Axe Lord

Durnim Hornblower's page

411 posts. Alias of Jubal Breakbottle.


Active condition:


Cloud Dwarf | HP 90/90 | Rage 13/13 | Windsight 4/4 | Flex 5/5 | 1st 6/6 | 2nd 3/3

AC 20 touch 10 flat 20 | Fort +8 Ref +1 Will +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +14, Wind Sight, Darkvision 60 ft

About Durnim Hornblower


Age 39 Height 4-ft, 5-in Weight 206 lb.
Hair platinum blonde Eyes sapphire blue

Durnim Hornblower towers over most dwarfs with a build of strength and thickness of good-living. He has finely chiseled features of smooth, pale skin, and his platinum blonde hair flutters as if in a breeze. His dazzling sapphire blue eyes sparkle with youthful curiosity and energy.

He wears magically fashionable, classic traveling clothes over full plate with a prominent Gold Holy Amulet of Spiryth hanging on his chest. Over his shoulder, he slings a gearbag, longbow, quiver, giant sticker. He holsters a Sphinx Hammer on his weapon's belt.

Durnim is relatively carefree and enjoys life. He believes that nobility is earned not inherited, despite his unwavering loyalty to his family. So, he treats others as he wishes to be treated and counterattacks if mistreated. He is equally comfortable at court as in a tavern.

For his family and himself, he is willing to do most anything.

He deeply regrets not joining the army and persevering through the nausea of his oath-breaking.

Durnim grew up with a platinum spoon in his mouth. He never wanted for anything. His tutors were always the best. Even if they were only good, his family told him and anyone who would listen how they were the best.

As the youngest of three siblings, he enjoyed being the “baby” of the family and had limited pressure to carry on the family business of being nobles. Therefore, he developed good relationships with the servants and some of his tutors.

When they recruited for the war, his mother made him swear an oath not to join his father and older siblings to war. He followed them after a day but turned around overcome by nausea caused by betraying his mother’s trust.

A medal is hung around his neck.

The title Effendi is conferred to Durnim Hornblower, and he and his companions will take possession of the Villa and Vineyards which previously belonged the deceased Meritt Metrinome who left no heir, in the name of the crown, and see to its defense.

Doin Cirrus fathers Coin and Barin Cirrus. Coin Cirrus fathers Elaina Cirrus who marries Duram Nimbus, father of captured King Dak Nimbus. (This one is super convoluted because Elaina's Mother Kellya Nimbus was Duram's father's sister, so Duram & Elaina were already first cousins when married). Coin also fathers Cal, and Finnagree Cirrus, and Cal Cirrus is the father of Cam Cirrus, the head of House Cirrus. Melatar Cirrus marries Dainam Hornblower, who give birth to Durnim Hornblower.

Male Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager & Hurler) 2 / Oracle (Warsighted & Wind) 4 / Rage Prophet 1
Race Cloud Dwarf
Subtype Humanoid (dwarf)
Alignment Neutral
Size Medium
Favored Class Oracle
Initiative +0
Senses Perception +14, 60-ft Darkvision, Wind Sight

AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (+10 armor)
HP 90 (12+12+8+8+8+8+10 +7x3 Con +3 Favored Class)
Fort +8, Ref +1, Will +5
Armor +1 Full Plate
Defensive Abilities
- Invulnerability: gains DR 1/— equal to half her barbarian level. This damage reduction is doubled against nonlethal damage.
- Mystic Mother protection: +2 Racial saving throw bonus against all spells, spell-like, and supernatural abilities. The touch of the Mystic Mother protects Dwarves against mystic attacks.
- Stability: Dwarves are exceptionally stable on their feet. A dwarf gains +4 bonus on ability checks to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, ect).
- Giantkiller: +4 Dodge bonus against Giants.
- War chant: (Su) Once per day, a cloud dwarf with ranks in Perform (sing, chant, or drum) may perform a war chant. This is a Supernatural ability that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The effect lasts as long as the Dwarf continues to chant, and two rounds thereafter. All allies within 30 ft, of the Cloud Dwarf gain a +1 Morale bonus to attacks, fortitude saves, will saves against fear, and to skill checks to ride or march into battle. In addition, allies moving in formation and performing no other actions may move an additional 10 ft. per round.

Speed 20 ft/x4
Melee Dwarven boulder helmet +9 (1d4+4) Bludgeoning 20/x2
Melee & Furious Focus +1 Fey Ice Dwarven giant sticker +10 (2d6+13+1d4 cold) Piercing or Slashing 20/x3, Brace & Reach
Melee Dwarven Sphinx Hammer +9 (1d10+5) Bludgeoning 20/x3
Thrown Dwarven Sphinx Hammer +7 (1d10+6) Bludgeoning 20/x3, Range 60-ft
Ranged Composite (+3) Longbow +6 (1d8+3) Piercing 20/x3, Range 220-ft

Offensive Abilities
- Furious Focus & Power Attack: -0 to attack, +6 damage
- Rage: 13 rounds per day +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class.
- Spirit attack: While raging, spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to the barbarian of slam attack +7 (1d4+3) of negative energy damage
- Lightning strike: As a standard action, you can breathe a 30-foot line of electricity. This line deals 1d4 points of electricity damage per oracle level. A Reflex saves for half damage DC = 10 + 1/2 the oracle’s level + the oracle’s Charisma modifier.
- Mastery of the Winds: +1 to attack with projectile weapons, and +2 with thrown weapons. In addition they add +2 damage with thrown weapons against targets within 30 ft.
- Cloud dwarf +1 racial bonus on attack roles and damage against giant. The bonus doubles to +2 against Cloud Giants.
- War chant: (Su) Once per day, a cloud dwarf with ranks in Perform (sing, chant, or drum) may perform a war chant. This is a Supernatural ability that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The effect lasts as long as the Dwarf continues to chant, and two rounds thereafter. All allies within 30 ft, of the Cloud Dwarf gain a +1 Morale bonus to attacks, fortitude saves, will saves against fear, and to skill checks to ride or march into battle. In addition, allies moving in formation and performing no other actions may move an additional 10 ft. per round.
- Minotaur Belt grants its wearer the ability to ignore difficult terrain while charging or making an overrun, bull rush, or trample attempt.

Str 16(18), Dex 10, Con 16 (+1 4th), Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
BAB +5, CMB +19, CMD 22

Barbarian start – Weapon Proficiencies (simple & martial)
Barbarian start – Armor Proficiencies (light & medium) & Shields
Feat Tax
1st – Furious Focus
3rd – Heavy Armor Proficiency
5th – Extra Rage Power (Lesser Spirit Totem)
7th – Extra Revelation (Lightning Breath)
9th -

1. Berserker of the Society (Society) You may use your rage ability for 3 additional rounds per day.

2. Magical Knack (Magic) : Oracle Pick a class when you gain this trait—your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice.

48 ranks = 2x4 Barbarian +4x4 Oracle +7x2 Background +1 Favored Class +1 Skilled +4 Prophet

Acrobatics -1 (1 rank +3 class +0 Dex -5 ACP)
Climb +3 (1 rank +3 class +4 Str -5 ACP)
Intimidate +10 (1 rank +3 class +3 Cha +3 Legal)
Perception +14 (7 ranks +3 class +0 Wis +2 Racial +2 Alertness)
Survival +4 (1 ranks +3 class +0 Wis)
Swim +3 (1 rank +3 class +4 Str -5 ACP)

Bluff +5 (0 ranks +3 Cha +2 Racial)
Diplomacy +16 (7 rank +3 class +3 Cha +3 Legal)
Knowledge (religion) +8 (5 rank +3 class +0 Int)
Sense Motive +15 (7 rank +3 class +0 Wis +2 Alertness +3 Legal)

Knowledge (geography) +4 (1 rank +3 class +0 Int)
Knowledge (history) +4 (1 rank +3 class +0 Int)
Knowledge (noble) +9 (7 rank +3 class +0 Int)
Perform (sing) +7 (1 rank +3 class +3 Cha)
Perform (oratory) +9 (3 rank +3 class +3 Cha)
Profession (vintner) +4 (1 rank +3 class +0 WIs)

Armor Class Penalty (ACP) = +1 Full Plate = -5

Languages Draconic, Dwarven


Cloud Dwarf
• +2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Wis. Cloud Dwarves are hardy and friendly, but tend to lack discipline and focus..
• Humanoid—Cloud Dwarves are humanoid type.
• As medium creatures, dwarves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. However. Dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or Heavy load (unlike other creatures whose speed is reduced in such situations.)
• Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
• War chant: Once per day, a cloud dwarf with ranks in Perform (sing, chant, or drum) may perform a war chant. This is a Supernatural ability that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The effect lasts as long as the Dwarf continues to chant, and two rounds thereafter. All allies within 30 ft, of the Cloud Dwarf gain a +1 Morale bonus to attacks, fortitude saves, will saves against fear, and to skill checks to ride or march into battle. In addition, allies moving in formation and performing no other actions may move an additional 10 ft. per round.
• Mastery of the Winds: Cloud dwarves double the range increment of all ranged weapons they use. They gain +1 to attack with projectile weapons, and +2 with thrown weapons. In addition they add +2 damage with thrown weapons against targets within 30 ft.
• Weapon familiarity: Cloud Dwarves are proficient with all thrown weapons, and treat any weapon with the word “Dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
• Stability: Dwarves are exceptionally stable on their feet. A dwarf gains +4 bonus on ability checks to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, ect).
• +2 Racial saving throw bonus against all spells, spell-like, and supernatural abilities. The touch of the Mystic Mother protects Dwarves against mystic attacks.
• +1 racial bonus on attack roles and damage against giant. The bonus doubles to +2 against Cloud Giants.
• +4 Dodge bonus against Giants.
• +2 racial bonus to Bluff and Spot. Cloud Dwarves grow up telling tall tales, and their hours spent among the great plains have honed their eyesight.

Skilled Thrower (Ex) The hurler is skilled at throwing objects in combat. Increase the range increment of any thrown weapon or object by 10 feet. This ability replaces fast movement.

Rage (Ex) 4 +3 trait +3 Con +3 level = 13 rounds per day A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. Starting at 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like bear’s endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a barbarian can rage per day. A barbarian can enter rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.

While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.

A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death.

Moment of Clarity (Ex) The barbarian does not gain any benefits or take any of the penalties from rage for 1 round. Activating this power is a swift action. This includes the penalty to Armor Class and the restriction on what actions can be performed. This round still counts against her total number of rounds of rage per day.

Spirit Totem, Lesser (Su): While raging, the barbarian is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass her foes. These spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to the barbarian. This slam attack is made using the barbarian’s full base attack bonus, plus the barbarian’s Charisma modifier. The slam deals 1d4 points of negative energy damage, plus the barbarian’s Charisma modifier.

Invulnerability (Ex) At 2nd level, the invulnerable rager gains DR/— equal to half her barbarian level. This damage reduction is doubled against nonlethal damage. This ability replaces uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, and damage reduction.

Martial Flexibility (Ex): 5 per day At 1st level, a warsighted can use a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat she doesn’t possess. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The warsighted must otherwise meet all the feat’s prerequisites. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 her oracle level. The warsighted can use this ability again before the duration expires in order to replace the previous combat feat with another choice.

If a combat feat has a daily use limitation (for example, Stunning Fist), any uses of that combat feat while using this ability count toward that feat’s daily limit. At later levels, when she gains multiple feats through this ability, she can use those feats to meet the prerequisites of other feats she gains with this ability. Doing so means that she cannot replace a feat currently fulfilling another’s prerequisite without also replacing those feats that require it. Each individual feat selected counts toward her daily uses of this ability.

At 7th level, a warsighted can use this ability to gain the benefit of two combat feats at the same time. She can select one feat as a swift action or two feats as a move action. At 11th level, a warsighted can use this ability to gain the benefits of three combat feats at the same time. She can select one feat as a free action, two feats as a swift action, or three feats as a move action. At 15th level, a warsighted can use this ability to gain the benefit of one combat feat as an immediate action or three combat feats as a swift action.

This ability replaces the revelations gained at 1st, 7th, 11th, and 15th levels.

Wind Sight (Ex): You ignore penalties on Perception checks based on wind and the first 100 feet of distance. At 7th level, as a standard action, you can see and hear into any area (as if using clairaudience and clairvoyance) within range as long as there is an unobstructed path for air to travel between you and the target area (this does not require line of effect, meaning the path can turn corners and go through spaces no smaller than 1 inch in diameter). You can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to your oracle level, but these rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Lightning Breath (Su): As a standard action, you can breathe a 30-foot line of electricity. This line deals 1d4 points of electricity damage per oracle level. A Reflex save halves this damage. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every five levels thereafter.

Oracle’s Curse: Legalistic: Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your obligation, whichever comes first. However, once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual.
* At 5th level, you gain a +3 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks while talking to an individual one-on-one.

Savage Seer: A rage prophet’s class level stacks with barbarian levels for determining the effect of his rage powers, oracle revelations, and his oracle’s curse. This does not grant additional abilities.

Spirit Guide (Sp): Every rage prophet possesses a spirit guide, an insubstantial phantom that speaks to his mind, watches over him, and lends him its strength and wisdom. Whenever the rage prophet rages, he gains the benefit of a single guidance spell from his spirit guide; this bonus can be used at any time during his rage. The spirit guide also allows the rage prophet to use dancing lights, ghost sound, and mage hand as spell-like abilities once per day each (caster level equal to the rage prophet’s class level). The DCs are Charisma-based.

Caster Level = 6 (4th level +2 Magical Knack)
Concentration check +9 (Caster level +3 Cha)
DC = 10 + spell level +3 Cha

Spells Known
Cantrips: Detect Magic (VS), Mending (VS), Read Magic (VSF), Stabilize (VS)
1st – level (6 per day): Cure Light Wounds (VS), Divine Favor (VSF), Shield of Faith (VSF), Endure Elements (VS)
2nd – level (3 per day): Cure Moderate Wounds (VS), Gust of Wind (VS), Lesser Restoration (VS)

==EQUIPMENT== 3,000 gp
Minotaur Belt - 1 lb.
(200 gp) Sleeves of Many Garments – 1 lb.
(100 gp) Signet Ring
(100 gp) Gold Holy Amulet of Spiryth
+1 Full Plate – 50 lb.
+1 Fey Ice Dwarven giant sticker - 12 lb.
(325 gp) Masterwork Dwarven giant sticker – 12 lb.
(45 gp) Dwarven Sphinx Hammer – 12 lb.
(20 gp) Dwarven boulder helmet – 10 lb.
(400 gp) Composite Longbow (+3) – 3 lb.
(1 gp) normal arrows – 3 lb.
Potion of Spider Climb

Current Load 82 lb. Medium

Current Wealth 1,904 gp

Carrying Capacity Heavy Load (154 – 230 lbs.)


- (21 gp) Ranger’s kit (less 10 torches) – 18 lb.
- (1 gp) grappling hook - 4 lb.
- (1 gp) Grooming kit – 2 lb.
- (5 gp) Scroll box - 1 lb.
- (25 gp) Parade Armor (pajamas) – 20 lb.
- The Diary of Darius Nimbus


+3 days
Total Bank = 3 days


4th level XP
4th – Oracle 2 - Know (nobility) 1, Perform (Oratory) 1, Diplomacy 3, Perception 1, Alter Winds, Flex 4/day, 1st 4/day, Will +1, BAB +1
5th – Oracle 3 - Know (nobility) 1, Perform (Oratory) 1, Diplomacy 1, Sense Motive 2, Perception 1, Endure Elements, 1st 5/day, Fort +1, Ref +1, BAB +1
6th – Oracle, Knowledge (religion) 5
7th – Rage Prophet
8th – Rage Prophet