kaervek78 |

Six is too much for Highdelve (It’s for 4 players) but I could GM the Wounded Wisp which would work for all of you.
Sculptor, Necromagnetism, Zandu, kaervek, djpika, and nightdeath are in. Recruitment over. I’ll send you a link to the game in two weeks via PM.
Thank you, that's awesome! :-)
Shall I play the paladin or the monk?
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Looking for a PbP game primarily for my Lvl 3 PFS 1e Core character. I've been on a loooong hiatus (5 years or so), so I might be a tad rusty rules-wise.
I would prefer lower level play. Open to almost anything, and I haven't played almost anything from season 7 onwards.
I have a lot of experience with PbP, so the etiquette is familiar.

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4 people marked this as a favorite. |

FWIW, I've committed to running a CORE table of 7-07, Trouble in Tamran soon-ish. It's Tier 1-5, and there's one seat spoken for. I need to finish the Standard run that I'm GMing first, and that shouldn't be too long. Maybe a week or so before I put it up for recruitment.
As a Welcome Back gesture, I'll hold a seat for Deussu if they want it.

kaervek78 |

FWIW, I've committed to running a CORE table of 7-07, Trouble in Tamran soon-ish. It's Tier 1-5, and there's one seat spoken for. I need to finish the Standard run that I'm GMing first, and that shouldn't be too long. Maybe a week or so before I put it up for recruitment.
I have a Lvl 1 CORE character (Fighter, ranged) who is currently on a mission (OUTPOST IV) which should be finished soon.
If a seat is available then I'd be happy to join!
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FWIW, I've committed to running a CORE table of 7-07, Trouble in Tamran soon-ish. It's Tier 1-5, and there's one seat spoken for. I need to finish the Standard run that I'm GMing first, and that shouldn't be too long. Maybe a week or so before I put it up for recruitment.
As a Welcome Back gesture, I'll hold a seat for Deussu if they want it.
Sounds truly excellent, thank you! I'll gladly wait for a few weeks for a game to start!

Watery Soup |

Open recruitment for two seats in #6-07, Valley of Veiled Flame (5-9).
Allanen and Khugron, please check into Gameplay and Discussion.
Recruitment closed.

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I have a level 6 CORE wizard. Talking to a few other folks, it seems CORE wizards are having some trouble filling their spell books (other than just spending large sums buying the spells). So I was wondering about a CORE wizards only session.
We could fill the other rolls with someone going for Eldritch Knight, Theurge, and Arcane Trickster (or maybe just a familiar). That should give lots of spells for buffing and problem solving. Summoning creatures for more meat shields. Etc...
That would give all of us the opportunity to exchange a large number of spells with each other. Especially, if just before or after the mission, we each went to a market and purchased 1 or 2 spells not on anyone's list (coordinating for no overlap). Even more so if it is a scenario that has a few non-CORE scrolls or even a non-CORE spell book to be found.
What do you folks think? Any interest?

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Well, I said it might be a week or so, but they finished quicker than I expected. I'd also like to get this one rolling so we can finish before PaizoCon if possible.
That said, here is the Recruitment thread for a CORE run of #7-07 Trouble in Tamran, Tier 1-5.
I have expressions of interest from Deussu, Markus Stonewarden, Xathos, and Kaervek78 so far. Please post in the recruitment thread if you're still interested. Room for six players total.

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I have a level 6 CORE wizard. Talking to a few other folks, it seems CORE wizards are having some trouble filling their spell books (other than just spending large sums buying the spells). So I was wondering about a CORE wizards only session.
We could fill the other rolls with someone going for Eldritch Knight, Theurge, and Arcane Trickster (or maybe just a familiar). That should give lots of spells for buffing and problem solving. Summoning creatures for more meat shields. Etc...
That would give all of us the opportunity to exchange a large number of spells with each other. Especially, if just before or after the mission, we each went to a market and purchased 1 or 2 spells not on anyone's list (coordinating for no overlap). Even more so if it is a scenario that has a few non-CORE scrolls or even a non-CORE spell book to be found.
What do you folks think? Any interest?
I haven't played 1e, PFS, or CORE in a while, but doesn't the PFS rule that allows you to use the Grand Lodge's library apply in CORE as well? It's only a 50% increase to scribing costs to use the PFS resources (instead of buying a scroll etc.)

Aldizog |
I haven't played 1e, PFS, or CORE in a while, but doesn't the PFS rule that allows you to use the Grand Lodge's library apply in CORE as well? It's only a 50% increase to scribing costs to use the PFS resources (instead of buying a scroll etc.)
I do play a Core wizard (well, Eldritch Knight) and this is my understanding.
Buying access costs 50% more than scribing itself.
I personally have not found a few hundred gold per level (the incremental cost of buying access being 45 gp for a Wiz3 spell) to be a hardship. Certainly my EK has saved far more than that due to his Arcane Bond. I am curious as to why Core wizards are saying this is difficult.

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Hmm... Well, I would say we said it was difficult, because I thought PFS said you had to buy a scroll for each spell. I just checked with a couple other guys and that was what they understood also.
Now I'm looking through the guide and not seeing anything like that, but I was sure I read it somewhere at some point.

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Yeah, I can't find anything like that now. I started this guy years ago just after they started the core campaign, so I really don't remember where that came from. Maybe we just remembered wrong from the thing where you can all use found scrolls to expand your book. I don't know.
Wow, one of my friends is likely to be really ticked-off with himself. He retired his wizard at level 12 buying scrolls the whole way.
Ok, so I guess it isn't as big a deal for people who know the actual rules better than me, but an all wizard group would still be a bit cheaper on the spells by exchanging. Anyone interested anyway? Might still be fun.

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FAQ on the topic should resolve any questions one might still have.
A Core all wizard group does sound intriguing. I do have a lvl 5 one available if a group forms in that range.
Yeah, I posted my original post there knowing it isn't something known by everyone that plays PFS. Hopefully, I saved some Wizards some gold because you don't need to buy scrolls the whole way up (which is way more expansive than necessary).
Still, I have occasionally seen a call for prepared spell swap scenarios to save that extra coinage.

GM Nowruz |

Six is too much for Highdelve (It’s for 4 players) but I could GM the Wounded Wisp which would work for all of you.
Sculptor, Necromagnetism, Zandu, kaervek, djpika, and nightdeath are in. Recruitment over. I’ll send you a link to the game in two weeks via PM.
@Sculptor, Necromagnetism, Zandu, kaervek, djpika, and nightdeath:
Link to the Wounded Wisp game.
I sent you all a PM but I am posting here also as kaervek78 has not activated PMs.

kaervek78 |

@Sculptor, Necromagnetism, Zandu, kaervek, djpika, and nightdeath:Link to the Wounded Wisp game.
I sent you all a PM but I am posting here also as kaervek78 has not activated PMs.
Thank you! I have activated PMs now.

kaervek78 |

Well, I said it might be a week or so, but they finished quicker than I expected. I'd also like to get this one rolling so we can finish before PaizoCon if possible.
That said, here is the Recruitment thread for a CORE run of #7-07 Trouble in Tamran, Tier 1-5.
I have expressions of interest from Deussu, Markus Stonewarden, Xathos, and Kaervek78 so far. Please post in the recruitment thread if you're still interested. Room for six players total.
Uh, that's unexpected - and a little too early for me.
My CORE character is still tied up in an OUTPOST IV game for at least a week (probably longer), so I'll give up my seat.Have fun! :-)

GM Deussu |

Hello, I've opened a recruitment thread for PFS1e #5-11 Library of the Lion! All the necessary information is there.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The following Pathfinder agents from a parallel (and less complicated but no less dangerous) universe have each received a letter from Captain Ambrus Valsin requesting their assistance:
Markus Stonewarden
Eveline Bleakrock
Akter Phruse
Eddy Flynn??
Gameplay thread for Trouble in Tamran CORE is open for dotting and introductions.

Revolving Door Alternate |

I think some are still finishing up gameday PbP scenarios. There will probably be another spate of low level scenarios fairly soon.
Hmmm... If I could somehow get a kobold boon I think I would almost have to play a dragon disciple probably crossblood the dragon and kobold bloodlines. Or maybe add the kobold bloodline with the eldritch heritage feat tree.

Gothic_Artificer |

The story behind Sister-in-arms doesn't go real well with Kobold. Expect some players to be unhappy with that build for setting consistency reasons.
I am not taking a soap box and expressing a negative opinion myself, just trying to prepare you.
Thank you for the concern. I wanted to play a Kobold that went against standard expectations, which is why I chose my character design. Plus, I managed a decent enough backstory to explain how a Scarlet Rose Gray Maiden can be a Kobold.
Long story short, at the age of maturity (12), she was undergoing a rite of passage by her tribe, when Gnolls captured and enslaved her, while torturing her. Then, 4 years later, the Gray Maidens of the Fanged Crown bought her, and tortured her for 5 years, in an effort to “initiate her”. This includes ripping the scales off of her back, creating a permanent gash mark. Only for the Scarlet Rose Gray Maidens to rescue her, and teach her how to properly be a Gray Maiden.

GM Abraham |

I have an open seat for Level 7 of the Emerald Spire (Shrine of the Awakener) - this is a tier 5-7 adventure - classic dungeon crawl - that grants 3 xp. Preference for players who are interested in continuing on, potentially through the entire spire (there are 16 levels). The current party consists of a Cleric (caster with melee dinosaur), an Alchemist (bomber), and a Spiritualist (melee type with tendrils and magus-style spellstrike); the party had a fighter but they have to leave due to having already played the next parts.
If interested, please join the discussion thread here and tell us about your character.
We've just finished level 6 so it'll likely be at least a few days before everyone is ready to start the next level.

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We had one person drop at the start, so there's room for one more player in a CORE table of 7-07, Trouble in Tamran. They're playing low tier (1-2) currently.
I see that Diaz Ex Machina was looking for a low tier game. I don't know if his characters are Core campaign or not.
Question for the Venture Critters:
I know that a character can /start/ in Core, then convert later. And of course, any level 1 can be rebuilt until played at Level 2. Could a level 1 PC that otherwise meets the Core rules (say a human cleric with no archetypes, etc) with 1 or 2 XP in the Standard Campaign play in a Core game? Then either "convert" or rebuild afterwards back to standard?
Either way, here's the Recruitment Thread for anyone interested.

GM Nowruz |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm still looking for a GM and at least one other player :)
So, I'm looking to play #8-24 Raid on the Cloudborne Keep (5-9) in High Tier in Standard.
I can GM any scenario in return.
I would also join this game and offer to also GM a scenario that I have played but not GMed before after PaizoCon for the person that GMs #8-24 Raid on the Cloudborne Keep (5-9) in High Tier in Standard.
So the GM would be able to choose an additional scenario to be GMed in return.
Here my PFS tracker to see which scenarios I have played but not GMed so that the GM willing to step in can choose the scenario they would like me to GM in return.

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We still need a GM for the #8-24 Raid on the Cloudborne Keep (5-9) in High Tier in Standard.
Ilmakis -> Ready to GM any scenario for the one running
GM Nowrus -> Ready to GM any scenario is has not yet run.
Ansha SaeralyanGM? We need you!
Putting my name into the hat should there be more players needed.