Thron's Kingmaker Group 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Thron

Roll 20

AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14
hp 10
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1

Welcome to a recruitment for a replacement for my Kingmaker campaign! For those of you who do not know me, here is some information about myself:

I am a full time nurse, and I work night shift at a local hospital. 12 hour shifts. Loads of fun. Been married for almost 2 years. I travel to visit relatives frequently. However, I still, situation pending, find the time to try to post once per day in the games I am currently in. The only things that really hold me up are if I have little to contribute to the scene or any of the above RL obstacles getting in the way, though I do my best to minimize such occurrences. A lot of the time I post from a mobile device. I am not a grammatical genius, nor am I a typing beast. I will make mistakes, so I won't hold you to any unrealistic standards regarding the English language, but the better you write and easier your post is to read, the better.

I like to keep things moving at a decent pace, and as such, will be looking for posts from people at least once per day, exceptions being the weekends. If you have nothing to really contribute to the current scene for the moment, please say so out of character and I will be fine with that. If things are ready to progress in-game, and we are waiting for actions from someone, I will post out of character a request for that individual to act, and if 24 hours pass, I reserve the right to DMPC that characters actions for the round, or move the scene along without their input. This applies to noncombat scenes as well. Most PbP’s die due to a decline in posting frequency, and I do not want to see a game I start fail in that regard. I will advance the scene, DMPC’ing characters as necessary, to keep this game moving. If ANYONE shows a recurring issue with lack of interaction with no legitimate reason, I reserve the right to remove that player and refill their spot as I see fit.

Combat maps will be provided by an off-site page called Roll20. I am not a master of its use, but I am growing more comfortable with it by the day and prefer it over other methods. If you have issues using this website for the game, then perhaps this is not the game for you either. A lot of what takes place in Kingmaker relies on good maps, so I am going to require the use of this site for them, and will not be taking extra effort to post them elsewhere. To sum up: Roll20 use is a requirement.

Campaign Specific Notes: I have ran this campaign through, completely, for my table group. I have decided for this PbP to make some changes, to the story-line at times, but primarily to the Kingdom Building aspect of the game. In short: no, you will not have ABSOLUTE control of what gets built in the cities. You will still be able to have control over a lot of details regarding the kingdom you found, but the fine details are going to be handled by myself as the DM. However, I will be open to player input when that time comes. But the full breakdown of this will come later, and should not be an immediate issue.

Also, this game has two groups running concurrently, in the same timeline, in two separate parts of the Stolen Lands. Eventually, when the Kingdom Building phase arrives, there will be a lot of changes going on to the campaign, as the two groups will have to compete for land control, and either come to diplomatic or hostile solutions to their problems. Should be fun!

So, if you are fine with what you've read so far, I invite you to apply! Here are the character creation rules to follow:

Starting Level: 2nd level

Stats: 15 Point Buy. I know this may seem low, but I want to make the PC’s rely on each other to succeed, as well as keep the game as balanced as possible.

Alignment: I am going to be allowing any alignment here, though I am expecting every character to have something that motivates them to take part in the campaign. Also, I am a firm believer that an Evil character does NOT have to be maniacal. In fact, true villainy comes in a form that makes the masses love them. If you elect to play an evil character, they stand a far better chance at acceptance if they play well with others. Also, your character will be accountable for their actions. If you are caught committing a crime, expect to be pursued and/or punished. Granted, this being a Kingmaker campaign…this could lead to all sorts of trouble if you don’t govern yourselves adequately…

HP: Max for 1st level; after that, you can either roll upon leveling up or take the average.

Classes: Core Material available on the SRD will be accepted, minus Gunslinger. Sorry, not a big fan.

Races: All races except the following will be okay: Ratfolk, Tengu, Grippli, Samsarans, Strix, Vishkanyas, or Wayangs. If you choose to play something monstrous, for example: a Kobold, explain why you are tolerated in civilized lands.

Drawbacks: I will be allowing Drawbacks.

Traits: Two, one being a campaign trait. So with a drawback you have potential for three traits. Campaign traits can be found a multitude of places. If you have to ask where to find them…well…consider that a sign that you likely shouldn’t apply.

Wealth: Max starting wealth.

Downtime: This campaign BEGS for the use of Downtime Rules, and as such, I strongly encourage each player to have SOMETHING beyond adventuring they would pursue in a day-to-day existence. Open a shop, tavern, inn. Form a guild of mercenaries. Begin building the nation’s army. Craft items! If you have a reasonable RP tie to do something, it is very doubtful I will say no!

Submitting a Character:
Create a profile/alias and include relevant information and mechanics inside. I’m going to be asking that character submissions follow this format, stolen from Jelani. You don’t have to follow that exactly; as long as it’s not a nightmare to read and the information is all there, I’ll be content.

Be sure to include the following in your profile, preferably at the bottom and in spoilers:

Description - Please provide a description of your character as if someone were seeing them for the first time. If you have a picture reference, please include it.

Personality - Self explanatory I hope.

Background - Your character is not a hero of great renown, at least not yet. Feel free to go as in depth as you'd like on this section, but keep in mind that you are level one, and while above the cut of your average soldier or town guard, you haven't done any great wonders yet. Also, I am not blind to the fact that this AP has been out for ages, and many of its features are not so secret. If you have knowledge of the campaign, I invite you to have your character be FROM Restov, Brevoy, the River Kingdoms, or have traveled the Stolen Lands themselves, and you can incorporate some tidbits of this knowledge in your background. However, I do ask that you do your best not to use out of game knowledge to drive character actions. If I suspect any metagaming to be taking place, I will put an end to it in my own, most likely harsh, means. Also, if you go this route, I expect you to include at least 1 rank in Knowledge (Local) in your character to represent this added insight. In this section, include why and how you came to receive an invitation to the gathering in Restov.

Along with your submissions, I would like you to post an RP sample in this RECRUITMENT thread. Do not post in the Discussion or Gameplay thread unless I inform you that you were selected.

The bulk of the group is already made, consisting of:

Hobgoblin Alchemist
Hobgoblin Fell Rider
Half Elf Inquisitor
Halfling Titan Mauler
Aasimar Evangelist

What they are requesting to have join them:

Full arcane
Skilled Warrior
Full Cleric

Recruitment will be open until April 12th Midnight, and I will post my decisions by Noon EST on the 13th.

Thank you for the well-written recruitment. I will peruse the gameplay threads to see what I find would flesh best IC. However, I have two questions OoC at the moment:

1. I notice the unusual races (hobgoblins/aasimar) that are present currently in the party. Could you give a summary of their current acceptance by the community and how they became received that way?

2. I will likely be heading for the full arcane role. However, in the event I do not, would a shaman be an acceptable substitute for a druid?

1) The hobgoblins aren't necessarily accepted really, as they have faced repeated mistrust and contempt time and again so far upon initial interactions. I am taking their heritage into account with every encounter I have presented to them. Their reasons for being tolerated so far by the sponsors in Brevoy, however, has yet to be revealed...

The aasimar is not overly obvious in her heritage physically beyond her physical beauty. She is also a servant of the church, which goes a long way in aiding her acceptance to those that are aware of her lineage, though being of celestial blood is hardly a social shortcoming.

2. I allow anything that is readily available on the PRD.

Hello, I am quite interested in fulfilling the full arcane aspect of the group. I will try to submit something within the next day. I am thinking of an Sylph Arcanist.

Silver Crusade

dot. Considering the skilled warrior.

rogue, or swashbuckler most likely... do you allow 3pp? I was looking at the glory rogue and rogue talent or two.

that or bard... leaning bard, especially if 3pp is out.

No to any 3pp. It must be found on the PRD.

I would love to join your group and can move Ed up a level if selected.

I am a friend of Grautak and would be interested in joining. I will be sppeaking with him tonight and have a character concept to you for consideration.

Perhaps a sorcerer for me...

Vetinari is eager for the opportunity to prove his theories on rulership.

Lord Vetinari:
Lord Vetinari
Male half-elf investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 30, 56, 100, 125)
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 17 (2 HD; 1d8+1d10+2)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep; Resist fire 2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee fire-forged steel rapier +5 (1d6/18-20)
Special Attacks deeds (derring-do, dodging panache, opportune parry and riposte), panache (5)
Investigator (Empiricist) Extracts Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—endure elements, shield
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Skill Focus (Knowledge [local]), Surge Of Success[ARG], Weapon Focus (rapier)
Traits careful combatant, natural-born leader, noble born - surtova
Skills Acrobatics +5, Appraise +2, Bluff -2, Climb -3, Craft (alchemy) +8 (+9 to create alchemical items), Diplomacy +4, Disable Device +8, Disguise -2, Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Heal +5, Intimidate -2, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +11, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +5, Perform (oratory) +4, Ride +5, Sense Motive +3, Stealth +5, Survival -3, Swim -3, Use Magic Device +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Undercommon
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +1), elf blood, fire-forged steel, fire-forged steel, inspiration (4/day), inspired panache, meticulous, trapfinding +1
Combat Gear healer's kit; Other Gear fire-forged steel chain shirt, fire-forged steel rapier, handy haversack, alchemy crafting kit, masterwork backpack, masterwork thieves' tools, travelling formula book, 34 pp, 5 gp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Careful Combatant When withdrawing, the first 2 squares of your movement are not considered threatened.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Energy Resistance, Fire (2) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Fire-Forged Steel Dwarves stumbled across the secret of crafting fire-forged steel in an effort to make forge-friendly tools. It didn’t take them long to adapt its unique properties to arms and armor. Fire-forged steel channels heat in one direction to protect its w
Fire-Forged Steel Dwarves stumbled across the secret of crafting fire-forged steel in an effort to make forge-friendly tools. It didn’t take them long to adapt its unique properties to arms and armor. Fire-forged steel channels heat in one direction to protect its w
Inspiration (+1d6, 4/day) (Ex) Use 1 point, +1d6 to trained skill or ability check. Use 2 points, to add to attack or save.
Inspired Panache (Ex) Gain no panache from killing blow, only from rapier crits.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Meticulous -2 on all untrained skill checks
Natural-Born Leader Your cohorts, followers, and summoned creatures gain +1 vs. Mind-affecting effects, +1 Leadership score if you have the Leadership feat.
Noble Born - Surtova +2 damage with light or one-handed weapons vs. flat-footed opponents
Panache (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on light/piercing crit/killing blow.
Surge of Success Confirmed critical or natural 20 on save grants you a +2 bonus on one roll your next turn.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Lord Vetinari is a 5th son of a very minor noble. As such he as few to nil prospects of inheriting anything of significance. Family pushing him to choose a cushy military appointment or join the clergy. He refuses either stultifying choice.

His studies and watching from the sidelines has convinced him he can do a better job of running things than of the people in charge. No, he is not a traitor that is going to try a coup d’état to force out his own family. He’s going to go off on his own to find someplace to start-up something new or get himself into a position of authority and prove his theories. He intends to surround himself with experts (eventual leadership feat) on the multitude of topics required. But feels he has to be enough in-the-know to understand what they are discussing and not be conned into poor choices.

The adventuring is intended to build up a reputation and contacts for the eventual goal of being in charge of something. So he still has to be capable enough to pull his own weight in the party or he won’t be building up contacts, favors, and a favorable reputation. Primary role will be knowledge skills and maybe party face if no one else is competent at it. As well as trapfinding/disarming if necessary. Secondary combatant relying on the studied combat.

Well dressed as a noble should be, but a fairly average looking and unmemorable face.

Note: I'm not necessarily saying he will be great at running things, just that he thinks he will be great at running things.

I built him as level 2 so you could see where he was heading to fill the skilled warrior role. He would obviously only have the single level of swashbuckler and standard gear if selected. After leaving home/family influence he would only advance as investigator.

Sovereign Court


Dot. Would you allow a Synthesis Summoner? Its Arcane and somewhat martial.

Would love to finish building this Elf Fighter with an eye toward Arcane Archer.

If this fits the theme and what current party would like (very close to full-casting + ranged combat) I will definitely complete this alias per your specifications.

Synthesis Summoner: allowed, but will be scanned thoroughly for cheesy, power game builds.

Everything else since my last post appears kosher.

DM Thron wrote:


Along with your submissions, I would like you to post an RP sample in this RECRUITMENT thread. Do not post in the Discussion or Gameplay thread unless I inform you that you were selected. ...

Not sure exactly what you meant by this since there is nothing to roleplay against or with. But here is a part of a conversation Lord Vetinari could have had.

While sipping tea Lord Vetinari says,
Hmm… Yes…
This unexplored wilderness will give us an opportunity to ‘do it right’ for once. The problem most people neither plan for a result nor learn from past results. I do believe that, with my guidance, we can organize a rational basis for an enclave of civilization as it should be not as it just happens to become.
No, I do not care what you look like or what society you have traveled from. What concerns me at this time is whether you will work with us in creating prosperity or work against us. What helps, will receive my assistance. What hinders, will be changed. What can not be changed, will be expelled. What can not be expelled, will be… dealt with.
Of course I believe in the rule of law. What is civilization without laws. However, I will strive to uphold the spirit of the law. The letter of the law serves only to employ lawyers. Gads how I detest lawyers.

Dwarven forgepriest in progress.

Scanning the Kingmaker campaign traits, there's not really an obvious fit. Are you open to traits from other campaigns, or other ideas.


DM Thron wrote:
Along with your submissions, I would like you to post an RP sample in this RECRUITMENT thread. Do not post in the Discussion or Gameplay thread unless I inform you that you were selected.

Hush is extremely reserved and introverted. Most of his contributions would be non-verbal. Grunts, head nods, throat-clearing, etc. I could see one of his posts looking something like this...

"If only that damned priest would get out of the way," Hush thought, eyes locked straight down the shaft of his arrow as the Boar wheeled about in the tangled undergrowth some 30 feet away, looking for another target to charge.

"Move." he grunted gruffly while passing the dim-witted fighter, still crumpled on the ground. "Moron's lucky the beast didn't do more damage on its last charge," he tought, not needing to break stride as he put a carefully-placed (and not altogether unaffectionate) boot in her backside.

Just after the beast flung the fool priest sideways with an effortless toss of its massive head, Hush met its beady, intense eye and loosed his arrow.

What kind of horse does the Pioneer trait provide? Could I sell it for half?

Can you use masterwork tools for Craft (weapons) to Craft (armor)? Or would you need a second set? What about the anvil and bellows?

Hello Again! Character creation took a little more time than expected and so I have not selected the 2 Traits, spells that would be prepped, and the background/description stuff is still not done as well. I just wanted to post a link for what I have done for view so if I made any mistakes they could be corrected or asked about. Character in the link below.

Radko stood silently as his father explained his new assignment, eyes fixed on the design of the rug, following the maze-like pattern as it twisted. First Luba is banished, now me. At least the hunting in The Stolen Lands will be good. He jumped as his father struck the map on the table with his crop.

"Are you listening, fool boy! This is important! The Stolen Lands are to be settled by expeditions sponsored by Rostland, and you are going to represent me, Troznuska and the Orlovskys, and demonstrate this family's value to the rest of House Orlovsky and Rostland. If you will not listen to me and focus on your training as a squire, then you will listen to me and do this, or die in the attempt!"

Radko snapped a salute with thinly veiled sarcasm. "Aye, Sir Vojta Riba, I will execute this task to the best of my abilities."

Later, after felling a boar on his last day in his favorite woods, he visited Mira and Nuska's cottage.
"Mira, my dear, my father's wrath has fallen. I am to go south, to reclaim The Stolen Lands from the wilderness. I cannot say how long this task will be, but at its conclusion, I should be free of my obligations to my family. Father has chosen my brother Bojan to replace me as heir, and I need not ever return to his home. I will send for you and your aunt when the wilds are tamed, if you will come."

The night before the meeting, Radko sat at a desk in the inn, penning a letter to the sister he had not seen for years. My fondest Luba, your fate is now mine to share. I have been expelled from Troznuska, and now join the expeditions south. With luck, I will write to you again from a new kingdom, where I can influence the rules, and half-orcs are not shunned as mistakes. With the grace of Pharasma, your brother, Radko Zbora.

Radko the ranger is the semi-disgraced eldest son of a knight of Brevoy, who spent his youth hunting and exploring the woods rather than serve as a squire. His father decided to send him south to try to salvage his reputation, and gain prestige among House Orlovsky.

I am familiar with the downtime and kingdom rules, but have not read anything other than the Kingmaker Player's Guide. Background, description, mechanics, etc. are all in the profile.

This is Ellion Hesoni from above. Nalor here will be my submission; he is a storm druid, being a bit of a contradwarf in terms of flavor and a kit of divine utility in terms of mechanics.

I'm renovating an ollld profile (5 years or so), so if you see an errant weapon that seems un-druidic, I probably just missed it while editing.

Let me know what you think!

Hey Thron,

Here's Durnim with zero fluff and only game mechanics. He's a Forgepriest with the Magic Blessing. No dwarven dieties have the Magic domain. Is that an issue? I can work on unorthodox beliefs to explain it.

I gave him a Good Aura, because he selected positive spontaneous healing. However, he is neutral, and his diety is unspecified, so there's a case that he would have a Neutral Aura. Thoughts?

He took the Pioneer trait for the horse. I'm thinking about growing him up in Brunderton. What would be a good bonus language? Do you play with the Human ethnics?

Do you want me to write the background to end on his way to Oleg's or have you changed that stuff? I can look at the Gameplay to double-check.


I know I've been quiet: been working past three nights, tonight is the last shift I work until end of re-recruitment, so I will be catching up in here after that.

Posting this up for now. It still needs a couple things but I will get to them after work today

Lantern Lodge

Dot for interest.

Very interested in the setup and direction of this Kingmaker. Two that strike me as my natural bents would either be Druid or Arcane.

Amboy enters the office of the caravan master.
"I hope this works"
"Sir, I wonder if I might have a moment of your time?"
The caravan master looks up from the pile of invoices, maps, and other assorted paperwork on his desk and says, "I am very busy lad so this had better be quick."
"I heard that a caravan is heading south into The Stolen Lands soon. I was hoping to travel with it."
The caravan master looks Amboy up and down and says, "There is a fee for traveling with the caravan. You will have to talk to my assistant about filing the paperwork and collecting the fees."
"That is why I have come to you sir. I don't have the required funds for the trip but I was hoping that there was an open position as a guard or hostler that I could fill."
The caravan master stares at Amboy for a few moments, appraising the young man. He smiles then states, "I may have a job for you. Come back tomorrow morning with your gear and I will have the caravan captains see what you are capable of before I decide for sure."
"Thank you sir. I promise not to disappoint you."

I think I have completed everything required. Let me know if I missed something. Thanks.

A young, lanky, elven woman saunters through the front doors to the office, and slams a packet of papers down on the first desk she sees. "I'm interested in making money, and I heard that you've got opportunity, so here are my papers! Where's the job at!?"
The young lady sitting at the desk looked up with fright at the sudden shock of intrusion. "Umm... Miss... This is the Thespian's college... we don't really make money so much as take it for enrollment here. Perhaps you're looking for the Caravan Master's office? That's across the street.
"Oh! Unicorn turds! I did it again! I can't stand being in cities, they're so confusing!"
Kiirion swipes her papers from the table and spins on her heel to leave, and shouts a quick "Good day to you! as she scuttled out the door.

Not 50 paces later she entered the Caravan Master's office and proceeded to do slam her now crumpled papers on the desk of the office assistant with exactly the same routine.

Fluff will be changing a smidge to fit with a Brevoy background, and I'll be updating my stat array to fit your guidelines, but otherwise, the character is complete ready to adventure

Hunstmistress Kiirion

Fluff and Crunch finished! All set for an adventure!

Public service announcement:

DM Thron wrote:
My computer has finally died. I am limited to ipad use until I can get it fixed. My posting may be a bit slower than usual.

Heh, thanks Jubs. Forgot to post that here. Good news is my computer genius buddy has the tower and is gonna see what miracles he can work.

Ezette dug her hooves into the ground, bracing herself for what was to come. She could sense the entity regarding her, evaluating her, and yet she sensed nothing from this force of unimaginable power. It was neither malevolent nor benevolent, and yet, she knew that her very existence relied on this being.
"Well, what is your decision?" She asked, as she grasped the amulet about her neck for reassurance. Nothing that her father, the wizard had taught her had prepared her for this. Nothing in the books she so avariciously read mentioned anything like this. And she knew of no magic that could save her. Even so, she was curious as to what would come next.
She could sense the entity had reached a decision, and...

With that Ezette awoke with a start in the room at the roadside inn. Even though it was still dark outside, she knew it was time to move on.

Just checking in, letting you know I'm here. I hope you get that computer fixed Thron.

My buddy has it and is supposed to be looking at it today. I did gank my wife's laptop though, so I am going to be reviewing some of the submissions tonight, though won't begin doing so in earnest until Monday morning.

That sounds Terrible for your wife! lol!

I wasn't sure of when the deadline for submission was going to be.

Aye, I know the position is already double-posted for, but i made her and I'll post her up regardless. If not here, maybe sometime in the future I'll get to play.

The officer behind the table looked up from the papers Ladira had handed in:"So you are telling me you have no documents whatsoever? If there is no way to prove your identity I fear I cannot sign this off, Miss...Myra?"
Ladira, standing tense behind the table, started sobbing:"I am really sorry. My brother was supposed to visit this city on a business errand and bring the required papers from our hometown. He should have arrived 2 days ago with the Summers Flight. I am sure you heard..."
The officer was momentarily at a loss of words...the Summers Flight had been boarded by pirates. Another ship had found the half-sunken vessel on a sandbank off the coast. No survivors were found, though, it was the talk of the town since yesterday noon.
Ladira forced another few tears out, then looked directly into the officers eyes:"You know, I just want to leave all of this behind me, to start anew somewhere else. It's so hard to deal with all this...if only..." and stopped, looking for a handkerchief.
The officer uncomfortable changed positions in his seat, he was definitely not trained for this kind of situation:"Miss, Miss Myra...I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I am sure in such a special case we can postpone the aquisition of the documents and make it possible for you to hand those in later. Please, accept my condolences and best wishes for the future!" As he said so, he stamped the papers and held them out towards her, at the same time hoping to ease her pain and end a situation that was definitely beyond his comfort zone.
Ladira took the papers and threw a glancing smile at the officer while wiping away another tear:"Thank you very much, it's kind of you to do this for me. I sure hope you are not going to get into any trouble for this?"
Naturally, the documents would get filed away and nobody would ever look for them again. If that guy was smart, he'd just not report things at all. Otherwise, he'd definitely get in some trouble that could cost him his job. Ladira didn't care either way,, Myra, hat a Caravan to catch.

Just checking in!

I know I had said I'd have an answer posted today. But with the unexpected death of my computer, it's had my ability to review applications slowed drastically. I will post my choice soon-ish, but no new applications will be considered.

Hey, I don't mean to impose. This isn't so much as a new application as it is one I posted but never got around to finishing because of being sick. But here's the finished product:

As for the RP sample:


Tiel looks awe stricken as she sizes up the building before her. People walking by have to sidestep around her as she pauses mid walk in the street. A women bumps into her. "Ah, I'm sorry miss. I haven't had my mind about me, is everything ok?"
Tiel swerves her attention to the woman. "Oh, its nothing. All my belongings appear to be in well enough shape."
The woman looks confused for a second. "But... No, I meant are you... (sighs) I guess it doesn't matter, have a fine day."
The woman starts walking away. Tiel does a double take after her, and on the second, calls after, "Hey."
The woman turns around for a second. "Excuse me, yes?
"This is the Caravan Master's Office, yah?
"Well, of course."
"Good, bye." Tiel walks into the Office of the Caravan Master. The man behind the desk looks up and sits back in his chair.
"My, My! What can I do for you lass? Tiel was slightly taken aback by the remark.
"Um, I uh, I'm here to join an expedition down into the Stolen Lands." Tiel pulls a paper from her satchel and places it on the table. The man was then taken aback by this.
"The Stolen Lands? What would a girl like you be hoping find in dangerous place like that?"
"Is that really any of your business?"
"No, hum, I guess it isn't", the Caravan Master stuttered. He started his look over the papers. "You sure your going to be fine miss?"
Tiel cracked a smile as she held her hand aloft, tiny electric pulses jumping between her fingers and palm. "Surely." The Caravan Master went back to looking over the papers...

I apologize for not getting it done sooner and hope I'm not being too much of a nuisance. Also, good luck to your computer problems.

Hope things go better with your computer Thron!

would a Drider Wizard(Spellsage) be ok?

I have made my choice, and sent the lucky soul (Durnim Hornblower) a PM. To the rest of you, thank you for the interest, and good luck in your gaming endeavors!

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