"Baroness" Amara |

I have attempted to help, while i know a 16 ain't exactly outshining a 28, is just felt like I was being left behind so had to do something lol.
It's level 1. I assume the harder DCs are mostly 15s. That's generally how Paizo operates.

Mira Longustus |

Figuring out a progression, and I'm both surprised and a little :T that there isn't a feat that lets you do two sneak attack modification talents at once.
Also trying to pick between Bleeding of 1/SAD and ninja trick>pressure points for 1 damage to str/dex each hit is hard. Assuming Mira lives to level 4.

Mira Longustus |

That totally works, but to really be getting full attacks I'd have to go feint (and I have no bluff) or shatter defenses (and I have no intimidate). It's an issue with the build that I knew would be there going in, Rogues really kinda need CHA or sometimes STR to get frequent feinting or intimidation off.
Because of that, I've got to rely on flanking (which is situational), or my Scout abilities to get them on a charge or on my first attack after moving 10 feet (At level 4 and 8).
Mira isn't built to frequently get full-attack SA's to pile on those debuffs, she's a dart in dart out debuffer type who also sets up criticals for our x4 pickaxe user by way of a keen rapier and delicious 15-20 crit range with Butterfly Sting. Her real talents are in her skills and in painting targets for others to destroy.

Mira Longustus |

When the Baroness and I decide to make characters in tandem... (though really, if we wanted maximum cheese I should have been a Swashbuckler TWFing with kukris, and she'd have a scythe. We both prefer a bit of flavor with our absurd builds.)
I've actually more or less figured out how I want her build to go. I may decide to just post it here in a spoiler tag and just words for eternity about what I'm getting and why through to like. 12th levelish?

Mira Longustus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I have no impulse control.
The reason I took Agile Maneuvers, tbh. Depending on the enemy, this can be a fairly sizeable debuff, particularly if they have amulets or whatnot.
3: Butterfly Sting, Finesse Rouge (Rapier)
For use with pickaxe for massive damage.
4: Bleeding Attack
Debuffs now include DOTs, and Mira can now sneak attack whenever she charges due to scout.
Rebellion rank 4: Alertness or Stealthy
5: Point Blank Shot, Knack (Sleight of Hand)
This is useful for when she starts using bows more. The knack gives a +2 to steal, which stacks with the feats. It's important for keeping her CMB up.
6: Fast Stealth(Trap Spotter?), Minor Magic (Detect Magic)
Favored Class bonus comes into play for a bonus talent! Detect Magic at will is great, and Fast Stealth lets her sneak better. Maybe trap spotter instead, traps are annoying but if you can remember to search ALWAYS?? Then it's not a huge deal.
7: Greater Steal
Steal an enemy's wand off their belt and they won't know it until they need that wand. Also between SoH unlock and these she's at +6 over her standard CMB, which at 7th would be ~+11 assuming +2 dex belt. +17 is a pretty nice CMB. Good times.
8: Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Combat Trick (Precise Shot)
Free skill focus into sense motive to prep for level 10, and precise shot comes online at exactly the level where scout can now move 10ft and get sneak attack on their first attack that round. Mira can now debuff 1 target a round via arrow.
Rebellion rank 9: Iron Will
Her will save is baaad.
9: Alertness or Stealthy
Whichever is left. Alertness comes first, for sure.
Rebellion Rank 14: Improved Initiative
Might as well ALWAYS go first.
10: Rouge's Edge (Sense Motive), Double Debilitation
Double Debilitation lets her SA debuff both AC and attack rolls at once. As for Sense Motive... 10 ranks + 3 trained + 4 Alert + 6 Skill Focus + 5 competence item + 1 wisdom (by now she should have a headband)= +29. 5 ranks give an init. boost in certain encounters, which is nice. The 10 rank skill unlock is 'After 1 minute of conversation, you can read a creature’s surface thoughts (as detect thoughts) by attempting a Sense Motive check at a –20 penalty opposed by the creature’s Bluff check.' That's downright amazing, letting her detect thoughts at an overall +9. If the enemy doesn't have any points in bluff, she's probably going to succeed.
11: Extra Rogue Talent (Quick Shot), Rogue's Finesse (Daggers)
As part of rolling initiative, she gets a ranged attack. This will make them flat footed. Sneak attack if she's within 30 feet, and she's already spreading debuffs. Daggers gives her another melee option.
12: Opportunist, Feat (Combat Reflexes)
Her second rogue talent bonus comes in here, and she grabs an AoO against anyone her allies hit, and a feat to let her make full use of her huge dex to get multiple attacks of opportunity should need arise.
At that point, she's got a number of options for any position in combat (And probably is using a +int headband for Use Magic Device? So it gets even more absurd as we go!)
I put too much thought into this stuff.

GM Space Duck |

Log in and plink a hello message, I'll give you control of your piece. It can be viewed on a mobile device if you click request desktop site, just not edited lol.
Had a problem grabbing your avatars from this site, but if you want something different for your character on roll20 feel free to post a link to a more appropriate image.

Mira Longustus |

If it gave you trouble for mine, I've got http://i.imgur.com/OWiK5t0.jpg uploaded for Mira now.
And I did it for Baroness too just because. http://i.imgur.com/8TgpREx.jpg
...and Alexis. http://i.imgur.com/OZYCyFD.jpg
That may fix it?

Mira Longustus |

--and while I'm thinking on it, our entire PC group has each other's contact info. Since we can't always be at a computer, but can at least pull up the map on the cellphone, it might be a good idea to make it so everyone can control the PC's tokens. That way, like, I could text Alexis and have her move Mira if they're at a computer and I'm not, or vice versa.
It may help streamline and make combat go quicker since it'll let us move without having to be at a computer.

Alexis Luculus |

That's fine lol, I was worried I missed stuff so hey I'm glad it was not the case. Also ruling question, Sleep says it affects a certain number of creatures in an area. Like 4 at my level I think, anyway considering the rough terrain here is because of people being crammed in here, how would you rule the 30ft area that affects a limited number of people? Would it affect just the enamies or would it randomly affect civilians?

"Baroness" Amara |

To be more specific, sleep affects up to 4 hit dice of creatures. So at level 1 you're looking at around 4 creatures dropped, but by level 3 you're only gonna be dropping a couple mooks.
Sleep is one of those spells that is only useful for a couple levels and then needs to be glanced at longingly from afar thinking of older, simpler days. Like color spray. Unless you're a heavens oracle. In which case you pump Cha and eliminate things well into double-digit levels. Mira. -_-

Mira Longustus |

I always figured that if we did it again with mythic tiers she'd make a beeline right for Beyond Morality.
Zaniah was sort of... her before she was any given alignment, and she had a specialty for some sort of weird ordered chaos where multiple bad things were done for the right reasons and vice versa.
I mean, consider the rules of their away teams. Girl was a terror.

"Baroness" Amara |

Just the fact that Oakenforge had "away teams" is awesome. It was really fun to see a fantasy kingdom from that viewpoint.
EDIT: Actually, since we're discussing Oakenforge, do you remember Oakenforge's colors?

Mira Longustus |

Oh god. There are three things I absolutely never want to do, and 'make Oakenforge angry' is high on that list.
If we manage to open up a branch of Teddy's Black Market Emporium in Kintaro, though, that'd be freaking great. (They literally had a black market in every district for the economy boosts and magic item options. Zaniah just taxed them like anything else so they sort of became a kind of illicit Wal-Mart for adventurer gear and exotic drugs.)

Alexis Luculus |

These are the crazy bastard who taught me how to play lol also may have someone pilot my character around since I will be out of town for like 5 days starting tomarrow. I can still post but will have either septima or Amara move me lol. Also with the way this fight is set up I feel like I'm gonna be spending a lot of time shooting ray of frost lol

Septima Gallus |

I would love to see more Teddy's Black Market Emporiums. I hear they're quite popular in Minkai. ;)
(Mira is the GM for a Jade Regent game that Alexis and I started our Pathfinder journey in. I think they made a post about us, too.)

"Baroness" Amara |

Oh gods...Involving Oakenforge in any capacity is a recipe for madness. Each player had multiple characters, so every important role in the kingdom (aside the aforementioned Warden Highlord Fluffington) was filled by a PC. I think there were 17 characters involved, though not all from the beginning, spanning several levels of seriousness and competence. It was, truth be told, a total mess to try to wrangle but still one of my favorite campaigns to have run.
If anything, I want there to be some mention of the Running of the Orcs. This was a "holiday" where every full moon brought with it a herd of nude orcs running the streets of Oakenforge, primarily around the Dread Castle Roberts.

Mira Longustus |

There were 17 characters, but a lot of them really didn't do much.
The really important ones were like.
King Renclod the Paladin, who tended to frequent this one bar another PC ran...
Queen Zaniah Astral, who somehow managed to run the kingdom like a crazy person despite being married to a paladin... She gained the throne by performing a people's coup out from under the current ruler, by using public funds to buy off Gregori to her side and then blaming the current rulers for embezzling the funds in the first place. Little bit ruthless, that one.
Edward Henderthane, the grand diplomat (yes, from those Henderthanes) who was here because his family thought he was a failure due to being NG. (running joke, Ed casually does something that seems terrifyingly evil like summon and bind devils to his will. Renclod uses 'detect evil,' Ed still doesn't show as evil.)
Allsmasher Eon, badass barbarian who went on to become a god. He named the Dread Castle Roberts.
Calex's magical girl Sorceress who had a Teddy named Teddy, she was in charge of education.
Trinam was a fighter who used a stick he picked up off the ground, and originally came to the stolen lands to impress this girl he met once (who really didn't know he existed...) I think he was one of two surviving members of the original charter?
Kaeltra ran the bar that the government conducted all its official business in, and continued to do so even after the Dread Castle Roberts was built. Think she's the other of the two.
And Jewels, the Tetori Monk who became the first convert to the Allsmasher's new religion and actually climbed to the bottom of that chasm around the Starstone maze's entry. Also notable in that she grappled the final boss so that Zaniah and Renclod could tandem kill the heck outta her.
Their diplomat was a divination wizard and their queen had a 1/day commune effect due to being a Heavens Oracle, so they usually were prepared for trouble well in advance.

"Baroness" Amara |

Let's see.
Mira's characters
Trinam Piroth, unkillable stick fighter
Queen Zaniah Astral, divine rules lawyer
Eon, trollkilling beefcake
Edward Henderthane, totally not evil divider
Sue Derring, bad kick monk
Calex's characters
Rebecca...something. I forget her surname. Secret identity of magical girl Angel Love
Teddy, Rebecca's completely mundane teddy bear who had a super sinister aura
Jewel, Catfolk wrestler. Duplexes the black dragon toward the end
Giovanni, bookkeeping cleric
RedLoa's characters
Alphonse Elizabeth Renclod, overly trusting Paladin with a shady past
Liliana, half-orc inquisitor. A b**@!.
Elga, I'd completely forgotten that he took over that witch NPC as a PC. Created the couch golem, which I always envisioned as god's throne from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Dylan's characters
Kaeltra, spymaster crossbowman, nobody ever saw her face or was sure of her gender
Zero Star, gunslinger, barkeep, the prime example of why free basic ammunition for guns is a bad idea. Once full-rounded an Rom into oblivion from the back of a riding dire bat
Bro-Tor, permanently enlarged walking muscles, Teddy somehow taught him to read
Derek's characters
Brother Matthios, cleric who met his end early in book one to a shambling mound that the group really should have run from
Wulfgar, half-orc druid who spent most of his time not participating
There were a couple assorted other characters of lesser importance.
Original charter members included Renclod, Trinam, Kaeltra, Brother Matthios, and then there were the two characters of people that just stopped showing up. Jafar and the Lizard King, iirc.

Alexis Luculus |

So in summery, s*%@ be insane. I dont even know why all our games ended in silly bull, but they did. Hell in our way of the wicked game I became a lich, and so did Mira's character, it was......amusing to say the least.