Only the Cold Remains - A Reign of Winter Rendition (Inactive)

Game Master Rasputin17

It feasts forever and hungers ever more. It is a hard irony, with a humorless, one-toothed grin. It exists simply to exist and to never end, its voice cold enough to make you shiver.

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Aha, lots of cavaliers here. I might have to reconsider my build... which is just as well, since I still need a backstory.

I'll be a tiefling with the soulseer trait then. Will have full sheet up soon.

Shadow Lodge

Dotting for interest. I will think about a concept.

@Mahorfeus Did you name your mount Bast out of Name of the Wind?

armlessbaby wrote:

@Mahorfeus Did you name your mount Bast out of Name of the Wind?

That I did! I've always liked the name for a dog... no offense to Bastas.

Haha! Ugh, can't wait for the third book to come out already! Man, you bringing up that book makes me want to make a bard or something reminiscent of the book.

As I didn't see a 'No Summoners/Synthesists' notice, going to put myself up for consideration. I realize the character is presently built with a 20 pt. buy & will correct that should I make the cut. How do you feel about Handle Animal as the default 'craft/profession skill'? Basically, Grey has been assisting in training/caring for animals, he can also handle teamster duties.

Grey, the Lady's dog wrote:
As I didn't see a 'No Summoners/Synthesists' notice, going to put myself up for consideration. I realize the character is presently built with a 20 pt. buy & will correct that should I make the cut. How do you feel about Handle Animal as the default 'craft/profession skill'? Basically, Grey has been assisting in training/caring for animals, he can also handle teamster duties.

GM already said no to that question, it was previously asked by a Beast Master Cavalier. It is unfair to the other classes that have to pick a profession of some sort.

He actually also said no synthesists (as well as broodmaster and master summoner).

And anything else that can have a dozen or so pets running around at once, I presume.

Hey, answering questions is my job!!!1!


Yeah, what they said.

Sorry, wish I could update the original post, but that power eludes me. Keep in mind that what I'm looking at right now is your background and character. I won't be looking all too closely at character stats until I've got the party settled. All I would really need to know is your class and anybody whose stats are out of whack can put that off to whenever, really.

Over the weekend I'll begin compiling a list of everybody who has entered thus far and I'll try to begin offering up character critiques, suggestions and discussion then.

I have Grandma Mable ready for your inspection. Please let me know if you want anything changed.

::Sigh:: Ah well, that's what I get for being impatient & skipping to the end after not reading the original post in sufficient depth.

Thanks for the quick replies all. Everyone have fun!

I'd like to submit Kaelifax, a poor wayward bard who didn't get accepted into an earlier RoW campaign -- there's a backstory and description in the alias -- I reduced to a 15 point buy but I'm sure that there would need to be some other adjustments as well.

Whelp, I'm gonna bow out. Not that that feat was crucial to my concept, but there also seems to be a few other ice casters applying, so I'll just skip out of this one.

Monkeygod wrote:
Whelp, I'm gonna bow out. Not that that feat was crucial to my concept, but there also seems to be a few other ice casters applying, so I'll just skip out of this one.

Ah, sorry to hear that. Good luck in your future prospects.

Was Nathalia included in the audition?

Many thanks for the consideration and acceptance of an ACG class.

I generally build rough crunch first before proceeding onto the fluff thereafter - and have captured same below for reference.

Rough Crunch:
Str: 16, Dex: 8, Con: 16, Int: 10, Wis: 12 (14 while shifted), Cha: 8
Skills: Craft (Leatherworking), Handle Animal, Perception, Survival
Traits: Northern Ancestry, Durable Change
Feat: Extra Feature
Animal Companion: Bear

Fluff and storytelling to follow.

I think I'll get my monk on, this time! Looking at either a Human Wanderer or a Catfolk Nimble Guardian, depending on which of those archetypes is allowed. If they're both allowed, then I'll flip a coin :3

*edit* Actually I think I'll go with the Human Wanderer if that's acceptable; there's a perfect campaign trait and everything for her!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Grandma Mable wrote:

Doting for interest. I should have the details done by tonight. I have a lame oracle in mind.

Hopefully you mean that literally and not figuratively.

Wolfwaker wrote:
Grandma Mable wrote:

Doting for interest. I should have the details done by tonight. I have a lame oracle in mind.

Hopefully you mean that literally and not figuratively.

I thought the same thing, but didn't want to say anything... ;)

Well, after thinking about it for a while, I've decided to scrap Beoran (for this particular campaign at least) and create a character based solely on backstory. I think I wanted to be as ironic as possible. Here is Ehren Ferron, ifrit oracle of winter.


Male ifrit oracle 1
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +5; Senses Perception -1; darkvision 60 ft.

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (armor +4, Dex +3)
hp 10 (1d8+2); fast healing 2 (1/day when damaged by fire)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
Resist fire 5

Speed 20 ft.
Melee dagger +3 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged dagger +3 (1d4/19-20)
Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st (4/day)-cure light wounds, obscuring mist, ray of sickening (DC 14)
0 (at will)-create water, detect magic, light, stabilize
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1/day-enlarge person/reduce person
Mystery winter

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (nature) +4, Knowledge (planes) +7, Perform (pan flute) +11
Traits Reactionary, Savant (wind instruments), Attached (mwk pan flute), Planar Savant
Languages Common, Ignan, Aklo
Combat Gear daggers (3), mwk hide armor
Other Gear traveler’s outfit, mwk pan flute, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles (10), flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin
Assets 20 gp

Tongues (Ex) When in battle, Ehren can only speak and understand Aklo. This does not interfere with spellcasting, but it does apply to spells that are language dependent.
Child of Winter (Ex) Ehren has the constant benefit of endure elements, but only against cold temperatures. He can move across regular snow without penalties, and heavy snow costs him only 2 squares of movement instead of 4. He can move across icy surfaces without penalty, and never needs to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice. He leaves no trail in ice or snow, and cannot be tracked. During winter months, he gains a +2 insight bonus on Initiative checks and Reflex saving throws.


Fate has perhaps been cruel to poor Ehren, whose destiny seems to contradict his very nature. Ehren was born to otherwise ordinary human parents, whom possessed no knowledge that one of their bloodlines had been planetouched by an efreet many generations ago. Such births were always a possibility in the kingdom of Qadira, but nonetheless he became something of a curiosity in his community. Surrounded by merchants and other no-nonsense businessmen – among them his own father – Ehren learned quickly that his fickle tongue could get him both into and out of trouble. More often than not, he wounded up getting slapped upside the head. Regardless, he was happy enough doing as he pleased; his shenanigans were more or less harmless, and his flattering personality and talent for music always seemed to bring in customers. Deep down, only one thing seemed to trouble the lad: his dreams of a dying fire, reduced to pitiful embers each and every night. With the end of his childhood that flame would be forever gone.

One night, the dream began as it always had – a lone flame, suffocating atop a cold mountain. But for the first time in Ehren’s life, the fire’s death did not come slowly. A maelstrom of wind and snow arrived out of nowhere, swallowing up the flame and burying the pyre completely. The sudden change was too much for Ehren to bear. The young adult woke with a start, shouting out in a bizarre language that scared his parents out of their wits. Though he passed it off as a prank, even in that moment he knew that his life had changed irrevocably. Over the next few weeks, Ehren continued to dream of that raging snowstorm; the flame from his youth no longer existed at all. Initially he was far more subdued than normal, but as time went on, he began to realize that he actually found the frozen landscape that he saw rather beautiful. With this thought came the revelation that he had grown rather bored with his hometown. Not fond of prolonged goodbyes, or of the thought of admitting that his late-night fits of screaming were not mere jokes, Ehren slipped away into the dead of night, intent on finding real snow one day. To that end, the young ifrit looked North.

Guided by his dreams, Ehren eventually left Qadira’s borders, passing into the empire of Taldor. Try as he might, however, he could not find a single sign of that deep, white, powdery stuff. Intent on going even farther north the ifrit moved on. One day however, he came across a small village called Heldren. Ehren intended to simply spend a single night at the inn before moving on, but that night, his dreams reached out to him. It was not so much of a message, as it was a feeling. The time was not right – this was where he had to stay. Ehren very nearly chose to ignore the premonition, but an old impulse took its hold. He found himself entertaining the inn’s guests with his old panpipes, a talent he had thought lost to him. The performance impressed the innkeeper so much that he offered to pay him to provide entertainment. For some bewildering reason, Ehren chose to take him up on his offer, seemingly abandoning his goals. Years would go by, but still he would dream of that snowy plane – he now knew it was only a matter of time. Patience was a virtue, after all.


A raging blizzard is every bit as wild and deadly as a dancing flame. So appropriately, despite his conflicted nature, Ehren has a carefree personality typical of his kind. Wild and unpredictable, he has a habit of acting irrationally, a fact not at all helped by his incoherent babbling and faulty logic. He loves fun, hates idleness, and has a penchant for looking to the north and for asking people what the most snow they have ever seen in their lives is. He is ultimately a kind and considerate person at heart, even if he does seem a little easily distracted.

Nathalia Greenmeadow wrote:
Was Nathalia included in the audition?

Yes, of course. I'll be running a list of everyone who's entered thus far this weekend.

Lady Ladile wrote:

I think I'll get my monk on, this time! Looking at either a Human Wanderer or a Catfolk Nimble Guardian, depending on which of those archetypes is allowed. If they're both allowed, then I'll flip a coin :3

*edit* Actually I think I'll go with the Human Wanderer if that's acceptable; there's a perfect campaign trait and everything for her!

Yep, both archetypes are acceptable.

Well, I've tried applying with variants of this concept a few times. Figure I'll try again. The first step requires a die roll:

1d100 ⇒ 93

Would you permit a kobold character as a resident of Heldren, or would that be implausible?

Tazo wrote:

Well, I've tried applying with variants of this concept a few times. Figure I'll try again. The first step requires a die roll:


Would you permit a kobold character as a resident of Heldren, or would that be implausible?

I'd allow it. It would be a good idea to illustrate in your backstory how you managed to become somebody accepted or valued in the community.

Tazo wrote:

Well, I've tried applying with variants of this concept a few times. Figure I'll try again. The first step requires a die roll:


Would you permit a kobold character as a resident of Heldren, or would that be implausible?

I'm interested. Guessing it's the results of Reincarnation?

Oliver Hoffman wrote:
I'm interested. Guessing it's the results of Reincarnation?

Precisely! I will put together a background this weekend.

Sorry GM, had to do this to help myself in seeing what concept I wanted to go with for applying. Submissions by class:

Ingan Jagger- Human Ranger
Bane88-???- Barbarian
En Taro Adun- Connor Dorn- Human Fighter
Myles Brightgard- Halfling Cavalier
Mark Sweetman- Skinwalker Hunter???
Lady Ladile- Monk

Calah Swimmerswift- Udine Inquisitor
Oliver Hoffman- Half-elf Oracle
Ljalfr Karithson- Human Oracle
Marina Mirna Tsetvanov- Changeling Cleric
Mahorfeus- Ifrit Oracle
Gaandik Fatebound- Aasimar Cleric
Grandma Mable- Human Oracle

Cadannon- Half-orc Witch
Variel Whitestorm- Elf Magus
El Ronzo- Alchemist?
Uncle Taco- White Witch???
Qinton Staeriffokkoles- Halfling Summoner

Jarani Zidane- Human Bard
Kaelifax- Human Bard

That is what I could scavenge from everybody's posts, is particularly difficult when the profile is not being posted in the thread or has no stat block. I didn't realize until I wrote this how many oracles are being submitted.

I got left out again.

Nathalia Greenmeadow wrote:
I got left out again.

You have nothing in your profile nor any stat block that has been posted to tell of the class you were making, so I wasn't certain what it was you were aiming for..

The Exchange

Sylph white-haired witch that will either go Magus or Eldritch knight depending on party composition, same story though. Either way we're looking at a grappling melee arcane character. I've written a background but its gotten quite long and needs to be completed then trimmed. Hope to post it tonight after I get off from work.

Four oracles, yes? Quite the competition... I think Ljalfr needs to brush his teeth and comb his hair again before he is presentable :)

armlessbaby wrote:
Sorry GM, had to do this to help myself in seeing what concept I wanted to go with for applying.

Sorry? You just helped me save a buttload of work, so thanks. I'll still be compiling my own list this weekend. Hopefully I'll get it all up Friday.

armlessbaby wrote:
Nathalia Greenmeadow wrote:
I got left out again.
You have nothing in your profile nor any stat block that has been posted to tell of the class you were making, so I wasn't certain what it was you were aiming for..
Nathalia posted her character background on the first page. She's definitely going for a witch. Having a statsheet completed is not a requirement until the party's been chosen so she's eligible and in the running.
Ljalfr Karithson wrote:
Four oracles, yes? Quite the competition... I think Ljalfr needs to brush his teeth and comb his hair again before he is presentable :)

Oh yeah. I don't think I've ever seen that many oracles before in a recruitment. People are digging the oracle vibe, I guess. Still, it's entirely possible I'd have two oracles in the party, same with any class. I'll be going for what I feel's the best kind of party personality-wise. Class composition in the party is a necessary consideration, unfortunately, but given that the party max is 6, this isn't entirely a problem.

Grand Lodge

This is my submission for armless, finally came up with one. Pretty skill heavy, especially since I feel you in the whole combat just being a snippet of the real story. Meet the Ulfen that left home. Baldur Firemane. Hope my Profession works, I really liked the idea and tried to work into the town and my character's backstory.

You missed me :(

Young Tiefling
Oracle/monk (eventually)

Haven't found a name though.

Hmm, seems that I've run into an interesting challenge with a 15 point buy monk - but I like the concept so I'm going to stick with it! I'll hopefully have some fluff posted shortly :)

armlessbaby wrote:
Nathalia Greenmeadow wrote:
I got left out again.
You have nothing in your profile nor any stat block that has been posted to tell of the class you were making, so I wasn't certain what it was you were aiming for..

I posted her background and I have her stats. I am not going to go through the process of adding everything if I am not chosen. That is alot of work for nothing.

Okay, got the fluff posted in the profile and I've got the crunchy parts ready to add when/if necessary.

Alright, finally got a concept that I feel good about.

Variel Whitestorm was born and raised in an elven home in Taldor. His father was one of the few elves that joined in the military there and helped the government face its many foes. From his father Variel learned the dedication and focus necessary to devote himself to his own studies. His father saw the talent in Variel and trained Variel himself in the manner of swordplay. There was something though that Xanthus couldn't teach his son, the art of melding weapons and magic together into a fluid dance. Xanthus sent Variel to a mage in the hopes that Variel could learn from him what Xanthus could not teach. Unfortunately for both of them Xanthus was called away on a mission to the M'wangi and has not been seen since.

Burdened by grief at the loss of his father, even though Variel does not believe that his father is dead, Variel ended his schooling and settled down in an unlikely spot of Heldren. There he took up the profession of carpenter as he had always had a knack with working with blades of any type: saws and chisels included.

The years were good to Variel and he was content were he was, yet there was a part of him, part of his father in him, tht always demanded he do more for those around him. Tht he should rise up and follow in his fathers steps by protecting others. Only time and opportunity would tell if Variel would indeed listen to his heart and fulfill his father's aspirations.

Will get the sheet rectified and finalized if selected. Feats and racial traits are correct though.

Kyrianna is a cavalier with whom I can't quite figure out where to aim. I'm thinking she's very serious, very committed to her order. I just don't know which order yet.

She's got a backstory; I'm just trying to figure out where she goes right at the end of it. I'd love to be considered!

To-Do list:
- select Cavalier order, which will lead to...
- why is Kyrianna in this town? (Perhaps this comes before choosing an order. It depends!)
- bump Stat buy from 20 to 15
- finish crunch

Specific question: you mentioned allowing 2 traits and a drawback. As per the drawback rules, does this allow selection of a third trait?

Dotting for interest, I've been wanting to get in on a RoW game. I'll post up a PC tomorrow. Not sure what yet...

I've decided that Kyrianna will be involved with the order of the shield. I've never played a character who worshipped Erastil (frankly, I don't much like him), but it's really the only one I could see her caring for... so this will be an interesting experience.

I think I'll end up switching out Tactician for the Restless Wayfairer campaign trait, and have Kyrianna move around between many places between the end of her backstory and the time she settles in Heldren. I'm still working on the details of being involved with Heldren, but Kyrianna has a backstory and personality section in her alias profile!

I'm submitting Blogette for your consideration.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hi there. Here is the background for my candidate PC, Iphaeus.

Technical Detail:

Name: Iphaeus.
Class: wizard--transmuter (shapechange).
Race: tiefling (daemon-blooded).
Tiefling variant ability: 1d100 ⇒ 57; your body exudes painfully freezing cold. Now that's a nifty coincidence! I'm not 100% convinced I want to give up death knell though; its utility in storytelling for this character is pretty good.
Alignment: Neutral, with character development hopefully to take him to Neutral Good.
Campaign Trait: warded against witchery.
Professional Skill: Craft (sculpture) currently.

Iphaeus never knew his mother--only that she was once a member of the Ulfen Guard. Every time he looks in the mirror, he is reminded of why she must have abandoned him. His emaciated frame resembles a disordered collection of twigs held together loosely by his saggy, pasty grey skin. Atop his physical appearance, his foul breath and persistent, hacking wet cough tend to mean people avoid him at all costs.

And this suits him just fine.

Subject to all manner of verbal and physical abuses at the orphanage where he was raised in Oppara, Iphaeus has little to no self-confidence but a painful degree of self-awareness. He has thoroughly withdrawn from the world, and while he has contemplated ending his own life, in his mind this is simply giving in to his heritage--to end things, and destroy rather than create.

Iphaeus lives his life torn between his baser instincts that are a part of his blood, and the desire to do something--anything that will make a difference to the drab, oppressive, and cruel world in which he finds himself. This frustration can lead to rash decisions and words said in haste that he regrets later--something that has led him to move on from more than one town rather than face up to his own words and actions.

In Heldren, though, he has found somewhere that, to his tortured mind, ranks as 'tolerable'. Nobody has chased him out with torches and pitchforks yet, in any case. He makes a living through judicious use of his mending cantrip, but his true moments of solace come from sculpting, the act of creating something permanent in direct defiance of the internal voice telling him that all he's good for is ending things. Even though he finds some degree of calm when he sits down to sculpt, he is embarrassed by it, and he has destroyed every single one of his creations so far.

Above anything else, Iphaeus seeks a means to transform himself, to escape the prison of his body and allow his mind to be unfettered--hence his fascination with shapechanging magic.

After four years in Heldren, Iphaeus feels the wanderlust tugging at his feet again, and he has vague plans to leave soon, to find somewhere 'better'. His chance may come sooner than he thinks.

Kyrianna Idereen wrote:
Specific question: you mentioned allowing 2 traits and a drawback. As per the drawback rules, does this allow selection of a third trait?

Of course. A drawback nets you another trait.

Made a minor change to Kaelifax -- realized his whole "working as a tutor in Helden" thing wasn't quite backed up by his skills, so I switched Kn(Nature) to Kn(History).

G.M. Malefactor wrote:
Kyrianna Idereen wrote:
Specific question: you mentioned allowing 2 traits and a drawback. As per the drawback rules, does this allow selection of a third trait?
Of course. A drawback nets you another trait.

Thanks for the response! I know it seems like a silly question, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking something crucial by accident, ha ha.

Compiled List of All Entries; Updated: 2/21/2014


Bane88: Invulnerable Rager Barbarian; No profile yet created

Extinct_fizz: Kyrianna Idereen – Half-Elf Cavalier; Background requires updating. See below
Wolfwaker: Myles Brightgard - Halfling Cavalier

Mark Sweetman: Skinwalker (Coldborn) Hunter; No profile yet created

En Taro Adun: Connor Dorn - Human Fighter

Lady Ladile: Prachi Mejia – Human Monk

Kozaric: Ingan Jagger - Human Ranger
Armlessbaby: Baldur Firemane – Human Ranger


SecSeibzehn: Marina Mirna Tsetvanov - Changeling Cleric of Erastil
Chainmail: Gaandik Fatebound - Aasimar Cleric of Iomedae; Needs some clarification. See below

N o 417: Calah Swimmerswift - Undine Inquisitor; Background requires updating. See below

Troy Malovich: Oliver Hoffman - Half-elf Oracle, Lore Mystery
DarkLightHitomi: Tiefling Oracle; No profile yet created.
Antariuk: Ljalfr Karithson- Human Seer Oracle, Lore Mystery
Mahorfeus: Ehren Ferron - Ifrit Oracle, Winter Mystery
CrystalStorm: Grandma Mable - Human Oracle; Needs some clarification. See below


El Ronza: Alchemist; No profile yet created

Neltji: Variel Whitestorm - Elf Magus

Darthpinkhippo: Qinton Staeriffokkoles - Halfling Summoner

Jason Rodarte: Nathalia Greenmeadow – Witch; Needs some clarification. See below
Lacdannon: Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor; No profile yet created
Uncle Taco: White Haired Witch; No profile yet created

Cynarion: Iphaeus – Daemon Tiefling Transmuter Wizard


Jarani Zidane – Human Daredevil Bard
Tilnar: Kaelifax - Human Savage Skald Bard

Wehrpig: Blodgette Black-Knife – Halfling Knife-master, Scout Rogue Background Requires updating. See below

Tazo: Kobold; No profile yet created
Valkur: No profile yet created

Clarifications and Requirements

Kyrianna Idereen: Your backstory looks good. All I need is how and why you’ve been living in Heldren for the last few years.

Gaandik Fatebound: Your backstory has good themeing and works well. I just need you to illustrate how you wound up in Heldren and what you’ve been doing there the last few years.

Calah Swimmerswift: Your backstory needs to be updated to include how you made your way to Heldren and what it is you do to make a living there.

Grandma Mable: The profile looks good. I just couldn’t find what your mystery was. Please clarify that for me.

Nathalia Greenmeadow: Your profile is all set. Just please place it in your profile page on your alias so I can access it easier. Also, you need to tell me what your chosen race and class are.

Blodgette Black-Knife: I’m assuming your working on updating your backstory already, cause that looks like the backstory to a Council of Thieves game. I’m just putting you down here for reference.

If I missed you, I dearly apologize. If you guys have any questions or would like further feedback on your character, please let me know. I'll probably be available for comment a good chunk of the weekend.

Sweet little Grandma Mable is a battle oracle :)

It is listed just below where it says "About Grandma Mable" in my profile. Please let me know if you see anything else that needs changing.

I also noticed I am missing the languages she knows. I will try to add that tonight.

Grand Lodge

Eh, I feel like I am teetered between skill and martial, I mean look at all these skills I have! Haha! Take that rogues!

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