About Huntsmistress KiirionAppearance:
As Trap Ranger:
Female Elf Ranger2 (Trapper sub-type) CG Medium Humanoid(Elf) Init +4 Senses Low-light Vision; Perception +9 ===defense=== AC 18 Touch 14 Flat-footed 14 HP 16 (2d10) Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2;+2V. Enchantment Immune sleep ===Offense=== Speed 30 Ft. Melee Elven Curved Blade +6 (1d10/ 18-20); Gladius +6 (1d6/ 19-20); Kukri +6 (1d4/ 18-20) Ranged Longbow, Composite +6 (1d8/ x3) 110Ft.; Chakram +6 (1d8/ x2) 30 Ft. Special Attacks Favored Enemy (Humans) ===Statistics=== Str 10 Dex 18 Con 10 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 8 BAB +1 CMB +1 CMD 15 Feats Weapon Finesse Traits Armor Expert Special QualitiesTrapfinding, Keen Sense, Low-light Vision, Elven Immunities, Favored Enemy (undead), Elven Magic, Track (+1), Weapon Familiarity, Wild Empathy (+2), Favored Class: Ranger Skills Heal +7, Perception +9, Profession (Huntsman) +7, Stealth +9, Survival +7, Know (nature) +7, Disable Device 9, Swim +6, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6 Gear Elven Curve Blade, (+0)Composite Longbow with 20 Arrows, Armored Coat As Core Ranger:
Female Elf Ranger2 (Trapper sub-type) CG Medium Humanoid(Elf) Init +4 Senses Low-light Vision; Perception +9 ===defense=== AC 18 Touch 14 Flat-footed 14 HP 16 (2d10) Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2;+2V. Enchantment Immune sleep ===Offense=== Speed 30 Ft. Melee Elven Curved Blade +6 (1d10/ 18-20); Gladius +6 (1d6/ 19-20); Kukri +6 (1d4/ 18-20) Ranged Longbow, Composite +6 (1d8/ x3) 110Ft.; Chakram +6 (1d8/ x2) 30 Ft. Special Attacks Favored Enemy (Humans) ===Statistics=== Str 10 Dex 18 Con 10 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 8 BAB +1 CMB +1 CMD 15 Feats Weapon Finesse Traits Armor Expert Special QualitiesTrapfinding, Keen Sense, Low-light Vision, Elven Immunities, Favored Enemy (undead), Elven Magic, Track (+1), Weapon Familiarity, Wild Empathy (+2), Favored Class: Ranger Skills Heal +7, Perception +9, Profession (Huntsman) +7, Stealth +9, Survival +7, Know (nature) +7, Disable Device 9, Swim +6, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6 Gear Elven Curve Blade, (+0)Composite Longbow with 20 Arrows, Armored Coat As Rogue/Ranger:
Female Elf Ranger1/Rogue1 CG Medium Humanoid(Elf) Init +4 Senses Low-light Vision; Perception ===defense=== AC 18 Touch 14 Flat-footed 14 HP 10 (1d10) Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2;+2V. Enchantment Immune sleep ===Offense=== Speed 30 Ft. Melee Elven Curved Blade +4 (1d10/ 18-20); Gladius +4 (1d6/ 19-20); Kukri +4 (1d4/ 18-20) Ranged Longbow, Composite +4 (1d8/ x3) 110Ft.; Chakram +4 (1d8/ x2) 30 Ft. Special Attacks Favored Enemy (Humans) ===Statistics=== Str 10 Dex 16 Con 10 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 8 BAB +1 CMB +1 CMD 15 Feats Weapon Finesse Traits Armor Expert Special QualitiesKeen Sense, Low-light Vision, Elven Immunities, Favored Enemy (undead), Elven Magic, Track (+1), Weapon Familiarity, Wild Empathy (+2), Favored Class: Ranger Skills Heal +6, Perception +8, Profession (Huntsman) +6, Stealth +8, Survival +6, Know (nature) +7, Craft (Leatherworking) +7, Swim +4, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6 Gear Elven Curve Blade, (+0)Composite Longbow with 20 Arrows, Armored Coat Creation:
Kiirion was raised by her mother in the forests a short distance from a small town. If she has a Hometown, that would be it. Having lived almost 60 years, Kiirion grew up with the the elders of the town, and has seen their grandchildren grow nearly to adulthood. She loves each of them as her own, and most of the residents have come to peace with knowing Kiirion will be there to care for their children after they pass on. Kiirion is a huntswoman by trade, and frequently visits her hometown to sell and trade her goods. She's easygoing, especially for an elf, and shows up to town for every celebration when she can. Kiirion has a certain beauty to her tall lanky frame, which is considerably offset her by her rough stentorian voice. Kiirion's mother trained her for nearly 20 years before continuing on her life adventure. Having had Kiirion young herself, Keira took back to traveling the world as soon as she could. Frequently returning to their cabin in the forest to tell tales of her life to Kiirion. While Kiirion isn't as prone to flight as her mother, she still longs for her own adventure. While she hunts and tracks animals and the occasional goblin band that roams into her forest, Kiirion has also been contracted by the local druids in her forest to preserve balance. Often times what that meant was tracking the humans of her hometown and forcing them to leave the forest. After many years of doing this regularly, Kiirion began to get a better understanding of how humans worked.
A few years ago, during the town's coming of age ceremony that involved older adolescent children venturing to the temple in the forest to honor the town founder and hero, Kiirion's village was met with a particularly grim turn of events. Months before the ceremony, bandits had desecrated the temple, and woke the spirits within. The sudden activity of the townsfolk preparing the temple for the ceremony drove the newly arisen undead to the surface. The adults at the temple were unexpectedly overwhelmed by the uprising, and quite a few were killed. The children on their right of passage went deep into the temple and were killed before Kiirion could save them. Kiirion had no other choic but to clear the rest of the temple of its corruption that night. When Kiirion returned to the town with the bodies of the children and two survivors, the celebration which was usually in full swing by this time became a very somber event. She wasn't able to look any of the townsfolk in the eye again. After about a week, Kiirion decided that she needed to leave or constantly face the shame of being unable to protect those who she considered her own children. She packed her bags and headed to the nearest port. She sails towards Osirion, having heard of its boundless treasures... in truth, she seeks to destroy as many undead as she can find to sate her feelings of hatred. Personality:
Kiirion operates an intuitive basis which is entirely spontaneous. She knows things intuitively, without being able to pinpoint why, and without necessarily having studied the details of the subject at hand. She is usually right, and usually knows it. Consequently, Kiirion puts a tremendous amount of faith into her instincts and intuitions. This is something of a conflict between her inner and outer self, and may result in the Kiirion not being as organized as other people tend to be. Kiirion is protective of their inner self, sharing only what she chooses to share when she chooses to share it. She is a deep, complex individual, who holds back part of herself, and can be secretive. Because Kiirion has such strong intuitive capabilities, she trusts her own instincts above all else. This results in Kiirion's stubbornness and tendency to ignore other people's opinions. On the other hand, Kiirion is a perfectionist who doubts that they are living up to their full potential. There's always something else she should be doing to improve herself and the world around them. She believes in constant growth, and doesn't often take time to revel in her accomplishments, instead moving directly to her next objective. Kiirion is a nurturer; patient, devoted and protective. She has high expectations of those she views as her children, and push them to be the best that they can be. This often manifests itself as Kiirion being hard-nosed and stubborn.