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Elena Endari wrote:I'm up for it!Cool! That brings us to 5:
Bibi Bourjis
Seren Elberion
Huong Chan
Omnia Kahlo
Elena Endari
Oh yeah, a group of new Pathfinders, wanting to prove themselves. Well, the king of the squared circle, the Mad Cow of Macridi himself is gonna be there.
I'll need to update my profile, but I should have that done in a day

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Oh yeah, a group of new Pathfinders, wanting to prove themselves. Well, the king of the squared circle, the Mad Cow of Macridi himself is gonna be there.
I'll need to update my profile, but I should have that done in a day
Alrighty then, that'll do it as we now have 6:
Bibi Bourjis
Seren Elberion
Huong Chan
Omnia Kahlo
Elena Endari
Wesley Hoggins
We'll probably start on Tuesday, give or take a day...I'll get the campaign thread set up, hopefully this evening, so y'all can dot in...I'll post the link here...

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GM Ultra Plus |

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Anyone looking to start up a game for level 8 characters? I’ve got a summoning cleric with a roguey skill set that I’d like to dust off!
We're just starting a level 8 module right now... go ask the GM at the link below to see if he'll take an extra at this point:
Anthys wrote:Berato Aquilinus wrote:We have found a GM for Fellnight Queen. All we need is a level 6-8 mage. Anyone interested can make a pitch for it here.

GM Ultra Plus |

GM Nowruz |

Would anyone be willing to GM The Hellknight's Feast High Tier (level 7-9).
I would GM any other scenario that I have already played but not GMed in exchange.
Here is my PFS TRACKER
Noral / GM Nowruz

Yours is mined |

I ‘met’ EM±GM last time I did this, so I’m going to try again …
Flaxseeders, I am gearing up to run a VTT Standard/Non-core game of PFS1 #3-25: Storming the Diamond Gate
I am running this in a four-hour slot over VTT = Google Slides and using Discord for Voice. It looks like we will be going high-subtier (PC levels 5-7)
Game starts today, November 28:
• 12 Noon Pacific
• 1:00 pm Mountain
• 2:00 pm Central
• 3:00 pm Eastern
If you’re interested, you can sign-up & find the finer details on Warhorn >> HERE <<

Watery Soup |

Would anyone be willing to GM The Hellknight's Feast High Tier (level 7-9).I would GM any other scenario that I have already played but not GMed in exchange.
Here is my PFS TRACKER
Noral / GM Nowruz
I've GMed, but not played, this scenario and would love to get in on it.

Watery Soup |

I would be most appreciative if someone could run Night March of Kalkamedes: #4-19 for this PC.
3rd lvl Archaeologist looking to get back in the game. One mission away from hitting 4th and itching to hear my great axe go 'thunk' again!
Open recruitment for 4+ seats in 4-19, Night March of Kalkamedes.
Voices and Bahram have seats reserved if they claim them.

Watery Soup |

Open recruitment for 4+ seats in 4-19, Night March of Kalkamedes.
Will the following players/characters report to Gameplay/Discussion?
1. Voices in my Head
2. cmlobue
3. Reckum
4. Reggie Bottleberry
5. Fran Belmont
One seat open, if anyone else is interested. FCFS, and we're playing high tier.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Recruitment Thread for the Hellknights Feast
I must be crazy or I have no life :)

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Would anyone be up to run a seeker level type scenario or maybe the final book of a sanctioned AP?
Alie is level 15 and getting bored, sitting on the sidelines.
I’d be happy to buy whatever product the GM would want in return for running the game!
I know the first book of some APs can be completed for credit without having to complete the rest of the AP, but, I'm pretty sure you can't do the same with just playing the final book and getting a chronicle. Basically, one has to do the whole AP in order, from beginning to end, to get successive chronicles.
If I am wrong, I'd love to be pointed to where it says this is possible.
If it is legal/allowed, there are a couple APs where I would love to just play book 3 or 4 just for the chronicles.

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Nowhere does it say that you need to run the whole AP.
Campaign Mode: Campaign mode is intended to allow a group to experience adventure content in the manner most enjoyable to the player, even if it is not within the normal bounds of Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild rules. Campaign mode is available for all sanctioned Adventure Paths and for Pathfinder Modules that specifically include this option in their sanctioning documents.
Given you can get credit, even if you are not playing the pathfinder ruleset, I can't see why they would make you play the whole path.
Many, many APs start, and few run all the way through. If you do want to run the whole way through, you would need a way for a player to join half way, as real life happens, and folk drop out.
That said, the sanctioning document for some APs may add in extra requirements for playing some sections, but generally they give a bonus chronicle that gets better the more parts you have played, as a way to encourage (but not enforce) people playing the whole AP.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Alie Saechel wrote:Would anyone be up to run a seeker level type scenario or maybe the final book of a sanctioned AP?
Alie is level 15 and getting bored, sitting on the sidelines.
I’d be happy to buy whatever product the GM would want in return for running the game!
I know the first book of some APs can be completed for credit without having to complete the rest of the AP, but, I'm pretty sure you can't do the same with just playing the final book and getting a chronicle. Basically, one has to do the whole AP in order, from beginning to end, to get successive chronicles.
If I am wrong, I'd love to be pointed to where it says this is possible.
If it is legal/allowed, there are a couple APs where I would love to just play book 3 or 4 just for the chronicles.
My understanding is that there are two ways you can play an AP: either just the sanctioned content (specific encounters that are identified in the sanctioning document) or Campaign Mode.
When you play just the sanctioned content, you play with the PFS PC that you will be applying the chronicle to. I'm pretty sure this is what Alie is proposing to do, and I don't think you need to have played any other parts of the AP to do this.
Campaign Mode is when you play with any kind of PC you like--not necessarily PFS-legal--and you apply the chronicle sheets to a designated PFS PC from outside of the game. I'm not aware that this has to be played beginning to end all with the same PCs (though it certainly makes more sense to do it that way), but you play all of the AP content, not just the sanctioned sections.

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Campaign Mode is when .... I'm not aware that this has to be played beginning to end all with the same PCs (though it certainly makes more sense to do it that way), but you play all of the AP content, not just the sanctioned sections.
I pulled my copy of the Skull & Shackles document, and here's what it has to say (emphasis mine):
Alternatively, if you are participating in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path with an ongoing group undertaking the entire, six-chapter campaign, you may receive credit for playing the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if you had played a pregenerated character. In this case, GMs running the Adventure Path are not bound to the rules of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign (such as 20-point buy, unavailability of hero points, etc.) when running the campaign or the sanctioned portion of the adventure. Pathfinder Society characters and characters from an ongoing Adventure Path campaign may not play in the same adventure.
Given that reading, it definitely looks like the intent of Campaign Mode is that the same PCs see the whole thing through. The rules-lawyer interpretation of that is definitely that you have to play all 6 books with the same PCs. I doubt, though, that they intended that to mean that if a PC had to drop out due to <life reasons>, that would ruin the sanctioning of the run for everyone. I think a drop-and-replace still seems reasonable and should be allowed, but we'd need leadership to clarify that to be sure.

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Would anyone be up to run a seeker level type scenario or maybe the final book of a sanctioned AP?
Alie is level 15 and getting bored, sitting on the sidelines.
I’d be happy to buy whatever product the GM would want in return for running the game!
Just bumping this post so it didn’t get lost in the flotsam of the discussion.

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So, years ago, at a convention, I had the chance to play Tyranny of the Winds pt 2 with this character. He's close to leveling out of Level 5, which means he could never get pt 1. So I've got a slightly odd request for a GM to run pt 1,(I'd assume they'd then want to run pt 2, but they'd have to do it a man down), and then pt 3 with me again.

KnuckleSmoke |
I hope everyone is having a good evening and staying safe. I was directed here for Online Play. My ID is 2394905 and I've read the Guide to Organized Play (thank you again Nefreet). In the meantime though, I don't see anywhere for Character Sheets or any information outside of basic details and Ability Scores. Where do I start?

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There are a number of different systems people use.
Myth-weavers supports online character sheets (which I use), other people attach a character sheet directly to their character profile.
Welcome to online play.

GM Nowruz |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I hope everyone is having a good evening and staying safe. I was directed here for Online Play. My ID is 2394905 and I've read the Guide to Organized Play (thank you again Nefreet). In the meantime though, I don't see anywhere for Character Sheets or any information outside of basic details and Ability Scores. Where do I start?
You already have experience with Pathfinder in general or are you new to the system?

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Myth-weavers supports online character sheets (which I use), other people attach a character sheet directly to their character profile.
I've never used Myth-weavers, but I do keep seeing people who use it discover that it's messed something up for them somehow; it's obviously not as reliable as just "writing up" one's own "sheet".

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I hope everyone is having a good evening and staying safe. I was directed here for Online Play. My ID is 2394905 and I've read the Guide to Organized Play (thank you again Nefreet). In the meantime though, I don't see anywhere for Character Sheets or any information outside of basic details and Ability Scores. Where do I start?
Welcome Knucklesmoke! Here is another set of slides with some visuals to assist you in getting set up on the forums as well. You would just have to gear your characters to the campaign you are playing (1E, 2E or SFS).

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Okay, I am going to start the 3 part Tyranny of Winds series in about a week. Grax and Hosser, you have seats if you want them. Knucklesmoke, if you have a character ready, this is a 1-5 tier scenario and I would give you special consideration for recruitment, being a new play by post player and all.
Here is the link:
Tyranny of Winds Part 1-3

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Knucklesmoke, if you have a character ready, this is a 1-5 tier scenario and I would give you special consideration for recruitment, being a new play by post player and all.
Note that while you could play the first part with a level 1 PC, you would not be able to complete all three parts; Part 3 requires level 3 minimum. (I.e. this may not be an ideal place to start if you're starting from scratch.)