Aaron Malleus |
Alright, Bane88's Human Barbarian.
Campaign Trait: Northern Ancestry
One day when Aaron returned from hunting, he found both of his parents gone. He waited for them to return, for a full year he waited with no word or sign of them. He doesn't know what happened to them. Eventually feeling the need for human contact again, he set off south in the spring time, before the flowers had bloomed, but the frost and ice followed him. The cold rime in the air felt like freedom to Aaron and he eventually found his way to Heldren. At first he camped outside the city and traded things that he trapped or killed with the villagers. After a year or so he set up a small house the front of which served as his shop on the outskirts of town, where he sold hide and leather, effectively becoming a tanner. And he has been doing that for the last ten years and is now an excepted member of the Haldren comunity.
While not socially graceful or educated, Aaron has a kind heart and warm smile. He drinks in the tavern and has gotten into a scrap more than once, but they always ended with the other party on the ground and Aaron buying them a drink afterwards, he has a hearty laugh and tells crude jokes sometimes. He would like a family but girls find him a bit simple or brutish at times.
Tazo |
Well, here is my kobold submission!
Right now, Neela is a Kobold Alchemist. But she's destined to become a Kobold Arcane Trickster! Neela was once human, and traveled to Irrisen to become a winter witch. Instead, she died and was reincarnated as a kobold! Distraught by the events surrounding her death and rebirth, Neela eventually settles down as assistant potion-maker to Old Mother Theodora. These details and lots more in her profile.
I'd say she's more of a skilled character with some arcane elements.
Uncle Taco |
Here's Ilya, its preliminary but the gist is there. I'll probably pull out some details and make it seem more like a background than a narrative.
G.M. Malefactor |
Here's the updated list. I removed the class categories. I know the score, and it'll be easier to judge each character individually without that pretense.
Compiled List of All Entries; Updated: 2/23/2014
El Ronza: Alchemist; No profile yet created
Tazo: Neela – Kobold Vivisectioning Mindchemist Alchemist
Bane88: Aaron Malleus - Invulnerable Rager Barbarian
Jarani Zidane – Human Daredevil Bard
Tilnar: Kaelifax - Human Savage Skald Bard
Extinct_fizz: Kyrianna Idereen – Half-Elf Cavalier; Background requires updating. See below
Wolfwaker: Myles Brightgard - Halfling Cavalier
SecSeibzehn: Marina Mirna Tsetvanov - Changeling Cleric of Erastil
Chainmail: Gaandik Fatebound - Aasimar Cleric of Iomedae; Needs some clarification. See below
En Taro Adun: Connor Dorn - Human Fighter
Mark Sweetman: Skinwalker (Coldborn) Hunter; No profile yet created
N o 417: Calah Swimmerswift - Undine Inquisitor; Background requires updating. See below
Valkur: Human Witch Hunter Inquisitor; No profile yet created
Neltji: Variel Whitestorm - Elf Magus
Lady Ladile: Prachi Mejia – Human Wanderer Monk
Troy Malovich: Oliver Hoffman - Half-elf Oracle, Lore Mystery
DarkLightHitomi: Tiefling Oracle; No profile yet created
Antariuk: Ljalfr Karithson- Human Seer Oracle, Lore Mystery
Mahorfeus: Ehren Ferron - Ifrit Oracle, Winter Mystery
CrystalStorm: Grandma Mable - Human Oracle, Battle Mystery
Kozaric: Ingan Jagger - Human Ranger
Armlessbaby: Baldur Firemane – Human Ranger
Wehrpig: Blodgette Black-Knife – Halfling Knife-master, Scout Rogue Background Requires updating. See below
Darthpinkhippo: Qinton Staeriffokkoles - Halfling Summoner
Jason Rodarte: Nathalia Greenmeadow – Witch
Lacdannon: Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor; No profile yet created
Uncle Taco: Ilya Mxyzptlk - White Haired Witch; Needs some Clarification. See below
Merck: Ousk – Half-Orc Scarred Hedge Witch Doctor; Waiting on backstory
Cynarion: Iphaeus – Daemon Tiefling Transmuter Wizard
Clarifications and Requirements
Kyrianna Idereen: Your backstory looks good. All I need is how and why you’ve been living in Heldren for the last few years.
Gaandik Fatebound: Your backstory has good themeing and works well. I just need you to illustrate how you wound up in Heldren and what you’ve been doing there the last few years.
Calah Swimmerswift: Your backstory needs to be updated to include how you made your way to Heldren and what it is you do to make a living there.
Blodgette Black-Knife: I’m assuming your working on updating your backstory already, cause that looks like the backstory to a Council of Thieves game. I’m just putting you down here for reference.
Ilya Mxyzptlk: Backstory looks fine. I just need you to tell me a little bit about your personality and motivations.
If I missed anybody, please give me a shout-out.
DM Barcas |
How heavy is this game in roleplaying? I run two campaigns (Skull & Shackles and Kingmaker) on the boards here. I tend to prefer campaigns with long posts, even if it means posting less often, and far more roleplaying than combat.
I am considering a human bloodrager.
G.M. Malefactor |
How heavy is this game in roleplaying? I run two campaigns (Skull & Shackles and Kingmaker) on the boards here. I tend to prefer campaigns with long posts, even if it means posting less often, and far more roleplaying than combat.
Additionally, what are your feelings towards firearms?
I, myself, tend to appreciate roleplaying over combat. It's my personal belief that the whole reason we're even here is to create a story together, so in any single instance story will trump rules if it helps the story.
That said, I'm running an Adventure Path here with its fair share of meaty combat and the like. This is my rendition, though, and however I diverge from the books themselves will be in an attempt to take the story to an interesting, thematic, epic and agreeable station. In my OP I talked about how my time frame usually allows me only one highly detailed post per day, so you're preferences are in the ballpark I'm playing in.
As for guns, I'm just sticking with the canonical state of Golarion at the commencement of this AP, so guns are considered emerging and in order to start already owning a gun, you're going to need that fact suitably reflected in your backstory.
This might be the tiniest bit of a spoiler so, beware:
Much later in the campaign, the PC's are like to encounter a whole bunch of advanced firearms assuming this PbP lasts this long, so from a thematic standpoint I am totally okay with a gunslinger in the party.
GM DarkLightHitomi |
I figured I should state this,
I have no intention of making another alias unless I get chosen, or if it is required for submission.
I have too many aliases as it is, so Im trying to keep it minimized. Eventually Ill get them backed up so I can reuse them.
I have decided to name my character Ash, due to her ash colored skin.
Doctor Montgomery |
DM Barcas here. I decided on a very different path: a retired soldier who acts as the town doctor. Pushing sixty years old, Matthew is a gruff and ornery figure with a lifetime of memories he would prefer not to have. He's a crack shot with his musket but thinks of himself primarily as a doctor. He does have a very strong and established moral center, with a particular desire to help the downtrodden and helpless.
When Doctor Montgomery moved into Heldren two years ago, the town was pleased to have a real doctor. Argus Goldtooth complained bitterly at the competition, but Montgomery brought a wealth of knowledge and healing expertise. The gruff, grandfatherly doctor could set bones, mend wounds, treat disease, deliver children, or tend to fevers. For most of the people in Heldren, he was considerably more affordable than magical treatment. Doctor Montgomery would heal any person who came forward with a need, asking for nothing beyond that which they could truly afford. He explained that he was retired and needed little - though he would not explain what he was retired from even when asked.
After some time, he relented and told them his story: Montgomery fought for Andoran during the People’s Revolt in 4669 as a young man. After the civil war in Cheliax left House Thrune ascendant, the people of Andoran began a war of independence. Not even fifteen years old, Matthew joined the revolutionary army. Because of his youth, he was assigned as a medic. He was expected to do little more than drag the dead and wounded back from the front lines, where clerics would perform triage and heal those who could be saved. He developed a talent for using traditional medicine to save lives in battle, teaching himself through necessity what many doctors learn through schooling. He also found that he was a crack shot with a crossbow, as the Chelish armies made little distinction between a medic and a warrior.
The Andorans won their freedom from Cheliax, but Montgomery did not leave his brothers in arms. He spent time in the Andoran Navy, freeing slaves and battling pirates in the Inner Sea. It was during one of these raids that he found himself fighting for his life on a slaver ship from exotic Katapesh. Running out of crossbow bolts, he picked up a strange long weapon that some of the slavers had used. Following their example, he quickly developed an affinity for the musket. Similar to the crossbow in its use but far deadlier, he carried the black powder firearm for the rest of his military career.
Montgomery stayed in the army for well over thirty-five years, fighting in various wars and skirmishes until retiring with war decorations and bad memories. He neither married nor fathered any children (that he knows of) in his years as a soldier. He prefers not to speak of his lifetime at war, but occasionally he will tell a story or two with a drink and good company. He sold the land his military pension entitled him to and wandered east to Taldor, where he eventually settled. The burden of his lifetime of war has eased somewhat, as he has forgotten much of his life as a soldier and settled into the ebb and flow of life as the town doctor. His military uniform, armor, and musket still maintain their shined appearance, however, in his private quarters.
G.M. Malefactor |
Yeah, me neither. If anybody would like specific feedback on a part of their background, give me elbow.
I imagine recruitment has slowed down and will continue to slow until the end. So far we've got a grand total of thirty applicants, though that includes five which have yet to submit a profile. I know from experience it'll be a bit daunting to submit against odds of 1 in 5. I mean, that's only thinking from purely logical perspective, but still...
Makes me wish I gave a shorter recruitment time, but it'd be rather unfair of me to shorten it now, given I gave a specific date at the beginning with no fair warning it could be shortened. Two weeks, I guess, for only one party, is a bit much.
It's my first time GMing a PbP. I warn all of you now this won't be my only mistake. :)
Ljalfr Karithson |
The waiting is ok since the timeline was announced from the beginning. And who knows, some people might still apply for a slot because they didn't see this game before. It also gives everyone time to go over their characters with a fine-tooth comb, at least I know I'd like to change a detail or two.
G.M. Malefactor |
Easy way to rectify that kind of mistake - call the next town the party reaches Sleazeburg, get them mobbed by the quintillion pickpockets that surely roam the sleazy landscape, and watch as the party breaks down and weeps.
Try and fight them off? Oh look, all those pickpockets are level 20 rogues. Gosh darn it.
Do you think I need a stronger tie to the town? I figured I'd ask.
Quinton seems pretty solid. I like that his backstory and motivation are clear and reinforce his personality. He was orphaned and he wants to help other orphans.
I did say before that most of you should have been living in Heldren for a few years by now, but I don't think it's super important you rework it. I suspect the party will be made up of a mix of those with strong ties to Heldren and those with lesser ties.
If I had any suggestion, it would be to provide a wider timeframe for your visit to Heldren. You situated yourself in Taldor, which is good, because I'll be saying the situation with the cold has only been going on for a few weeks now, so you'll have had time to get there. I might just expand a little who you interact with and who you know in Heldren, but I don't think you have to add much.
There are ways to work around it easily enough, having her spirited away from the bone mill instead of just casually taken. She could be raised in secret and then sent to fend for herself for her own safety once she reached a certain age. It's a solid premise, but it needs to changed a bit to match the lore a bit better.
Uncle Taco |
More changes to Ilya. In particular added some descriptions and personality. Its still all a work in progress but I'd like early comments (from anyone really).
Wolfwaker RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |
G.M. Malefactor |
It would appear that my muse has run away with the housekeeper and they've gone to live in the Bahamas. Withouth the lyrical inspiration I'm struggling to complete my ursine submission... so I shall respectfully withdraw.
Luck to all.
Damn, I hate it when that happens. Good luck to you too.
@Uncle Taco, I'll get some thoughts down for you later.
Variel Whitestorm |
Variel Whitestorm wrote:Just don't make the mistake of giving out loot at the end of a combat and put gp instead of cp. Did that one time myself. A party of 6 players all at third level thought they just got 48000 gp when it should have been 48000 cp.That's alot of coins to be carrying.....
I thought I would get them all excited by converting the mundane items to bags and bags of coins inside a chest. It worked well as the group had a dwarf coin hoarder in the party. He ignored almost everything and just started picking up bag after bag of money. It wasn't until the chest bit him and revealed itself to be a mimic that they even realized the danger. The group was well rounded and the mimic was not a real threat to them and the bard made his know check to identify it. From that point on the bard just laughed at the dwarf and basically went off saying "told you so" the rest of the combat.
The dwarf thought he had the last laugh though when I messed up and put in gp instead of cp. I fixed it by next asking for a will save. Those that made it realized the gold was an illusion and it was all copper pieces. Too bad the dwarf made the save.
G.M. Malefactor |
I'll try getting to you guys tonight. If I don't, I'll get to you tomorrow around midday or at night.
Compiled List of All Entries; Updated: 2/26/2014
El Ronza: Alchemist; No profile yet created
Tazo: Neela – Kobold Vivisectioning Mindchemist Alchemist
Bane88: Aaron Malleus - Invulnerable Rager Barbarian
Jarani Zidane – Human Daredevil Bard
Tilnar: Kaelifax - Human Savage Skald Bard
Extinct_fizz: Kyrianna Idereen – Half-Elf Cavalier; Background requires updating. See below
Wolfwaker: Myles Brightgard - Halfling Cavalier
SecSeibzehn: Marina Mirna Tsetvanov - Changeling Cleric of Erastil
Chainmail: Gaandik Fatebound - Aasimar Cleric of Iomedae; Needs some clarification. See below
En Taro Adun: Connor Dorn - Human Fighter
Isaac Duplechain: Doctor Matthew Montgomery – Human Musket Master Gunslinger
N o 417: Calah Swimmerswift - Undine Inquisitor; Background requires updating. See below
Valkur: Human Witch Hunter Inquisitor; No profile yet created
Neltji: Variel Whitestorm - Elf Magus
Lady Ladile: Prachi Mejia – Human Wanderer Monk
Troy Malovich: Oliver Hoffman - Half-elf Oracle, Lore Mystery
DarkLightHitomi: Ash - Tiefling Oracle; Waiting on backstory
Antariuk: Ljalfr Karithson- Human Seer Oracle, Lore Mystery
Mahorfeus: Ehren Ferron - Ifrit Oracle, Winter Mystery
CrystalStorm: Grandma Mable - Human Oracle, Battle Mystery
Kozaric: Ingan Jagger - Human Ranger
Armlessbaby: Baldur Firemane – Human Ranger
Wehrpig: Blodgette Black-Knife – Halfling Knife-master, Scout
Darthpinkhippo: Qinton Staeriffokkoles - Halfling Summoner
Jason Rodarte: Nathalia Greenmeadow – Witch
Lacdannon: Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor; No profile yet created
Uncle Taco: Ilya Mxyzptlk - White Haired Witch
Merck: Ousk – Half-Orc Scarred Hedge Witch Doctor; Waiting on backstory
Cynarion: Iphaeus – Daemon Tiefling Transmuter Wizard
Clarifications and Requirements
Kyrianna Idereen: Your backstory looks good. All I need is how and why you’ve been living in Heldren for the last few years.
Gaandik Fatebound: Your backstory has good themeing and works well. I just need you to illustrate how you wound up in Heldren and what you’ve been doing there the last few years.
Calah Swimmerswift: Your backstory needs to be updated to include how you made your way to Heldren and what it is you do to make a living there.
Merck |
G.M. Malefactor |
GM DarkLightHitomi |
Reposting, and added some extra stuff as well.
Ash, Oracle (winter mystery, legalistic curse) will add 1/4 monk as she levels.
I chose the failed apprentice campaign trait, but the idea is that instead of actual failure, she was the young apprentice of a winter witch, named Kirla, that came south to kill an assassin that had killed another witch and find out who hired him. They found and killed the assassin but her master was killed in the fight. She, being seen as a young child, was kept here as no one was going to let her travel on her own. She stayed in this town for a while waiting until she was older to travel north and try to find out who hired the assassin. Now she is a bit older but still not quite an adult. As a tiefling she grows much slower, not reaching adulthood for several decades. She appears to be a 14 year old human with dark grey skin and red hair, though she is actually about 20 years old.
She was originally raised in a northern monastary until her powers started emerging. The monastary had good relations with a group of witches and handed her over to be properly taught how to handle her power.
Here in the south she has taken up helping the blacksmith, and learning his trade when she isn't using her powers to help others in town. She does prefer working leather over metal but still finds both rather enjoyable, except the heat which she often complains about (which generally indicates a good mood for her.)
She is a bit of a living contradiction, she is fairly carefree and flit from one task to another but yet she has rules that she always follows and can be quite adamant when they come into play. Her motivations are hedonism (arts and music) and stimulation (she likes to challenge herself). She would risk a lot to save those she knows, but yet she can be brutal against those she believes have done wrong, as for strangers she believes in giving them a chance to prove themselves but won't go all that far for their sake.
Gaandik Fatebound |
Gaandik, the Hedren years.
G.M. Malefactor |
When will the players be announced?
Like I said, I'll announce my choices during the week after recruitment ends on the second.
It's a well told story. My only gripes... Hrm, I'm wondering if you might have wanted to flesh out the relationships a bit more with Stefan and Taran. The mystery associated with Stefan is good and could be useful as a subplot in-game, but I don't get much of an impression of his personality. Taran isn't really fleshed out either. He's your character's best friend but I don't know what's become of him afterwards and where or if he Kaelifax and he split ways at some point.
A small paragraph could easily fix these small issues. You've got a good long story with tight themeing as it is.
Something else I noticed is a little bit lack of specifics. It's just a small thing to add a defined character or place in your backstory but it allows the GM a whole plethora of potential subplots.
For the rest of ya'all, I'll get the list updated tomorrow.
Tilnar |
Tilnar |
G.M. Malefactor |
Sooooo, remember what I said about mistakes?
I'm really sorry about this, guys. I switched up your names on the spoiler tags accidentally. I was bone tired last night, but that doesn't excuse it one bit. Again, I'm terribly sorry.
From now on, I'll just private message you guys if you want feedback. I'll do that now. Please disregard my previous post.
Again, sorry, sorry.