Hastur, The King in Yellow |

Hastur, the King in Yellow, Lord of Carcosa, inspects the two mighty Kaiju under his mental command....
Their wounds heal swiftly.... That is good, for the battle against Cthulhu will garner many wounds.... The time is nigh.... I have seen the best my adversary can offer, and I am not afraid.... With The Lord of Monsters and his mighty kin under my command, I have no equal.... Not even Dread Cthulhu will be able to stand before the King in Yellow....
The time to strike the final blow is nigh, my beautiful creatures of destruction.... It is time to begin your final journey to R'lyeh.... After you have destroyed Cthulhu, you will destroy his city as well.... R'lyeh will be no more....
Hastur beckons to Gojira and Mosura, and the two mighty Kaiju follow....

Mosura, also known as Mothra |

Um, pretty much whatever the yellow guy tells us to do, Dumbass! This is all your fault, you know!
Mosura, her immense moth-like wings beating furiously and causing hurricane-force winds to rip through Carcosa's ruins, also follows the King in Yellow, wherever he may lead....

Dr Yamamoto Hiro, mad scientist |

Dr Yamamoto flies over the Gobi desert in his gyrocopter, seeking out the place where local legend claims is Anguirus' burrow.... His eyes are bleary and bloodshot, because his sleep has been fitfull and filled with nightmares--the dominion of Hastur, combined with a brain tumor and psychosis makes for very disturbing dreams, indeed....
He begins to nod off at the controls, and the gyrocopter veers wildly, waking him up!
In Japanese: AAIIIEEEE!!! Must stay awake.... Must find Anguirus and wake him up!

Turuko Dai-Oni, ogre mage |

The ogre mage suddenly appears outside the cockpit of the gyrocopter, flying alongside the starboard side!
BWAHAHAHAHAAA!!! OH DOCTOR YAMAMOTO.... IS THERE NO END TO YOUR FOLLIES!? You'd better stay awake, Dr Yamamoto.... I'd hate to lose my favorite mortal clown to a fatal sleeping-at-the-controls accident.... I will show you where Anguirus sleeps! Come, Dr Yamamoto! This way....

Dr Yamamoto Hiro, mad scientist |

AAAAGGHH!!! Uh.... I mean.... But you're not even real, Turuko-San.... Should I follow an hallucination caused by my brain tumor if it seems to know where Anguirus sleeps? Stranger methods have produced even more wondrous results....
The insane, dominated Dr Yamamoto turns the gyrocopter after Turuko the ogre mage, who leads the mad scientist to a great mound in the Gobi desert....

Dr. Allison Jones |

Ja, Herr Mikey. I vould agree dat ve should head quickly to deal vith the Kaiju threat. Allison said calmly.
She was, however, clearly distracted between recalling her vision of the giant monsters and her recent failure to enthrall Tun Mi Lung with her illusions. What if her abilities were not enough after all to help stop the greater evils threatening this world? She hated having to rely on her more aggressive spells, but maybe there would be no choice in the coming conflicts...
She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind and began weaving defensive magic...
Mein Magicks are sufficient enough dat I need no rest yet, let us carry on, nein?
Allison casts Corruption Resistance (15 hrs), Mythic False Life (14 hrs), and Aura of Doom (2.3 hrs)
False Life: 2d8 + 20 ⇒ (8, 6) + 20 = 34

Sieg Alfbrecht |

Sieg feels a surge of energy as the Mythic energies wash over him, changing him thoroughly.
On an impulse, he unleashes a punch on a destroyed building as the group leaves Hong Kong, seemingly striking only once, but in fact repeatedly striking the building faster than the normal eye can perceive.
As the building crumbles to rubble he smiles.
"Yes, I think we're ready too."

Dr. Hugo Grimm |

The twitchy doctor feels something different about himself as well.
Wow. Godzilla. Less than a decade ago no one would have believed this. Let us go and face these things then. Hopefully this time we don't have to play nice.
I'll need some more ether soon.

Mikey Jay |

MJ looks at Daisy for a second, searching her lovely face for the meaning of her words....
Nope! Hehehehe.... I don't know what kinda awesome, peyote-eating world you've been living in, darling, but this s$&~ that's happened in the last five months.... Is.... Um.... Different.

Mikey Jay |

Hmm.... Yeah, I guess all these monsters didn't really just appear out of nowhere.... They've been living among us....waiting....biding their time until the stars were right....whatever the f&&* that means....

Dread Cthulhu |

Gird thyselves for battle, my spawn.... The stars are moving.... The King in Yellow is moving.... Fierce Ones are moving.... Forces inimical to our perfect design are threatening to run roughshod over our best-laid plans.... Or rather, I fear, fulfilling destinies long laid before them.... We have no choice but to play our part.... Let us play a part so mad with slaughter and bloodlust that it's purity and sheer barbarity could never be equaled....
Cthulhu rises from the strange, extradimensional throne that towers over the vast throne room of R'lyeh, where the nine spawn of Cthulhu have convened at their sire's call.... The Call of Cthulhu.... They had received fresh scars in their brief but epic skirmishes with the Kaiju under Hastur's command, but their wounds healed quickly, a gift from their father....

Star Spawn of Cthulhu |

Long have we awaited the hour of your command, Sire.... Your spawn shall not disappoint you in unleashing destruction and madness.... The King in Yellow and his flesh-puppets shall fall before us, Mighty Father of Corruption....
The nine star spawn bow before their father and take to the skies with beating wings....

Dr Yamamoto Hiro, mad scientist |

Dr Yamamoto adjusts some dials on the crown like Kaiju Sensei upon his head as down below his gyrocopter, the Gobi desert quakes and explodes with sand and stone--Anguirus has been awakened! The immense saurian Kaiju burst from the Earth, roaring furiously at having been awakened from its decades-long hibernation under the desert sands....
Dr Yamamoto focuses his mental effort toward subduing the Kaiju....

Anguirus the spiky kaiju |

Dammit!! I was just having the most awesome dream, where I was finally kicking that fat bastard Gojira's ass, and all the lady Kaiju were all hot for me, and some asshat wakes me up with an annoying buzzing sound.... WHO DARES AWAKEN ANGUIRUS!!??
You!? A tiny flying thing?
Will save vs DC 30 dominate monster 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (4) + 21 = 25 fails! Anguirus is dominated by Dr Yamamoto and his Kaiju Sensei!
Okay, looks like you're the boss.... Where to, master?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Radsworth opens a gate back to Earth, and the FOs pass through it, finding themselves on the outskirts of the ruins of an enormous and sinister-looking city: Dim Carcosa....
They arrive in time to witness the departure out into the sea of the colossal Kaiju Gojira and Mosura, led by a flying man-sized figure shrouded in tattered yellow robes....a singularly disturbing figure who must surely be the King in Yellow from the FOs' recent nightmares!

Hastur, The King in Yellow |

Perception to notice the arrival of the FOs some 400 ft behind him, with -40 distance penalty, vs DR 0 1d20 + 47 ⇒ (19) + 47 = 66 succeeds! Hastur stops and slowly turns back to face the FOs....
He is about 400 ft away from the gathered FOs, so his frightful presence (300 ft) does not reach them at this point....

Gojira, King of Kaiju |

Perception at -30 due to 300 ft distance to notice the arrival of the FOs onshore 1d20 + 45 ⇒ (11) + 45 = 56 succeeds! Gojira spies the FOs on the crumbling sea wall some 300 ft behind it and pauses, roaring an alert to Hastur and Mosura....
Hey! You wanna squash those little dudes who just now appeared behind us? They kinda look like they wanna fight....

Marcus Greer |

Save your spells. Remember, Marcus has a CL 20 Haste and Fly at-will from his Caduceus. Everybody gets Fly and Haste before we go. Everyone also gets Communal Stoneskin (duration boosted to 24 hours for everyone but Marcus) and Protection from Chaos, and Marcus himself gets Echolocation (duration boosted to 24 hours), See Invisibility, Shield, and Freedom of Movement.
We're going to fight a Great Old One. What better time to blow some of your load on potentially life saving buffs?
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
"Looks like this is the big one!"

Dr. Hugo Grimm |

On Grimm's turn, he will use baleful polymorph on gojira turning him into an iguana. He has always wanted a pet iguana.
Concentrating hard, with the Philosopher's stone buzzing in orbit around his head, he calls upon the stone to transform gojira into an iguana.

Radsworth |

Before dumping his allies through the Portal, Radsworth takes a moment to ensure his abjurations are still active, and then adds another..
Using his mythic power, Radsworth assumes a ghastly appearance. Shadows cover his form as he slides into a state of incorporeal mist.
(Cast Undead Anatomy 4, Form of the Reaper)
Next, he beckons his air elemental to him for the teleport.
"Also, we know that Gojira and Mothura are being controlled by mental effects. I plan to suppress those immediately. In the meantime, this will help you all."
Radsworth casts Protection from Evil, communal.
"If something gets ahold of your mind, you get another chance to shake it off."
Ready to go, Radsworth jumps through to the other side.
Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Hastur, The King in Yellow |

As a standard action, the King in Yellow points to a place onshore, not too far from the FOs.... A warehouse sagging on the sea wall where a peculiar sign has been drawn....
As a move action, he flies back toward shore about 60 ft, apparently curious and wanting a better look at these imperious Fierce Ones that have just arrived....

Dr. Allison Jones |

On her initiative:
Allison uses spell synthesis to weave together the arcane and the divine. She first vows to herself to free the kaiju from their mental imprisonment and attempts to dispel (CL 14) the domination over Gojira.
Dispel Magic (DC 11 + Spell's CL): 1d20 + 14 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 14 + 4 = 28 + Surge: 1d10 ⇒ 4
At the same time, Allison draws more heavily than ever before on her mystic might to fling a roaring ball of fire at the Great Old One.
Mythic Augmented Fireball with Channel Power (3 uses of mythic power)
Fireball: 15d10 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 9, 2, 6, 7, 6, 1, 1, 9, 9, 8, 8, 5) = 80 + 50% (40) = 120
Damage bypasses SR, fire immunity, & fire resistance.
Reflex DC 26 with a -4 penalty to the roll. Failing reflex save results in target setting on fire taking an additional 2d6 points of fire damage per round.
Spell Synthesis to cast two spells at once = Standard Action
Dispel Magic = part of standard action
Vow to Self = not an action
Surge (1 use of Mythic Power)= Swift action
Fireball = part of standard action
Mythic Augmentation (2 uses of Mythic Power)= not an action
Channel Power (1 use of Mythic Power) = not an action