, as quickly as may be, for the Mines - if Africa's guardian will permit it?" He says, a smile tugging at the edge of his mouth as he looks to Mwikali

Irish Farewell, cursed cape |

Abe no Toshiro wrote:"If you would like, Fox-san, I can attempt to remove the foul magic that has seeped into your cloak. At least long enough for it to be removed."Sorry, I didn't get a post in! But I would like to do this, please.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Cardinal Lucius, it is very good to see you again. When you have a moment, will you receive my confession?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I do want to roll an Artistry (musical composition) check to work on that commission--but I'll wait until it's confirmed if we have successfully removed the Irish Farewell from my shoulders, since I do get a penalty on skill checks from that. I don't know if it's a sure thing that remove curse allows me to take off the cloak or if there is a caster level check involved.
If Abe no Toshiro would like to try to remove the cursed cape first, go ahead. Should he fail, the pope himself will successfully remove the curse, allowing Ogon Fox to be rid of Irish Farewell...
Uh oh... Looks like me days on Fox's back be comin' to an' end...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Mwikali and Habiba probably know the most about contemporary African kingdoms. An overland journey to the region depicted in Sir Landry's map, which depicts a region in the Ethiopian Empire, starting in Marrakech, would take the expedition east along the north coast of Africa into Egypt, and then south down the eastern coast of Africa, through various unknown (to Europeans) kingdoms and tribal lands, into Ethiopia. Some information in spoilers below may or may not be known to the party...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Mwikali |

"When we get to Marrakesh I can ask around. I am sure when can get to the lands as for the tribes, we may need to find a local who can speak the language so we do not have to exhaust all our magical resources to interpret."She pauses and looks to the others.
"Remind me to make us some pieces of jewelry, such as an earring, or tongue stud to allow us to converse and understand each other."She says looking at the others noting that they all speak a variety of tongues but none of them seem to have all the same languages.
"Also those who are pale skinned may be at danger. Some tribes may try to kill you as you resemble some local deadly spirits."She finally stands to look at all those gathered, she held onto her spear and wore the corset with a fiery red number underneath her corset, with a raised collar.

Abe no Toshiro |

Abe no Toshiro wrote:"If you would like, Fox-san, I can attempt to remove the foul magic that has seeped into your cloak. At least long enough for it to be removed."Sorry, I didn't get a post in! But I would like to do this, please.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Cardinal Lucius, it is very good to see you again. When you have a moment, will you receive my confession?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I do want to roll an Artistry (musical composition) check to work on that commission--but I'll wait until it's confirmed if we have successfully removed the Irish Farewell from my shoulders, since I do get a penalty on skill checks from that. I don't know if it's a sure thing that remove curse allows me to take off the cloak or if there is a caster level check involved.
There's a CL check.
CL: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Habiba Al-Sahim |

"Habiba, I would like you to have this armor." He hands over his chain shirt, which is fashioned from mithral and further strengthened by magical enhancement. "It is quite a fine piece of work, but I have changed, and I find it has become a hindrance to me. Truly, it is no loss to me to give it up, and I would desire that it provide for your protection rather than gain me some coin."
Removing the +1 mithral chain shirt from my sheet...
"Thank you very much, Fox."
Edit: Oh, right, Knowledge checks. I don't have any of those but Arcana, so I'll Take 10 Arcana for a 28, then use my Mnemonic Vestment to scroll cast Akashic Communion. This lets me make three Kn. checks with a +10 insight bonus and I'm treated as Trained. I'll Take 10 on the DC 20 Geography checks and the DC 20 Nature check for a 26 each.
Habiba nods her head as her search of the immortal library is completed.
"Where we go is dangerous; we'll need to stop in places where enormous, prehistoric beasts and magical beasts of every shape and size are common. The Christians may be happy to note that the Ethiopians share your religion, however. Apparently their royal house is descended from Solomon, so maybe they can help us."

Irish Farewell, cursed cape |

The Ogon Fox wrote:Abe no Toshiro wrote:"If you would like, Fox-san, I can attempt to remove the foul magic that has seeped into your cloak. At least long enough for it to be removed."Sorry, I didn't get a post in! But I would like to do this, please.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Cardinal Lucius, it is very good to see you again. When you have a moment, will you receive my confession?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I do want to roll an Artistry (musical composition) check to work on that commission--but I'll wait until it's confirmed if we have successfully removed the Irish Farewell from my shoulders, since I do get a penalty on skill checks from that. I don't know if it's a sure thing that remove curse allows me to take off the cloak or if there is a caster level check involved.There's a CL check.
Abe no Toshiro succeeds in removing the curse, allowing the Ogon Fox to remove Irish Farewell!
Bugger it all! I be foiled by that oriental chap! What will ye do wi' me now!?

Lord Perpireen McGibel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Lord P goes around the Holy City seeing the high golden churches and wonderful arts on display. The Richly clothed priests and catholic cardinals with large groups of house hold staff moving about the streets. 1000s pf pilgrims and all the merchants and artisans selling all manner of wares. But then he was also shocked at the poverty he encounters. While the agents of the holy church walk around in Gold and silk, the underclass and poor, those with out a trade lived in dank rooms, sometimes whole families in a tiny space. Then there where the street children, sickly looking, there begging or Hurking what ever they can sell, even if the only thing they had was their own bodies. And then he came upon a sight, in a small back street, a man in a simple rob, was taking off his sandals, the only thing he seemed to own and gave them to the begging man who had nothing but rags and bear feet.
As the man in a simple robe walked away Lord P flow down close to him and unseen said from the shadows.
"You remind me of someone I once knew, long ago and far away. He wear clothes like yours and did as you did just."
The man he was looking at was not old, twenties by the looks of him. Dark hear grown eyes. Hamsun and well kept for all his poverty. he looked at where lord P was fluttering.
"Come out so I can see you, it dose not give a good impression to hid, You need not fear me I will do you now Harm"
Lord P flow close and made it so the man could see him.
"Are you a demon come to tempt me?
Lord P got this one a lot of late, but felt he needed to clear the air a little.
"No, I am someone who would know why you dress like that and do as you do?
The man nodded, he did not fear now he had seen the size of the being he was talking to.
"It's part of the vow we take when become monks, to honour the one who founded out order, Saint Francis of Assis, he who married the lady of poverty and his work to Honour our lord and Saviour."
Lord P was non pulled.
"I do not know this Francis, I was talking the another, but you say this Francis founded your order, so you are a Monk then?
The man nodded.
"Yes of the order of Franciscans"
Lord P landed on the ground.
"Why did you give that poor human your Footware?
The man smiled
"Because he had none and I had nothing more to give."
Lord P look hard at the man to see if was joking. Then seeing he was not said.
"And IF you had more, would you and your fellow monks help those most in need within this city?"
The man nodded.
"It is our way yes, to do as our lord and savour did in his life on this earth"
Lord P chuckled at that,
"He would be pleased someone in this gilded city was carrying on his ways, here then keep doing his work"
Then with out hesitation, he pulled from his magic bag, another, plan but full. And left it on the floor. Then taking to the air he vanished once more. Then man in robes was nonplussed, by the odd visitation, bending down and reaching for the bag he opened it and with a shock saw it was full of coin and gems. He made the sign of the cross and bending his head said a payer of thanks for this gift. He ended with.
..Lord above you move in most mysterious ways, I am but a humble servant and shall do great good with this gift."
Lord P looked while he followed the Monk, until he got to his orders house safely and once there told the others monks of his visitation and miraculous gift. Happy they would use it to help the poor of Rome lord P went to join the others. As he did he said to the air.
"Now dose that at last pay for the wine?"
Lord P is giving ALL his wealth in Coin and gems to the Order of Franciscans to help the poor in the holy city of Rome. He is doing this to pay a debt from long ago"

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God |

Seated at the right hand of the Father in Heaven, Lord Perpireen's old friend, "The Little Rabbi", smiles down at the Fey Lord's generosity...
That should more than cover the wine, my tiny friend!
Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me...
When I was hungry, you fed ne...
When I was thirsty, you gave me drink...
When I was naked, you gave me your cloak...
When I was a prisoner, you set me free...
Now, enter into the home of my Father.
My tiny friend stores up his treasures here, in Heaven!

The Ogon Fox |

Abe no Toshiro succeeds in removing the curse, allowing the Ogon Fox to remove Irish Farewell!
Bugger it all! I be foiled by that oriental chap! What will ye do wi' me now!?
"We ought to destroy you once and for all so you trouble no one ever again! You're not fit to be a loin cloth!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"Of course Ogon." The Cardinal responds, leading his friend from the room. "I am glad to see you unharmed after this incident with the cape."
He hears the kitsune's confession professionally, and only asks at the end. "Is there anything else you want to say Toshio? How are you after this?"
"My suffering at the hands of the jorogumo was terrifying to me, Lucius. I am different now--I hope that our Lord is using that suffering to sanctify me, and that I am not changing into something worse than I was...I no longer feel the arcane power that I once wielded, but there is something that has replaced it. My people in Japan have a word, ki...I think I now have some ability to control this energy within me.

Friar Marco of the Franciscans |

The Church of Saint Francis of Assisi in Ripa Grande, Rome, built some two centuries ago by the Fransiscans, in a plaza in the Trastaverde area of the Eternal City. Shortly after Lord Perpireen's generous donation:
Friar Marco bursts through the doors of the small church, huffing and puffing from running three blocks while clutching a heavy sack of gold and jewels under his black robe...
Friar Luigi and several of the other friars, kneeling in prayer, glare at Friar Marco's un-monk-like volume and boisterous demeanor, reminding him to tone it down several decibles...
Friar Marco, softer: Sorry! Sorry, fellas--er, brothers... I'm just excited because--
The other friars place fingers to lips and make a downward patting motion with their other hands...
Friar Marco, whispering: Okay, okay, sorry... But wait til I tell ya! Look! He reveals the sack of treasure given to him by the little sprite... I was walking home from handing out alms in the market, and I stopped to give a poor, shoeless man in an alley my sandals... And a tiny angel of the Lord appeared to me, and asked why I have away my shoes... Actually, I cannot lie, my brothers... 'Twas no angel of Our Lord, but a fairy of the pagan past... When I told him that giving away my shoes was all I could do to help at the moment, he gave me this sack filled with treasure, so I could use it to help the poor of Rome!
The others smirk or roll their eyes until Friar Marco dumps a princely hoard of treasure onto the floor of the sanctuary! Then, the others leap up with looks of disbelief, before falling to their knees once more to shout: Hosannah to God in the highest! Praise the Lord! et cetera...

Pope Eugenius IV |

Friday, 25th January, dawns cold and blustery over Rome, bringing light flurries of snow during the predawn hours that melt away as the Sun rises into the sky, leaving the ancient cobblestones and rooftops of Rome damp with melted frost.
Around 10 o' clock in the morning, His Holiness Pope Eugenius IV sits in his office at his Papal Palazzo, penning a letter to Duke of Florence Cosimo De'Medici.
My dear Duke of Florence, Cosimo De'Medici,
I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. May Our Lord bestow every blessing upon you. Your continuing support and generous donations to Mother Church and to Rome shall never be forgotten! I know that the past several years have put your faithfulness and loyalty to the test, and you have never disappointed. I am aware that the Church and Rome owe you a great debt--I owe you a great personal debt for supporting me during the trials and tribulations of my flight from Rome, for it was your generous donations that financed Bishop Vitelleschi in his battles against my enemies, allowing my return to the Eternal City. You have my great gratitude.
I am writing to assure you that every effort shall be made to repay you for your generosity. I am not blind to the fact that your banks and personal fortunes have been greatly depleted by the recent donations you have made to fund our war against the minions of Satan. There is hope that we might be able to restore a goodly portion of your fortune, for our heroic Knights Champions will soon embark on an expedition to find and plunder the Lost Mines of King Solomon, said to hold vast wealth in diamonds and other ore. May God bless their venture, and may it prove fruitful!
With the blessing of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, and may peace be with you, His Holiness Pope Eugenius IV
Having finished and signed the letter, Eugenius stamps it with the Papal Seal in red wax, and hands it to a page, who runs off to have it delivered at once to Duke of Florence.

Antichrist Nero |

Friday afternoon, 25th January, in the secret subterannean lair of Nero Antichrist:
Gazing into a polished sphere of enchanted crystal resting on a demonic-looking stand of wrought iron shaped like a claw clutching the crystal ball, Nero Antichrist conjures up images, divinations that reveal the locations of both enemies and potential allies...
Routine attempts to scry the pope always fail, for His Holiness is powerful and well warded by divine magic against divinatory spying...
The Crusaders of the Catacombs are easier targets, but even they grow mightier and harder to scry upon...
Johann, please attempt a Will save DC 21 to resist being scried by the Antichrist!

Quinlan GM bot |

During the past few days, ever since he retired from active adventuring with the Crusaders of the Catacombs (right before their trip to Marrakech to overthrow the tyrranical Al'Haaq), Quinlan Ifrean the tiefling wizard has been busy working alongside famous alchemist and wizard, Nicolas Flamel, to formulate an alchemical flame retardant to treat the wooden structures of Rome with.
The two mages have succeeded in creating an effective fire retardant that can be mixed in water and applied to wood to make it fire resistant, but the problem they still face is formulating enough of the stuff in time for the Saint Valentine's Day Holocaust...
We need to recruit more alchemists, Master Flamel... We will never make enough of this stuff in time to be of any real help when the dragon comes...

Nicolas Flamel, alchemist |

During the past few days, ever since he retired from active adventuring with the Crusaders of the Catacombs (right before their trip to Marrakech to overthrow the tyrranical Al'Haaq), Quinlan Ifrean the tiefling wizard has been busy working alongside famous alchemist and wizard, Nicolas Flamel, to formulate an alchemical flame retardant to treat the wooden structures of Rome with.
The two mages have succeeded in creating an effective fire retardant that can be mixed in water and applied to wood to make it fire resistant, but the problem they still face is formulating enough of the stuff in time for the Saint Valentine's Day Holocaust...
We need to recruit more alchemists, Master Flamel... We will never make enough of this stuff in time to be of any real help when the dragon comes...
Fear not, my horn-headed apprentice! You forget, I hold zee Philosopher's Stone, an artifact with which all manner of alchemical miracles may be worked! I can use zee Stone to multiply matter, my boy! We shall have plenty of zee fireproofing ointment by zee time zee dragon comes...
Master Flamel pulls a silken pouch from inside a pocket of his robe of eyes and empties its contents into his palm--a lump of purest gold that shines with a golden radiance...
Zis is why I, Nicolas Flamel, am chief among alchemists, and why I am zee richest man in Paris, besides His Majesty zee Dauphin...

Michael Johnson 66 |

In truth, Nicolas Flamel was far richer than the Dauphin, because the King of France's coffers have been heavily depleted by the long wars against the English, and by tributes paid to the terrible fire dragon of Mount Vesuvius, Wormwood Conflagratius. Flamel was to the French monarchy what Cosimo De'Medici was to the pope.

Tringelda Dame der Greifen |

The beautiful Dame of Griffons finds the Ogon Fox in the courtyard garden of Palazzo D'Borja, sitting on a fountain basin edge and playing the beautiful opening chords of the processional march he is composing to fulfill the Emperor Sigismund's commission...
Oh, my dear Meister Fox, that is delightful. Is that the commission "your friend", Maestro Okumura, has composed for the Emperor? His Imperial Majesty will absolutely love it! I love it... It is so beautiful, so majestic... It is a musical expression of your noble spirit, my brave Meister Fox... I have been afraid for you, my love, ever since your departure to the East... I felt an oppressive premonition of doom and loss the morning you and your company departed for Marrakech... But Freya saw fit to deliver you safely back to my arms, as I prayed and made sacrifice for it!
She pounces upon Fox, passionately kissing him and embracing him...

The Ogon Fox |

The Fox quickly sets the organetto aside when he hears the voice of his Tringelda and springs up from his seat. "Do you like it? I am--" he starts to say, but is interrupted by the Dame's kiss. "I missed you, too," he says with a smile.
MJ, do you want to follow closely to how Artistry is outlined here (link)? If so, I think I would pick "Impressive Work" (DC 20) as the category I am trying to reach for this commissioned work. I can make that check (barely) by taking 10. And it would take...a week plus two days of work to complete. That's assuming the full 8-hour (non-adventuring) work day, etc. Also, I need to pay 12 gp and 5 sp for materials, etc. And then when it's complete that's supposed to earn a commission fee of 50 gp. All that sounds like pretty small stuff compared to the levels of wealth that 9th level characters are dealing with, but then it's not my goal to add a meaningful amount to my wealth--this is for story. =)

Tringelda Dame der Greifen |

The Fox quickly sets the organetto aside when he hears the voice of his Tringelda and springs up from his seat. "Do you like it? I am--" he starts to say, but is interrupted by the Dame's kiss. "I missed you, too," he says with a smile.
MJ, do you want to follow closely to how Artistry is outlined here (link)? If so, I think I would pick "Impressive Work" (DC 20) as the category I am trying to reach for this commissioned work. I can make that check (barely) by taking 10. And it would take...a week plus two days of work to complete. That's assuming the full 8-hour (non-adventuring) work day, etc. Also, I need to pay 12 gp and 5 sp for materials, etc. And then when it's complete that's supposed to earn a commission fee of 50 gp. All that sounds like pretty small stuff compared to the levels of wealth that 9th level characters are dealing with, but then it's not my goal to add a meaningful amount to my wealth--this is for story. =)
I am so sorry, Maestro! I didn't mean to interrupt your work! I just had to see you again, and tell you that I am glad you came back to Rome alive and in one piece! I had such terrible, um, what humans call nightmares, during my reverie these past few nights... Spider-ladies wrapping you up in their silken sheets, and... I cannot bare to speak of it! She kisses the Fox again, then removes herself from his arms.
But your work for His Imperial Majesty is more important right now than the silly lovesick ramblings of an elf dame like me! Hahaha! Please, continue... she adds, gazing fondly, seductively, at the Ogon Fox...
Michael Johnson 66 |

The Fox quickly sets the organetto aside when he hears the voice of his Tringelda and springs up from his seat. "Do you like it? I am--" he starts to say, but is interrupted by the Dame's kiss. "I missed you, too," he says with a smile.
MJ, do you want to follow closely to how Artistry is outlined here (link)? If so, I think I would pick "Impressive Work" (DC 20) as the category I am trying to reach for this commissioned work. I can make that check (barely) by taking 10. And it would take...a week plus two days of work to complete. That's assuming the full 8-hour (non-adventuring) work day, etc. Also, I need to pay 12 gp and 5 sp for materials, etc. And then when it's complete that's supposed to earn a commission fee of 50 gp. All that sounds like pretty small stuff compared to the levels of wealth that 9th level characters are dealing with, but then it's not my goal to add a meaningful amount to my wealth--this is for story. =)
Yes, we'll stick to RAW for the composition, and yes, for the story, more so than for the income lol... So 9 days of composition means you will have it finished on 3rd February, eleven days before the Holocaust. Then, you can go to the Lost Mines on the 3rd or 4th of February, giving ten days to find the treasures of King Solomon, gain experience and prowess, and return to defend Rome against the dragon.

The Ogon Fox |

The Fox looks into Tringelda's eyes and sees the suggestion there. He begins to smile as he thinks of how wonderful it would be...but then in his mind's eye he sees a flashing vision of the jorogumo! He cannot quite suppress the shudder that runs down his spine.
"I'm sorry, Tringelda...I have not yet entirely recovered from my experience in the East. I...I need some time."
"But, wait! Don't leave. Please, if you would simply sit with me for a while. Perhaps you could assist me with my composition?" he pleads.