Artemis Entreri

armlessbaby's page

Organized Play Member. 34 posts (458 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Been super busy with work and classes, going to try to get a submission in by Friday. Have a lot of ideas right now and unsure which way I want to go with it and don't want to submit anything not 100% to my standard. Right now I am feeling a slayer with the Brigand campaign trait.

Just to let you know DM, I do have a concept made. Just finishing it up, I don't like submitting incomplete ideas or a poor concept. I will have to get used to the pace you set and hope my job doesn't get in the way, but we will see. My character is going to be a human warpriest of Iomedae, taking the subject of study trait, not hailing from Ustalav. That is all the details I will give until I finish.

Really thinking of rolling up an arcane character now instead of what I previously planned, however, I have not ever played one and don't know how it would turn out. Really wanting to get into this though.

Very interested. Will download guide and read tonight, dream up a concept while I sleep, write something tomorrow, and then post it up. Only concern is my job puts me in a position where I could end up relocating within a year, but we can still see.

Interested. Have no clue about this adventure yet. Going to read up.

Dotting for interest, want to see how a couple other apps turn out first. Really liking the idea of a ranger/rogue that has been forced to accept this job. Got caught doing some illegal work or was framed for something. The Swordlords decided that the character could be more resourceful and a better example to them serving as the chartering party instead upon the executioner's block.

I really want to come up with a character, but I don't have the materials for when it goes mythic or the RotRL book

Okay, so I don't need the mythic books to play this campaign or do you want us to have them? A little back and forth I read in the thread didn't make it entirely clear to me.

Love the theme, never played E8 myself though. Count me interested, I would be more than willing to learn to play for Midgard.

This actually strikes me as a really unique and interesting concept to play in. Is there any more information you could give me about the story thus far? Or the role that I would be filling as well? I would be more than willing to try and fill the spot for you, seeing as I am looking for another game to join and am caught by the concept you have. How frequent do you all post?

Nathalia Greenmeadow wrote:
I got left out again.

You have nothing in your profile nor any stat block that has been posted to tell of the class you were making, so I wasn't certain what it was you were aiming for..

Sorry GM, had to do this to help myself in seeing what concept I wanted to go with for applying. Submissions by class:

Ingan Jagger- Human Ranger
Bane88-???- Barbarian
En Taro Adun- Connor Dorn- Human Fighter
Myles Brightgard- Halfling Cavalier
Mark Sweetman- Skinwalker Hunter???
Lady Ladile- Monk

Calah Swimmerswift- Udine Inquisitor
Oliver Hoffman- Half-elf Oracle
Ljalfr Karithson- Human Oracle
Marina Mirna Tsetvanov- Changeling Cleric
Mahorfeus- Ifrit Oracle
Gaandik Fatebound- Aasimar Cleric
Grandma Mable- Human Oracle

Cadannon- Half-orc Witch
Variel Whitestorm- Elf Magus
El Ronzo- Alchemist?
Uncle Taco- White Witch???
Qinton Staeriffokkoles- Halfling Summoner

Jarani Zidane- Human Bard
Kaelifax- Human Bard

That is what I could scavenge from everybody's posts, is particularly difficult when the profile is not being posted in the thread or has no stat block. I didn't realize until I wrote this how many oracles are being submitted.

Grey, the Lady's dog wrote:
As I didn't see a 'No Summoners/Synthesists' notice, going to put myself up for consideration. I realize the character is presently built with a 20 pt. buy & will correct that should I make the cut. How do you feel about Handle Animal as the default 'craft/profession skill'? Basically, Grey has been assisting in training/caring for animals, he can also handle teamster duties.

GM already said no to that question, it was previously asked by a Beast Master Cavalier. It is unfair to the other classes that have to pick a profession of some sort.

Haha! Ugh, can't wait for the third book to come out already! Man, you bringing up that book makes me want to make a bard or something reminiscent of the book.

@Mahorfeus Did you name your mount Bast out of Name of the Wind?

@Wolfwalker: You may have just piqued my desire to roll with a cavalier. If we both are picked....wooh, the fun with that.

Dotting for interest. Will start coming up with a concept tonight after my drugs wear off from having teeth pulled.

Dotting for interest. Just had wisdom teeth pulled, but will be working on a concept soon and shall shoot you a message about it.

When will you be closing applications? I am in the works on the backstory as we speak.

I am regretfully going to drop Reigar from the campaign. It has been nice and all, however, this campaign has lost speed and drive. I have a lot going on as well, so I would rather divert my attention to those things. It isn't anything personal or negative about any of you. Thank you for the experiences and fun! Wish you all good luck in the rest of the adventures.

Dang! Wish I had more experience to get accepted and tied in! I was thinking a drow psionic assassin or wizard cleric. It was going to be epic and characterized after a couple characters from R.A. Salvatore. Haha. Guess I'll just keep my eyes on this to see how the game turns out.

I'll be submitting a Sea Reaver Half-orc soon. Just need to finish number crunching stuff. I have a great story written.

A lot of those errors come from tweaks I've had to makes switching campaigns. A few have had roll for wealth. Skills I was led to believe were my class granted of 4 + INT Mod 1 and that class Skills recieved a +3 bonus on check rolls. I have downloaded a lot of those resources. I have the guide for PFS, must have interpreted some things wrong and also missed some changes when switching DM rules. I see, Canter only applies to secret messages. Might need to find something better there. I'll correct those mistakes after work. Thanks for noticing that, I had somebody else message me on my Skills but it was something different than that.

Well, are there are places to get picked up besides the recruitment forum under PBP? Are there certain classes frowned on? What extra resources should I get?

Any particular requests or desires? As in classes or play style. I'm already signed up at one table but I could jump in still.

Greetings all! I myself am new to PFS. PBP, however, done quite a lot of PBP in other RPGs. The disappointing thing I keep having is that I can't find games. I'm still working on making new characters and all, yet my current submissions don't get accepted.

It might be because he is a Gunslinger though. But, an issue I've run in to is tweaking my character sheets to feet each GM. Which is understandable though, I GM'ed some Star Wars, so I know that each GM has their own flavor to spicing up campaigns. One thing that's always hard to overcome in PBP, that is nearly impossible to eliminate, is access to resources. Some players have more than others, getting different traits, feats, spells, or archetypes. Newer players can get discouraged my this. In my experience the most helpful thing is when a GM either limits to specific resources or provides them in the campaign.

On a side note, any GMs looking to recruit new and creative players can count me in. I love writing and dreaming up new stories and experiences. Also, would greatly appreciate any PFS advice.

I'm going to make a Sea Reaver Barbarian Archetype (Ultimate Combat) if that's alright. I'll have a pretty stellar story for him. I'll try to get everything done for him within a day for you and I'll post back here.

I'm INCREDIBLY interested. I've done a lot of RPGs, tabletop, virtual, and PBP. That being said I've only recently arrived to the Pathfinder scene. I'm in the middle of a homebrew tabletop currently and have been clawing to get into some PBP. I'd like to join you in this venture. I thoroughly enjoy writing and roleplaying. Especially, PBP because of the diverse styles you can encounter and vastly imaginative worlds that can be forged. Whatever the adventure, I'll throw in my hat and make a character. I am quite flexible and available for posting numerous times in the day. Just keep me in mind.

I'll change to a rifle with experimental if I get picked up.

Character creation following PFS rules or the ones in the AD&D? I'm really interested in this campaign so I don't want to make a character build you disdain

Are you going to be allowing Gunslingers? And what kind of limitations or rules will be applied to guns and resources for the class?

Well this is definitely something I'll be willing to do. I'm new to PF PBP. But done a fair share of RL PF. And some other PBP RPGs. I'll be making a couple different characters for this. So if any GMs need somebody creative and interactive, I'm in. And I can post quite often.

RP or combat. Either of, I'm always willing to adapt and try new things. Thanks for giving me a direction to look in. I am actually looking to do a little play by post and maybe even some PFS with some VTTs like Roll20 since I can collaborate on my mobile devices with that. Once again, thanks.

Hi Ya'll! I'm recently new to the game of Pathfinder. I'm doing a campaign withsome friends right now that is homebrew. I'm enjoying learning it and developing my character. So much so that I want to play more than my group can. It led me here. Looking to join the Pathfinder Society!

I'm really exited to get started actually. I am mostly looking for a little guidance and maybe a small online adventure where I won't look too much like a fool as well. My computer access is limited, howevefr, my smartphone and internet are really reliable and efficient.

Any asassistance would be greatly appreciated!