DarthPinkHippo's page
Organized Play Member. 277 posts (278 including aliases). 1 review. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.
Both of my GMs just moved their games over to another system, and I am not running anything myself right now, so I can't justify the expense. Please cancel my subs for now?
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Mark Seifter wrote: DarthPinkHippo wrote: Mark Seifter wrote: DarthPinkHippo wrote: I am the one who asked about Gravity Falls the first time. From what you have said here, the show seems right up your alley. Also, it takes place in the Pacific Northwest, is the basis for the Occult Adventures section of my setting. There are mysteries aplenty, gorgeous background art (as it is animated), and compelling characters. I wholeheartedly recommend it. Googling "world of gravity falls" will lead you straight to the website that hosts all of the episodes. Dragon78 wrote: Gravity Falls is an animated show about 12 year old twin brother and sister named "Dipper"(nick name) and Mabel who are sent to stay with there "Gruncle"(great uncle) Stan for the summer in a small town called "Gravity Falls"(Oregon). I'll have to remember to check it out. It's not on Netflix or Hulu, is it? It isn't. But a website titled World of Gravity Falls is hosting the entire show for streaming purposes. I looked at the website but it kind of looks non-legal. Strictly for myself personally, as someone who generates creative work, I try to act according to the categorical imperative/golden rule when it comes to other people's creative work. That's more than fair. You may be able to find it on Disney XD's website.
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Mark Seifter wrote: DarthPinkHippo wrote: I am the one who asked about Gravity Falls the first time. From what you have said here, the show seems right up your alley. Also, it takes place in the Pacific Northwest, is the basis for the Occult Adventures section of my setting. There are mysteries aplenty, gorgeous background art (as it is animated), and compelling characters. I wholeheartedly recommend it. Googling "world of gravity falls" will lead you straight to the website that hosts all of the episodes. Dragon78 wrote: Gravity Falls is an animated show about 12 year old twin brother and sister named "Dipper"(nick name) and Mabel who are sent to stay with there "Gruncle"(great uncle) Stan for the summer in a small town called "Gravity Falls"(Oregon). I'll have to remember to check it out. It's not on Netflix or Hulu, is it? It isn't. But a website titled World of Gravity Falls is hosting the entire show for streaming purposes.
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I am the one who asked about Gravity Falls the first time. From what you have said here, the show seems right up your alley. Also, it takes place in the Pacific Northwest, is the basis for the Occult Adventures section of my setting. There are mysteries aplenty, gorgeous background art (as it is animated), and compelling characters. I wholeheartedly recommend it. Googling "world of gravity falls" will lead you straight to the website that hosts all of the episodes.
chbgraphicarts wrote: 1st - Root Chakra: While you have at least 1 Ki in your Ki Pool, you have DR/- equal to your 1/2 your HD. This stacks with all other sources that provide DR (including DR/-)
2nd - Sacral Chakra: While you have at least 2 Ki in your Ki Pool, you may spend 1 Ki as Free Action to gain a Fly Speed equal to your Base Speed with Average Maneuverability for a number of Rounds equal to your HD.
3rd - Navel Chakra: While you have at least 3 Ki in your Ki Pool, you gain a Breath Weapon special attack. As a Standard Action, you may spend 2 Ki Point to create a 30ft. Cone of Fire that deals 2d8 Fire damage +1d8 for every 3 HD you have beyond 6 (Reflex Save for half). The Save DC for this Breath Weapon is equal to 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Wisdom Modifier.
4th - Heart Chakra: While you have at least 4 Ki in your Ki Pool, you gain the Lay on Hands Paladin Class Feature, treating your total HD as your Paladin level for the purposes of this ability (this does not stack with the Paladin Class Feature). You must spend 2 Ki to activate this ability.
5th - Throat Chakra: While you have at last 5 Ki in your Ki Pool, you gain the ability to babble a mantra incessantly. Beginning and maintaining a babble is a Free Action, and requires 2 Ki to activate and 1 Ki every round to maintain. While babbling, you may choose any enemy within 30ft. of you who can hear you. If that enemy fails a Will Save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier), they become Staggered for a number of rounds equal to the amount of Ki in your Ki Pool when they became affected.
6th - Brow Chakra: While you have at least 6 Ki in your Ki Pool, you may spend 2 Ki as a Swift Action to cast True Seeing as a Spell-Like Ability.
In addition, reduce the cost to activate and maintain each other Chakra's abilities by 1.
7th - Crown Chakra: While you have at least 7 Ki in your Ki Pool, whenever you roll a d20, you may spend 3 Ki to roll 2 d20s instead and take whichever result you choose.
I really like this. I am a bit concerned about the required 7 feat investment though. I don't have the time to post it all now, but I would be okay with this being a three or four feat chain, most of which would be scaling feats. Sorry I can't be more clear right now.
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Maybe make this three separate feats, each of which gets better up to a point? For example, Dragonfire Ascetic would offer the first few at level specific times, and then Improved would further that along, finally with Greater offering the last bit and capping it there?
Thanks! I'm throwing out most of the superhero shenanigans for this bit of pathfinding, it is just sharing a setting with my most recent campaign (like running Carrion Crown assuming Runelords happened).
Do you have any thoughts with that change of information?
I will be running an Occult Adventures tryout session in my modern earth superhero setting.
1. What might you recommend I read/watch/check out to prepare for it?
2. Do you have any advice for setting the mood or just generally running a mote "spooky" game?
Essentially, I just want all of the advice you are willing to type.
I am using Occult Adventures to run a more spooky session in my modern earth superhero setting.
1. If you were to create a hero using OA in this setting, what would you make?
2. What about a villain?
Dude. This looks so cool. I may use this for the Occult tryout session I am running next week.
Yes tell me all of the things.
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I was hoping for Steam Adventures, but in my ongoing quest to appeal thematically to my fiancée's interests, this should be just fine.
So should Erik Mona be scare of Darth Mearls?
The Omnipath has me so. damn. excited.
EltonJ wrote: Although, an aside, I was asked to throw away seven years of work for this book recently. :(
How so?
Mark Seifter wrote: DarthPinkHippo wrote: What games do you play on your 3DS? Also have you bought any indie games from the eShop? Let's see...I'm recalling Bravely Default, Monster Hunter 4, Persona Q, Rune Factory 4, Link Between Worlds, Shin Megami Tensei 4, Kid Icarus Uprising (which we actually got for free from Club Nintendo). Linda has downloaded some old Nintendo games with the eShop, and we've gotten a few for free as well. I would definitely recommend picking up Steam Word Dig from the eShop if you haven't played it on another platform already. Played the entire thing in one fantastic 8 hour sitting.
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What games do you play on your 3DS? Also have you bought any indie games from the eShop?
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Have you watched Gravity Falls?
James Jacobs wrote: DarthPinkHippo wrote: James Jacobs wrote: thegreenteagamer wrote: James, have you ever done the often talked about, rarely pulled off correctly, "two parties running two games that will eventually go against each other" scenario?
Do you think it can be pulled off, and if so, what do you think about it? (Or if not, why?) Yes, but it's a lot of work. In theory, Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengenace COULD be used in this exact manner, although the clash between parties is strictly part of the Continuing the Campaign element and isn't hard-coded into either AP. I am currently prepping for a 2 party game to start in a few months -which I will be running with another GM- in which the parties are working for two NPCs playing chess with the map of the Inner Sea.
Do you have any advice for running a 2 party game or just general ruminations on when you did so? I would love as much as you're willing to state. Keep in mind that the PCs get outnumbered very fast. Things that are minor inconveniences like being staggered or even slowed become bigger deals, and things like paralysis increasingly become TPK factories. Be ready to ad hoc adjust encounter difficulty by lowering hp or even playing monsters with sub-optimal tactics (that last bit is a good idea for everyone, actually, since now and then monsters making errors is good for realism.)
And prepare twice as much, since a party of 2 will get through a LOT more content more quickly than a party of 4. I'm not sure I follow. It it helps, the two parties will be run on seperate nights with one party's actions affecting the next session for the other party and vice versa.
James Jacobs wrote: thegreenteagamer wrote: James, have you ever done the often talked about, rarely pulled off correctly, "two parties running two games that will eventually go against each other" scenario?
Do you think it can be pulled off, and if so, what do you think about it? (Or if not, why?) Yes, but it's a lot of work. In theory, Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengenace COULD be used in this exact manner, although the clash between parties is strictly part of the Continuing the Campaign element and isn't hard-coded into either AP. I am currently prepping for a 2 party game to start in a few months -which I will be running with another GM- in which the parties are working for two NPCs playing chess with the map of the Inner Sea.
Do you have any advice for running a 2 party game or just general ruminations on when you did so? I would love as much as you're willing to state.
I just recently wrapped a 7 month superhero campaign using Pathfinder. I started the PCs off at level 8 and they had extremely slow progression up to level 10 mythic 1.
By the accounts of the skeptics who occasionally played a villain for a session or whatever, it went much better than they expected. By the accounts of the regular players and myself it worked very well.
Essentially for this campaign we tossed existing flavor out the window and wrote our own for everything: bomb alchemist shooting radioactive blasts and teleportation wizard being a tech-based teleporter and mobile weapons platform. When it came to magic items, the players outfit their PCs with gear, and that gear was assumed to just be inherent bonuses they had, and part of their ability set. When I continue in this setting I am going to use the automatic progression in Unchained.
I can answer any questions pertaining to the game if you are interested.
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1) What are those "bizarre race rules"?
2) I will soon be playing a Draconic Bloodrager who is going into Dragon Disciple. While I allow it in my games (as do the rest of the people I game with), what are your opinions on the interaction between those two classes?
Speaking of 0-HD races, are there any that have been published that havent already made it into a bestiary?
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I'm super looking forward to the rest of these as I help New players join the game this summer.
I got the email! Thank you so much. :-)
That's a good idea. Might as well hit parts you care about and can do faster and leave the other stuff for later.
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I'm really hoping this book has the added benefit of getting more GMs to try out 3rd party content.
I posted this in the linked thread, but the last couple posts seemed to say it was closed for good. If I got my subscription in late, will I still get the shipment this month?
I missed the authorisation date by about an hour and a half. Will I get the shipment this month?
Edited grammar.
Any timetable for when the next update will hit?
Anything interesting spoiled on the Know Direction podcast? School is keeping me from having the time to listen.
zergtitan wrote: DarthPinkHippo wrote: I am getting an Elf vibe from the Psychic personally. Yes. That is the one.
You mean this one?
I am getting an Elf vibe from the Psychic personally.
This stacks with mutation master: drink a potion to make you stronger astride your cock. Also throw in martial master for some flexibility.
This is magical. Just read this aloud to my gaming group after running our (admittedly very late) Christmas special. Mark Seifter for best designer.
Are you still planning an archetypes section?
I am very interested in seeing this guide develop. I am playing an Animist in an upcoming (think May/June) game, and I can use all of the help I can get.
I'm currently looking at 25 points to build this character with. Wanting the character to play like a non-combatant wise man/Shinto monk. The campaign world is a pretty cold place, not ever getting warmer than the northern US Midwest. I want to focus on spellcasting above all else, think buffing for the most part, maybe a small bit of offense. Super religious and spiritual, but specifically to the spirits, not to an organized religion.
Current build:
Str 7
Dex 14
Con 10
Wis 19
Int 11
Cha 16
I am willing to take the charisma down but not lower than a 14, as I would like to be a face character as well. Diplomacy maxed out always. Leaning towards Heavens do thw main spirit.
Any build ideas/advice you wanna toss my way? I'm a bit lost on feats and Shaman powers.
I'm using the Paladin somehow. I love it.
I'm very much a fan of the suggestion of a sidebarthat would finangle a Con bonus for the various elemental races. Maybe just change their phsical bonus to Con?
What non-core classes have you played in a campaign, and which dod you enjoy most?
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I appreciate the change actually. It takes drow further from falling into the "dark skin = bad" trope that has been a part of our hobby for too long. This lets drow look distinctly different while not having any racist undertones.
I houseruled it to be Wis to AC when not wearing armor.
At Gen Con this past weekend, Paizo announced the summer 2014 hardcover, Occult Adventures! The main focus of the book, according to the panel, was bringing psychic magic and 6 new classes that utilize it to the PFRPG. Other than that we know this book will have a bestiary section of some kind. The confirmed classes so far (text from the Know Direction website):
"The Kineticist will be a raw manipulator of psychic forces (Telekinetic, Pyrokinetic, etc) and will not be a caster / magic user.
Spiritualist is another. Has a spirit that they communicate with and can manifest through the world. Ectoplasmic is an ability.
The Mystic was mentioned by name, but no details were given."
I'm presently most excited about that Kineticist! I can't wait to see what it can do when the playtest for the classes drops in a few months.
Speculate away!
Aberrant Bloodrager 5/Investigator X
Poor kid occasionally wigs out under stress and turns into a tentacle monster. He intends to find out just why that is.