randall793's Three Days to Kill

Game Master randall793

A remake of Penumbra's Three Days to Kill

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male Human (Varisian) cleric 2

Been quiet lately I don't want this to die.

Agree - think everyone's been busy of late, lot of other games (my own included) have slowed somewhat.

Give it time Wesh, we've hopefully many tales to tell with these guys yet :)

On a game direction note - could be that Randall is holding the bandits for later in levels? We should head back to town and see what our benefactors make of our efforts??

Would also give us a timely opportunity to do a head count (and if necessary) recruit new blood or revitalise old...

Hi. I have been quiet lately, rereading the pbp and making some notes here and there. I would like some suggestions on where would the party like to head on next, in terms of campaign since this is a sandboxy like environment.

- you've managed to complete the primary goal, that is disrupting Lucien's alliance.

- you're on his trail currently, based on rumors that his base is somewhere in this abandoned keep and is just about to start exploration.

Sometimes the forum doesn't give a heads up on new posts in the discussion and I've often missed large swaths of discussion. So I'm sending a heads up pm to each of you, reflecting a current update on the pbp.

Cool. Look forward to it DMRandall

Male Human Barbarian (Outlander- Zealot of Saxwyn)(CN)/3, HP 35/39: , AC: 16 , Saves: STR +6 CON +6, Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 14: Rage Remaining 1/2

Nice - after Lucien, it is! We need to put that red-headed bastard underground!

male Human (Varisian) cleric 2

I want to get him dead those bandits are annoying. This is a thread about tihs problem.campaign issues thread

Female Gnome Cavalier 2; Knight of the Shield

I have a 2-week trip to Italy coming up Saturday. I should have ready access to wi-fi for an occasional peak (and hopefully post) at the boards, but I doubt it will be a priority, as I am tour directing for our group. DM-PC as needed if there is too much of a delay.

Interest check here. Wondering as a DM with all the post delays and notification problems about, are you guys still interested in the campaign? There's still a few more surprises about in store.

Colour me still interested Randall... my first pbp and has a special place in me heart :)

This is my first pbp here too, I'd hope it'll stay alive.

Randall even if we've to recruit a few new bods (personally don't think it'll come to that) - Bethony is on a trip, but myself, Wesh & Hack are here still. Know Drayen is back able to play - perhaps hit him up and see if the Great Bear wants to return?

He does, actually, and I've been seeing how this campaign goes.

Wait... so the Great Bear O' The North may return???

Mighty if it happens...

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Björninn er aftur! Það fordæmdur álfur hafði besta opna þá Pointy eyru fyrir orðum mínum svo að hann græða öskra mína!

The bear is returned! That damned elf had best open those pointy ears for my words lest he earn my roar!

"Því miður þessi fordæmdur sits á Valenhall's hetja borð bróðir. Hann died a stríðsmaður dauði!"


Alas that damned elf sits at Valenhall's heroes table brother... He died a warriors death!

Too bad about the stuffy elf.

There seems to be some confusion in game. I know that I posted just before Randall. Skane posted in response to me and Siral seems to have posted off of Randall's last post. I hope that everyone is seeing all of the posts. =D

"Big Hairy Man"

P.S. I work 11 pm to 8 am CDT and make most of my posts during that time. Hope that works with the game flow.

Female Gnome Cavalier 2; Knight of the Shield

I'm back in the states, but not yet home (stuck with bad hotel and airport Internet till then). Had a good trip, but it will good to get back home. I will try to get read-up and back in the threads over the next day or two. Should be home and up to speed by Thursday night. Sorry for the posting gap.

Good to see Bjorne back.

The Exchange

Where is Rhianna? (If Bjorn is now here) Is there something I should know?

male Human (Varisian) cleric 2

Wow I did not see these posts.

As opposed to a happy reunion I plan to play Skane's attitude as one that's pretty hard nosed... Bjorn felled by an Ogre... Rianna lost... not to mention him picking love and the soft hearth of marriage over a reavr's life and hard steel... :)


I have updated the loot sheet for the recent items found.
MW Scimitar
35gp 85sp

Is there anything I missed?

There's a mass of mundane items at the first moathouse battle. But it's upstairs and only Krill took some items.

Dark Archive

Sorry for the delay in posting. I am not used to posting again yet and when my weekend started, I comletely forgot. Won't happen again.

Love Skane's attitude on the subject. Bjorn is going to be rather morose (and hopefully chastised by Skane's derogatory comments) until he feels he has exacted some kind of revenge. The consequences of straying from the good and proper path of reaving.

A couple of things...

I have heard several people mention that the boards are not dotting the threads and they have missed the goings on of the game. I have found that if you click on your name at the top of the site and then click on the name of your character for this game, you will have a tab that says "Campaign". If you click that tab, it will list all of the threads for the campaign and how many new posts there are in each thread. It saves me time having to search through many pages of the individual forums hoping to find a dot and lets me know which forums are updated and need my attention. I hope this can be of help to others.

The other thing is that I am leaving for Little Rock early Friday morning and most likely will not have access to update until late Sunday night or sometime Monday. (all times CDT) Please feel free to bot Bjorn during this time. He will just continue opening doors in a vain attempt to find Rianna (probably would go back up to the two doors near the stairs if they get through the current wall of doors).

Let me know who will run him and I will PM his abilities and tactics (he has a couple of surprises).

Look no further Brodir... I will run the Great She Bear once again if needbe :)

"Oh Skane... tusen takk for saving me... and who is this fine figure of a fighting man who calls himself Hack..."


Ah, Bjornhildr returns..

Dark Archive

Well, at least this time she's not trying to whore herself out to that demmed elf. ;P

Female Pure Strain Human Enforcer 1

Hello! I just want to apologize for dropping off the map without warning about nine months ago. This is my first day back after all sorts of stuff. I should have said so, and I apologize.

I don't need to be let back in to the campaign now, but I thought it best to just show up to say I'm sorry to everyone.

Rl throws us all kinds of curveballs and Drayen can testify that the doors ain't always closed :)

Guess it would be Randall's call, but regardless thanks for letting us know - hope all's well and welcommen bakk to the boards :)

male Human (Varisian) cleric 2

Apology accepted.

Male Human Barbarian (Outlander- Zealot of Saxwyn)(CN)/3, HP 35/39: , AC: 16 , Saves: STR +6 CON +6, Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 14: Rage Remaining 1/2


Shadow Lodge

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays.

God Yule to one and all gang. Looking forward to our continued adventures in 2013 :) Skal!

Hoping its not dead, but likewise I'm cool with a hiatus if Randall needs more time.

If for one would prefer to continue - as my first pbp its got a special place for me :)

male Human (Varisian) cleric 2

I sort of want it to continue but wonder if still having internet problems.

Female Gnome Cavalier 2; Knight of the Shield

We are here for when it goes restart. <Woof>

Male Human Barbarian (Outlander- Zealot of Saxwyn)(CN)/3, HP 35/39: , AC: 16 , Saves: STR +6 CON +6, Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 14: Rage Remaining 1/2

Indeed...but it does not look good...


Male Human Barbarian (Outlander- Zealot of Saxwyn)(CN)/3, HP 35/39: , AC: 16 , Saves: STR +6 CON +6, Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 14: Rage Remaining 1/2

If any of you are interested in an Evil PbP at Level 4, please check out Blood Knives and jump in the Discussion Thread. We recently lost some players and are looking to move forwarded with a very interesting game thus far.

Dark Archive

Shenkt "Hack" Corchran wrote:
If any of you are interested in an Evil PbP at Level 4, please check out Blood Knives and jump in the Discussion Thread. We recently lost some players and are looking to move forwarded with a very interesting game thus far.

Dow! We're up!

Male Human Barbarian (Outlander- Zealot of Saxwyn)(CN)/3, HP 35/39: , AC: 16 , Saves: STR +6 CON +6, Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 14: Rage Remaining 1/2

Drayen: I already asked Dow through PM, and he has too much on his plate, but you should definitely jump in...ASAP!

Dark Archive

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Shenkt "Hack" Corchran wrote:
Drayen: I already asked Dow through PM, and he has too much on his plate, but you should definitely jump in...ASAP!

Sorry, I can't do it without Abitan.

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