
Nalor Slatesoul's page

13 posts. Alias of Stratos.

Full Name

Nalor Slatesoul




Storm Druid / 1st




Medium (4'4, 197 lbs)


144 (middle-aged)

Special Abilities





The Wind and Waves


The reaches of Brevoy


Common, Dwarven


Cook of House Orlovsky

Strength 11
Dexterity 10
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 18
Charisma 8

About Nalor Slatesoul

Male Dwarf Storm Druid 2
N Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Initiative +0; Senses Perception +9; Darkvision 60’.
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (+0 dex)
HP: 17 (1d8+2/lvl = 10 + 7)
Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +7 (+2 vs. spells, poison)
Speed 20 ft.

Storm Burst (7/day)

Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 12 (+4 vs. bull rush/trip)
Drawback Misbegotten
Traits House Orlovsky (+1 CMD, +1 Acrobatics), Mathematical Prodigy, Wisdom in the Flesh (Acrobatics)
Feats Breadth of Experience
Skills (7 points/lvl; 4 Druid, 2 INT, 1 favored class)
(2) Acrobatics +10
(0) Appraise +2
(0) Diplomacy -1
(1) Heal +8
(0) Know(Arcana) +5
(0) Know(Dungeoneering) +4
(1) Know(Engineering) +9
(1) Know(Geography) +8
(0) Know(History) +4
(0) Know(Local) +4
(2) Know(Nature) +11
(0) Know(Nobility) +4
(0) Know(Planes) +4
(0) Know(Religion) +4
(0) Linguistics +2
(2) Perception +9
(1) Profession (Cook) +10
(0) Ride -2
(1) Spellcraft +6
(0) Stealth -2
(2) Survival +11
(1) Swim +4

[spoiler=Special Abilities]
[spoiler=Spontaneous Domain Casting (Ex)]A storm druid can channel stored spell energy into domain spells that she has not prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any domain spell of the same level or lower.

Nature Bond (Ex):
As per the Weather domain.

Windwalker (Ex):
At 2nd level, the penalties from natural or magical wind effects are treated as one step less severe for a storm druid.

Nature Sense (Ex):
A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-38 lb. Medium 39-76 lb. Heavy 77-115 lb.
Current Load Carried 24 lb.

Money 1 PP 3 GP 29 SP 11 CP (~1 pounds)
Artisan's Outfit (4 GP) (1 lb.)
Cold Weather Outfit (8 GP) (1 lb.)
2 satchels (1 SP) (1/8 lb.)
Damaged copper ring (? GP) (1/16 lb.)
3 days' rations (1.5 GP) (3 lb.)
Waterskin (1 SP) (l lb.)
Backpack (1 SP) (1 lb.)

Nalor hailed from an old clan of dwarves. Originally from Druma, their wars with the other four sects left their area to the humans. The shame was not so great in the loss of battle as it was in the loss of wealth. This focus on wealth, the constant aim of avarice, was replete by the time Nalor came to be. His elders pushed him to be an expert craftsman, prepared him to be a merchant, but such a future was not in the stars for him. Instead, a horrific smithing accident with molten steel left him with scars on his hands, sapping much of his nerves in the digits and hindering his fine motor control. A craftsman he could not be.

His family, with little tolerance for failure (or handicap as it were) cast him out to make life on his own. It was not fully out of malice, but they were poor - another mouth to feed was more than they could manage. So it was Nalor wandered the lands of Avistan, working his way slowly Northeast. He made his way to the Riverlands.

One evening, he had to take refuge during a great storm. There was little else than a large tree next to a riverbank, however, so that was the shelter he took. Before he knew what had happened, he awoke to find his skin black and a woman standing over him. She was one of the fair folk.

"A dwarf in the grass? Now I've seen everything. You've been hit by lightning. Can you hear me?"

It turned out the tree, a lightning rod for the current from the sky, was just the conduit Nalor needed in his life. The druid told him Gozreh had blessed him as one of his chosen; she would show him the ways of the wilds. Thus, Nalor learned to hunt, cook, and work the weirding magecraft of the wild folk.

A solitary people though, the druids often met during the warm season and departed as the leaves changed. Food was scarcer, and it was easier to provide for smaller numbers. Nalor made his way North, having heard of the opportunities available in the River Kingdoms. Feuding lords left empty seats for help. He availed himself to House Orlovsky as a chef, his expertise with wild game a hit with the nobles. Even cold in the North as they were, their halls kept him warm through the winter.

However, a talk of a charter circulated the town in the new year. Perhaps this chance could restore some honor to his diminished line - and perhaps it could advance his own personal glory...

Nalor is much a dwarf, though he is one of the old world. His clothes are simple, his beard wild, and his manner gruff. Short as he is, the scars from his accident give him an off-putting appearance, though not intimidating as his small stature contradicts the scare. When in the halls, he is often covered in flour or other such ingredients and seen with random utensils. Outdoors is another story though - his dress is more appropriate for a hike than a stroll, save headgear; he eschews it.

Though he doesn't make himself stand out for its own merit, a dwarf in human lands is noticeable. Especially so when one avoids mercantile pursuits for more humble passtimes like baking and stargazing. Though his colors are drab, Slatesoul's speech can be brought to a boil of rubbed the wrong way about something which he is passionate - such as the taste of various dishes/drinks ... or more often in the River Kingdoms, the limitations of mankind against the elements.

Though slow to make friends, Nalor harbors no ill will towards others. He simply defaults to uncaring. His acclimation to the wild teaching him the elements endure - and erode - all, his ability to be patient for eons is often eclipsed by an unwillingness to waste time on idle prattle. Once in a blue moon, however, he can be found cracking a joke at the nobles' expense - though you'd have to find him after a few flagons of mead to hear it.

* = prepared, ! = spontaneous

0th: (all),

  • Create Water*
  • Detect Magic*
  • Guidance*
  • Purify Food and Water*

1st (4/4):

  • Ant Haul*
  • Cure Light Wounds*
  • Longstrider*
  • Obscuring Mist*!