About Marquis Steelbear---===Statistics===---:
Marquis Steelrain Male Human Conjurer 1 CG Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +9; Senses Perception +2 -------------------------------=DEFENSE=------------------------------- AC: 12, Touch: 12, Flat-Footed: 10 (+0 armor, +3 dex, +0 shield,+0 NA,+0 Magic) HP: 12 {+1d6,+3Con, +3 Toughness} Fort: +3, {+0Base,+3Con} Reflex: +3, {+0Base,+3Dex} Will: +4,{+2Base,+2Wis} CMD 13 {+0 Base +0 Str +3 Dex +0 size +0 misc} -------------------------------=OFFENSE=------------------------------- Speed: 30 ft. CMB: +0; {+0 Base +0Str +0 size + misc} Base Atk: +0; Melee:+0{+0Base,+0Str} Ranged:+2{+0Base,+3Dex} --Melee:Dagger +0 (1d4 19-20/x2) --Ranged:Light Crossbow +3 (1d8 19-20/x2) Range: 80 ft. -------------------------------=STATISTICS=-------------------------------
Reactionary: You were bullied often as a child, but
Focused Mind: Your childhood was dominated either by
----------------=Race Traits=-------------------
ACP -0 *ACP applies to these skills
---===Special Abilities===---:
-------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=------------------------------- Arcane Bond: Bonded Object: Family’s Heirloom Ring Summoners Charm (1 round) Cantrips -----------------------------Spell-like Abilities------------------------------------- 8/day-Acid Dart (1d6+1 acid) RTA ---===Spells===---:
Caster Level: 1st -------------------------------=Spells=------------------------------- Concentration: +8 ----------In Spellbook:---------- 0th-Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Daze, Bleed, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation 1st-Ant Haul, Grease, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Shield, Snapdragon Fireworks, Summon Monster I, Unseen Servant ----------Prepared--------- -----------------------------=0th DC:15 =-------------------------------- Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation ------------------------------=1st DC:16 =------------------------------ Mage Armor, Summon Monster I (2), Grease, Shield --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Thassilonian Specialist Conjuration; Opposition SchoolsEvocation, Illusion ---===Gear/Possessions===---:
-------------------------------=GEAR/POSSESSIONS=-------------------------- ----- -=Carrying Capacity=-
-=Money=- 55 GP 0 SP 0 CP
Marquis was born to Varisian parents on the road as they traveled in their caravan. He lived a typical traveling varisian life until he was 8. After a long day on the road, the caravan stopped to make camp near a sheltered cliff face. As he helped setting up he saw an amazingly beautiful Swallowtail Butterfly. Marquis, chasing after it, ran all around the camp but ended up just outside the wagons when a low rumble from the cliff reached his ears. Before he can turn around a portion of the cliff collapsed crushing most of the caravan and separating him from the rest of the survivors. Unfortunately, during the rock slide, a small stray rock hit him on the head, causing a loss of all his memories except his name and that he has a family somewhere. In a state of confusion, Marquis walked away from the rubble and down the road away from the campsite. After walking for a day or two he collapsed at the campsite of Theodric Steelrain, an aging Wizard. Theodric helps Marquis recover. As they try working on helping Marquis find his family they find that Marquis doesn’t remember anything other than his name. Theodric, having more resources back home, brought Marquis with him back to Magnimar. They tried every divination that Theodric knew and had access to but they all failed. With nowhere else to go, Theodric and his wife Ionnia, adopted Marquis. Theodric and Ionnia had tried to have children for a long time but were unsuccessful. Eventually, the Gods showed them favor and granted them a son, Javier. Unfortunately, Javier died when he was 8 from Scarlet Fever. In Marquis they see the chance of having a family like they always wanted and Theodric will have someone to pass his families magic, Thassilon Rune Magic, down too. Marquis began his Wizard training when he turned 11. Theodric taught from an ancient Thassilonian manuscript discovered by one of his ancestors. The process required obscene amounts of work, and while Marquis learned fast he developed the signature laziness the comes with the magic just as quick. By the age of 18, he finished the training and his father’s health began to deteriorate. When he wasn't helping his father, he would either read from his father’s vast collection of books about Thassilon, to learn about the origins of his magic or learning about his gypsy heritage from the local caravans, in an effort to find his long lost family. During his time with the varisians, he began to learn about Tattoo magic, something he sees as making magic more effortless for him in the future. Now 21, Marquis was asked by his father to return a book to an old friend in Sandpoint, Brodert Quink. Initially Marquis refuses but is eventually convinced by his father after Theodric mentions the Thassilon ruin, The Old Light, that’s in Sandpoint. After Marquis returns the book he decides to stay in Sandpoint. This is partialy because he’s too lazy to walk back to Magnimar, but it’s also because he wants to study the Old Light a bit and because the Swallowtail Festival is only a few days away.
---===Appearance and Personality===---:
Eyes: Glacial Blue Hair: Blonde Skin: Lightly Tan Height: 5’ 10” Weight: 150 lbs. Marquis is a skinny guy who stands at 5’ 10” tall and weighs 150 lbs. Most people upon first seeing him think he’s 10-20 lbs. lighter than he is because of how skinny he is. But don’t mistake skinny for frail, Marquis is tougher than he looks able to take more hits than a more stereotypical wizard. His Blonde hair is kept groomed and stylish. His Glacial Blue eyes lazily watch his surroundings and if he chooses to devote his attention to something he has a piercing analytical look, searching for the best way to handle the situations without expending too much effort. For clothing, he usually wears boots, cotton breeches, a white shirt, leather vest and an ample cloak which obscures most of his body. He usually leaves the cloak’s hood down so he can wear his favorite hat, a fedora. Marquis is undeniably lazy. He hates physical work, making liberal use of Mage Hand whenever it is usable even if it’s slower than just getting up and getting the object himself. When it comes to mental challenges he shows a similar laziness unless it involves magic or Thassilon lore for which he really enjoys. There is only one thing that motivates Marquis to act without concern over the effort exerted, when he sees children, especially orphans, in trouble. He will do anything to help them, but as soon as he’s done his work he goes right back to being lazy.