GM Nomadical's Show Must Go On

Game Master Nomadical

Show Must Go On slides

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

Three players so far, but we'll wait to see who joins from the other session to decide if/when we open for recruitment.

In the meantime, please let me know:

Have you GM'd or played this quest #20 Dacilane's Academy Show Must Go On)?

Has this character played or gotten GM credit for either #4-16 Dacilane Academy’s First Great Prank War OR #3-18 Dacilane Academy’s Delightful Disaster?

Has this character played or gotten GM credit for any other Dacilane Academy scenario?

As much as I would like to, I don't want to count on finishing before Outpost starts on 2 March, so please plan accordingly for character selection.

Radiant Oath

[R] Male Venomtail Kobold Outwit Ranger 3 / Pirate | Sailor | HP 42/42 w Toughness, AC 20 w Studded Leather Armor (+1 vs Prey’s Attacks; +2 w Steel Shield raised or ↺ Command vs water creatures; ↺ Cringe), Fortitude** +8, Reflex** +11, Will** +7, Perception** +7 (darkvision), Stealth* +9 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions --- | ◆◇↺

Dotting in.

I have not played nor GMed this quest. This character does not have a chronicle for S04-16 and S03-18, or any Dacilane Academy scenario.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Checking in.

Have not played or GM'ed this quest.

Depending on what tier, I could bring a PC with player credit to 02-09 (Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy). I have played the other 2 Dacilane scenarios but both PCs are out of range for this quest (04-16 is a 3-6 IIRC).

No worries on outpost. :)

Horizon Hunters

Gourd Leshy Kineticist 3 HP 44 | AC 18 | F +11 R +9 W +8 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7

Hi! Jack hasn’t played any Dacilane scenario. Never heard of this one until you mentioned it.

Verdant Wheel

CG Woodland Elf Druid 2 HP 22/22| AC 17/19 | F +4 R +5 W +10 | Perc +8 | Stealth +1 | speed 30 ft. | Active Conditions: --- | ◈ | ◇ | ↺ | Focus Spells: 2/2

Checking in. Have not played nor GMed this one. Melenia has not played any scenarios or quest relating to Dacilane Academy.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

Gameplay thread is open so you can dot-and-delete, or introduce yourselves as needed.

Please sign in to the RPGChronicles sheet so we can see tier and CP, then we'll get started.

Break a leg, as they say in the theater!

Grand Archive

Explore ➤ Search | Vishkanya (he/him) investigator 2 | ♥️ 24/24 | AC 19 (20) | F +4 R +9 W +7 (+1 vs. mental) | Resist: cold 1, electricity 1 | Perc +7 | Stealth +8 | 25 ft | ☘️ 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: investigation ("What caused the accidents?",)

Have you GM'd or played this quest #20 Dacilane's Academy Show Must Go On)? No

Has this character played or gotten GM credit for either #4-16 Dacilane Academy’s First Great Prank War OR #3-18 Dacilane Academy’s Delightful Disaster? No

Has this character played or gotten GM credit for any other Dacilane Academy scenario? No

Radiant Oath

2396852-2004 | NG Male Wellspring Gnome Entertainer Sorcerer 4 | Maestro Bard Dedication | Spells: -/3/2 | Focus: 1/1 | ◈◇↺ | HP 40/40 | AC 17 (18 w/Shield) | F/R/W: 8/7/9 | Perc +7 low-light | 25 feet | Class/Spell DC 20 | Hero Point: 1/3 | Exploration Activity: Detect Magic | Performance (Comedy): +11, Deception/Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +10, Nature(E): +9, Medicine/Occultism: +7, Acrobatics, Lore (Herbalism/Theater): +5 |

Froggy here. Sam's a bit busy so I thought I'd drop in and see my friends at Dacilane Academy again.

I have not played this quest at all.

I have played 04-16 and 03-18 but not with this character.

I have played Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy (02-09) with this character.

4 glyphs to share. :)

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

Alrighty, we've got tickets and a full house, so let's open the curtain and get this show started!

A level 4, a pair of 3's and a pair of 2's puts us at 20 CP, in the bottom of the high tier with no level bumps.

Gnimish hands out a shiny coin to each of the other party members, so everyone starts with 2 hero points.

Lastly, cause I forgot to ask, does anyone have any special always-on abilities that I need to account for like trap finding, etc?

Grand Archive

Explore ➤ Search | Vishkanya (he/him) investigator 2 | ♥️ 24/24 | AC 19 (20) | F +4 R +9 W +7 (+1 vs. mental) | Resist: cold 1, electricity 1 | Perc +7 | Stealth +8 | 25 ft | ☘️ 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: investigation ("What caused the accidents?",)

Just the sometimes there investigator's Pursue a Lead bonus that only the GM knows if it should apply.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2004 | NG Male Wellspring Gnome Entertainer Sorcerer 4 | Maestro Bard Dedication | Spells: -/3/2 | Focus: 1/1 | ◈◇↺ | HP 40/40 | AC 17 (18 w/Shield) | F/R/W: 8/7/9 | Perc +7 low-light | 25 feet | Class/Spell DC 20 | Hero Point: 1/3 | Exploration Activity: Detect Magic | Performance (Comedy): +11, Deception/Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +10, Nature(E): +9, Medicine/Occultism: +7, Acrobatics, Lore (Herbalism/Theater): +5 |

btw, GM, just so you know -- my 03-06 during outpost is a formal eval game. Thanks for being part of the milestone :)

Grand Lodge

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The Show Must Go On!
Gnimishmeijinomu wrote:
btw, GM, just so you know -- my 03-06 during outpost is a formal eval game. Thanks for being part of the milestone :)

GAH! That should have required a disclosure beforehand! Now I'll have to bring my most broken and complicated character for you to adjudicate around.

Kidding. Glad to help. Nice start though. I'm going to have to [s]steal[/i] be inspired by your intro posts. They're nice and succinct and cover pretty much everything.

For those wondering, there's no "senior agent" in the published scenario. It was just a way to get you to do intro's if needed without having J already in the mix. I like to open my Gameplay thread with something that gives the players a place to do intros. I hate opening the thread blindly and getting the standard post "In the darkest corner of the bar, the swarthy elf sits unnoticed sipping his ale until he introduces himself." Then it turns out the scenario starts on the deck of a ship. It's too jarring and disconnected for me. Though at other times, the writer just jumps right in with a wall of exposition dialogue from the VC as they did here. So "she" was just there to liven up the opening post a bit.

Amestra Veen is my highest level PF1 character.

Horizon Hunters

Gourd Leshy Kineticist 3 HP 44 | AC 18 | F +11 R +9 W +8 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7

Hey Schek, how do you feel about friendly fire? I might area-effect this swarm

Radiant Oath

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[R] Male Venomtail Kobold Outwit Ranger 3 / Pirate | Sailor | HP 42/42 w Toughness, AC 20 w Studded Leather Armor (+1 vs Prey’s Attacks; +2 w Steel Shield raised or ↺ Command vs water creatures; ↺ Cringe), Fortitude** +8, Reflex** +11, Will** +7, Perception** +7 (darkvision), Stealth* +9 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions --- | ◆◇↺

No problem, go ahead.

Grand Lodge

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The Show Must Go On!

Just so everyone knows, we're waiting for Gnimish. I'd rather not bot him, as he specifically said, "A spell comes to his lips but he hangs back until he finds a target..." I don't know what spell, and the tactical situation may have changed his intention anyway.

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