Monster of the week

Game Master Meetch

Averting the apocalypse in the sleepy town of Spinethorn, MA.

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Charm +2 | Cool +1 | Sharp +1 | Tough 0 | Weird -1 | Luck 7/7 | Harm 3/7 | XP 1

Spinethorn sounds great. It's got that air of "Why the hell would anyone live in a place called Spinethorn?"

Charm +2 | Cool +1 | Sharp +1 | Tough 0 | Weird -1 | Luck 7/7 | Harm 3/7 | XP 1
Allison Quinn wrote:
finally: *Quietly likes Stephen King in the corner*

*also stands in the corner, facing in, like the guy at the end of the Blair Witch Project*

Charm -1 | Cool +1 | Sharp 0 | Tough +2 | Weird +1 | Luck:○○○○○○○ Harm:●●●■●○○○ 1-Armor(holy) Experience ■■□□□

No worries, it's a big corner.

I made the mistake of watching Castle Rock with my wife, and then spent two weeks watching every SyFy mini series based on a napkin Stephen King blew his nose with. She's a fan.

I like Dreamcatcher, Kubrick's The Shining, and to a lesser extent It, but I could have been spared Thinner or *groan* Under the Dome.

I've started but never finished several King novels.

Spinethorne sounds great.

Cold open is posted in gameplay!

Charm -1 | Cool +1 | Sharp 0 | Tough +2 | Weird +1 | Luck:○○○○○○○ Harm:●●●■●○○○ 1-Armor(holy) Experience ■■□□□

I don't mind if you never indicate if an answer is relevant to an episodic mystery or a seasonal mystery. Just so long as it's a piece to a puzzle somewhere.

My grandma once gave me a collection of five puzzles that had the pieces of a sixth puzzle mixed into them. It was neat trying to figure out what the sixth puzzle was without a box cover.

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(0 harm, 0/7 luck spent) Initiate 1.0 (Charm +1, Cool -1, Sharp +1, Tough +0, Weird +2)

Sorry for being super late with all this...the last week has been nuts.

1. What is your organization called?

The Collectors. (There's a formal name, but it's in Latin and quite a mouthful. If you're not a member, it's the Collectors.)

2. Are they global or just national?


3. Where do they store the artifacts you collect?

Arianne's never seen one of the vaults in person, but the New England one is supposedly underneath one of the buildings in Harvard.

4. Who is your main contact?

His name is Chris; I know he coordinates efforts among a few other members in the area as well. He's based out of New Hampshire, so I don't see him in person that often.

An ex-member of the Sect, but still friends. Ask them why they left or got thrown out.

So, why'd the "sequester dangerous magic" cult kick you out? Were you holding back? Misuse something? Or did you leave on your own?

You fought together when the tide of monsters seemed unstoppable. Ask them how it went.

Friends, but they first met you under your cover
identity, and learned about the Sect later. Ask how they feel about that.

Allison's day job is a counselor/therapist, or we could've met in a hobby of some type, your call.

You met researching mystical weirdness, and you’ve been occult comrades ever since.

Charm -1 | Cool +1 | Sharp 0 | Tough +2 | Weird +1 | Luck:○○○○○○○ Harm:●●●■●○○○ 1-Armor(holy) Experience ■■□□□
Arianne Edwards wrote:


You fought together when the tide of monsters seemed unstoppable. Ask them how it went.

"Gotta get those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers! -and before you even say something, containing your enemy isn't the same as defeating them. They don't say, 'all hail Sun Wukong, Sage Equal to the Heavens, container of the armies of the Jade Emperor.' People don't respect that. Next time we do it my way."

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Charm -1|Cool +1|Sharp +1|Tough 0|Weird +2 Luck 7/7|Harm 3/7
Arianne Edwards wrote:


An ex-member of the Sect, but still friends. Ask them why they left or got thrown out.

So, why'd the "sequester dangerous magic" cult kick you out? Were you holding back? Misuse something? Or did you leave on your own?

look, I was gonna give that Hand of Glory back. I just needed to borrow it for a ritual. just a simple summon and bind type deal, how was I supposed to know there was already something inside it. And even then, I killed the demon, No harm no foul and all that, and frankly, this is starting to feel kinda draconian.

Charm -1 | Cool +1 | Sharp 0 | Tough +2 | Weird +1 | Luck:○○○○○○○ Harm:●●●■●○○○ 1-Armor(holy) Experience ■■□□□

Next week I'll be traveling for work. Don't know how it might effect my posting.

Sorry, holiday week has been nuts. Should get a post up tomorrow.

Charm -1 | Cool +1 | Sharp 0 | Tough +2 | Weird +1 | Luck:○○○○○○○ Harm:●●●■●○○○ 1-Armor(holy) Experience ■■□□□

Doh, I forgot I've got holy armour. >.< Dang ol' holiday season. Does that change anything? Does dragonscale armour protect against shadow sips?

Two harm instead of 3.

Hi everyone. My wife is giving birth today. I'll be around during the morning/early afternoon today and then basically vanish for most of the rest of the week. Sorry if that wrecks the great momentum we have going on right now.


Thank you!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Charm +2 | Cool +1 | Sharp +1 | Tough 0 | Weird -1 | Luck 7/7 | Harm 3/7 | XP 1

Life always comes first. :)

Congratulations, and my best wishes for everyone to be healthy and happy.

Sorry, weekend busyness has spilled into the week :p I'll hopefully get a post up tomorrow.

How do people feel about maybe migrating the game to Rolegate? It’s a pbp site that’s quite good

1. Easer to use on mobile
2. No way to cheat the dice
3. Not blocked by my work firewall
4. Slightly more stable than Paizo
5. Better character sheet interface
6. Email notifications when the game progresses


No objections. I checked the site out at one point, most of the games there seemed to have a much higher posting rate than I can manage and I couldn't figure out if there was an equivalent of the "recruiting" forum/thread, but if we're migrating this game there neither of those will be a problem.

Ok. I’ll make a password protected game (password spinethorn) and give everyone until the end of the week to join, otherwise I’ll open spots to everyone


Charm +2 Cool +0 Sharp +1 Tough +1 Weird -1 | Luck 7 | Harm xxx|oooo | XP 4

Sorry for the delay, I hardly had time to think about the situation in the game. I'll try to respond soon on the Rolegate game.

We can play on Paizo instead. We’d rather play with everyone than move to the new platform. Shout out, let me know if you’re still interested!

[Sheets] [Map]

Having trouble with my account on rolegate. That and holidays... sorry.

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