The Rebellion, with Space Duck

Game Master Ace Matthews

El Mappo

GM Screen:

[dice=Perc Alexis]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Perc Amara]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Perc Mira]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Perc Septima]1d20+5[/dice]

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HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Mira's known murderers all her life, and as a result she knows the b%%!$$@% they say instead of admitting that murder happened roughly as well as she knows the back of her hand. She gives the halfling the most meaningful eyebrow quirk that she can muster, before going straight back to the sweets.

"Right. So then, let's skip the pleasantries and head to the point. I think we're going to start a sort of... racquetball team. Freelance. We need a place to hang out and plan our racquetball strategies. Do opposition research, check on the local tournament scene, review rules... stuff like that. Also to practice. Preferably somewhere where we won't be overheard, since we should be nice to our neighbors and racquetballs bouncing off of the walls can be surprisingly noisy. Know anywhere we could look?"

Pretending that she's competent at subterfuge helps her get her mind off of the impending doom coming just around the corner.

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Alexis examines the meats with delight, though she looks up from the pile of meat to give a mixed stare at the women. She is lying, that much she knows.....But is she covering for someone else? Or herself?....Either way Alexis turns her attention to Mira. At first a little confused about the racquetball bit she quickly catches on and nods, taking a bite of the Turkey.

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Int check: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (9) - 2 = 7

Amara doesn't question the halfling, instead pouring herself a large mug of tea. As Mira speaks, Amara cocks her head to the side and furrows her brow in confusion.

"Mira, what in the hells are you talking about? I don't even know how to play racquetball."

HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

sense motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Septima also smells the distinctive scent of burning pants. However, Amara's interruption strikes a note of cringe into her soul that can only mended by shoveling as much of the delicious food into her mouth as possible.

Rexus int: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Biff int: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (20) - 3 = 17

Rexus continues to eat, now contemplating how to translate whatever he has to add on the subject into racquetball terms.

Even the big Biff gets it, and, with a goofy grin, says to Amara "I think she's bein sneaky about somethin y'all ain't supposed to be doin'. Kinda like how me an miss Laria say our owners died of old age when we mean we broke their freakin necks."

"Biff!" snaps Laria, but too late. "Well I suppose the cat was already out of the bag, but I hope you all can be trusted. Neither of us were legally freed. My master's bastard of a son flogged my brother to death, and turned to my father. I wasn't in time to save him, but that little... *Sigh* he did not die with dignity.

"I ran away, falling in with the Bellflower network. Along the way I met Biff, who had a similar story, and made it here with forged papers.

"With due respect, miss Mira, I welcome the attention of a... Racquetball team. I believe I have access to a well hidden court, but there's an issue.

"About a week ago, a neighboring business with access to the.. court, asked me if he could store some goods to be sent along the network, as well as hide himself. I've been leaving food, and it's been gone each day, but I have a bad feeling. I haven't actually heard from him, and sometimes I hear the strangest sounds, almost laugher coming from below. I haven't had the time nor the guts to go look myself. I wonder if you all would go see if the old racquetball court is useable?"

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

Alexis face softens a bit. Biffs dumbfounded honesty was kind of refreshing honestly. Alexis looks to Mira.

"Well if we are to play ball getting rid of any vermin would be prudent no?"

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

"I do hate Rodents of Unusual Size. Let's go ahead and check it out. Where's the court at?"

Biff, unbeknownst to the rest present, has actually been drinking an obscene amount of Applejack. He rises to carry away some dishes at Laria's beckoning, teeters, and falls with a resounding thud, out cold.

Gremlin, who had been happily lying by after his own feast, jumped out of the way just in time. He climbs atop the big man's chest and feels for breath. After a moment, he says "I do not envy the headache you will have when you wake, but in the mean time, rest well and dream of large women."

"There's a secret entrance in the cellar, I'll show you to it once the food has settled." Laria says, happily rubbing her round belly.

The food shall settle while I put the new map up on Roll20 :P

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

"Sounds like a plan..."

Mira goes to grab her sap and make sure the thing is well-maintained. There may be daggerwork ahead, but this is her bread and butter for anything with a brain.

Laria takes you to the cellar after you've had time to recover from dinner. It's simple enough, but just as she starts to follow you in there, there is a pounding at the door. Muffled calls of Dottari members and some fishy business of nightly random checks leads Laria to close the cellar and go to handle that business.

This basement contains numerous crates of cooking
ingredients, sacks of coffee beans, and other supplies
needed to maintain a thriving business

As the trapdoor slams shut, you are left in darkness. What do?

Map updated

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Mira waits for one of the castys to cast Light, first off.

Mira, being the first to post after I realized I had planned to offer light this time, happens to lay her hand on a crate with a marking just barely legible by the light through the cracks of the trapdoor. Glow rods Alchemical glow sticks! All the light of a torch with less heat.

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Nevermind, Mira needs to say something very super important.

"Guys. We need a bard. And a really big drum. And some illusion[pattern] spells. And ghost sound. Lots and lots of ghost sound. I just had the best idea."

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

I am hoping recovering from the meal also means going to get the stuff from the rooms if we need be, because yeah I have everything I went up there with including the secret ledger and such.Just establishing this lol. Also did our goofing off count as rest for the sake of spells? Or do I still only got the 2 left? Just curious. Regardless.

"Well that sounds bad....Maybe we should scoot off before they start checking the cellars.Alexis whispers as she slips towards the box.

"At least we have light. let's crack em open a little away from the cellar door, keep the light from bleeding upstairs"Alexis looks to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Of course. I had assumed with tales of spoopy sounds and an NPC that won't go alone you'd all get your gear and such. I'm also gonna say that the documents are already in a well hidden safe, as I didn't go into that so much.

Perc Alexis: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Perc Amara: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Perc Mira: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Perc Septima: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Mira, Ever the perceptive one, notices a few things. First, that there is indeed a tray of used dishes on a box, probably the food Laria mentioned leaving for her friend. Second, that some of the sacks had been pilfered from. As if the food had not been quite enough. A tiny bit of the grain made an almost imperceptible path to a spot on the wall where it didn't quite meet the floor!

INT Alexis: 1d10 + 18 ⇒ (3) + 18 = 21
INT Amara: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
INT Mira: 1d10 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19
INT Septima: 1d10 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

After a moment, Septima realizes that she has seen a hidden latch like this one and uses her foot to twist a false Cobblestone in the floor. The mechanism makes a soft grinding sound and a bit of the stonework on the wall slides about an inch to the right, revealing the seam of a secret door! The hallway beyond smells of damp, musty stone.

Gotta finish mapping the encounter, so i'm gonna block sight and movement at the end of the hallway. I'd advise moving into there in proper adventuring formation ;)

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Mira follows just behind Amara, ready to dart out and get into a good position to smack things, but otherwise keeping her profile to a minimum.

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Amara cautiously advances. It's doubtful that there's any real danger down here at the moment, but she's still ready to punch something in the face.

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