Orc Seeker

Maqli's page

140 posts. Alias of Loup Blanc.

Full Name





Brawler (Wild Child) 6 (Champion 1) | HP 87/89 | AC 18, touch 15, FF 13; CMD 25 | Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +4 | Init +3; Perception +11, darkvision 60 ft.




5'7", 165 lb.






Common, Orc

Strength 18
Dexterity 17
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 8

About Maqli

Female half-orc brawler (wild child) 6/champion 1 (mythic)
N Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Initiative +3; Senses Perception +11, darkvision 60 ft.
- - - - -
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Armor Class 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +2 dodge)

Hit Points 87/89 (6d10+18+6+5)
Nonlethal Damage 0
Condition Normal

Fortitude +8, Reflex +8, Will +4
- - - - -
- - - - -

Speed 30 feet

Melee unarmed strike +13 (2d6+6) OR
Melee brawler's flurry +11/+11 (2d6+6)

Special Attacks Brawler's Flurry, Hunter's Tricks, Jabbing Style, Martial Flexibility, Mythic Power 3/5, Sudden Attack
- - - - -
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Strength 18, Dexterity 17, Constitution 16, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 14, Charisma 8

Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat Maneuver Bonus +10 (+14 to grapple, +11 to dirty trick)
Combat Maneuver Defense 25

Feats Dodge, Jabbing Style, Unarmed Combatant, Weapon Focus (natural)
Mythic Feats Mythic Unarmed Combatant, Titan Strike

Traits Highlander, Intuition

Trained Skills
Acrobatics +8 (2 ranks+3 class+3 Dex)
Climb +8 (1 rank+3 class+4 Str)
Handle Animal +10 (6 ranks+3 class-1 Cha+2 racial)
Perception +11 (6 ranks+3 class+2 Wis)
Stealth +13 (6 ranks+3 class+3 Dex+1 trait)
Survival +5 (3 ranks+2 Wis)

Languages Common, Orc


Armor and Clothing
Imperial slave guard armor
Special bracelet (Brawling)
Tattered rags

Other Gear


Animal Companion:
Kalsak'Pargijakun-Vadokob (Bloodstained Death Fang)
Male warcat companion (bodyguard) 6 (Mythic template)
Initiative +7; Senses Perception +14, low-light vision, scent
- - - - -
Armor Class 33, touch 19, FF 24 (+8 Dex, +14 natural, +1 dodge)

Hit Points 252/252 (18d8+90+18)

Fort +16, Ref +19, Will +16
- - - - -
Speed 40 ft.

Melee bite +23 (1d8+9), 2 claws +23 (1d6+9)

Attack Options Rake 1d6
- - - - -
Str 29, Dex 27, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 10

BAB +13; CMB +22; CMD 30

Feats Athletic, Deft Maneuvers, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Power Attack, Powerful Maneuvers, Toughness, Weapon Focus (natural)

Trained Skills
Intimidate +15 (4 ranks+3 class+8 Str)
Perception +14 (4 ranks+3 class+3 Wis+4 racial)
Stealth +16 (5 ranks+3 class+8 Dex)
Survival +11 (5 ranks+3 class+3 Wis)

Special Abilities Devotion, Link, Shared Vigilance, Tenacious Guardian

Tricks Known Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Heel, Hunt, Sneak, Track
Wild Child Maneuver Tricks Dirty Trick

Racial and Class Features:
Half-Orc Racial Features
Darkvision 60 ft.
Orc Blood
Shaman Enhancement--Str+2 to companion

Brawler (Wild Child) Class Features
AC Bonus +1
Animal Companion--Warcat
Brawler's Cunning
Brawler's Flurry
Brawler's Strike (Magic)
Hunter's Tricks
Knockout 1/day
Maneuver Training--Dirty Trick +1
Martial Flexibility
Martial Training
Unarmed Strike

Mythic Champion Features
Champion's Strike--Sudden Attack
Extra Mythic Feat
Hard to Kill
Mythic Power--5/day
Surge +1d6

Appearance and Personality:
Maqli stands just over five and a half feet tall, with an athletic build. She's leaner than the common concept of an orc, but she also has plenty of corded muscle; her overall frame is reminiscent of her animal companion, powerful and quick. Her body is obviously that of a warrior and hunter, with scars across her arms, shoulders, and back, and more of them look like they were caused by claws or fangs than swords and knives. With her light green skin, gleaming green eyes, and knotted black hair, Maqli is far from conventional concepts of attractive--even among orcs, who view her "human taint" as detractions--but she certainly cuts a striking figure.

The best word to describe Maqli's personality is "untrained." Between being practically outcast and abandoned from childhood, spending much of her formative years with wild beasts, and the chip on her shoulder from being consistently viewed as a half-breed disgrace, she simply doesn't have the practice or experience to be graceful socially. She tends to view things in a relatively simple light: kill or be killed, survive or don't, get what you need. Although Maqli is more than willing to assist underdogs, perhaps seeing something of herself in them, she has little patience to those who won't fight for themselves--she is a companion, not a savior. She enjoys luxuries, but does not indulge in them for very long--she's too used to her life being disrupted, and she tends to stay on the move with every aspect of her existence.

The Vargrrashat Crags have long been a sacred place for the orc tribes, who dwell among their stony ridges when the herds are thin in the nearby plains. Legends among the tribes say that it was here the orcs were born, and it is here that the most important ceremonies and trials among the tribes take place. When an apprentice would become a shaman, they must sojourn into the hills and return with visions of the past or future. When a great warrior or clean leader dies, their body is interred in a burial cairn, so their souls may dwell in Gajalat Parhor until the sun is swallowed and the world comes to an end. And it is here that the warcats are found: the great agile beasts with armored hides and wicked fangs and claws.

It is also here that outcasts of the orc tribes are sent, for the Vargrrashat is neither kind nor caring. The harshest crimes are answered with death, but those who would be abandoned are given a chance. In the sacred ridges they may find themselves, find redemption... or die. So it was with Maqli.

Maqli has no knowledge regarding the circumstances of her birth. If her father ever entered the tribal lands, he was likely slain before long, for the orcs of Vargrrashat are clannish and territorial. Her mother died in childbirth, leaving Maqli alone in the world from the start: a half-breed, an outcast from birth. Only thanks to the hardy nature and survival instincts of an orc did she survive her first years, as she was all but uncared for by her tribe. In her fifth year, one of the tribal shamans died, and so her people traveled to the sacred grounds to bury the body and abandon the girl. Maqli had little notion of just what the tribe had in plan until she awoke the next day alone in a rocky hovel, her kin long gone.

But once more, her hardy nature prevailed, and fortune smiled on the half-breed girl. Not long after finding herself alone in the crags, Maqli came upon a brood of young warcats. The creatures were barely more than infants themselves, and though they first took her for prey, Maqli's fierce fighting quickly ended that notion. The animals came to view her as more or less one of their own, and soon Maqli was bounding over the stones at their side, living and hunting as they did.

So passed near a decade of Maqli's life. In that time she grew strong and fast, unrelenting and unyielding. There were hardships, to be sure, and by the time Maqli was grown, she remained with only one of her warcat companions--one had died fighting an errant ogre who strayed into the hills, and the others had left as they grew older, seeking other territories. But she had still learned much from the cats in her time with them, including her own method of fighting: fierce and fast, killing with hands like stones rather than razor claws.

So when new figures came to the Vargrrashat, Maqli shadowed and watched them rather than simply approaching. They obviously weren't orcs, either: they were pink-skinned and soft, with metal armor and no respect for the sacred hollows. They spoke in a strange language, which Maqli came to learn in part as she haunted them, observing how they tore through cairns and dug into the hills. She watched when they assaulted an apprentice shaman who came to the crags for his vision quest, how they beat him and questioned him and killed him.

That was when she began to hunt these creatures. Maqli felt little love for other orcs, but she knew she was connected to them, and she knew these other creatures would bring danger and trouble to her home. She was cunning in her work, and she hunted like her partner: striking at night, taking a man when he was alone or injured. Soon enough the whole expedition--a scouting unit from the Mad King's army, looking for valuable treasures or artifacts in the orcs' sacred hills--lived in fear of the seeming ghost that stalked them.