DM Alistair |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hello, everyone, newer GM here! After much diddling around I've decided to test the waters of pbp gaming scene. I've ran several campaigns in real life, but never online. I've decided to try my hand at running the Anniversary Edition of Rise of the Runelords!
I know from scanning through the recruitment pages this appears to be one of if not the most popular AP out there, and with it's unique and, dare I say, FUN story, I feel that this would be a good one to start with!
Right, now we need specifics, yes?
I'll be running the game fairly casually since life, you know? I want 1 post minimum a day Monday through Friday and 1 post over the weekends. This is all for fun, so try to make a character that just sounds fun to play, not necessarily one that is 'best' at what they do.
Firstly! - No 3PP! Don't even ask, please.
Point Build - Normally I would call for 15, but I want to try a truly epic game, so let's go with 25 points!
Races - All core plus Aasimar, Kitsune, Tengu and Tiefling. Alternate racial traits are fine, and the only major restrictions are as follow - Fey Thoughts is banned; Variant Aasimar/Tiefling abilities are barred, but Aasimar/Tiefling physical features are allowed and must be rolled (2 max); the Tiefling Qlippoth-Spawn are also banned for mostly aesthetic reasons.
Classes - All but Occult classes (I have no bearing on them). Archetypes are fine, though ask first, please.
Starting Wealth and HP - Starting wealth is max for class, as well as HP. Thereafter, HP is rolled.
Traits - Start with three, one being from the awesome and free Player's Guide, one from either the Combat, Faith, Magic or Social traits list (none of which may increase starting wealth), and one Racial Trait.
Alignments - No Evil.
Starting Level - 1st level.
Lastly! - A simple 5 to 7 sentence background outlining your character, why they are in Sandpoint (local, passing through, settling down, etc), that sort of thing. I will be picking 5 characters.
Recruitment ends December 15 at midnight (that is the midnight from Dec 14 transitioning to Dec 15).
Best of luck and can't wait to see the characters and such!
Edward Sobel |
ok this sounds promising.
now for the critical stuff.
You have no posting history here and there have been a large amount of new GM's recruiting and vanishing especially newer GM's
I don't want to lump you in with them, but are there any assurance that you will not bail within the first 50 posts of the game?
please be absolutely sure you are ready and understand what it takes to GM here.
there are several guides that can help: here is a good place to start
Barlo Underhill |
I present Barlo Underhill.
Barlo recently moved to Sandpoint. He comes from a family of traveling acrobats who have moved around Varisa with a family carnival. He recently became interested in magic and sent a few days learning arcane lore from a wizard in town, Hendrik. His family has moved on to other parts of Varisa and he is seeking to learn a few extra coin in the meantime.
He is also a loyal follower of Desna.
thegreenteagamer |
I'm really feeling like playing a healer of late, so I'm thinking a witch doctor shaman.
How do you feel about VMC?
When you say no variant tiefling/aasimar, do you mean the subraces with different attributes and spells, or do you mean no alternative traits at all, like the aasimar ability to trade darkvision for a halo or the tiefling prehensile tail instead of the relatively useless if you're not a sorcerer fiendish sorcery? Because for this concept I was thinking aasimar, but not if I can't grab halo or trade in that worthless daylight SLA (halo for esthetic reasons, trading the SLA because seriously who uses daylight?)
Story would be dependant on some of these answers, obviously, because a human or halfling would have a different background than an aasimar.
Fallen_Mage |
Fallen_Mage wrote:Dotting for interest.
I've got an idea or two for a front liner. I've send you the details later today after work.
Hey there Fallen, almost as though fate entered in...
A Darius/Noro combo? Just like old times.
That depends on what the GM says to the PM I sent.
TheAlicornSage |
Does 3.5 count as 3pp?
I was thinking about the battle sorcerer (basically an archtype before they had archtypes). I don't know if Pathfinder has an equivalent for sorcerer.
I've never heard anyone's opinion on whether 3.x counts as 3pp, so I really only have my own opinion to judge on, hence my asking.
thegreenteagamer |
Does 3.5 count as 3pp?
I was thinking about the battle sorcerer (basically an archtype before they had archtypes). I don't know if Pathfinder has an equivalent for sorcerer.I've never heard anyone's opinion on whether 3.x counts as 3pp, so I really only have my own opinion to judge on, hence my asking.
You can jury rig something similar, but it takes work. Closest I've seen is Eldrich Scion Magus or Arcane Duelist Bard, but neither gets 9th level spells. :-/
DM Alistair |
@Edward Sorbel: I've been playing RPG's for a little over a decade, having dropped out of only one group for health concerns. I know that doesn't speak much to my ability to stay in a forum, but I want the group to know I will do everything short of being hospitalized to keep running the game.
@Andrea: I had thought of running a more 'intense' system but settled on RotR for having only one real subsystem that isn't even mandatory (though very easy to keep up on). I do want to run smaller modules in the future, though more on the lines of The Drahon's Demand.
@Barlo: A preliminary look at the character seems fine, though I'll be taking a closer look shortly to see any errors. Still looks like a fun character.
@Alicorn: I'd prefer a statted up character, though you may post them here to prevent making an actual character slot. Also, I'm afraid 3/3.5 rules that have not been properly ported to Pathfinder are not allowed (so no Monkey Grip feats and such)
@thegreenteagamer: In their respective books there are charts that you can roll on to get new racial powers in exchange for their spell-like abilities. The heritages are fine, though save Qlippoth-spawn as stated.
@Viemos: I've heard tales that Zen Archers are really good at what they do but have never had the opportunity to play with one. For now it seems fine.
@Soprovo: Chosen One looks real fun! I'd like to see the stat up and the character blurb!
@Mal Doren: Looks like a fun character! I'll get them on the list soon.
@Demon Lurking: After a second review you are quite correct! I must have confused some homebrew traits I had seen for Paizo official. For Kitsune & Tengu they may take another trait from the list as long as they are not "double dipping" in a trait category.
For those who have PM'd me, I'll be responding in just a few moments.
thegreenteagamer |
Actually, I meant the alternative traits in the ARG. I think I get what you're saying; no cherry picking from the d100 charts. Fair enough.
Let's see:
SLA: 100 = 100 sweet! Roll twice!
1st: 1d100 ⇒ 32
Shield Other 1/day
2nd: 1d100 ⇒ 35
Aid 1/day
And finally...
Physical Features: 1d100 ⇒ 47
Extra long legs...weird, but, uh, okay.
Anyways, as I said earlier, I'm thinking a witch doctor shaman, life spirit, probably with VMC cleric (Pharasma, because her being the death goddess works nicely with the whole 'spirit' powering of shamans) to just be a crazy white mage style healer. He's got a good heart, and tries to do right, but is not really a front liner or direct damage type. He would be pretty much an itinerant wanderer who tries to travel around burying dead and healing, and moving along, never really growing attached anywhere...until the events in Sandpoint catch his attention that is.
I'll squeeze some crunch out later.
thegreenteagamer |
Or wait...rereading intro paragraph...I'm a little lost...I'm seeing must be rolled but can't be...maybe I'm just misunderstanding the way that is phrased?
If it is Must roll physical, do Not roll SLA, THEN that means my results were...roll 3x, take no duplicates, feathers hair, hair that turns solve in moonlight, and long legs. (:-/ lame; I'm playing a goofy looking dude.)
Which way am I to understand it?
DM Alistair |
Well, do you want me to just take those numbers then, or do it over in light of the fact you said two?
Tell you what, I'll allow you to keep one of those spell-like abilities (reading over the lists on my lunch I note few are as game-breaking as I had thought when I first read them several months ago), but roll once more on the looks column.
Here on, I'll allow one roll on the Variant Aasimar/Tiefling Abilities chart (no two rolls granted by the 100 roll) but only if playing a "base" Aasimar/Tiefling (no heritages)
thegreenteagamer |
so I'm tall and...: 1d100 ⇒ 72
Have feathered wings. Boss! I was planning on taking the angel blood and angel wings feats eventually anyways. Sweet. I know these won't let me fly until then, by it's still esthetically cool.
Well now I just have to take halo instead of darkvision, to complete the whole "Angel of Death" motif (making Pharasma all the more appropriate)!
I guess I'll think about which of those two SLA to choose. I think both are on the life shaman list anyway.
Viemos Kendahan |
@Viemos: I've heard tales that Zen Archers are really good at what they do but have never had the opportunity to play with one. For now it seems fine.
Excellent I will work on updating him as soon as I can get to my computer with hero lab on it. What do you think about the beginning of his background? Think we could make it fit? I'm thinking after his wife dies he ends up in sand point instead of Heldren.
thegreenteagamer |
@thegreenteagamer - Aren't whippoorwills Pharasma's iconic animal? Maybe your wings are like theirs?
Yes, they are. I like it. A brown and black motif. Cool.
Part of me wishes there was a race descended from Psychopomps, but whatever Pharasma is an ally of Sarenrae, and she's a former Celestial Lord, so it all fits together tangentially.
thegreenteagamer |
Okay, so usually, when I make a character, I like to make a nice looking sheet...but that takes a while to do on my phone (I post 95+% on my phone because I don't have internet at home and only use my computer when I'm out and about). So I'll do one up if I'm accepted, but in the meantime, here's some quick and dirty in a spoiler, so you get what you need.
Aasimar (no subtype) with alternative SLA shield other 1day, and the alternative racial trait Halo (loses darkvision)
Shaman (Witch Doctor)
Chosen spirit - Life
Spirit animal - Raven (reflavored as a whipporwill)
1st level feat - angelic blood
Str 10
Dex 12
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 17+2=19
Cha 14+2=16
Race Trait - Faith Healer
Campaign Trait - Outlander (Missionary)
Faith Trait - Spirit Sense
Plan to talk variant multiclass cleric as soon as available. (Replaces several feats starting at 3rd I believe)
Equipment always takes me the most time...I can do so before being approved if you really want, but that's one I like to take my time on.
Theravdo was an orphan from the day he was born. His mother died in his birth, and his father, having no clue what to do with the strange boy with the feathery wings, told the midwife, a priestess of Pharasma, to take him away. He was never really taught the way if the clergy, but he just kind of...picked up...on the energy around. All the death, and the Spirits passing...he could just, sort of, feel it. While he loved Pharasma for the good her church did in midwifery, healing, and combating the undead, he couldn't stand the church's lack of commitment to truly do good. So while it was evident he had a gift, he wasn't sir it was directly through her touch, but more the life itself he saw through the people who came to services. He left the church he grew up when he came of age, and has been traveling from town to town since, just hoping to do good...Healing, saying a prayer over the dead, or such...without staying long enough to grow attached. Because its easier to remain neutral like they taught him when you're unattached, even if he desperately wants to do more.
If I get picked I'll throw together a nice alias for you and finish the gear, but anything variable I pretty much in the spoiler, and if I missed anything let me know!
Wylintiel "Tiel" Orlanin |
Here is Tiel, the half-elf Chosen One Paladin. Still needs a little tweaking and some equipment still to buy. I have her built for reach right now, but I don't know if I'm going to stick with that or go with an archer build.
Deep down, she suspects that she probably shouldn't be taking advice from a talking songbird. But he's telling her what she wants to hear, so she's going with it for now.
AGamer70 |
Here is an alchemist I submitted for another RotR game. I may adjust equipment some more due to max gold.
Ansrath Bannitlarn
Male Elf Alchemist 1
Init +4; Senses Low-Light vision ; Perception +3
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+3 studded leather armor, +4 Dex -1 enc)
hp 10 (1d8 +1 con +1 fcb)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0
Resist Immune to sleep, +2 ST vs enchantment
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged Bomb +4 (1d6+4)(R 10’)
Ranged Short bow +4 (1dX+X/x2) (40 arrows/20 blunt arrows)
Melee Dagger +4 (1d4/19x2)
Melee Kumai +4 (1d4/x2)
Formulas: 2
Level 1: Targeted Bomb Admixture
Formula list
Level 1: Bomber’s Eye, Cure Light Wounds, True Strike, Targeted Bomb Admixture, Identify, Crafter’s Fortune
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Brew potion, Throw anything, Splash Weapon Mastery
Traits Firebug (+1 attack – bombs/splash weapons) , Scholar of the Ancients (+1 arcana & history + Thassilonian), Seeker of Brightness (+1 arcana & perception)
Skills Craft (Alchemy) +8, Spellcraft +8 (+2 on magic items), Disable Device +8, Know (arcane) +10 , Know (nature) +8, UMD +4, Perception +4, Heal +4, Linguistics +8, Appraise +8, Know (history) +9
Languages Common, Elven, Thassilonian, Sylvan, Draconic, Goblin, Gnome, Giant
Other Gear Alchemist’s kit (alchemy crafting kit, a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin), Bandolier, Explorer’s outfit
51 GP, 5 SP, 0 CP | Load: 59# (Medium)
Encumbrance: Light (33#)/ Medium (66#)/ Heavy (100#)
Special Abilities
Elven Magic +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance
Background Ansrath was born and raised in Crying Leaf. His father was an alchemist and his mother was a druid. Together they ran an apothecary in town where Ansrath began working once he was old enough. He was a fast learner and enjoyed spending his free time scouring libraries for new formulae. While initially his duties involved cleaning up the shop, eventually he started helping create the salves, balms, and potions the shop sold. Occasionally, his family would travel to Riddleport to sell to the pirate ships when they came to port. It was here that he became fascinated with the Cyphergate.
As he learned more about the ancient history of the land, he wondered what secrets lie in the ruins scattered across the area. The more he learned, the more restless he became as he tired of working in the shop and longed to explore. He took advantage of an opportunity to travel to Sandpoint for his parents in order to take possession of the annual order of special bottles from the local Glassworks. He thought it would give him an excuse to travel and visit the museum there.