Hush has ever been a reserved, some would even say misanthropic individual. In his relatively short (by Elven standards at least) life, he has come to the conclusion that others should be kept at arms-length, so as to avoid any inconvenient entanglements. If he deigns to speak at all, his words are always carefully measured, as Hush has learned through painful experience that a thoughtless remark can kill just as easily as any blade.
His skill at arms and interest in the stars has led him to Brevoy. Here, he hopes to join an adventuring party and make his fortune in the unspoiled Stolen Lands. Using his wits and his steady hand, he plans to found and build a new observatory, furthering his obsession with the world that lies beyond the one he has toiled in for nearly a century. Hush hopes to use the Stolen Lands as the platform upon which to gaze at the cosmos, and hopefully discover the answer to the question that has plagued him his whole life: "Why am I here? Why are any of us here?"