GM Goblin King |
Characters, as of now.
Blask- Old human shaman 3
Gurk- halfling expert 3
Mourntel- Half elf shaman 3
R'kellor- Human warrior 3
Kraull- Half orc warrior 3
Krejka- Half orc tamer warrior 3

R'kellor Stonehammer |

I made this portrait of R'kellor using Hero machine. I would be happy to give it a shot for other people's character as well if you would like.

-Gurk- |

Sorry for taking so long. I somehow didn't notice your post about the thread being open.
Also, one question: what kind of language (in terms of verbosity) would these characters use when speaking? Are we assuming that we're translating their language to a more modern version or should we write in "caveman-speak"?

GM Goblin King |
I'll leave that to you. When we did the Goblin campaign, they all fell into their own linguistic things. It was pretty funny at times. You can talk normally or say "Gurk no like monkey people. Gurk kill!"
That's 4 people. I'll get started.

-Gurk- |

My awful attempt at making Gurk in Hero Machine.
The cat is for scale.

GM Goblin King |
I moved him. Click his square. It should get a blue border. Hit delete, then go to the square you want, click it, then type your name. Hit your spacebar.

Krekja |

My apologies, folks. Life got busy, I didn't post that it got busy because I kept thinking 'tomorrow, tomorrow I'll find time to post and get IC and catch up,' but realistically it isn't letting up and I am not sure when it will let up. I am afraid it's most realistic for me to bow out at this point.
Have fun, all of you!

Mourntel |

Sorry about my absence guys. I was involved with a vehicle pursuit on Sunday, which led into a foot pursuit during which I injured my knee. We caught the suspect and no one else was injured, so a good day! I was cleared for duty today, so I should be back to normal posting.

Maqli |

Hello, everyone! I've just been recruited to join this game. It looks like a lot of fun and I'm very interested; I look forward to gaming with you all!
My character, as is probably already evident, is a hunter, skilled with a bow. He's lived in the mountains all his life, so hopefully he'll be a help with survival and all that.

Leila Greentistle |

I'll one of the new recruits and I'll be joining with you guys shortly. Hopefully we'll have a bunch of fun : )
Leila is an expert/adept and she is good at sneaking around, and got a decent tab on social skills. She does lack Blasks all-compassing knowledge or the deadly strikes of Kraull and Maqli, which she tries to make up for with guile.

Fuhr |

Same here - Fuhr is an adept/warrior who focuses on fire magic. Well, mostly fire in general. He can frontline as needed, and can use a longspear + combat reflexes to deadly effect!

Leila Greentistle |

@Blask, GM, Fuhr - The low number of spells is a little nusiance we'll have to deal with I think. But on that topic - how have you handled/plan to handle things like Craft Wand or Scribe Scroll ?
They could extend our magical endurance a bit... : ) But numberless wands of X could also take the 'magic' out of magic I suppose.
What are your thoughts on staves? They are one way (in the future!) to diversify ones magic AND get some more stamina! Perhaps lesser staves with only 5 or 3 charges ?

GM Goblin King |
You get Brew Potion at 1st, and metamagic or item creation feats every 5 levels like a wizard. You can make magic items for no real cost (just time and the right feat,) since money doesn't exist, per se.
You might find some goodies at Pariahcon, if you ever get there.

Leila Greentistle |

@Blask - seeing as you are the Goodberry guy, a single berry heals one damage which should be enough to remove the non-lethal damage (1p) from anyone that fails :)
If you want, I can prepare it, but I wouldn't want to steal your thunder

Loup Blanc |

Hey everybody,
This is a message I'm putting up in most of the games I'm in here on the forums. I feel bad about having to do this, but I'm dropping many of the games I'm in on here--pretty much everything that's been moving at a good clip. Life's become very hectic lately, and I don't see things calming down any time soon. Between everything that's been happening, my focus has been spent elsewhere, and I'm just not able to put in the time and effort to keep up with play-by-post right now.
I've enjoyed all the games I've been in here, and it's a lot of fun. You all put it in a ton of effort and excitement, and I'd love to do the same, but right now I'm not able to do that on a regular basis. It would be unfair of me to keep going dark for days or weeks at a time, but I don't think I'll be able to avoid that for a while, and I need to focus on other things right now. I'm really sorry about having to do this, but life has reared its ugly head, and I hope you all understand.
Again, I've enjoyed my time with you all, and hope that you continue to have great gaming in the future. I look forward to the day when I can return to these boards and join new games, and maybe even play with some of you again. But for now, I have to part ways from you all.
--Loup Blanc

GM Goblin King |
OK. Too bad, since Maqli is such a fun character. I hope you find the time to rejoin us eventually.