KnuckleSmoke's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I hope everyone is having a good evening and staying safe. I was directed here for Online Play. My ID is 2394905 and I've read the Guide to Organized Play (thank you again Nefreet). In the meantime though, I don't see anywhere for Character Sheets or any information outside of basic details and Ability Scores. Where do I start?

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Nefreet wrote:
  • I currently see 159 online listings on Warhorn for PFS1.
  • There is always PbP Recruitment going on.
  • And then of course The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge.
  • Plus the Paizo Events page, although that is not PFS1 only, or online only.

    I don't see that you are a Pathfinder Society member, yet, though.

    Go to your My Account page, sign up for Organized Play, record the 7-digit number it spits out, then go to the Organized Play section of your account, click on the Summary tab, scroll down, and finally click the button to "Register a New Pathfinder Society (first edition) Character".

    After you've done that, you can download the Guide to Organized Play to see about character creation and the rules for Organized Play, find a game online, and get your fix on!

  • That was an unbelievably helpful post, thank you Nefreet.

    With both Covid-19 and 2e making it nigh impossible to find games lately, I'm turning to Pathfinder Society Online to get my 1e fix. Unfortunately I can't find where to make caracters or apply for games. The landing page for Organized Play here on mentioned that Legacy Play for 1e would be coming soon, is Online Society play still supported or has everything moved to 2e?