Meetch's page
708 posts (3,931 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 15 aliases.
I've been out on vacation with limited access to email. I'm back now!
I love Ravenloft so much. I'm super in.
Have you looked at Rolegate at all? I like it much better than the Paizo boards so far (but I'll play a DW/Ravenloft game anywhere).
We can play on Paizo instead. We’d rather play with everyone than move to the new platform. Shout out, let me know if you’re still interested!
Ok. I’ll make a password protected game (password spinethorn) and give everyone until the end of the week to join, otherwise I’ll open spots to everyone
How do people feel about maybe migrating the game to Rolegate? It’s a pbp site that’s quite good
1. Easer to use on mobile
2. No way to cheat the dice
3. Not blocked by my work firewall
4. Slightly more stable than Paizo
5. Better character sheet interface
6. Email notifications when the game progresses
Anyone alive out there? A demon monster is trying to eat Tom. It’s vulnerable but if you want to banish it you need to lure it away.
There’s a crackle of light around the staff and it drops harmlessly to the floor.
Sunny, I may have been unclear. Your staff is ACTIVELY ATTACKING YOU.
Meetch wrote: The cane bursts out of the shadowy goo and begins flying around and striking you 1 harm. You’re going to need to do something about this, quickly. You can't use it to attack foes. It IS a foe.
Sunny and Tom, take 1 xp each for your failures.
The shadow monster reacts to your struggle by squeezing MUCH harder. You feel the bone in your leg start to splinter.
However, before it can break Tom’s leg completely, it instead snatches Sean from the air with a new tenticle and flings him away.
Tom and Sean, share the 3 harm coming Tom’s way. 2 harm to Tom, 1 to Sean
You grip the cane tightly, trying to infuse it with your divine spirit.
Instead, you invite the shadow instead. The cane bursts out of the shadowy goo and begins flying around and striking you 1 harm. You’re going to need to do something about this, quickly.
You pierce the shade with ease, but you’re basically striking your spear into cement. That’s...bad for spears. The head chips a bit. It’s not broken, but it’s damaged.
What special material is the spear head made of? Who will be offended if they see its condition?
You bring the hammer down hard on the demon and it’s a bit like hitting a ziplock bag full of quicksand. You’ve damaged it for sure, but it doesn’t seem like it really has internal organs anymore.
It isn’t taking that beating without retaliation. A jet black tentacle lashes out from the demon and wraps around your leg, knocking you prone. You feel the tug as it starts to reel you in...
I don’t want to do another retcon. Let’s leave as is.
Two is way harder. We pay the older kids to babysit when we go out or run errands. Not the newborn obviously, but the toddler.
Thanks! I have seven other kids, so this is far from my first rodeo. We’re tired, but mom and baby are healthy and happy
I COMPLETELY missed that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. RETCON!
The bullet whizzes into the shadow monster and it...changes. It becomes more solid and less corporeal. If that makes sense.
It’s vulnerable to whatever you want to do to it now.
It works! The light falls to clear the shadow between you and Tom (who probably doesn’t live being called “boy”) but it creates an even larger shadow directly behind you. Four more shades pour out and rush out to you.
The egg is not the anchor, apparently. Must have been something else. The Bullet is a weakness but the bullet is in Tom’s gun, not yours
You can use the roll...but you're shooting at a monster that hasn't been tapped with his weakness yet, so something different happens
You fire your glock and the bullet goes into the shadow monster and then back at you like space bent within it.
Take two harm
With Allison's support, you leap over the shadows, but they stick like tar to your cane. You can spend some time trying to pry it back, or be without your walking stick until these things are destroyed.
Sean O'Halloran wrote: Sorry, I misunderstood that Sean was still being choked. When you mentioned turning the head to mist, I assumed that cultist was dead. Given that, Sean will likely fire again, attempting to free himself and kill the cultist, before doing anything else. You know what, that's my mistake. You're right. Sean isn't still in the grip of the cultist. You can take a different action.
Anyone want to assist Sunny? You run the risk of opening yourself to the dangers he faces BUT you can hype that from "Sunny leaps over them AND some complication happens" to "Sunny leaps INTO the shadows and bad things happen to him"
The egg is completely gone. For your purposes the monster is the shadow demon incarnation.
Your peach strikes Sean, healing him completely. He’s still getting choked though.
That’s when the shades leap out of the mundane shadows and advance upon you. Three of them, moving fast. What do you do?
Hi everyone. My wife is giving birth today. I'll be around during the morning/early afternoon today and then basically vanish for most of the rest of the week. Bot me if you have to!
Hi everyone. My wife is giving birth today. I'll be around during the morning/early afternoon today and then basically vanish for most of the rest of the week. Sorry if that wrecks the great momentum we have going on right now.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Hi everyone. My wife is giving birth today. I'll be around during the morning/early afternoon today and then basically vanish for most of the rest of the week. Bot me if you have to!
Hi everyone. My wife is giving birth today. I'll be around during the morning/early afternoon today and then basically vanish for most of the rest of the week. Bot me if you have to!
You swing your hammer into the shadow arm. It flows around it like liquid, splashing and moving around. You don't do any real damage, but it disrupted its clawing.
Allison, take 2 harm instead of 1 harm
Tom, do you want to spend your last hold to do 1 harm to the shadow monster or are you saving it for later?
Arriane, don't forget that you can cash in your Fortunes hold.
* Have a useful object ready.
• Be somewhere you are needed, just in time.
• Take +1 forward, or give +1 forward to another hunter.
• Retroactively warn someone about an attack, so that it doesn’t happen
Also, to everyone, don't forget that you can spend 1 point of luck to negate harm or take 12 on a roll. You can also "read a bad situation" and take +1 when acting on that information as long as its relevant. So far Arriane has +1 for anything around getting to the kids or avoiding the little shadow monsters that haven't yet appeared.
Sean, you turn the cultist's head into a fine red mist. However, it's not typically recommended to fire a shotgun at a target that close to you. You're covered in viscera and your ears as positively ringing. No harm, but it's going to be damn hard to hear anything for awhile. You're effectively deaf.
You’re so focused on the terrifying shadow demon incarnation and not shooting teenage captives that you underestimate the big cultist’s reach. For a man that size, he’s shockingly fast. His arms lash out and he grips you hard. He swings you into the side of the storage locker (2 harm) and pins you there. The veins bulge in his neck, but you notice he has normal human eyes. He’s starting to squeeze; you can breathe right this second but that’s a temporary situation.

The shorter of the two cultists smashes into the egg. Suddenly, the egg cracks and shrivels away.
The cultist who hit the egg shakes at his hands in horror. No...the incarnation! he mutters. Suddenly, his mouth opens impossibly wide and his jaw splits apart. The husk of his skin falls away and standing in its place is a shadow monster at least twice the cultist's original size. It looks like liquid shadow, flowing and oozing around a semi-solid frame. Its arms lash out, stretching to cover the distance between it and Allison. Its hands form into razor sharp blades that rake across Allison for three harm.
1. No one seems to be paying too close attention to the kids. If you can get the cages and chains unlocked you should be able to slip them out without incident...
2. The teenaged boy in the chains is closer to you than the cages. The chain doesn't seem terribly secure in the wall.
3. The lights are arranged in a similar way to the way they were in the manor. There are almost certainly Shades waiting to spring out and attack. There's no way to walk to either the cages or the chained boy without crossing through a shadow.
You could...but you only got a 9 unless I’m misreading. That said, the “forceful tag might do the trick.
You slide the door open, surprising the inhabitants inside. There’s a huge black egg in the center of the room, pulsing with a deep violet light within. It fills the center of large, ornate summoning circle. The two teens are in a cage, one is shackled to the wall with silver manacles.
Both cultists turn to look at you, but you have a moment before either acts.
The storage unit's door isn't locked. If it was locked they'd be trapped inside. The door is just closed.
You can view through the wall, whatever was blocking Allison's spell didn't effect you.
Inside the locker there are two cages, each one with a teenager locked inside. A third teenager is chained to the wall. They all look dirty and afraid. There are more of those worklights, four or five scattered around the room.
There are two more of those cultists in the storage locker, one about a head taller than the other. There's standing around...something. It's...it's hard to see what's in the middle of the room. It's like looking at vantablack, something so dark your eyes just glaze over it.
You're not too badly hurt. It went into you,but not through you. The blood stops after a little pressure.
You have to get in a lot closer and he swipes you for 1 harm. You manage drive the pocket knife into the cultist's neck.
Both the stabbed cultist and the one Allison flung into the storage locker fade away into shadow and mist. You don't know what happened to them to make them less than human...but at least you don't have corpses to deal with.
You’re hitting the cultist attached to Sean by spear with a sledgehammer?
Your blast, aided by Sunny, knocks the cultist into the side of a neighboring storage locker. He slumps in a heap on the ground, unmoving.
The remaining one is trapped on the end of the spear, helplessly grasping at the also impaled (but not punctured) Sean.
are you kicking ass with magic?
You come around the corner to this grisly scene. Neither cultist is engaging with you.
Good news: You hit the cultist. He shreaks in pain and releases his grip.
Bad news: You’ve run him through, and the spear stabs Sean for one harm. They’re both stuck on your spear.
What do you do?
You fling yourself in front of Tom and Sunny. The cultist that didn't strike Sunny was about to lunch into Tom, but it grabs you instead. Rather than the chilling blow that Sunny received, he instead grapples you with his unusually strong hands. You're trapped in his grasp.
What do you (or anyone else who can see this: Tom, Sunny, Arianne) do?
The opposite, in fact. Take XP
Sean, you try to move in at the same time as Sunny. Sunny takes the brunt of the blow, but when he collapses, he takes you down with him. Take 1 harm from the fall and let me know how you plan to get up without the cultists getting you.
You come around the other side to see the backs of two men attacking Sean, Sunny and Tom. Sunny is on the ground and is injured. From that angle, you have no deals about their black eyes or spooky voice synch.
No. That's what made the fence a good entrance. They can't see you, you can't see them. You'll have to follow Arianne or Sean and pick a side of the building.