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Tereze smiles over at the new pathfinder and says softly.
Greetings Andor, Are you here to help us look at ze Ship?
Without waiting for an answer she continues.
I am Tereze and zis is Locke and Melisendra, and can you believe it?
Even with all we have seen, this seems extraordinary.
As quiet as she is trying to speak, the slender young brunet seems to be almost dancing with excitement and keeps glancing in the direction that the ship should be.

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Andor smiles. “Tereze, Locke and Melisendra, it is nice meeting you!“ he says with a slight bow.
He drinks an extract of heightened awareness and looks at the ship.
Any knowledge checks GM? If yes see spoiler for modifiers.
Knowledge: Arcana +17 (Rank +9, Class +3, Int +5)
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +9 (Rank +1, Class +3, Int +5)
Knowledge: Engineering +9 (Rank +1, Class +3, Int +5)
Knowledge: Geography +9 (Rank +1, Class +3, Int +5)
Knowledge: History +11 (Rank 0, Special) *Scarab Sages Faction Card Season 8: 2+ goals allows to make trained checks and use 3+Faction goal (8 currently) as modifier.
Knowledge: Local +9 (Rank +1, Class +3, Int +5)
Knowledge: Nature +9 (Rank +1, Class +3, Int +5)
Knowledge: Nobility +9 (Rank +1, Class +3, Int +5)
Knowledge: Planes +19 (Rank +9, Class +3, Int +5, Faction Card* +2) *+2 through Scarab Sages Faction Card Season 8 as kn(planes) is a class skill: 2+ goals
Knowledge: Religion +9 (Rank +1, Class +3, Int +5)
knowledge check without modifier except of heightened awareness : 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

GM Irish202 |

As quiet as she is trying to speak, the slender young brunet seems to be almost dancing with excitement and keeps glancing in the direction that the ship should be.
He drinks an extract of heightened awareness and looks at the ship.
Perception Tereze: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
Perception Andor: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (2) + 25 = 27Squinting into the distance, the pair looks across the harbor towards the Flotsam Graveyard; the mists from the water curling into the air to creepily obscure entry to the harbor next to Pilot Island.
Any knowledge checks GM? If yes see spoiler for modifiers.
Let's hold that in abeyance for the nonce. You will get more information in the briefing that will make your knowledge check more useful afterwards.

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Eryzule made his way to the gathering spot to once again meet fellows and reactive the risk and reward of his adventuring career. He had a limp caused by a twist in his knee from a former injury that was made easier by large twisted staff he used to ease any discomfort from the limb.
He was later than intended, seeing a few new faces such as the stern kitsune, armed in finery enough for Ery to raise a brow in impressed acknowledgement.
Seeing an old friend, Tereze, among the group, Ery felt better at home. With a deep breath, he approached his would-be peers with a soft wave and smile.
”Hello my dear varisian flower, I hope you have several stories to share.”
He gave everyone a once over before giving a simple, albeit exaggerated, bow.
”I am Eryzule, Self proclaimed Lord of Tea and acting priest of Calistria’s wondrous Saloon.” he chuckled lightly.

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Locke smiled modestly, as the brooches' design was to her friends' liking.
"I have sent for one to be delivered to Kegan and Testudo as well. I am certain they will reach their destinations."
She pours another cup of tea, adding a slight teaspoon of honey.
Later at the pre-briefing gathering, Locke nods politely at Andor's greeting.
"Greetings." As she was about to ask him something else, him drinking something alchemical catches her eye, and her interest is piqued.
"Ah? You are also inclined to the alchemical arts?"
A not so subtle hint for Andor, of Locke's own profession, are the two demon-like bat wings she sports on her back.
Andor, would you be ok with exchanging formulae?
It looks like i have a few to offer, though you have more that i do not yet have.
When the time comes that Eryzule enters the scene, she quietly whispers to Andor to not mention her name, for the sake of a surprise for the arriving elf.

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Of course we can share our formulae book. That’s how I got all of those. :-)
Andor nods to the human lady.
“A pleasure to meet someone who enjoys the art of alchemy!“ he says with a strange look on his face.

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At Ery’s voice, Tereze turns around and smiles broadly.
Ah Ery, good to see you again! As for us, you missed so much.
Let’s see we really could have used you when we had to deal with Grandmaster torch in ze bath. It was just as unpleasant as you would have expected..... She glances at the pamphlet in her hand.
Have you been by Gwen’s place recently?. She holds up the pamphlet and looks back in the direction of the ship.

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Melisande smiles gently at Hestram. Janira is always so ... excitable, is she not? It's really quite endearing.
She takes a quick look over the new arrivals. Andor, eh? I believe my good friend Meylara was just with you up at the world wound? She mentioned something about it, saying you acquitted yourself well. I only hope that you are able to do similar here.
She saunters over to Eryzule, presenting her hand. Locke and Tereze have told me some things about you. I am Melisande. Perhaps we shall have a moment to discuss professional courtesies soon?

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Giving a nod to Tereze, the elf moves to embrace the healer with a larger, over-the-shoulder hug. "Oh, I am sure Torch was delightful. But I'm here now, I protect you from naked drug lords."
He looks to Andor with a smile, "You must be the groups solid protector. I look forward to working with you, sir. Hopefully you don't mind protecting my frail self."
Releasing his friend from the hug he ponders a moment on Gwen's tavern and looking over the pamphlet. Shaking his head he offers a shrug. "Sadly, no. I've been very busy lately and my duties do make it a little difficult to spark whimsy.
Spinning on heel, Ery reached out to Melisande's hand, taking it with light, caressing hold. "I've only heard of you through the Dark Archive rumor mills and fame mongers." He gave her a once over before releasing her hand, bring his own to his chin in thought.
"From what I gather, you and I may have much the realm of common ground. I'm sure these things will be discussed intimately."
He smirks and began to turn only to stop, looking back to the Evangelist with a raised brow. "Hopefully they didn't spoil to many things, Id prefer you think me charming for a little while longer." he offered a playful wink before shifting his attention to quieter woman in the group.
"And who, silent peer, are you?" He gives the young woman a once over, taking a hint from Andor's reference to the Alchemies. "If Melisandre was the groups moral center after my leave...that must make you chemically inclined alchemist I heard about after Locke moved on?"

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Hopefully they didn't spoil to many things, Id prefer you think me charming for a little while longer.
Oh, but there is so much to spoil. I remember -everything- from that 'guys night out' you took me on. I know fairly well what buttons to push.
Having completely exchanged outfits, returned to full sentences instead of shortening them like before, and looking more a proper attired alchemist, i believe you've followed gameplay to know what both her face and outfit look like at current times it was easy to assume some information had shifted, or was still outdated presently.
Taking liberty, if that's okay, with 'a leftover' of an expired extract of vocal alteration made the previous evening.
Drinking a dull liquid enough to sustain about barely a minute, if not less, before Eryzule would turn to her, Locke adjusts her vocals.
To Eryzule,
"I am of that profession, yes. Indeed, it is my understanding the masked person has indeed left, in some way or another."
Ery is slightly poked with a wing, a more flexibility in the wings as of late, all that flying must have been quite useful. "I have a more interesting question for you. What amount of money would you place in a game of chance, if the odds were 50 to 50?"

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Ery, having been poked, looked over the wing with a raised brow and shoo'd it away with a light swap if his hand.
"You have shoes to fill, little lady..." He chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of is neck.
considering the offer of a bet, he tilted his head with obvious curiosity.
"That, would entirely depend on what I'm betting on." he mused with a smile.

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Tereze shifts a step or two behind Ery so that the others can see her struggling to keep a grin off her face but Ery can not.
Wait Moral Center? Hey...

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I would have liked his absence to have made him a tad bit gullible, but seems he has retained his wits.
"Very well, mister Eryzule. As i was led to believe, you were somewhat of a betting type, so i would ask your opinion on the matter."
"Say there are two curtains, and a cache of secret documents, sought after by you, is hidden behind one.
If you guess correctly which curtain hides the cache, you get in return double your wager and the documents.
Should your answer be incorrect, the house takes your wager, yet compensates your effort by arranging a genuinely pleasant evening, suiting one of your profession, with half of the wager."
"The higher the wager, the more the profit either way, in essence. The budget would be 50 gold. How much of it, would you wager with for the documents?"

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Ery pondered briefly before tapping his lower lip with a finger.
"I'm unsure who could have possible given you the impression that I was a gambling man...If such a person was around, I'm sure that person is within arms reach and likely going to get a firm talking to..."
He smirked.
"That being said, its true." he offered a shrug as he began to lean on his staff. He reached into his purse checking his carry-on funds.
"Games of Chance are fine, miss... So what it is you want to gamble on. I'm VERY fond of a simple drinking game my peers and I have done in the past. Last one standing wins the pot, first one out pays for rooms. Some times you wake up in weird ways..." he trailed off in thought.
"What is your name, anyway?"

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"Courtesy requires you answer my question first, mister Eryzule. I have heard you are quite courteous to ladies, or have i heard wrong?", she says with a modest smile.
"I am not proposing a bet, i am merely asking for what you would do.
Afterwards, i shall indulge your own question."

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"Fine fine. Sure, I'd probably bet 200 gold your wager. Upping the stakes purely for selfish escalation." he offered a shrug.

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Locke smiles.
"You are most generous then.
Now, as for the answer to your own question....", Locke takes from her backpack a small bundle. Something square shaped within cloth.
"Here is your answer.", as she pushes it into his chest with a smile, then stepping back, arms crossed waiting for his reaction.
Ery's diary.

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Looking curiously at cloth, Ery takes a moment to unwrap the item.
His eyes widen, the greener shimmer of eyes caught in the wider stare.
He looks up at the woman then back at the journal.
"You cheeky alchemical bastard."
His face goals pale then a little red before shifting back to his resting hues. his mouth opens again but no words escape as flashes of everything he had done with her assuming she was male hits him...like a psychic punch.
A moment of silence as just stares at Locke. Completely in disbelief.

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She, in turn, can't help but chuckle at red color Eryzule's face is turning.
"I have a fair idea of what to do with the 100 gold i get out of the wager. The sum was not mentioned upon our meeting, and the outcome had not been disclosed until now."
"I bet "The Mask" is male."
"The way I see it: If your male, I'd win money. If you're female, I still win. And isn't that the great part?"
"Copying some formulae, buying strawberries...to name a few."
She looks over towards Melisande.
"Professional courtesies, how soon would you like him to discuss them? I have details of his weaknesses. He would be dough within your hands."
"Welcome back, Eryzule."

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Tereze starts chuckling at Eyr's reaction.
I know, I was shocked too... One more zing you missed. That is Lady Locke now. Slaying ze Dragon, gave some of us Titles.

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Melisande winks at Eryzule.
She crosses her legs and leans back with a nod to Locke.

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A blonde dwarfess comes in.
It's obvious she wears, under a blue dress (matching her own blue eyes) a metallic armor.
She carries a big, sharp axe on her shoulder.
Awww, ae you the Pathfinder's team I must join? Heard about some kind of haunted old ship to explore or something like that..

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Mistress of mayhem has arrived!
"Happy to say it does not."
"As you wish. I am almost curious if i can not alchemically 'strengthen' that special tea you mentioned before. I am fairly certain he will drink any tea he has not drank before. You know...scientific purposes of course."
The latter is said with a somewhat mischievous smile on her face.

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Turning to Tereze, the elf tucked his old journal away into a pack off the small of his back. He gave a simple nod before he realized they had official titles... "Damn it! Really? You're all titled lords and ladies?!" He let out a groaned sigh.
His hand slipped up to his face before leaning toward Melisandre where he shook he offered a shrug and relenting nod while eyeing her legs closely.
"Those are plesent." he admitted quietly to himself.
Looking to the new arrival, Ery gives a bow and holds out a hand in greeting. "Oh! Another new partner. Yup, that would be us. Going to explore a boat. He chuckled, trying his best to wash away the nine kinds of confused and awkward he felt by sudden realizations.

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She takes a quick look over the new arrivals. Andor, eh? I believe my good friend Meylara was just with you up at the world wound? She mentioned something about it, saying you acquitted yourself well. I only hope that you are able to do similar here.
Andor looks a little embarrassed.
"Meylara lost her dear friend Petal. So I do not think that I really did a good job. But we killed a demon and I am glad about that!" he says with some bitterness in his voice.
"So what is your story Melisande? How do you know Meylara?"

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A blonde dwarfess comes in.
It's obvious she wears, under a blue dress (matching her own blue eyes) a metallic armor.
She carries a big, sharp axe on her shoulder.
Awww, ae you the Pathfinder's team I must join? Heard about some kind of haunted old ship to explore or something like that..
Andor looks at Brallenera with a smile.
"Hey Brallenera, I am Andor. I have also heard a lot about you. You were on a mission with my step-sister Setare. I am glad that another warrior is joining our ranks!" he says to Brallenera.

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He looks to Andor with a smile, "You must be the groups solid protector. I look forward to working with you, sir. Hopefully you don't mind protecting my frail self."
"And who, silent peer, are you?" He gives the young woman a once over, taking a hint from Andor's reference to the Alchemies. "If Melisandre was the groups moral center after my leave...that must make you chemically inclined alchemist I heard about after Locke moved on?"
Andor raises an eyebrow.
"You are a Pathfinder Eryzule so I am quite sure that you can protect yourself. I am a little hotheaded sometimes so if you think that I should take a certain kind of action then tell me. I usually just storm towards a target! What about you? What are your abilities?" he asks.

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Awww.. My last mission was with Setare, that's true. Quick lass, carry quite a punch, didn't knew she had a half brother. Of course we just met once, in a caverns complex, fighting against demons. Couldn't bee devils, just my luck. Long story short, we had no time for chit chatting, but please give her my best regards next time you two meet.

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Melisande smiles gently at Andor. Meylara is a ... friend. As for Petal's unfortunate demise, such are the hazards of this line of work. Knowing Meylara, she is already hard at work training another pet to take Petal's place.
Melisande takes a leisurely sip of her wine, and glances over at Eryzul. Will you be joining me for my dedication to Nocticula? A little blood, a little flayleaf. Perhaps a little pain and a bit of pleasure.

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Ery offers a shrug and agreeable nod to Andor. "Fair enough... as for my abilities. Talking. My powers are social and tea oriented." he offers a coy smirk. "I will my best to avoid inspiring your anger, however."
Raising a brow to Melisande. "Huh, Yes. I think I may." He looks about, not familiar with this deities clerical practices.

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A Flying Fox suddenly enters the room as well and lands on Andor's should.
"Oh and this guy here is Serang!" Andor says smiling at the Flying Fox.
Ery offers a shrug and agreeable nod to Andor. "Fair enough... as for my abilities. Talking. My powers are social and tea oriented." he offers a coy smirk. "I will my best to avoid inspiring your anger, however."
He then looks at Ery.
"You seem to be a funny guy Ery. And just to be more concrete ... I am not never angry. I just follow Chaldira who is known to charge into battles without much planning, and as a result I do the same!"
He looks at the team and then at Melisande after her mentioning Nocticula.
"And I refuse to compromise against evil knowing that Chaldira's luck is at my side!"

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Melisande chuckles softly at Andor's words. No need to worry friend Andor. I am most definitely not evil. I might be wicked now and then, but not evil. Nocticula merely provides the... hmm, moral flexibility required of someone in the positions that I frequently find myself in.

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Andor looks at Melisande and raises an eyebrow again.
"Then we have an understanding. You are a Pathfinder. I cooperate!"

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"Damn it! Really? You're all titled lords and ladies?!" He let out a groaned sigh.
Yes, and we will of course expect you to always refer to us as such! Tereze says with a grin.
"Meylara lost her dear friend Petal. So I do not think that I really did a good job. But we killed a demon and I am glad about that!"
Well, If I have anything to say about it Andor, zat will not happen zis time. A number of us all just survived a brush with a full dragon and creatures from ze realms of madness. It was a close zing, but we all came through alive. Hopefully zis ship has no demons, dragons or creatures of madness.
When the flying fox enters Terze gushes.
Oh he is so cute! She reaches her hand in the direction of the Fox. May I?
Assuming she gets permission she gently pets the fox.
Any other companions I should know about? I have a trick zat can help to keep you all alive. Locke, Melisande and Ery, I assume you will let me link?
She waits for the affirmative before continuing all the while giving the flying fox the attention it deserves. What about the rest of you? Can I use my trick on you? It does not hurt, It simply allows me to share my life energy with you.

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"You want to share life energies...so soon... with all of us?"
Ery feigns a gasp, covering his mouth with a spread hand in pretend shock. "My how free spirited you've become, Lady Tereze"

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Andor smiles at Ery and lets her pet the little flying fox.
Serang is not really used to petting.
"Thanks Ery! Serang likes you. And thanks for the offer to protect us with your lifeforce! Very much appreciated! May I ask where you originally come from? You have an interesting accent!" he asks curiously.

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Does it leaves a strange taste in the mouth, your spell?
Ha. No that's her zing. Tereze points at Locke She loves her flavors.
As She does so, Tereze brings up her life link with each other member of the group including Serang. Each of you feel a warm glow almost like you are near a comforting fire for a moment. It hovers just at the beak of your mind, then fades.
And Yes it was me not Ery who was doing the petting of the fox.

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After a moment, Eryzule looks toward the ship they intend to board and investigate. leanign on his staff almost lazily, he tilts his head back, speaking to the others.
"Anyone gather we'll be dealing with undead?"

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Anything is possible, but undead aren't generally big on building new and exciting ships. They more tend toward crumbling ruins and long-dead civilizations.

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Awww.. Shall we go now? That ship won't explore itself! Last time, it was more about golems than undead. Maybe someone who like to build strange ships will have a strange crew too?

GM Irish202 |

Awww.. Shall we go now? That ship won't explore itself!
Hestram nods in agreement and leads the group into the Harbormaster's office. The Pathfinders see Goodman Hugen of House Candren, a Grand Councilman and First Harbormaster, looking up from his cluttered desk. He quickly shoos away his secretary and walks around his desk to point out his window towards an ominously shaped vessel floating far out in the harbor in the distance.
“Thank you for bringing them Adril," the Harbormaster says. "The vessel first appeared at second watch. No one saw it enter the harbor and there was no warning of its approach through the Flotsam Graveyard. One instant the harbor was clear and the next instant it was there. According to the few eye witnesses we could find, it seemingly just faded into existence there in the water. Our gillmen and Wave Rider scouts reconnoitered it initially and reported there to be no signs of life on its decks and that it was seemingly constructed of a single piece of seamless, opaque white crystal. The Harbor Guard and Wave Riders immediately set up a cordon around the vessel to contain any threat it represented and the First Guard and Starwatch were placed on alert."
“When no threat appeared imminent we sent a Harbor Guard boarding party. They reported the top decks to be completely deserted and all access to the ship’s interior to be blocked off by a single sealed portal. Indecipherable glyphs are incised all throughout the ship’s hull but there is actual writing on the bow. We took copies from the bow to the city’s sages, and the script was identified as Azlanti. It translates as King Xeros, which we believe to be the ship’s name. Old travelers’ tales tell of a ghost ship that wanders the Great Beyond; it is sometimes referred to as the King Xeros of Old Azlant, a magical vessel launched by the Azlanti shortly before Earthfall. We think this may be the very same vessel here in our own harbor."
“This is where you Pathfinders come in. We believe the ship to be the self-same King Xeros and an artifact of the ancient Azlanti. We need to get inside the ship and find out what secrets it holds and if any danger exists. Since it’s old Azlanti, we figure it’s all kinds of magic and mysteries six ways to Oathday. The sages want a crack at it, but we think it’ll take more than just brains to get into it as it might be trapped or guarded. You Pathfinders are known for your ability to deal with this kind of prehistoric stuff and handle yourselves in a tight spot, so that’s why I’m turning to you. The last thing I need is a dozen dead scholars and some monstrosity from beyond time unleashed on the city. I need you to get on board that ship, find a way inside, do a bit of poking around, and figure out if this is something I should be worried about or if it just happens to be the discovery of the millennium. Your lodge has graciously extended the offer of your services if you’re agreeable, and you will of course have the opportunity to investigate and report on this phenomenon in your chronicles. I haven’t got a lot of time here, so I need your answer relatively quickly before this mystery turns into a full-blown crisis.”

GM Irish202 |

Andor, you may now carry forward your Knowledge result from earlier if you wish.
The King Xeros was an ether ship, a strange vessel grown from mystical crystal designed to pierce the enigmatic veil of the Ethereal Plane and plumb its inscrutable gray depths. Its mission was shrouded in mystery, and its passengers and cargo a closely guarded secret. When the ship was launched and slowly faded from its home waters into the ether, its mystery became legend and soon sank into distant myth, for upon leaving on its maiden voyage the King Xeros was never seen by the Azlanti again. Shortly thereafter Earthfall erased Azlant from the face of Golarion and the King Xeros of Old Azlant became just an obscure bards’ tale carried on by those steeped in ancient Azlanti lore.
Despite its disappearance from known Golarion history, the King Xeros was not erased entirely from the annals of time, for it continued to roam the Ethereal Plane on its endless mission. Reports began to trickle into planar cities and Material backwaters of a crystal ghost ship that plied the gray mists, appearing unexpectedly and disappearing just as suddenly. Boarding parties never found any trace of the original crew and many vanished altogether as the ether ship made a sudden disappearance. Many an Ethereal treasure hunter sought the King Xeros and the fabled riches or eldritch secrets it was said to carry, but only the occasional report from some itinerant traveler told of sightings of the lost ship as it slipped through the Deep Ethereal.

GM Irish202 |

Venture-Captain Hestram turns towards the group after the Harbormaster finishes his brief and addresses the Pathfinders.
"The Harbormaster has told me that he should be able to keep the situation relatively stable for about another hour before we would need to become involved. If you have purchases or preparations that are desired, gather your gear now and meet us at the dock nearby. He has arranged a sloop to take you out to the ship. We will be here in the interim if there are any questions," Hestram says with a serious look as he leans back in a chair.

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Kn(Planes): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (15) + 17 = 32
There have been some rumors of a crystal ghost ship seen on the ethereal plane. It's possible this is it. It is, of course, rumored to hold vast riches, but that is the sort of thing that is always held by the mysterious ship that slips away.
I noted it in discussion, but will reiterate here. I'm picking up two scrolls of Fly and two scrolls of Dimension Door with 6 PP

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Andor would have hit the DC 30 as well. So please all open the spoilers.
Andor nods at Melisande and adds his opinion.
"As already mentioned, this is the King Xeros, an ether ship, a strange vessel grown from mystical crystal designed to pierce the enigmatic veil of the Ethereal Plane. In the far past reports began to trickle into planar cities and Material backwaters of a crystal ghost ship that plied the gray mists, appearing unexpectedly and disappearing just as suddenly. Boarding parties never found any trace of the original crew and many vanished altogether as the ether ship made a sudden disappearance. Many an Ethereal treasure hunter sought the King Xeros and the fabled riches or eldritch secrets it was said to carry, but only the occasional report from some itinerant traveler told of sightings of the lost ship as it slipped through the Deep Ethereal."
He then looks at the Venture Captain.
"I will be ready when we meet but this thing could vanish any moment. So we have to be careful!" he says.

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If it's ethereal, we should also make sure we have a way to see invisible and/or ethereal creatures, in case the denizens of the ship are not wholly on this plane?
Spending another 2 PP for 5 scrolls of See Invisibility, for a total of 8.