G.M. Malefactor |
So, here we are then. Welcome, one and all, to my recruitment thread for my rendition of Paizo's Reign of Winter Adventure Path, so titled...
Only the Cold Remains
Yes, with that size 16 font, what could be more dramatic?
About Me
Here's a little bit about myself. I've been roleplaying for about the last four years or so... so I'm a little bit of newbie compared to some of you hardcore, grizzled vets. My group was organized by my brother to play Call of Cthulhu. We eventually branched off into Pathfinder and it has since become my group's go-to game (to my everlasting admonishment, I might add). It's always good to branch off and try different things.
That being said, I like this system and I like what it offers. I'm not a new hand at GMing, but I'm certainly not over-experienced. I've spent about a year GMing Pathfinder and about a year GMing other systems. I've been trying out for and playing PbPs on this forum essentially since I first discovered it, but I this will be the first game I've run in this style.
I'm a full time college student currently looking for a job. I can only promise I can post once per day. I ask all my players to be able to post at least once per weekday and once on the weekend.
Speaking of style, I'm afraid I have this condition wherein I sometimes don't really know when it's a good time to stop writing, as you can probably already tell. If it's up to me, I'd rather make one highly detailed post once a day than several spread throughout. Given my time allotment and just the natural course of discourse provided by the PbP format, I think it'll all be rather agreeable.I want to try my hand at GMing a PbP and I can only hope it goes well. I've had this itch lately to play in a game set in a feral kind of winter setting, and what could be more fitting than the Reign of Winter adventure path?
My philosophy for gaming is that story trumps substance every time. This is your guys' story, and given the linear nature of an adventure path, it is inevitable the story will branch off. Stories aren't statted out beforehand. They evolve organically with the players choices. I'm going to put my own spin on the story, so if you're looking for a vanilla take, I think it'll be best to look elsewhere. We'll start out fairly normal, however, in the small town of Helden in the nation of Taldor. I tend to like to run certain small combats as "pseudo-combats" in story time and I don't use experience. It's an abstraction that adds nothing to the experience. I'll dole out levels at certain story segments and as for good-roleplaying rewards, those will be much more substantial.
About What I Want
Anyway, I'm looking for 4-6 players to play in this RP. You peoples can post your characters here, I'll take a look at them and I'll see which ones I'd like to run a game with. Right now I'm looking for character bios, personality archetypes and a display of an ability to play well with others. I'm not looking for a fully blocked out glorified spreadsheet yet. If you want to make one, by all means. Just keep in mind it won't affect my decision one way or the other.
Fluff wise, I'm going to say now that everybody in the party will have lived in Helden for at least a few years now and are considered a part of the community. What you did beforehand can be entirely up to you. I don't think it's a secret to anybody that you're going to wind up in Irrisen, so a link to that place could very well work, but, however you wind up to Helden is your choice.
Character wise, I'm allowing no evil alignments. I've played evil characters before. I found them not a bit of fun to play and all they tended to do was mess with the party's stuff before they were rightly executed. And in a town as idyllic as Helden, a bastard like that would have been run out of town long ago. Moral ambiguity is rife in the games I run, however, so shades of gray will be all over the place. The game will also be darker than the original AP intended, so keep that in mind.
So what I want to see is in each of your character bios is as follows.
- An explanation of your background prior to arriving in Helden. I wouldn't recommend being as long winded as I'm being right now, but give your character enough breadth. Make them interesting and unique. I don't like seeing the good old cookie cutter holy trinity of party composition (spells, skills and swords.) That's just boring.
- A short description of what kind of life your character has in Helden and how he or she contributes to the community. If you want to link your story to some of the more important NPCs in the area, be my guest. I gave a background rundown of Helden on the obsidian portal wiki. Also don't be afraid to insert your own characters into Helden. I like seeing players interact with the setting.
- I want a description of your character's personality and beliefs. I want to know what drives him or her. What's her motivation? Would he or she be willing to risk their life and their livelihood to save others? (There is no right or wrong answer to these questions, by the way.)
Players, once selected, will be asked to at least create a character on the obsidian portal wiki I created for this campaign. The link's Here
Here's a list of my requirements as far as crunch go, just to get them down now.
- All Paizo published materials are accepted. That means no 3.5 and no 3rd party published material. I can't really be bothered to sift through all that.
- I'm doing a 15 point buy for this one. I know, people like their 20 and 25 point buys. I don't. I find they tend to cheapen some combats.
- You get two traits. Both can be anything that fits your character and one can, but doesn't have to be from the player's guide. I'm allowing 1 drawback as well.
- One of your skill points upon creation needs to go into a profession, craft, or perform skill which represents your ability to make a living in Helden.
- Everybody gets 300 starting gold.
- Players get max HP for their hit die first level and get average HP + 1 every level thereafter.
I'll be ending recruitment on Sunday, the second of March. I'll be lenient with the exact time though. Assuming I get a bunch of entries, I'll announce my choices sometime during the week. The max amount of players I'll allow is 6. I don't have the time to run two groups.
If you guys have any questions, ask them here. I'll make sure to get back to every one. I'll be able for comment most nights and at times during the day. If I miss your post, feel free to send me a private message. Good luck, everybody.
Lacdannan |
Dotting for interest.
How do you feel about the Scarred Witch Doctor archetype? And if permitted, do you feel the orc blood racial of half-orcs qualifies them for the archetype? I've been wanting to play one for a long time, and I always felt RoW would be a great time to play a witch.
By the way, this would be my first PbP so if selected I'd probably need more help getting started than a more experienced player. I'm not sure if that is something you'd want to deal with.
Ingan Jagger |
May I present Ingan Jagger, a human ranger.
His mother was a strange one, together they lived on the outskirts of the village where she gathered herbs to use as a midwife to the villagers. Ingan's mother was always quite and withdrawn, except in winter when see actually seemed alive.
His mother only talked about their homeland during these times, and she seemed happy. This is the rangers fondest memories, walking through the woods with his mother and learning about the wilderness while the snow muffeled all the sounds except her laughter. She died last year at the end of winter, but she seemed happy.
Ingan had learned much from her over the years, about plants and animals, hunting and such. He has turned that knowledge to use as a local hunter, providing the tavern with fresh game in exchange for gold that he plans to use to travel north to see his mothers homeland.
Character sheet will be changed later to reflect point buy and skills.
Campaign trait will be Northern Ancestry.
Lacdannan |
Found a FAQ stating Half-orcs qualify for the archetype, but as always, it is up to the GM. Your thoughts on a Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor? If approved, I'll write up a campaign specific background. I'm keen on the idea of a warrior who mixes ink and ash into self-inflicted wounds to commemorate important victories and losses in his life.
Shadowborn |
I'll throw in for consideration. (Just saw the starting gold. I'll readjust his equipment when I can.) Here's my character :
“Jarani is not one to boast, but it is thanks to Jarani that this threat has passed. Yes, there were others involved, but it is Jarani to whom credit should be given. Without his courage, his skill, and his ability to exhort others to victory, they would likely have failed. Jarani knows this, but Jarani does not tell them. It is important for them to feel empowered. May Jarani buy you another glass of wine? Then perhaps you can tell Jarani something about yourself? Your beauty is obvious, but Jarani would like to know more about your thoughts, your dreams.”— Jarani Zidane, wooing one of the locals after his party’s recent victory.
Male human (Garundi) bard (daredevil) 1
CG Medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception +2
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex,
+1 shield)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee whip +3 (1d3+1 nonlethal) or sickle +1
Ranged net +2 ranged touch (entangled) or
dagger +1 (1d4+1/19–20)
Special Attacks bardic performance 7 rounds/day (countersong, derring-do,distraction, fascinate)
Bardic Spells Known (CL 1st;concentration +4)
1st (2/day)—charm person (DC 14), grease (DC 14)
0—dancing lights, daze (DC 13),detect magic, ghost sound (DC 13)
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (net), Weapon Focus (whip)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +8, Climb +6, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (local) +6, Perform (comedy)+7, Perception +3, Use Magic Device +7
Traits Charming, Restless Wayfarer
Languages Common, Osiriani, Polyglot, Hallit, Skald
Gear dagger, nets (2), sickle, whip, studded leather armor, buckler, cold-weather outfit, entertainer’s outfit, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, mirror, shaving kit, soap, trail rations (5 days), waterskin, 4 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance 34 1/2 lbs.
Agile (Ex): Jarani adds half his class level (minimum +1) on Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, and Escape Artist checks. This ability replaces bardic knowledge.
Charming: Blessed with good looks, Jarani has come to depend on the fact that others find him attractive. He gains a +1 trait bonus when he uses Bluff or Diplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to him, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell he casts on such characters or creatures.
Derring-do (Su): Jarani can use his performance to bring out grace in the clumsiest allies. Jarani and any allies who see him perform receive a +1 morale bonus on Reflex saving throws and a +2 competence bonus on Dexterity-based skill checks. Allies who move at least 10 feet during their turn gain a +1 dodge bonus to their Armor Class until the start of their next turn. At 5th level and every six
bard levels thereafter, the saving throw and Armor Class bonuses given by this ability increase by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level, and the skill check bonuses increase by +2, to a maximum of +8 at 17th
level. This is a mind-affecting ability that uses visual components. This ability replaces inspire courage.
Restless Wayfarer (Ex): Jarani has long led a nomadic life, as his parents are traveling merchants who have traded far and wide. The thought of new places and experiences is truly what makes life worth living, and no region catches his imagination like the windswept wilderness of the North. He is used to getting along in unfamiliar lands and interacting with interesting new people. Jarani gains a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (local) checks, and the former is a class skill for him. He can also speak one additional language (this does not count toward his number of languages).
Background: Jarani Zidane (jah-RAHN-ee zee-DAHN-ay) has always been drawn to a life of risk and thrills. Born in the Thuvia, Jarani was not long in that land. He has traveled the length and breadth of the Inner Sea several times over in the company of his merchant parents, both by land and sea. He was a pampered youth, his parents seeing that he was constantly entertained while they were busy with their work. The young Jarani was enraptured by entertainers of all types: acrobats, jugglers, fire-eaters, animal tamers; anything with action, danger, and flair was sure to capture his attention. As he entered manhood, his attention was drawn to less savory, but no less exciting, activities. Pit fights, gladiatorial arenas, and bar brawls became his new entertainment. As he traveled with his parents, he picked up tricks of the trade in each place they stopped. A bit of tumbling, a knack for witty one-liners, how to remove his wrists
from a tied bit of cord—all these and more became part of his repertoire. His fondest memories are of the North. He found the boastful, larger-than-life warriors that lived there captivating. Their fearlessness and utter contempt for death found a kindred spirit in the young man. Jarani came to believe that one was truly living when facing
death with a grin. On the return journey south, he trained harder than ever before. When the caravan had reached Taldor, Jarani believed it was time to start his true career as an adventurer. He bid his parents farewell, taking their parting gifts and purchasing equipment he’d need. Unfortunately, Jarani's parents were permissive and he never learned to be very wise with his money, which ran out once he'd reached the village of Heldren. He's spent the last half a year there, earning his keep as he can and trying to scrape up enough coin to move on.
Description: Jarani is tall and lean, standing 6 feet, 1 inch tall and weighing 170 pounds. He keeps his handsome, angular face clean-shaven. His hair has gone completely white, contrasting with his dark skin. Jarani keeps his hair in the long braids traditionally worn by his people, but usually keeps them tied in an elaborate topknot while
adventuring or performing acts of tumbling or whip-work in his acts.
Personality: Jarani is always larger than life. He never takes half measures and is always sure to leave an impression, always aware when someone is watching. He is bold and brash, but not often a braggart, unless there is a story-telling competition or somebody likely to be seduced by tales of derring-do. That said, Jarani is also a kind and considerate person, willing to help those in need and do everything in his power to ensure those on the side of right win.
- Jarani always speaks of himself in the third person.
- Jarani’s big heart may get him in trouble. He can be a sucker for a sob story, especially if it is paired with a comely face. He’s ruled by his emotions, and those skilled at manipulation may find him an easy target.
- Jarani never backs down from a dare. That courage doesn’t mean he’ll foolishly jump into an impossible contest, however. Jarani may be brave to the point of being foolhardy, but he’s far from stupid. He’ll look for any advantage he can get in order to win. That said, he laughs in the face of danger, and he’ll often take risks to win.
- With a spirit as free as they come, the words “marriage” and “commitment” may be the only things in the world that strike fear into Jarani’s heart. Early in his travels he became enamored of the elvish outlook on intimacy, and the easiest way to dissuade him from romantic activity is to talk about settling down, buying a house, having or adopting children, or any other such thing.
Monkeygod |
I wouldn't trust that Mark fellow...he seems awfully suspicious with those glowing eyes.
Mark and I know each other from long ago, when he was the DM of my longest running PbP here on the boards. He's great people
I'm reading through the Player's Guide now, but I have a few ideas in mind for this game already, as its one the APs I've wanted to play in for awhile now.
Monkeygod |
So just curious, are you saying that all the combats will be these types of story combats, and none of them will grant XP normally, or just a specific group of them?
I'm thinking of playing a female Winter Witch, who may have fled Irrisen, but I'm not positive about that part. I'll have her either be an apprentice to the apothecary or the wise woman, and will likely have a rank in Craft and possibly Profession(Herbalist)
En Taro Adun |
Alright, here's Connor Dorn
Connor is a good natured young man who longs to get away from his dull life and experience real adventure and isn’t afraid to seize the opportunity to be a hero. Possessed of a strong will, he thinks himself tough enough to take on any challenge that faces him. Willing to lend a hand if he is in a position of help, Connor isn’t afraid to stand up for those who can’t stand for themselves. He is in good physical condition, his body hardened by years in the forge and his days spent practicing swordplay, a skill he hopes will serve him well in his uncertain future.
NG Medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception +1
AC 19; Touch 12; Flat Footed 17 (+6 armor, +2 dex, +1 shield)
HP 12
Fort +5; Ref +2; Will +0
Speed 30 feet (20 in armor)
Melee Longsword and Shield +2 (1d8 +3/19-20)/+2 (1d4 +3)
Ranged Shortbow +3 (1d6/x3)
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Attack +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Two-weapon fighting, Improved Shield Bash, Double Slice
Skills Craft (Weapon) +4, Craft (Armor) +4, Perception +1, Knowledge (Geography) +1
Traits Armor Expert, Life of Toil
Languages Common
Gear Longsword, Shortbow (20 arrows), Light spiked steel shield (quickdraw), Chainmail, Cold Weather outfit, Backpack, Bedroll, Trail Rations(6), Waterskin, 24 GP 9SP
Encumbrance 58 lbs
Oliver Hoffman |
Dotting with this character (a lot of info is already in the profile), and I will update to your requirements as soon as I get time later on today.
He would likely be connected to the primary town healer, or whoever just needed help.
Like Mark Sweetman, I also have experience with DMing this AP, but can also maintain the separation (as evidenced by the the three PbP's I run being ones I play in in other PbP's).
Jermaie Dael |
Dotting for interest.
How do you feel about the Scarred Witch Doctor archetype? And if permitted, do you feel the orc blood racial of half-orcs qualifies them for the archetype? I've been wanting to play one for a long time, and I always felt RoW would be a great time to play a witch.
By the way, this would be my first PbP so if selected I'd probably need more help getting started than a more experienced player. I'm not sure if that is something you'd want to deal with.
Don't worry about player experience. Your character's the only thing that factors into my decision.
As for the witch doctor archetype, the issue's come up at my table as a hypothetical question once before and I answered that yes, I'd allow a half-orc to take it. Keep in mind that it is one burly archetype (casting off of Con). I really dig it's flavor though, so its backstory's definitely gotta reflect that, you dig? It seems like you've got a pretty good idea already, so I don't see it as a problem.
What races are you looking to allow?
I'm pretty much thinking everything in the ARG is allowed, as well as other supplemental materials like tieflings and the half lycanthropic races. Some of the less fitting races like Wayangs and such probably won't work prettily with me. The AP travels all over the place, and what is common isn't always going to be common, but you guys'll be starting out in a peaceful, majority-human town, though a rather accepting place. Use your best judgement and I'll let anybody know if they're using something out of place.
Before I throw my proverbial hat into the ring, I have a single clarification to ask:
I currently DM two Reign of Winter PbPs here on the boards, would that exclude me from contention as a potential player?I can keep player and character knowledge quite separate.
Nah, it won't be a factor. It's highly likely we'll go off the rails at one point anyway. I'll change minor things here and there as well. I'll trust you guys to keep those things separate.
So just curious, are you saying that all the combats will be these types of story combats, and none of them will grant XP normally, or just a specific group of them?
There are certain small combats that I'm not going to have you guys roll initiative for. You'll still hit. They'll still hit back, but they're inconsequential to the story and thus, in my eyes, not worthy enough to go through the rigamarole of getting actual combat started.
And I'm nixing experience. You guys will level up once you hit a certain point in the story.
Ljalfr Karithson |
Ljalfr applying for a slot (Antariuk's character)
Ljalfr is the descendant of a long line of northern hunters. His great-great-grandfather Freyndr once held a position of respect in Irrisen, but a mysterious scandal forced him and his family into exile. What exactly happened is unknown to Ljalfr, his father Karith never told him and likely didn't knew himself. However, Freyndr left Irrisen behind and continued to travel south, far away from Irrisen. His line survived as skilled hunters and trailblazers, but never forgot the family's origin. Every son and daughter had to learn old songs and tales of the north, and Skald, the language of Freyndr's lost home.
Karith, Ljalfr's father, traveled further south than any one in his line did before him, surrounding the Inner Sea, visiting the great city of Absalom briefly, and making a stop in the most unassuming village of Heldren somewhere in southern Taldor. Ljalfr never learned what drove his father, as he was a silent man, being most comfortable in the wilderness and away from civilization. Maybe it was the death of Ljalfr's mother, who had died when her son was still learning to walk. But despite his remote nature, Ljalfr worshipped his father, hanging on his lips whenever he would speak.
Life in Heldren
It was in Heldren that Ljalfr saw his father for the last time. Despite a massive thunderstorm, Karith went out with two of the village's hunters, leaving behind his son of 13 years and his personal talisman to calm the boy. What exactly happened to them is unknown, the men probably got into an avalanche or encountered a wild beast. No corpses were ever found.
The innkeeper of the 'Silver Stoat' took Ljalfr in as help and watched day after day how the boy left town to search for his father, when everyone else knew he wouldn't find anything. But the boy stubbornly continued his ventures into the surrounding wilderness, talking to every hunter or woodcutters he would meet. It didn't take long before the Ljalfr got a reputation for being something of a good luck charm - he rarely went home without prey, and never lost his path. But his skills didn't bring him any comfort, and he became as silent and remote as his father had been.
The only time Ljalfr seemed happy was when the townspeople gathered, when stories were told and songs filled the air. The boy absorbed everything like a sponge, but was always willing to give back a tale from his forefathers. Of particular interest to Ljalfr was an old monk, who, between a great many stories, tought him of Irori's ways. And in the rites of Irori, Ljalfr finally found piece. He still missed his father, but the days became bearable again, and under the monk's tutelage he learned many things.
With the passing of the years, Ljalfr became something of the town's skald. Despite his young years, he can perfectly recite all of the local songs, knows the genealogy of many local people, and can make up an entertaining story on the spot if necessary.
Personality and Beliefs
Ljalfr enjoys being amongst people, especially if tales and songs are involved, but he isn't loud or flashy. Instead, he likes to listen, only adding to a conversation when he thinks it is appropriate, or when asked. His polite attitide has made him popular amongst of the townspeople, and he seems to get along with folks of every profession or background.
Although he believes in the wisdom of Irori, Ljalfr also makes offerings to Erastil, not only for the luck of the hunt but also out of respect for his father and his father's fathers. Unlike his old mentor, he believes that the secret to knowledge and self-perfection isn't hidden in repeated phyiscal exercises, but laid out within all of nature itself, if one only knows how to read the signs.
Motivations and Fears
Ljalfr is fascinated with stores of the past, telling of heroes and gods. He tries to extract wisdom from these tales, guidelines of how to live his life. He also longs to visit the ancestral home of his forefathers one day, to maybe uncover what happened to Freyndr, and to see the lands of ice and snow with his own eyes.
His greatest fear is that he may not life up to his father's expectations, who still lives on in his mind. Although he knows that for Karith the old tales of the north were something precious, he fears he might not live up to the standards set by those very tales.
Ljalfr Karithson
Male Human Oracle 1 (Seer, Lore Mystery)
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (dex +1, armor +4, shield +1)
hp 15 (1d8+5) (+2 Con, +3 Toughness)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3
Resistances cold 2
Speed 20 ft. (lame curse)
Melee dagger -1 (1d4-1, 19–20/×2)
Ranged light crossbow +1 (1d8, 19-20/x2) or dagger +1 (1d4, 19–20/×2)
Orace Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st (4/day) - cure light wounds, bless, know the enemy
0 (at will) - detect magic, detect poison, light, read magic
Mystery lore
Str 9, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 17
BAB +0, CMB -1, CMD +10
Feats Extra Revelation, Cosmopolitan (Common, Sylvan)
Traits Northern Ancestry, Orphaned
Skills Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Profession (storyteller) +5, Spellcraft +4, Survival +6.
Languages Common, Skald, Sylvan.
SQ Oracle's Curse (lame), Revelations.
Combat Gear Crossbow (light), dagger, chain shirt, buckler, potion of cure light wounds, potion of longstrider. (35 lbs.)
Other Gear Scholar's outfit, father's talisman, backpack, bedroll, waterskin, flint & steel, candles, soap, personal notebook, parchment (10x), inkpen, fortune-teller's deck (common), cold-weather clothing. (21 lbs.)
Gold 41 gp, 3 sp
Weight 56 lbs. (Lame: speed is never reduced due to encumbrance)
Light Load (30 lbs.), Medium Load (31–60 lbs.), Heavy Load (61–90 lbs.).
Natural Divination (Ex): You can read the entrails of a freshly killed animal or humanoid to gain an insight bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on one saving throw. Alternatively, by observing and interpreting the flights of birds, you may apply a +10 competence bonus on any one skill check. Finally, by charting marks in dirt or stone, or observing the behavior of sand when thrown into the wind, you gain a +4 insight bonus on one initiative check. These bonuses must be used during the next 24 hours and you must declare you are using the bonus before the check or save is made. Making a natural divination takes 10 minutes. You may use natural divination (in any combination) once per day plus one additional time per day for every four oracle levels you have attained.
Lore Keeper (Ex): Instead of encyclopedic knowledge, you learn most of your information through tales, songs, and poems. You may use your Charisma modifier instead of your Intelligence modifier on all Knowledge checks.
I know that divination spells can be a challenge for the GM, and I certainly do not intend to use any of the Seer's abilities to circumvent the story or minimize risk every single time danger lies ahead. If inappropriate, I can remove the Seer archetype and replace it with Stargazer (which would also be a good fit), or just go as plain Oracle.
I'd also be interested in a Story Feat from Ultimate Campaign to expand on Ljalfr's origins (exchanging Toughness for it), but that is for the GM to decide:
What once belonged to your family shall be yours again.
Prerequisite: Your family must have claim to an inherited title or position that no longer belongs to them, or have the Dishonored Family background. You can take this feat even if you have no knowledge of this lost family title.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Charisma-based ability checks and skill checks.
Goal: Regain your family's lost claim, either for yourself or another in your family. In the process of completing this claim, you must decisively defeat a challenging foe that seeks to deny your birthright.
Completion Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Wisdom ability checks, Wisdom-based skill checks, and Will saving throws.
Special: If you manage to regain your position without defeating a challenging foe, you may still complete this story feat at a later date if a suitable challenging foe attempts to steal your birthright again.
Wolfwaker RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |
Marina Mirna Tsetvanov |
I'll throw this character out for consideration! I've heard that changelings have a tie-in to the story of Reign of Winter, and I've been itching to play a Cleric of Erastil for a little while now. The backstory, description and everything else is a little long. Hope it's not too long-winded and I'll cut it down if you think it is.
Marina didn't know she was different from other girls until she came of age and began to hear the whispers on the wind. She had been left on the doorstep of a Temple of Erastil in the woods of northern Taldor as an infant, taken in and cared for by the priesthood along with the children of other casualties of Qadiran skirmishes and bloodthirsty monsters. The voice claimed to be her real mother, calling her forward, to the north, always to the north. She didn't tell anyone-- she couldn't, out of fear of what they would think of herself. Marina took solace in the teachings of the priesthood, working diligently to live by example. They would come and go as they pleased, intruding at its whimsy and leaving just as fast. Eventually, the voices stopped. That's when she began to care.
They had been a constant companion through her life-- whispering stories that had never been told, teaching her about the changes her body was going through as her fingernails hardened like iron and her muscle unnaturally bulked and thinned in cycles. It calmed her when her skin began to turn black and blue, whispering kindness until it faded away. Why could she see in the dark-- why did the smell of cooking veal or the sight of a child's injury start her heart pounding? The voice had said many things, all cryptic. And then it gave up. Why did it stop? That was the biggest question of all.
Marina still had questions. She was twenty years old, young, reckless and headstrong. She set out from the church into adulthood with a longbow and a leather knapsack. Six years later, through hell and high water, after sickness, injury and health, a few fights for her life and more than her share of boredom and misery, she was still nowhere near finding the voice.
Marina has taken up with Vivialla Steranus at the General Store of Heldren for the time being. Saving coin by doing odd jobs and lifting became a more lengthy partnership when the owner discovered she was a proficient baker. "We don't have a baker around here," Vivialla said. "You should show me what you can do." And that was that. The coin has piled up since then; her armor has been refurbished and her boots replaced. She's polished her holy symbol and spent days helping Natharen Safander and his wife. The townsfolk have gossiped about her strange eyes and monstrous claws, and then, the gossip ebbed away but for a few stray whispers. Those days quickly turned to another year.
She considers herself a priestess of Erastil, now. She preaches settling down and founding a family, of living by example and spreading goodness and love through the hearts of all those you touch. Men have proposed. But the voice is still out there, somewhere, waiting for her. So the proposals have been turned down, and settling down is less and less an option. Soon, it'll be time to leave again. Marina isn't sure if she's ready or not. Starting a family would be easier-- and it would be what Erastil would want her to do... but can she leave something like this unfinished?
Marina is vivacious, excitable and kind-hearted. She's confident-- in herself and anything she chooses to believe in. She's also stubborn, set in her ways and the ways of Erastil. She has a tendency to cut through to the core of the issue very straightforwardly and sometimes insultingly. She's proud of herself and her accomplishments, and anyone who undermines her or her God is marked as the enemy until they redeem themselves or Marina overcomes her own dazzling pride.
Her one greatest flaw is this: As a follower of Erastil, she cannot shoot a longbow with any semblance of aim. Try and try again doesn't matter; her hand-eye coordination is so clumsy that it's a wonder the arrow doesn't end up thrown on the ground half the time. It's her greatest shame.
Marina Mirna Tsetvanov
Female changeling cleric of erastil 1
NG Medium humanoid (changeling)
Aura faint good
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60ft., Perception +3
AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, -1 Dex, +1 natural armor)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +5
Spd 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +2 (1d4+3) or heavy mace +2 (1d8+3)
Ranged longbow -1 (1d8)
Special Attacks channel energy (1d6, DC 12)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities touch of good +1 6/day, calming touch 1d6 6/day
Spells Prepared (CL 1st, concentration +4/+8)
1st - shield of faith, bless
0 - create water, detect magic, resistance
Domains community, good
Str 14, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 11
Feats Toughness
Skills Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Sense Motive +7, Profession (baker) +7 All skills listed are class skills
Languages Common, Aklo
Combat Gear heavy mace, spell component pouch, dagger, longbow with 20 arrows, chainmail consumables under gear below
Special Qualities hulking changeling, natural armor
Thanks for reading!
Wolfwaker RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |
Quinton Staeriffokkoles |
Quinton Staeriffokkoles (goes by Staeriff) the Halfling Summoner
Wolfwaker RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |
Ljalfr Karithson |
I'm wondering if Handle Animal can count as my professional skill--I figure he works at the stables or on a farm. If not, I'll pick a different one.
Hey, in that case I want Diplomacy to count for my income! :)
I guess we have to use the Craft/Perform/Profession skills since they are specificly labeled as "job" skills.G.M. Malefactor |
I know that divination spells can be a challenge for the GM, and I certainly do not intend to use any of the Seer's abilities to circumvent the story or minimize risk every single time danger lies ahead. If inappropriate, I can remove the Seer archetype and replace it with Stargazer (which would also be a good fit), or just go as plain Oracle.
I'd also be interested in a Story Feat from Ultimate Campaign to expand on Ljalfr's origins (exchanging Toughness for it), but that is for the GM to decide:
I am not intrinsically opposed to the seer archetype. While I can definitely see what you mean, I think of these things as just particles of storytelling. The divination I can't foresee (see what I did there) as being too cumbersome. I'll allow it.
As for the story feat... I hadn't actually seen those before. I wish I had because I like the sound of them. I might, further down the line, make them mandatory, though it's more likely it'll just be an optional feature. I don't think you'll have to replace your one feat though, as Ultimate Campaign states: "Anytime you gain a new feat, you may take a story feat." I'd rule that applies to first level as well.Hope it's not too long-winded and I'll cut it down if you think it is.
As an infamously bad self-editor, I'm the one to say it's no problem.
Does this character work?
I think you're asking if the character's profile functioned when you wrote it up. It doesn't appear it has.
I'm wondering if Handle Animal can count as my professional skill--I figure he works at the stables or on a farm. If not, I'll pick a different one.
No, that would be a bit unfair towards the requirement if others have already picked less obviously useful skills.
And now it's time for rule clarifications.
I forgot to mention a couple things in the original post, so here they are. I am disallowing the Broodmaster, Master Summoner and Synthesist archetypes for the Summoner. It's hard enough managing a full party and their potential familiars, summoned creatures, animal companions and eidolons. Having a party full of many more little beasts is far too much. In the same vein, the leadership feat is out. People, depending on how you guys react to them, might follow you guys around, but that'll be of their own accord and not because you have the spell-like ability of "summon meatshield." Also, the synthesist is just a trifle on the side of mega min-maxing.
And one more thing. I misspelled the name of our starting town in the original post. The name of the town is "Heldren." Sorry about that.
Oliver Hoffman |
The profile is completely updated, to include the bio requests.
I will post the bio here as well.
Personality/Beliefs Oliver is a cheery and friendly person. He never considers his leg to be a handicap, and instead considers it the blessing that got him the attention of the gods. He is eager to meet new people, and learn about them. He loves having new experiences to the point that he considers every one a learning experience. Sometimes, though, his thirst for knowledge can make him a bit of a prattling know-it-all. He is often heard starting many a conversation with, "did you know...?". This has become the core of his beliefs, as he thinks everyone should constantly seek to learn more. He often tries to educate others, when he can, even against their wishes. He also firmly lives by the notion that life itself is an adventure, and people should focus on finding the positive in every situation. Always eager to lend a helping hand, borne of an indomitable spirit of positivity, and eager to prove his capabilities, Oliver would do just about anything to save others.
Mahorfeus |
Male human huntmaster 1 (order of the dragon)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4,
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (armor +4, Dex +2)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
Resist cold 2
Speed 20 ft.
Melee longsword +4 (1d8+3/19-20) or longsword +4 (1d8+4/19-20)
Melee power attack +3 (1d8+5/19-20) or power attack +3 (1d8+7/19-20)
Ranged net +3; 10 ft.
Special Attacks challenge 1/day, tactician
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Power Attack, Precise Strike
Skills Handle Animal +4 (+8 to handle or push Bast), Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +4, Profession (trapper) +4, Sense Motive +2, Survival +4 (+5 to provide food & water or to protect allies from harsh weather)
Traits Northern Ancestry
Languages Common
Combat Gear longsword, net, mwk hide armor
Other Gear animal feed (5 days), mwk backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin
Assets 45 gp
Eye for Talent Beoran gains a +2 racial bonus to Sense Motive checks, and Bast gains a +2 bonus to Strength.
Bestial Challenge (Ex) Once per day, as a swift action, Beoran can challenge a foe to combat. Against a challenged foe, Beoran and Bast’s melee attacks inflict an additional amount of damage equal to Beoran’s cavalier level. They also take a -2 penalty to their AC against all enemies aside from the challenged foe. In addition, allies gain a +1 circumstance bonus to melee attack rolls against the target of the challenge so long as Beoran is adjacent to the target.
Tactician (Ex) Once per day, as a standard action, Beoran can grant Bast his teamwork feat for 3 rounds plus an additional round for every 2 cavalier level he has.
N Small animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (Dex +2, natural +2)
hp 16 (2d8+7)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite (1d4+3/x2)
Str 15, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Toughness
Skills Perception +5, Survival +5 (+6 to track)
SQ scent
Tricks Attack
Still have to work out the fluff, but here's the crunch for my huntmaster cavalier, and his faithful hound. As written the huntmaster can have more than one dog, but in the interest of preserving our sanity, I'd just be sticking to the one. The flavor I have in mind for Bast is one of those iconic rescue St. Bernards, but it won't actually work out that way until he gets a little... bigger.
Nathalia Greenmeadow |
Nathalia Greenmeadow was raised in Irrisen. Due to her talent for magic she was raised among the White Witches. However, her personality was one that was not one that embraced the cruelty that the daughters and kin of Baba Yaga demonstrated. As a result, she was cast out from the society. She found herself in Heldren where she began using her talents to make healing and love potions for villagers. A loner, she often is able to get her way with people with the blink of an eye (charm hex) or if they earn her ire they go away feeling ill (evil eye).
She stands about 5'5, and weighs a 120 lbs. Her hair is white and she is a quiet individual at first. She does love being around people though but due to her treatment in Irrisen can often be intimidated by strong personalities.
Her best friend is her grey lop eared rabbit named Chinchi. Chinchi has been her constant companion from her days in Irrisen. They talk and play with each other even with no one else around.
Mark Sweetman |
Ok I've settled upon a concept... but it does require a scrutineer's eye from the G.M. before I take it further into crystallized form.
Specifically I would like to pitch a Coldborn Hunter... that is a Skinwalker from Blood of the Moon (bear flavored) and the Hunter class from the Advanced Class Guide (with a bear companion). He would be a native of the Border Wood... a trapper and worker of furs who trades with the residents of Heldren.
So will it be considered acceptable to pitch a character that uses the Hunter class from the Advanced Class Guide Playtest document?
GM DarkLightHitomi |
Got a concept, need to build it though.
The concept is an oracle (winter mystery, legalistic curse) with the occassional level of monk.
I chose the failed apprentice campaign trait, but the idea is that instead of actual failure, she was the young apprentice of a winter witch that came south to kill an assassin that had killed another witch and find out who hired him. They found and killed the assassin but her master was killed in the fight. She being a child was kept here as no one was going to let her travel on her own. She stayed in this town for a while waiting until she was older to travel north and try to find out who hired the assassin. Now she a bit older looking but still not quite an adult.
She was originally raised in a northern monastary until her powers started emerging. The monastary had good relations with a witch and handed her over to be taught how to handle her power.
G.M. Malefactor |
Dotting with a character that was written for Reign of winter, but wasn't picked. If the Skinchanger template is too weird for you, I can remove it and play a normal Undine. I'll change the crunch and insert the npc's into my backstory, to meet your requirements.
It is a bit uncommon, but I won't disallow it. Just remember, you're using the skinchanger's stats and racial bonuses.
Irrisen Icemage Could I take this feat as a Witch, despite it being for Sorcerers?
I'd like to say yes, but I'm going to have to say no. It works thematically, but if I say allow the translation of one feat's requirements, I have to allow the argument of every other feat somebody might want to take.
Interested! I need to read the guide though before presenting ideas.
What races are allowed? I almost never play the corebook races as I find them boring. I generally like tieflings, weretigers (probably not allowed at level 1), kobalds, drow, and sometimes something else.
I'm not going to allow weretigers. You could be a fanglord skinwalker (were-tiger kin).
Ok I've settled upon a concept... but it does require a scrutineer's eye from the G.M. before I take it further into crystallized form.
Specifically I would like to pitch a Coldborn Hunter... that is a Skinwalker from Blood of the Moon (bear flavored) and the Hunter class from the Advanced Class Guide (with a bear companion). He would be a native of the Border Wood... a trapper and worker of furs who trades with the residents of Heldren.
So will it be considered acceptable to pitch a character that uses the Hunter class from the Advanced Class Guide Playtest document?
Hrm, I've been debating it back and forth. While yeah, the ACG is still in development and the beta doesn't look like it's getting another update, I'll say yeah, it's allowed. Anybody who uses a class from it, however, must keep track if the ACG gets updated again and must let me know.
Here is my character, a halfling cavalier who works at the stables. By RAW, a beast rider cavalier can start with a wolf but I thought in a village it made more sense to call it a riding dog (which doesn't seem to be explicitly allowed).
Yeah, that's fine. He'll be a large, fierce looking hound, but calling him whatever you want doesn't bother me.
Ljalfr Karithson |
The ACG playtest won't be updated anymore until the final product hits the shelves (what we have now is all we'll get in the meantime), so bookkeeping shouldn't be that much of a burden.
Had I know ACG would be allowed I might have tried one of the new classes, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of applications building off it now :)
Grandma Mable |
Doting for interest. I should have the details done by tonight. I have a lame oracle in mind.