The Rebellion, with Space Duck

Game Master Ace Matthews

El Mappo

GM Screen:

[dice=Perc Alexis]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Perc Amara]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Perc Mira]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Perc Septima]1d20+5[/dice]

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HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

Hey, I'm here too! Um... finally. Sorry about that. ^^;

Been phone ridden all day, my day having started 27 hours ago. Will post if I wake up tomorrow.

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Here's hoping. o7

Hope everyone had a Merry Birthmerica! Unless you're English, in which case, happy "Welp-we-screwed-the-pooch-on-that-one" Day!

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Though not a Brit, I'm quite fond of "Happy Treason Day, Ungrateful Colonials". XD

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

I love how Alexis is basically gonna be a cheerleader since I didn't think to pre0are the only other damage spell she has got lol, So yeah.....SCROUNGIIIIIIN.

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Mira on a sneak attack can deal damage approximately 26/36=72.22% of the time! When she hits! And her average damage roll will deal 2 damage!

...Yeah, Amara gets to do the heavy lifting here.

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

I'm hoping this is like other Paizo games and early encounters like this have some helpful thing laying around I mean probably not but hey, it's worth a try.

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Currently, I am lifting a devil-tit...

That said, a 1st level encounter with DR and energy resistance is a bit unusual, but nothing we can't handle. Creativity, ho!

we're in the same encounter in my other campaign, and my kitty is doing 1d4-1 damage rn. Trust me I feel for you.

Also, throwing Debris, making perception checks for weakspots, and many other creative solutions may be used for aid another checks. Feel free to run any ideas by me, or just roll and see what happens. A nat 20 is never a bad thing to try for with any check in my campaign!

Also, it is CR1, mainly because they only have a 20% chance of hitting a typical frontliner and only deal 1d4 flat damage. It's the offense that's pitiful.


HP Rolls:
Alexis: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Amara: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Mira: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Septima: 1d8 ⇒ 8

Remember that you can use your favored class bonus for a reroll, but you must take the second roll having expended the FCB. Let me know if you'd like the reroll or want to multiclass with a different hit die, and I'll roll it.

Technically I think this is a bit early, but I get bored with lvl 1.

lol Amara might want the reroll... sorry.

Choose wisely:
1d10 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Minimum results always warrant the reroll, if available. Am I to assume whatever lurks behind that spoiler tag is my reroll?

indeed. Technically with my rules you have a 10% chance of wasting your FCB even on a minimum roll, but you came out good on this one. In fact, everyone came out really good on HP this time. Good, as levels go up, I get more ruthless, so you'll need it >:D

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Hoo... that makes going for the extra rogue talents living a bit more dangerously than intended.

8) good.

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

So I had an Incredibly uneventful level up. Coolest thing I got is one more casting of a 1st level spell. Also my reservoir went up by 1 but I still only get 4 a I just have a reason to eat spells.....(I don't have a reason to waste spell slots yet.) Hooooray castoooors!

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Mira leveled up!

Mira learned POCKET SAND!!

2 is a weird level. Some classes and characters are like "Gwahaha! Fear my immediate early game prowess!" Whilst many of us, like my Falcata Swashbuckler, are like "woo. I got the one weird thing that isn't cool until it stacks with other things."

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Unchained Rogue must be an immediate early game class*, since I get evasion and POCKET SAND!!

*just kidding, rogues are always terrible.

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps


Since trickster rogue means she qualifies for Imp and Greater Dirty Trick, would she also qualify for this incredibly cool feat right here that lets her use it as her first iterative against an opponent?

I'm liking the pro POCKET SAND!! strats, and with Summer Games Done Quick going on, I want to save *all* the frames I can.

Edit: Nevermind, I need Combat Expertise to get Butterfly's Sting unless there's a houserule I'm forgetting so I need it anyways.

Technically I do have a rule for circumventing Combat Expertise in certain cases, but I'm not sure it applies to you as you can effectively use expertise with Butterfly's. I'll let you know if I decide it's relevant.
Where is trickster rogue? I may just be reading over it but I can't find :P

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

I'm sorry, it's called Underhanded Trick.

Text is:
Underhanded Trick (A rogue who selects this talent gains Improved Dirty Trick as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. At 6th level, she is treated as if she meets all the prerequisites for Greater Dirty Trick (although she must take the feat as normal). If she succeeds in giving her target the blinded condition, the target cannot remove the condition during the first round of blindness.)


Ah, got it. While my house rule might cover you for that one, it won't do for Butterfly's, so yeah, you'll have to get CE anyways before level 8.

For academic purpose, the house rule:

The Agile Maneuvers feat (Or a similar feat at GM discretion) counts as Combat expertise for the purpose of meeting the prerequisite of one combat maneuver feat tree (ex. Improved steal and iterative steal feats).

That does remind me. As we wrap up the first dungeon, I'd like to get a quick feel from each of you. How is it going so far? Pacing, flavor, interactions? Also, I've intentionally laid most every homebrewed flavor element I have on you. (Memeish characters, Mysterious sidequest hints, notable homemade NPC's, Gremlin, whatever the hell he is, tweaked encounters like Buttercup, and Flavor encounters) I'd love to hear whether any of this is particularly good or bad to you, so that I can choose what to carry forward and what to trim in the interest of pacing.

All in all, I'd say it's been a pretty sick four hundred odd posts so far!

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HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Upside: Since I grabbed Agile Maneuvers it can count as CE for the purpose of Improved Dirty Trick and so on, meaning I could take Quick Dirty Trick. Huzzah!

Downside: Butterfly's Sting still isn't covered, and passing crits to Amara is going to be huge on this character.

Upside: But hey I can take CE at 3rd and then Butterfly at 5th according to my progression, freeing me up to take Greater DT at 7th and then Quick DT via combat trick at 8th!

Downside: This does mean that she's not getting PBS/Precise shot, but inflicting blindness on a regular basis is better tbh and anytime she's going to be shooting an arrow at something nobody is going to be in melee with it.

Anyhoo, outside of the periods of random downtime I really like the pacing. Mira does need some more time to really come into her own, but that'll come between dungeons once we get into the resistance building parts of things, particularly since she's probably going to wind up overthinking everything and giving suggestions. I'm having fun so far, and the changes thus far have seemed of the interesting sort rather than the bad sort.

EDIT: This is on my to-get list for once she hits the level where 4k is feasible. Probably around 7th or 8th, that's where her cmb starts really falling behind.

DOUBLE EDIT: Also this, there has to be a color for Dirty Trick, right?? right. And since one is untyped and the other is competence, they stack! Huzzah.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Also a flawed or cracked dusty rose in a wayfinder. Cracked and a WF is only 1k total, a real bargain, while giving a +1 competence to initiative as well. Noted.

...Sorry GM Spaceduck, I tend to do specialization in sudden rapid bursts where I look for possibilities en masse.

I'm so gonna have an enemy, just to spite you, wearing an item one of my old characters had. His rival was known for dirty tricks (He was a Cad fighter) so he wore an enchanted codpiece that grants a +2 to CMD vs dirty tricks xD

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HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

You could also just use a strength surge capable barbarian.

I mean, even with all those items Mira is only getting +6 to her roll over normal Rogue levels. That puts her roughly at parity with fighters who didn't optimize so much.

Actually hold up, math time.

@8th level, which is where she gets to first get iterative trick...

Base CMB is +6, her dex should be ~24 for +7=13, +4 DT feats=+17. At level 8 wbl is 33000, 4k for a +2 item and also paying for a weapon etc, she's probably only going to have enough for the wayfinder/prism unless things go very odd or something. That would give her another +2, for +19. On a charge or flanking, this becomes +21.

Average CMD for a CR 8 creature is 28, which is a very swingy number. She looks okay against that, but I always look at CR+3, because boss fights.

Average CMD for a CR 11 creature is 33.9, so 34 is the magic number (Technically a range from 12-49, with 33 being the most common result.)

She will need a 14+ to do her main trick against the vast majority of enemies who are actually going to be taxing, and a 9+ to do it against her own cr of enemy--wow I just depressed myself, time to figure out ways to break things harder.

It's me, so I'll come up with something.

EDIT: Oh hey. I think I just came up with something.

And as usual, it's something evil.

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

I like some of the ideas so far, they are fun as far as I am concerned. The pacing is meh though that could be the fault of everyone's schedule and such. The biggest problem with pacing in dungeons simpl6 comes from early game syndrome. We're nobody gets much to work with as a party until around 3 at most so yeah not exactly your fault just usual slog. Not to mention play by posts naturally are a bit slower. All in all I like the creative add ins and such, and the ability for rewards for mundane checks lol.

HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

Luckily the schedule problem should be partly absolved, now that I don't have work to slowly erode my soul. And as for memory slippage, Alexis now has the ability to anno-remind me to post 24/7

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HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Note to self:

Kitsune Style 9th
Kitsune Tricks 11th
Opportunist 12th
Kitsune Vengeance 13th
Combat Expertise 15th..?

God, having to take CE that late hurts a little, but I don't have anything to let me get it free earlier and it's not THAT great before Vengeance anyways.

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

I haven't come across any of your houserules that I disagree with. ^_^

I feel like flavor encounters would work better at the table than on pbp but that's not a complaint, just an observation.

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

+1000 for the Poe. XD

Hoped you'd catch and enjoy that ^_^

HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

Welp, I see a hangover in someone's future. Maybe Septima's, maybe Mira's, maybe everyone's. But someone's.

Maybe Gremlin's. =^o_o^=

Time to start the Language parallels thing up! I enjoy having a language to post words of languages used in game, so I'll add another spoiler to the home screen to keep track of them. I'm open to suggestions!

Elven = Latin
Celestial = Greek
Strix = Welsh

These are subject to change with compelling reason ^_^

Also, not to toot my own horn, but this is a home-brew bit entirely. The book basically said "Oh that mysterious, magical organization you're looking for? They left you a box. Yeah, it's a box with loot. Now bugger off. "

I like getting artsy. like mixing Tolkien and Poe references with my own sorry attempt at poetry artsy.

HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

I'd assume Infernal would be Latin, personally, but I like this so far. Anyone else have any ideas?

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Infernal is the fine print legalese section of a contract.

Straight up.

Maximum font size is 9.

Also Mira snarks at the obvious thing, since she is a petty person.

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8 it bad that I came here to question about whether my language assumptions were correct only to discover that they totally were? Nobody should be able to identify Welsh instantly. Lol

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Man, I really though Mira's approach was gonna work. Time to work every idea for a password into one plausible sentence. Lol

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

damnit. I tried to edit my post to actually. e ooc but it refused to update it and now I can't orz

Don't forget the Tolkien reference

Never be afraid to make any knowledge check that seems appropriate. It's clearly magical, and the Ravens apply to both historical and Local. Mira was on the right track with the password though.

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

She just needed to...


DAMMIT I CAN'T DO THAT IN STRIX BY ACCIDENT. One of you smart people! Do the smart thing!

Oh that reminds me, something you should know about me as a GM: don't feel the need to roleplay being dumb if you have the answer to a dungeon riddle. Some things are made for your characters to understand, and those will be revealed with knowledge checks. Some things are for the enjoyment of the players, and I wouldn't make you sit out just for having a simple character. Hey even a broke clock is right twice a day.

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Oh, Mira's not dumb by any means (14/12/7, maybe socially dumb), I just wanted to do it by accident and I can't now.


Never fear! Plot device Cat to the rescue!

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

I am playing the biggest liar, she's literally elven and celestial away from being able to deal with this herself.

She is totally nerd enough. orz

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Hey guys, I've been looking over the Rebellion ruleset that we've been given, and I have an important question.

Do you guys want an analysis of what's important and when, or no? Everyone here has at least heard stories of what I did to Kingmaker's kingdom building rules and I've already made a bunch of conclusions and priority choices for if we want to split this city wide open as well.

I would be ecstatic for you to handle the Rebellion mechanics if you so desire. It's actually what I'm doing with my meatspace group too.

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

On a related note, I found a thing that'll be handy.

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