DM Alistair |

I'm still liking the fact everyone is so excited for this game! Also, I'll be bumping up the submission deadlines a day to the 14 (have to drive someone across the state on the 15th, so it'll be better this way).
@Scara/Naomi Leaf - Are you making two submissions? I am really only wanting 1/person. Please select one and make it specific for this campaign (backstory appropriate with the proper campaign trait) please.
@Duraz - Looks solid, can't wait to see them more fleshed out!
@NenkotaMoon - Thank you, I will reflect this in the next update!
@Asher - Unique character, but I'm afraid the Magus archetype Mindblade is one I don't feel I can allow.
@Zeldana - Thank you for being honest and upfront about your dyslexia. As for new vs veteran players of PbP, all are equal in my eyes. Also, your character will be added to the list!
@Marquis - Nice! Thank you.
@Barlo - Nearly missed you. No, I will not be giving PFS credit as I am not a member of PFS society. I'm not exactly sure if I could if I am not.
@Andrei - Your character will be added to the list and best of luck!
@Jesse - Kiera definitely looks interesting! I'll add her to the list!
@Therasiph - Yes, you may, but you cannot roll on the alternate aasimar racial ability chart (you must take the power granted by Angelkin - Alter Self)
@Oyzar - Of the two, I'm disallowing Seeker. Spirit Guide is still quite fine, though!
@Vall - Added!

DM Alistair |

Barlo Underhill - Halfling Rogue (Acrobat)
Mal Dorren - Human Bloodrager (Arcane)
Darius Valinargus - Half-Drow Fighter (Weapon Master)
Theravado "the Spirit-Touched" - Aasimar Shaman (Witch Doctor)
Wylintiel "Tiel" Orlanin - Half-Elf Paladin (Chosen One)
Ansrath Bannitlarn - Elf Alchemist
Hirano - Kitsune Ninja
Marquis Steelrain - Human Wizard (Conjurer)
Ithalil - Dusk Elf Ranger
Agatha Mystblame - Half-Orc Witch
Cloak - Human Unchained Rogue
Zeldana Amaria - Half-Elf Witch (Cartomancer)
Andrei Damian - Human Ranger
Vall Woodsinger - Elf Bard
Duraz Durak - Dwarf Monk (Brother of the Seal) (Just need this fluffed up some more!)
Asher Merivingion - Human Monk (Master of Many Styles) (Just needs to bring them more in line with the AP and requirements such as a third trait and a backstory in the character description, restructured for level 1 with their feats and HP and such, etc)

Zeldana Amaria |

@GM Alistair- Are you going to allow prestige classes? Because I'd love to go into Harrower. I just think it'd be fun to play and go very well with the Cartomancer archetype! If you're not though, I want time to change the first feat I have.

Xarmas Misinirith |

I've been following this for a few days, and wanted to wait until I was done to apply. I would like to present Xarmas Misinirith, Oni-Blooded Tiefling Feral Shifter Druid. I'm sorry I was just a little late to make your list, but I know recruitment isn't closed yet.
First off, is Feral Shifter ok? It's a small archetype, but I wanted to check.
Secondly, here are my rolls for the Alternate Physical Features:
1d100 ⇒ 19 Pointed Ears, always a good one!
1d100 ⇒ 92 Smoking Breath, that one I love! I guess I'm sort of obligated for it to smell reminiscent of brimstone.
Lastly, my background is mostly done, but I will be adding to her in the next couple days. The crunch is done, and I'm trying to write parts of her backstory to match, which is why I wanted to check in before I was 100% done.

![]() |
Barlo Underhill - Halfling Rogue (Acrobat)
Mal Dorren - Human Bloodrager (Arcane)
Darius Valinargus - Half-Drow Fighter (Weapon Master)
Theravado "the Spirit-Touched" - Aasimar Shaman (Witch Doctor)
Wylintiel "Tiel" Orlanin - Half-Elf Paladin (Chosen One)
Ansrath Bannitlarn - Elf Alchemist
Hirano - Kitsune Ninja
Marquis Steelrain - Human Wizard (Conjurer)
Ithalil - Dusk Elf Ranger
Agatha Mystblame - Half-Orc Witch
Cloak - Human Unchained Rogue
Zeldana Amaria - Half-Elf Witch (Cartomancer)
Andrei Damian - Human Ranger
Vall Woodsinger - Elf BardDuraz Durak - Dwarf Monk (Brother of the Seal) (Just need this fluffed up some more!)
Asher Merivingion - Human Monk (Master of Many Styles) (Just needs to bring them more in line with the AP and requirements such as a third trait and a backstory in the character description, restructured for level 1 with their feats and HP and such, etc)
Missed me! You mentioned Kiera Videns (exploiter wizard) in your summary post but didn't put her on the list. :)

DM Alistair |

@Jesse - You are quite right! I apologize about that. They will definitely be on the next listing, promise.
@Hiranno - It's a fun concept, I'll give you that.
@Xarmas - That's a nice blend of Alternate Physical features for an Oni-blooded tiefling! Also, Feral Shifter is approved.
@Zeldana - Prestige classes are fine as long as you meet all the prerequisites.

oyzar |

#1 Can I take the feat additional traits for extra traits (obviously not two of the same category)? I don't see any restriction on feats, but you did put a restriction on traits and this would allow more than normal.
#2 Can we pick campaign traits from "Shadows Under Sandpoint" as well (as is mentioned in the player's guide you linked, the traits are available on archives of nethys) or do they have to actually be from the small selection in the guide? I'll probably go with the Outlander (Missionary) for my trait if you allow this. It fits very well for my Oracle. Student of Faith would probably be my second choice, but it does almost nothing for me mechanically since my character won't be channeling (at least not until 7th level).

Subject #7 |

Meet Akrem Azghat (Song of Ancients)
Human (Shoanti) Bloodrager 1 (Destined Bloodline)
Hailing from the Shiikirri-Quah tribe of Northern Varisia, Akrem Azghat (Song of Ancients) was a charismatic and popular young man among his people. It therefore came as a surprise to all but Akrem when, on his 18th birthday, he left his village on a sojourn of manhood to live alone among the wilds of Varisia. In the four years sense, Akrem has become known to the people of Riddleport as a hunter, scout, and translator. He has booked passage by ship from Riddleport to Sandpoint to attend the Swallowtail festival. He desires to pay tribute to Desna and to learn the landscape of the Sandpoint Hinterlands, an area quite unknown to him.

Irisa |

Here is Irisa, a beautiful oracle with big dreams hailing from the frozen north. I found it somewhat difficult to keep the background as short as you wanted, but hopefully I managed well enough. I see that a lot of people submitted longer backgrounds. I could totally elaborate more if you want to as I feel there are some aspects that are not well covered. Do you want me to do that?
@Akrem Azghat: May I suggest to use an earthbreaker instead of a greatsword? That's the traditional weapon of the Shoanti and the difference is fairly minor.

Xarmas Misinirith |

@ GM Alistair- We're only allowed 5 to 7 sentences for our whole backstory or just the reason we're in Sandpoint? Because I've seen others with way more then that in the backstory and I won't lie I want to put more in mine as well... Thus the question.
I couldn't help myself, so I made a separate section of 5-7 sentences for WHY I am in Sandpoint.
And wrote a backstory. Clarification would be nice though.

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I would like to submit for consideration, Razvan T'syn Half-Orc Rogue. Razvan played briefly in another campaign that suddenly died and has been reworked for this one. As always, I welcome any and all comments and I am willing to make any adjustments that may be needed. Thank you for your time and consideration.
I have arrived in Magnimar ahead of schedule. The trip was uneventful thus explaining my speedy travel. I have obtained employ with the local brothal as a servant assigned to the stable. As one might expect, I have been given the most menial tasks as befitting my mixed heritage. The patrons, especially those of privilege, pretend the servants do not exist. The more menial the servant, such as I, the more we are pointedly ignored. This has been to my advantage in pursuing the task you have set me to. I hope to have more information when I join you in Sandpoint.
Ps. As you can see, I have returned this letter in the lockbox that you provided me. Surely you can provide a better challenge for me with the next lock….
Razvan snorted as he sealed the letter and placed it in the small lockbox. He had feared he would never pick the lock on the box. Jubrayl seemed to enjoy pushing his limits. It was in a kind fatherly way that was foreign to Razvan. Half-orcs didn’t have kind fathers or come to think of it kind mothers either. Razvan didn’t remember much of his parents but what he did remember was most definitely not kindness. Life in Ulgrin was difficult for everyone and deadly for a half breed like Razvan. In the early years, he survived by scavenging Ulgrin's garbage and filth. It was his mind that saved him from the brutal death most of the other scavenging children suffered. Ironically, that keen intellect likely inherited from his human parent was his advantage over the other orcs competing for survival.
He never looked back after leaving Ulgrin and hoped to never return. There was nothing for Razvan in all of the Hold of Belkzen. He wandered from town to settlement never welcomed and never staying long. As he traveled southwest, the dry desolate waste of Belkzen were left behind and replaced with more fertile lands. Humans replaced orcs but their attitudes were much the same. The humans were suspicious and sometime violently so, yet they were not as deadly ferocious as orcs. Some were actually kind. They offered Razvan a place in their family. They were the Sczarni and now Razvan was Sczarni too.

Carl Hama |

And now presenting Leo Niski a tiefling magus [http://paizo.com/people/LeoNiski
By the way, I'm new around these forums, I GM in real life and I'm looking to play, as well as return to pbp, played a lot when I was teen, I can post once a day no problem, maybe more depending on the day, weekends might be slow for me.
I've been trying to make a character for some days now, but last days of college kept me busy. (As I like to make characters in one go).
Well fingers crossed!

mourge40k |

Tiefling Feature 1: 1d100 ⇒ 81 = Forked Tongue
Tiefling Feature 2: 1d100 ⇒ 36 = Animalistic Head
Alright. Time for me to make a foil to Nualia then. Though I kinda don't want the animalistic head thing: Would've just rolled Kitsune or Tengu if I wanted that. Do you mind if I re-roll that second feature?

thegreenteagamer |

[dice=Tiefling Feature 1]1d100 = Forked Tongue
[dice=Tiefling Feature 2]1d100 = Animalistic HeadAlright. Time for me to make a foil to Nualia then. Though I kinda don't want the animalistic head thing: Would've just rolled Kitsune or Tengu if I wanted that. Do you mind if I re-roll that second feature?
There's always animals that don't get enough respect.
But yeah, I'm with you, I'm not a fan of anthropomorphic animals as my characters.

DM Alistair |

Submissions will close at midnight EST!
Sorry for poofing over weekend, craziness at work so I worked nearly 10 hours of overtime on top of my regular irl gaming group functions made this GM very tired! Thankfully I'm on vacation in a few days!
Alright, now for updates (I'll post the updated submission list shortly)
@Oyzar - 1) Yes; 2) No.
@Asher - Yes, I'm allowing them.
@Zeldana & Xarmas - You can add more, I just find some folks can only get about that many lines without trying to make a crazy character (i.e. "And at 13, they won both the beauty and strength contests after making the finest pie the king had ever eaten." [Actual backstory for one character in my old group...]).
@Barlo - thegreenteagamer is correct, all characters would have to fit with PFS rules and guidelines. My next game though will fit with said rules, so keep your eyes open!
@Taus Arkona, Akrem Azghat, Irisa, Leonard, Razvan, and Leo Niski - You are added to the list and I will post said list shortly.
Have a nice day!

DM Alistair |

Barlo Underhill - Halfling Rogue (Acrobat)
Mal Dorren - Human Bloodrager (Arcane)
Darius Valinargus - Half-Drow Fighter (Weapon Master)
Theravado "the Spirit-Touched" - Aasimar Shaman (Witch Doctor)
Wylintiel "Tiel" Orlanin - Half-Elf Paladin (Chosen One)
Ansrath Bannitlarn - Elf Alchemist
Hiranno - Kitsune Ninja
Marquis Steelrain - Human Wizard (Conjurer)
Ithalil - Dusk Elf Ranger
Agatha Mystblame - Half-Orc Witch
Cloak - Human Unchained Rogue
Zeldana Amaria - Half-Elf Witch (Cartomancer)
Andrei Damian - Human Ranger
Vall Woodsinger - Elf Bard
Duraz Durak - Dwarf Monk (Brother of the Seal)
Asher Merivingion - Human Monk (Master of Many Styles)
Kiera Videns - Human Wizard (Exploiter)
Scara - Tiefling Cleric (Scroll Scholar)
Sholti Amalasands - Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish)
Taus Arkona - Aasimar Paladin
Akrem Azghat - Human Bloodrager (Destined)
Irisa - Human Oracle (Spirit Guide)
Leonard Agravandie - Human Arcanist (Brown Fur Transmuter)
Ravzan - Half-Orc Rogue
Leo Niski - Tiefling Magus
Xarmas Misinirith - Tiefling Druid (Feral Shifter)
Not necessarily the final list, but pretty close!

Subject #7 |

I thought a little roleplay would be a fun way to pass the time.
Ocean travel has never been kind to Akrem. The Shoanti are made from the earth, the sky, and the air, not from the stinking, salty waters of the ocean. As the schooner lurches yet again, he closes his eyes and wills his impossibly empty stomach to settle.
When I return to Riddleport, I will have a word with Divrane about his strange ideas of water travel.
His suffering is (mercifully) interrupted by the first mate's call: "Avast ye, Land ho!"
He looks up and, to his surprise, the vast wilderness of the Lost Coast have given way to an outcropping. The limestone escarpments that characterize this stretch of the coast have here been cleared of overgrowth, and distinct signs of habitation dot the landscape. Akrem eyes with interest the crumbling stone ruins on the edge of the bluff. His interest is soon diverted, though, as the village of Sandpoint emerges around the corner.
The ship docks swiftly among the rainbow of sails cluttering Sandpoint Harbor. Akrem quickly (ever so quickly) gathers his belongings and jumps off the schooner. He has never been so thankful to feel solid ground beneath his feet. Swaying uneasily, he marches through the crowd, down the dock, seeking refuge from the afternoon sun.
A loud yell erupts from inside the nearest doorway, as a filthy, skinny wretch of a man is forcibly ejected through the door. From inside, boisterous yells of approval issue forth, suggesting no small amount of revelry within. Above the door, a simple depiction of a grain sack is carved upon wood, and the words "Fatman's Feedbag" hang from a metal shingle. Clutching his coin purse, Akrem carefully maneuvers over the unconscious young man and steps inside.

oyzar |

@Oyzar - Paizo Pathfinder official Drawbacks. It looks like Irisa has five traits though, so are you sure you want more? (Also, the campaign trait you chose is not RotR specific...)
Can't ever get enough ;). More likely it'll allow me to swap out a trait for a feat.
You already answered that I couldn't do this so I will have to change it, but in the Player's Guide it says:
In addition to the following campaign traits, the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide has a selection of campaign traits from James Jacobs’ “Shadows under Sandpoint” campaign that would also be appropriate for use in this campaign (see page 330 of that book).
The trait I picked actually does something for my character as opposed to the Student of Faith

Hiranno |

A little RP would be great Akrem!

Karina of the Flame |

Ok, on further thought, I'm going to chance it. I'm going to resubmit Lao Wei, Kitsune Gunslinger (mysterious stranger).
Male Kitsune gunslinger (mysterious stranger) 1
CG Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
HP 10 (1d10)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0; +1 trait bonus vs. scrying and mind-reading effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20) or
longsword +2 (1d8+1/19-20) or
bite +2 (1d4+1)
Ranged pistol +4 (1d8/×4)
Special Attacks deeds (deadeye, focused aim, gunslinger's dodge), grit (4), gun training +0
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
3/day—dancing lights
Str 13 +1, Dex 16 +3, Con 8 -1, Int 14 +2, Wis 10 +0, Cha 18 +4
BAB +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Gunsmithing, Rapid Reload (pistol)
Traits monster hunter, never stop shooting, wanderer's shroud
SQ +1 hit point, agile, change shape, dancing lights, gunsmith, kitsune magic
Acrobatics +8; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Dex, -1 ACP, +2 racial)
Appraise +2; (Untrained, +2 Int)
Bluff +8; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +4 Cha )
Climb +0; (Untrained, +0 class, +1 Str, -1 ACP)
Craft (alchemy) +2; (Untrained, +0 class, +2 Int)
Craft (firearms) +6; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +2 Int)
Craft (weapons) +2; (Untrained, +0 class, +2 Int)
Diplomacy +4; (Untrained, +4 Cha)
Disguise +4; (Untrained, +4 Cha)
Escape Artist +2; (Untrained, +3 Dex, -1 ACP)
Fly +2; (Untrained, +3 Dex, -1 ACP)
Heal +0; (Untrained, +0 class, +0 Wis)
Intimidate +4; (Untrained, +0 class, +4 Cha)
Knowledge (engineering) +6; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +2 Int)
Knowledge (local) +6; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +2 Int)
Perception +4; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +0 Wis)
Ride +2; (Untrained, +0 class, +3 Dex, -1 ACP)
Sense Motive +0; (Untrained, +0 Wis)
Stealth +2; (Untrained, +3 Dex, -1 ACP)
Survival +0; (Untrained, +0 class, +0 Wis)
Swim +0; (Untrained, +0 class, +1 Str, -1 ACP)
Racial Modifiers +2 acrobatics
Languages Common, Sylvan, Tien, Varisian
Equipment and Encumberence
Weapons and Ammo black powder (20), dagger, firearm bullet (20), longsword, pistol
Armor and Defense studded leather
Combat Gear
Other Gear backpack (bedroll, canteen, gunsmith's kit, soap, trail rations (5)), bandolier(bullets), belt pouch(chalk (10), flint and steel, twine (50')), belt pouch(money), explorer's outfit, powder horn (2), wrist sheath (spring loaded)
Coins 1 gp, 7 sp, 8 cp
Carrying Capacity
L / M / H - 50 / 100 / 150 lbs.
Light Load, 49.654 lbs.
Tracked Resources
Black powder - 0/20
Dagger - 0/1
Dancing Lights (3/day) - 0/3
Firearm bullet - 0/20
Grit Pool (4/day) - 0/4
Trail rations - 0/5
Special Abilities
+1 Hit Point FCB (1) +1 Hit Point
Agile (Ex) Kitsune receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Armor Proficiency (Light) When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks.
Bite (Kitsune) A creature's natural Bite attack.
Change Shape (Su) Assume a single human form.
Dancing Lights (3/day) Creates torches or other lights.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms) You make attack rolls with the weapon normally.
Grit (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Gun Training
Gunsmithing You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Kitsune Magic Kitsune add 1 to the DCs of any saving throws to resist enchantment spells that they cast.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Martial Weapon Proficiency - All You are proficient with all Martial weapons.
Monster Hunter +1 attack & damage against aberrations & magical beasts.
Never Stop Shooting Act as disabled when dying, but can only use a gun. Death at neg Wis or Con score.
Rapid Reload (Pistol) You can reload fast with one type of Crossbow or Firearm.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All Proficient with all simple weapons.
Wanderer's Shroud -1 to Diplomacy checks to gather information about you.
Born in Tian-Xia to a clan of monster hunters, Lao Wei was always different. He was more interested in technology than the traditional ways. He found a recipe for gunpowder and designed a simple bamboo tube to fire sling bullets from. His designs quickly became more complex as he learned further metalworking skills. Unfortunately his traditional minded clan did not approve of these talents. They exiled him and shunned his work. Dishonored he traveled searching for someplace that he could use his skills. He found his way across the ocean in Korsova. There he heard of the Sandpoint Devil. He traveled throughout Varisia, putting to rest minor skirmishes and slaying monsters threatening settlements. But always moving toward the Lost Coast. A few days ago he arrived in Sandpoint. When he arrived, he was told about the Cathedral ceremony and, being a worshipper of Desna, he decided to stay for it.