The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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Liberty's Edge

I need 6-04 too.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps
EndlessForms wrote:
I leave it up to each GM how they want to recruit. Some use first come, first serve. Others use a lottery system, like myself. But I have also been known to reserve seats for other GMs in return for playing in one of their games and then fill the rest with lottery winners. But I also occasionally do the whole recruitment through private invites as well.

I'm glad that you're open to a variety of recruitment methods here at the Lodge.

Whatever recruitment system used, it's important to be transparent about it. Let people know if it's first come, first serve, lottery or some other selection process. If there are reserved seats for GMs or even for someone who had been on your waiting list, make sure people understand that too.

I'll admit that I tend to do actual recruitments in the recruitment forum. I want roleplayers for my scenarios, because that's how I get my fun. I'm looking for a mix of personalities and abilities. However, my first two PbP selections on here were first come, first serve. I've never done a lottery, though, and I think that could be interesting for a flex table. Randomly selected group, then randomly selected scenario... If nothing else, it would be a good test of my GM skills!

Faelyn wrote:
For those with wish list suggestions might I request that if one of us requests a scenario and even puts up the cost of said scenario that we get a garunteed spot. Otherwise that's a very quick way to upset folks. I know I would not be happy to put up cash to donate a scenario to a GM and then not even get a PC due to random lottery.

For those of us that GM regularly, buying scenarios and modules can get fairly pricy. I agree that someone who gifted an adventure should have first shot at a seat in it.

On the other hand, I'll admit to some mixed feelings here. I don't want to be paid to GM. I make okay money in my dayjob, and I know that many of my players are struggling. I'm doing this for my enjoyment, and for the enjoyment of my players.

When we decided to do the Ironbound Schism reunion, several of my players chipped for my store credit to purchase the module, Doom Comes to Dustpawn for me. Because they contributed more than I actually needed, I wound up with a bit of a moral dilemma. What should I do with the extra store credit, donated in good faith? I wound up solving it for myself by buying two modules. As a result, if I ever run Curse of the Riven Sky, those players will have priority seating.

Liberty's Edge

Male Ulfen Bearbarian 15

If anyone wants to play Horn of Aroden you should sign up on Bluedove's sign up sheet. *nudge* *nudge*

Skull & Shackles Map Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map

LOL! Someone is impatient... ^_~
Yes, the recruitment post is up now.

I also don't think I would ever try and gather donated funds for a scenario/mod/AP. I just see too much potential for abuse there and wouldn't want to encourage that dynamic. Fortunately, scenarios are inexpensive (and lots of PDFs on sale now!) and I am lucky enough to haz connections. ^_^

I could see running a lottery style at some point, but I haven't had the need to yet. I always give special consideration for players who have GM'ed for me and generally strive to build well-balanced parties with the beneficial skills needed covered. I just can't shake that old mentality of needing a front-liner, roguish sort, arcane and divine casters. XD

sign up

added an arcane character to your list bluedove. seemed like you lacked that role

Dark Archive

Shades of Ice GM Evil's Signup Sheet

I signed up with Kel. A group can always use Kel. lol


Did this thread take over all recruitment? Cause nothing is really showing up in the recruitment thread anymore. Some of my games are dying out and I was looking to join or start something new but there is nothing in the recruitment thread anymore. This looks like PFS only but I don't have any characters registered. Never figured out how to do that. Seems silly to have a single thread take over for an entire forum. It also seems a lot harder to navigate here unless you are constantly watching the thread.

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

To register your character, click the society tab. Once the page is loaded you will see a link that says,

Join the Pathfinder Society and create your character now!

then it should ask you for your account information.
after that you should by on your "my Society page", from there it should be pretty simple.

Core if you just want to play with everything in the core rule book,

or standard if you want to play with all resources books that are legal for society play. to find out what is legal go to the additional resources page.

And to the other thing. I have 2 tables going right now. looking to start a third soon. I recruit in the gameplay tab and recruitment tab, but I only run for society.

Zayne Iwatani wrote:
Did this thread take over all recruitment? Cause nothing is really showing up in the recruitment thread anymore. Some of my games are dying out and I was looking to join or start something new but there is nothing in the recruitment thread anymore. This looks like PFS only but I don't have any characters registered. Never figured out how to do that. Seems silly to have a single thread take over for an entire forum. It also seems a lot harder to navigate here unless you are constantly watching the thread.

Almost all the games here are PFS and Play by Post. I've seen an occasional non-PFS here, but like 98% of them are PFS. I haven't really seen anything other than Play by Post. So, it's not really taking over the whole forum. It is specifically PFS and Play by Post.

As well, I find this easier to follow than the recruitment forum when it is my campaigns. Most people here use the Paizo boards for playing, so I can keep up with this thread in the same tab as keeping up with my games.

Skull & Shackles Map Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map
Zayne Iwatani wrote:
Did this thread take over all recruitment? Cause nothing is really showing up in the recruitment thread anymore. Some of my games are dying out and I was looking to join or start something new but there is nothing in the recruitment thread anymore. This looks like PFS only but I don't have any characters registered. Never figured out how to do that. Seems silly to have a single thread take over for an entire forum. It also seems a lot harder to navigate here unless you are constantly watching the thread.

Actually, it's simpler for a lot of us. You post in the gameplay thread to dot in and then you see all new updates on your campaign tab. Much easier than combing the whole forum for new PFS games. And yes, it is pretty much PFS only.

So if you are not interested in PFS play, then the recruitment forum is still your best bet as unsanctioned and homebrew stuff is unlikely to recruit here. There are probably not a lot of new games coming out since it's con season. Hope you find a game soon!

Oh and... (reposting from recruitment)
Campaign for #5–19: The Horn of Aroden is open now for the following players:
Gayel Nord
GM Evil

If anyone backs out or no-shows, PJP is our alternate.

Click here for Gameplay!

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2


VC - Sydney, Australia

Year of the Shadow Lodgers...

GM and Player boons should start coming through tonight, Jesse just let me know.
Congrats on all your 'Boonz!' :)

Still waiting on launch dates for Blood under Absalom - I may have to push out to October:(

Dark Archive

I was wondering if anyone could assist me with running PbP? Most of what I don't know is about having the maps for players to use. I've got 5 seasons of PF Scenarios, so I could do some themes... Grandmaster Torch..or maybe all vs Aspis Consortium or such.

Thanks in advance.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Would you like me to mentor?

Maps can be extracted from the scenario and then put up in google slides. As an example, click the various links in my header. Some of them are maps, some of them are handouts provided by me, some are notes created by players.

Having a link to the ongoing map in your GM header makes it easy for your players to always find the current map, whether in combat or for other reference purposes.


Hmm would be a great mentor, Saiman. She's the best!

Lock her in ASAP, lol, before she changes her mind!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Heh. I still haven't persuaded you to GM, Gerald. Really, that is a goal of mine. Someday, I will convert you!


Dark Archive

GM Hmm wrote:

Would you like me to mentor?

Maps can be extracted from the scenario and then put up in google slides. As an example, click the various links in my header. Some of them are maps, some of them are handouts provided by me, some are notes created by players.

Having a link to the ongoing map in your GM header makes it easy for your players to always find the current map, whether in combat or for other reference purposes.


I would be honored to be mentored. I actually have Murder's Mark. Someone ran it at my group game and I borrowed it for a home game and then they got busy and never came back.

Please feel free to message me so I can see how things are done.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

For your first PbP, I wouldn't do Murder's Mark. It's a 32 page module and thus a little long. Give yourself something short to run for your first one!

I will continue this in PM.


Grand Lodge

Male Human Sales Person (7) / Product Manufacturer (7) / Transport Specialist (2) / Security (1)

An easy, shorter scenario is Master of the Fallen Fortress, which is also free. It also includes all the maps used in the scenario.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Michael_Hopkins, I just played that for the first time in pbp. Our group decided to stay together and keep playing.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Or 'In Service to Lore: First Steps'

Liberty's Edge

Ietsuna's PFS Played Register | GM Ietsuna's PFS GM'd Register

I would most certainly be up for In Service to Lore and the follow ups. I have not done them. I have a fresh character all done up, just not in my aliases yet.

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........
Saiman wrote:

I was wondering if anyone could assist me with running PbP? Most of what I don't know is about having the maps for players to use. I've got 5 seasons of PF Scenarios, so I could do some themes... Grandmaster Torch..or maybe all vs Aspis Consortium or such.

Thanks in advance.

If you're looking for themes......

You could try this. It's not exactly updated due to all the new content but I think you may find this useful.

Dark Archive

Shifty wrote:
Or 'In Service to Lore: First Steps'

I ran that once for my group. Never played it myself.

Another, more funny thing was I told Hmm maybe start off with 5:8, First Lore and Wounded Wisp to have players get to L2.

Dark Archive

nightdeath wrote:
Saiman wrote:

I was wondering if anyone could assist me with running PbP? Most of what I don't know is about having the maps for players to use. I've got 5 seasons of PF Scenarios, so I could do some themes... Grandmaster Torch..or maybe all vs Aspis Consortium or such.

Thanks in advance.

If you're looking for themes......

You could try this. It's not exactly updated due to all the new content but I think you may find this useful.

Thanks Nightdeath. That is awesome. I know it was a pain to open each scenario of every season to make my list to do the Grandmaster Torch theme.

VC - Sydney, Australia

May I also suggest...

Phantom Phenomenon and the Silverhex Chronicles quest series?
They are made up of short sharp parts that might allow for a bit more trial and error.

They no longer require pregens, so people can bring their own characters.

Dark Archive

Shifty wrote:

May I also suggest...

Phantom Phenomenon and the Silverhex Chronicles quest series?
They are made up of short sharp parts that might allow for a bit more trial and error.

They no longer require pregens, so people can bring their own characters.

That's cool...though I haven't heard of them. I haven't played in my group since Jan.

Dark Archive

Shades of Ice GM Evil's Signup Sheet

Silverhex doesn't require pregens anymore?!

Grand Lodge

Male Human Sales Person (7) / Product Manufacturer (7) / Transport Specialist (2) / Security (1)

Not anymore if I recall.

Grand Lodge

As of this weeks blog post

I would imagine it would be in the next iteration of the guide for the guidelines on how it works, which hopefully will come out this week or next week (since Gen Con is next week).

(This is just speculation on my part)

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

I and a number of others lobbied hard for that change, and was ecstatic to see it go through. I don't know when it becomes effective, but my assumption is that we can do it as soon as August 4th, the first day of GenCon.

That is also the first day it becomes legal to create undines, ifrits, oreads and sylphs without a boon. I've been trying to decide if I want to start a PbP run of Phantom Phenomena that day. I already have one game I'm GMing via pbP and limited bandwidth... but I LOVE Phantom Phenomena so much!

It's my favorite quest. I do it at cons all the time with voices and everything, but I think it would translate beautifully to Play by Post.


Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

GM Hmm wrote:

It's my favorite quest. I do it at cons all the time with voices and everything, but I think it would translate beautifully to Play by Post.


I would take that action. If you decide to run it, I'm sure you'd have many many full tables!

Male Human

Never played Phantom Phenomena, so I had to look it up... Is it like Encounters (i.e. must be a new character), or more akin to normal PFS evergreens?

It used to be level 1 pregens only. The official rules on how to run it with PFS characters are not written yet, so we cannot answer that question yet. :p

Dark Archive

GM Hmm wrote:

I and a number of others lobbied hard for that change, and was ecstatic to see it go through. I don't know when it becomes effective, but my assumption is that we can do it as soon as August 4th, the first day of GenCon.

That is also the first day it becomes legal to create undines, ifrits, oreads and sylphs without a boon.


I had an Undine Cleric of Gozreh with a boon. Apparently got reported as dead. I don't remember that happening.

To be honest, I report my games online as accurately as possible, but so many people screw up the reporting of games that I barely pay attention to my profile anymore. It's not worth the effort to track down people who don't really want to take the time to change their reporting anyway. I roll my eyes whenever a GM says "Oh, this character is dead/wrong faction/not Core." 99% of the time, it's because something was reported wrong online.

Chronicle sheets are way more important. I 100% use that as my guide.

GM Hmm wrote:
That is also the first day it becomes legal to create undines, ifrits, oreads and sylphs without a boon. I've been trying to decide if I want to start a PbP run of Phantom Phenomena that day. I already have one game I'm GMing via pbP and limited bandwidth... but I LOVE Phantom Phenomena so much! It's my favorite quest. I do it at cons all the time with voices and everything, but I think it would translate beautifully to Play by Post.

I've never had the chance to play that one, and haven't even read it in order not to spoil it for myself. If you can find the bandwidth to run it here, I'd definitely be interested.

Male Human
GM Andrew wrote:
To be honest, I report my games online as accurately as possible, but so many people screw up the reporting of games that I barely pay attention to my profile anymore. It's not worth the effort to track down people who don't really want to take the time to change their reporting anyway.

Have learned this the hard way. Most of my games have been reported correctly, but a few were not and when I tried contacting the GMs to get them corrected... nothing happened.

sign up

I have had a few games reported on different characters and had a character killed off on reporting when he did not die in a game but had to discontinue using that character because of the tag that now accompanies him...

Male Human

I've never heard of this Phantom Phenomena, is it PFS legal?

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

It is PFS legal. Because of the pregen requirement and the length it was done primarily at cons. I've done it in a home game though over two nights.

qwerty1971 wrote:
I have had a few games reported on different characters and had q character killed off on reporting when he did not die in a game but had to discontinue using that character because of the tag that now accompanies him...

Wow. That should definitely not be a reason to abandon a character. Have you tried contacting your VC?

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

If this happened in PBP, your VC is Jesse. If not, we can probably get hold of your VC.


Dark Archive

Male 72/72 HP, AC:28[-ki], T: 24, FF: 21, CMD: 30, F: +11, R: +15, W: +14, LN Male Human Lvl 9 Manuever Master, Lvl 1 Memory Inquisitor, Init +7, Pereption +17, Attack +14 (2d6+14, x2)Trip/Disarm/Grapple +21, 20, 14 Bane:5/5 Ki Pool:11/12 Judgement 1/1 Domain Power 4/7 Stunning Fist9/9

I am trying to post as a different character to see if it pops up but this is rediculous. This is the only campaign not popping up at all. Is it possible to be banned from a thread

It only shows up if you post in the Gameplay thread.
Posting here, in the discussion thread, or in Recruitment thread, will not do it.

Might that be it?

VC - Sydney, Australia

@Xiao - you need to post in Gameplay thread as well, per EM's comment.

@Qwerty - that is something easily resolved through the hosting VC/VL, or online via email.

@GMAndrew - given reporting is pretty simple, you'd wonder how they could blow it so badly. Personally I am a huge fan of accurate reporting. I had a player from a PbP that had lost all his chronicles from 2 years ago asked if I might still have them - I emailed them back to him on the spot as I keep ALL the records :P Also helps to keep good records because that 5th star won't track itself.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Game Day V has now been announced by the Game Day Crew!

Looks like a ripper, and goes through to mid November. Not one but TWO multi specials (sadly I will miss one, being away with work for two weeks).

From my perspective, this means that running the multi 'Blood Under Absalom' will have to push out to January, otherwise it risks running into Christmas and New Years, so I will have to adjust accordingly. I guess we could then do the S4 specials in March/April :)

It is clearly a good time to be a PbP player with so much community activity!

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Only one of those multi tables is open to non 4 star GMs ins't it?

VC - Sydney, Australia

Serpents Rise and Serpents Ire are 4*+ per the wrapper.

Maelstrom Rift I'm unsure, turns out it is a Special, but not a multi.

Sky Key solution is open to all.

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