
Saiman's page

Organized Play Member. 139 posts (528 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 57 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.


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Dark Archive

I was thinking of a gold dragonblood Sorcerer so I could get to Dragon Disciple.

If that breaks your story to much, maybe an Alchemist.

Ooh, I see an uncommon race of Android. I could be C-3P0 to your Artificer's Anakin....Though I guess I'd be studying humans and feelings to be more like them.

Dark Archive

Taco Unicorn wrote:
For the moment we have a witch, a fighter, and an artificer. I'd be willing to take in that brawler, Larkos! I could see about background skills but two of the three players I already have are really new to tabletops!

So what are you looking for in the party? I do want to play something new but kind of fearful it's not what you're looking for in your story.

And what is an artificer?

Dark Archive

GM Tyranius wrote:

Signup Sheet is here!

I signed up in the chart underneath. Don't know if that's yours or a blank table or what.

But maybe you'll remember me if you wish to run it again.

Dark Archive

I wouldn't mind playing it

Dark Archive

Rowanna (Witch 7)
Ragnar (ranger 6)
Silas (paladin 5)
Ash (Kineticist 5)
Saiman (monk 5) Playing Zhen Fong Monk 5
Warpac (warpriest 6)
Kujo ( barbarian 6) - Switching to a Ranger 5

Dark Archive

Level 5 Monk.... I have to find my L9 sorceress.

Dark Archive

I think I'd like to try Thestril Shadowtongue.

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

Maybe a core fighter I had made but never played with.

Dark Archive

I got a level 8 or 9 Human Sorceress. Have to find her info. Computer I had the stuff on died, so have to rebuild her again to make it accurate.

Belaros Gladomain is my character also.

Dark Archive

So is there any rules to the game day? I mean a lot is here that I haven't played and I'd like to play them.

I'm guessing I can't do the same character on different tables at the same time.

Dark Archive

GM Hmm wrote:

Oh my goodness! I'm going to have to decide what to run for PbP game day V! What sorts of things are more in demand? Are there levels or seasons that aren't run very often?


I'd like to get my Level 11 switching hitting ranger in it. I think it might be L11.1.

Dark Archive

I only have L1 core.

Dark Archive

GM Hmm wrote:

I and a number of others lobbied hard for that change, and was ecstatic to see it go through. I don't know when it becomes effective, but my assumption is that we can do it as soon as August 4th, the first day of GenCon.

That is also the first day it becomes legal to create undines, ifrits, oreads and sylphs without a boon.


I had an Undine Cleric of Gozreh with a boon. Apparently got reported as dead. I don't remember that happening.

Dark Archive

Shifty wrote:

May I also suggest...

Phantom Phenomenon and the Silverhex Chronicles quest series?
They are made up of short sharp parts that might allow for a bit more trial and error.

They no longer require pregens, so people can bring their own characters.

That's cool...though I haven't heard of them. I haven't played in my group since Jan.

Dark Archive

nightdeath wrote:
Saiman wrote:

I was wondering if anyone could assist me with running PbP? Most of what I don't know is about having the maps for players to use. I've got 5 seasons of PF Scenarios, so I could do some themes... Grandmaster Torch..or maybe all vs Aspis Consortium or such.

Thanks in advance.

If you're looking for themes......

You could try this. It's not exactly updated due to all the new content but I think you may find this useful.

Thanks Nightdeath. That is awesome. I know it was a pain to open each scenario of every season to make my list to do the Grandmaster Torch theme.

Dark Archive

Shifty wrote:
Or 'In Service to Lore: First Steps'

I ran that once for my group. Never played it myself.

Another, more funny thing was I told Hmm maybe start off with 5:8, First Lore and Wounded Wisp to have players get to L2.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Michael_Hopkins, I just played that for the first time in pbp. Our group decided to stay together and keep playing.

Dark Archive

Sorry, I lost interest. Don't worry about me submitting.

Dark Archive

GM Hmm wrote:

Would you like me to mentor?

Maps can be extracted from the scenario and then put up in google slides. As an example, click the various links in my header. Some of them are maps, some of them are handouts provided by me, some are notes created by players.

Having a link to the ongoing map in your GM header makes it easy for your players to always find the current map, whether in combat or for other reference purposes.


I would be honored to be mentored. I actually have Murder's Mark. Someone ran it at my group game and I borrowed it for a home game and then they got busy and never came back.

Please feel free to message me so I can see how things are done.

Dark Archive

I was wondering if anyone could assist me with running PbP? Most of what I don't know is about having the maps for players to use. I've got 5 seasons of PF Scenarios, so I could do some themes... Grandmaster Torch..or maybe all vs Aspis Consortium or such.

Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

Skoma Poros
Male Human Hydrokinteticist L6
NE Medium Humanoid
Init: +9 Perception: +9
AC: 19, touch 13, FF 16
HP 75
Fort 10 Reflex +8, Will+2 (+1 vs Cold, +4 vs cold environments)
Defensive: Shroud of Water can give +5 to defense or make a shield of water for +3 defense.
Speed 30 ft.
Water Blast +7 (3d6+8/x2) Bludgeoning
Wrack (Su):
Bleeding Infusion (Su):
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 7
BAB: +4. CMB +4, CMD 17
Feats: Armor Prof. (Light), Combat Casting, Elemental Focus (Cold), Improved Init, Toughness
Traits: Frostborn, Reactionary.
Skills: Acrobatics +9, Heal +9, Know: Nature +10, Perception +9, Stealth +12, Swim +9
Languages: Common, Varisian
SQ: Blood Tell, Gather Power, Internal Buffer, Slick (DC 16, as grease spell)
Combat gear: +3 Darkleaf cloth studded leather armor, +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, +2 Belt of Mighty Con. Other: 225 gp
Special Abilities
Basic Hydrokinesis (at will)
Bleeding Infustion (DC 18) Failed save and target takes bleeding damage equal to dice rolled.
Blood Tell. As Blood Biography
Burn 2/round (6nonlethal/burn, 8/day)
Cold Adaptation - Endure elements vs Cold, gains cold Resistance = 2x burn amount
Combat Casting
Elemental Focus (cold) +1 dc to spells that deal the energy
Elemental Overflow
Extended range: Kinetic blast up to 120 ft
Frostborn (trait) +4 on saves made to resist cold environs.
Gather Power
Infusion specialization 1 - reduce cost of burn infusions by 1.
Internal Buffer 1
Kinetic Blast
Metakinses (1 burn: Empower) - Accept burn to empower kinetic blast
Shroud of Water (+5 armor or +3 Shield, +1/burn)
Wrack (DC 16) Target takes half damage, but damage is untyped and ignores DR. Fort save to take half damage (half of half or 1/4 damage)

Skoma Poros had a hellacious life, being born into a chelaxian family. That not only summoned little demons but also tortured each other mentally and physically. There wasn't much else to do on the mountain. Skoma's best day is when he finally was able to fight back. As the soup moved, splashing his sister with the hot liquid. He had a bit of perverse pleasure from that. It lead to getting revenge on his family so that he couldn't live there.

He ran away from the crime scene. Running into a traveling group of Varisians. He told them how someone had killed his family, as he hid. And after a couple of days, when it was all quiet, got some food and ran away. The Varisians took pity let him stay for a while. He as taught some of their magics and learned to control his power better.

When he became a man, he left the Varisians, though grateful for the Varisians. He became one of them. If you were to ask his nationality he would say Varisia.

With his history, he took to a path that most would not appreciate. It would get him into the trouble he currently in. Which is hail for crimes against humanity. To him it wasmaking a living.

Hope this is satisfactory and I'll add the Skoma Poros to my ID for RP

Dark Archive

Where is this lodge located? The city at the center of the world?

Dark Archive

GM Aerondor wrote:

Wow, And I thought I was over the top with my 15.

You don't need to fill in that tracker by the way, some may use it, others may not. I think this is the first time I've seen it mentioned.

I like making characters. When I heard that we could have 1000 characters, I took it as challenge accepted and wanted to hit that limit. But the use of abilities numbers to make all of them got draining.

But being for PFS, I didn't come up with backstories or even update if my character leveled... My L11 ranger probably is L1 on here *lol*

Dark Archive

Ah, I got 50+ names to fill out. I don't even remember what class/race were *LOL*

Dark Archive

I had gotten the books when there on sale last year or year before... I haven't played them or ran 'em. This would be perfect.

Now to decide what kind of character to be.

Dark Archive

Sorry, kind of forgot about this. It's okay to go on without me.

Dark Archive

Ah, I thought it would be something to do with saying why we had those skills.

To bad on the pfs credit, I was thinking of my half-elf Ranger that hates oozes. Twin-daughter of famous Pathfinder Belaros Gladomain, but he didn't know the elven woman was pregnant. Belaros died saving a fellow pathfinder from and ooze. Pathfinders found his ex lover (on his notify next of kin) and told them he died. Though he got better. They don't know he's still alive.

May use her anyway and never for PFS.

Dark Archive

Sounds interesting.

Just a few things: Are we able to do this for credit?

What do you mean, background skills?

Dark Archive

Have you tried Type in your zip code and it looks for you. is a place to look for gaming conventions. Maybe make a local contact there :)

Dark Archive

I took my inspiration...or being evil, is that Sinspiration? From The Flash TV Show, Killer Frost and Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender.

A blood/hydro kineticist.

I think I have the crunch worked out.

I realize it's probably meta-gaming so feel free to say I can't know, but since homebrews are working with the GM.... I have a 12 INT so I can know common and one other language. Suggestions? S/he is human.

I was also thinking of up north, maybe land of the Linnorn Kings?

Dark Archive

I meant what is WBL?

And since I'm asking.... what is SLA?

Dark Archive

What's Standard gold WBL?

Dark Archive

Ah, I like using Hero Lab for character creation and Lolth is exclusive to DnD *LOL*

Dark Archive

nate lange wrote:
I'll figure it out before I switch to an actual recruitment. Part of me does want to keep it simple because it's a lot for me and for the other players to make complicated/higher level characters for a game that might not really go anywhere. The thing is my son is really into Jedi and American ninja warrior (a tv show where people compete on crazy obstacle courses that require impressively difficult acrobatics and climbing) so I'd like to make him something in that vein but he'd need to be more than 1st level to pull any of that off.

Who isn't into Jedi? And I love Ninja Warrior myself.

As for the game... I think the limits might be in your mind... unless your son has expressed doing something that is a higher level.. like casting fireball (since it's a certain level) then it's not really issue. Starting at low level and making the character shows him what he can do.

I played a thing that was tier 3-7 as a ninja. And we were trying to capture someone. So I described my movement and running and then going to my knees so as the AoO was taken, I bent backward (like limbo) as the sword passed, then stood up and attacked. Sounded awesome, gave a visual and I was low level.

Been also watching "Critical Role" and along with my own DM'ing has made me realize, you don't have to deny a player with no. Let them attempt it and make a roll. As a DM you can make the DC to high for them and the player doesn't know. Unless they requested something really cool then you have to figure out how to make it work.

For my Ranger I had bought a tree coin. Throw it down and grows 60 feet tall with 40 wide treetop. I had wanted to use it in a building to crush bad guys against the ceiling but was told that there wasn't a way to calculate that in PFS, but a home game might have figured it out.

Just my 2 cents.

Dark Archive

I'm interested, maybe Drow Sorcerer

Is this using some Dnd Rules for creation? I mean 3.5, 4 or 5?

Dark Archive

Although, if you want to teach him proper, I'd say start level 1. It's cool to survive, especially if ya almost die. Though I agree sometimes the low level stuff is a bit hard....

I'm a little less interested in Gestalt, but once before in 3.5 I did a Paladin Monk in a horror campaign and got turned into a Vampire...

Dark Archive

Sure, I'll be a third... or in this case a 4th by now....minimum needed.

What is everyone going to be?

@Nate... What materials are you using for creating and using when his character levels up? Like PHB, any ultimate stuff?

I think it would be nice if we all used the same thing.

Dark Archive

I'd love to play Giantslayer. Liked the idea ever since the first was to come out.

Dark Archive

I'm interested if still taking applications...

I think I'd like to try my PFS Half-orc Wizard that will take rogue and eventually be Arcane Trickster. Just because I haven't done it.

Or maybe Kitsune bard or something.

Dark Archive

I got L1 and L2 I could play in this for PFS Credit.

Dark Archive

So I figure that my drow would make his own poisons... would that be Craft Poison or Craft Alchemy? Would I need an Alchemist kit to do so or some other item?

Languages: As drow I have Elf and Undercommon...figured Goblins might be around. So I wouldn't know common... Maybe sense motive for trying to sense what others say in common? Or should I change Goblin to Common?

And my Character finally has a name: Balgos Daevion'lyr

Dark Archive

I'm looking at a Drow ninja/assassin with the alternate race trait of Ancestral Grudge which gives +1 attack to dwarves and Elves (except Drow). Replaces poison use, which I get as Drow, Ninja, Assassin ... figured I didn't need it 3x.

His own dad an assassin when he was killed on a job in the Duegar 'hood. He felt a hatred for the Duegar. His own family line of assassins weren't made much better. For the task given him to join the clan of his father ... to prove his fealty ... to kill someone ... it was his own mother. Though it sickened him, he did it. As it was the way of the clan. That gave him his hatred for Duegar as they have been at war for years. He was sent to kill the slave boss. He keeps replaying over and over in his mind how he was caught. Suddenly surrounded as he was about to do the deed. The only thing he can think of that his clan turned on him. Perhaps he had failed the test and because he killed his mother they didn't trust him. To be so cold and heartless.

Let me know if you need more. Yeah, I know...needs a name. He hasn't told me yet.

Dark Archive

The Faceless GM wrote:

Character Creation

Starting Level: 6th
Stats: 20 point buy, 1-to-1. Nothing below an 8 once all is said and done please.
Races: All Paizo races are allowed except for dwarves (since the duergar torture them to death on sight). The more strange or out there a race is, the better backstory you'll need to justify the character's inclusion. Since this game is in the Darklands, caligni (see below), drow, duergar, fetchlings, and tieflings are all considered common races along with the core book races.
Classes: All Paizo classes are allowed (though the same rules for strange races apply to Gunslinger, Samurai, and Ninja).

Ohh, can be evil... Then I wanna do ninja/Assassin since I don't often get to be evil and kill someone to get into assassins.

Dark Archive

GM Grog wrote:

Starting Level: 1st like all APs.
Abilities: We'll be using a 15 point buy.
Alignment: No evil.
Traits: Two traits, one being a Campaign trait
Starting Gold: Average for your class
Classes: Paizo legal unless otherwise specified
HP: Max first, 1/2 hit die +1

If there are any other questions please feel free to post them below

PFS legal on 15 point buy? I thought it was 20 point?

Dark Archive 2/5

My first kill as a DM was a druid that ran up to the BBEG in 'You have what you hold."

As the fight started, BBEG had a potion of Enlarge in hand to drink. Druid charges...

BBEG with great-axe...crits.


My last kill was in Shades of Ice part 1. L1 party first fight ran into a yeti... 4d6 damage to a monk. Max damage on character with 12 hit points and con dead right there, didn't even have to add STR to it.

Dark Archive

So what are creation rules? I'd prefer to do this for credit but then which scenarios are being done?

I saw hard mode mentioned...that means core only, right??

Dark Archive

Sorry I haven't posted much, but still interested.

What is the table make for the feats... I like Rogue with stealth synergy... where if one needs a stealth roll, we (that have the feat) all roll and I get to use highest role.

I'm willing to be a Wiz or sorcerer... but less familiar in that area...
also less with fighters.

Dark Archive

Dresden Tindermane wrote:
Saiman, I think it's more of a post when you can kind of deal. Don't worry so much about being here at specific times, just so long as you post regularly ;)

Well, I also don't want to drag it down by being late all the time...

And with that, 7 p.m. for me on a boring Saturday night so going to my room for PS3 and/or Netflix.

Dark Archive

Yeah, don't mind if the person behind me goes. I wanted to post my action as soon as init posted *LOL*

I just don't want everyone to skip me. And I can easily be here once a day. Kind prefer to be here at same time so we can do more.

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