The Rebellion, with Space Duck
Game Master
Ace Matthews
El Mappo
HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8
So, I found a thing.
The Thing
It's designed for 5E, but it would take minimal fiddling to modify it for PF. I like it because it does two things. Firstly, it makes being an adventurer less lethal. This becomes less of an issue as you advance in level, but still. Secondly, it makes getting injured a hell of a lot more interesting. You can lose limbs!
Just figured I'd share it and shop for thoughts.
Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1
Damn I hope we had a chance to collect our stuff. Otherwise the bad guys have the ledger and Amara is missing her pants!...And Ramon
Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1
Oh ALso do we still have those temporary hit points from earlier? I still have it marked on my character and it would be good to note.
since I didn't let you full rest, I'll say yes. they'll fall off when you sleep.
Just checking in. I know I owe you guys a post but I've been rather busy this week and weekend. Buying a new truck, interviewing for a new job, helping my parents remodel an old house. Yeesh.
I'll try to get the encounter set up tonight. The problem has been that this is one of those mandatory fifteen minute posts that requires computer, not phone.
Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1
I see lol. I mean we a pretty much set up so we are ready when you are lol
M Asskicker Brawler/Rogue
optimistic that i'll have time tomorrow
Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1
Ok I'm sorry guys. I finally quit my old job yesterday. Everyone still around?
HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps
Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1
Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1
HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8
M Asskicker Brawler/Rogue
I'm sorry! My new job has been more demanding than I thought. I think I've settled a little now if you'll all forgive me and jump back in
HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps
Delays happen or something I guess.
HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8
HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11
I am also patient (and dealing with adjusting to school life, so I empathize).
Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1
HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps
I think the gm died. er, again.
HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8
Honestly, after two "I'm back, you guys still here?" posts that led to literally nothing, I'm ready to just move on anyway. =/
HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps
We could try finding a different gm or something, I guess.
Same. I liked the GM, but I don't want the game to die, either.
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