Javell DeLeon |

Sorry. I knew that 'Delay' was gonna raise questions. I was literally falling asleep at the keyboard and was fighting to stay awake.
Unfortunately, that's all I could muster. And that actually took several minutes because I kept nodding off. I just got very little sleep the night before.

Javell DeLeon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Now, per Al's attack...
OH MY GOSH!!! LOL! He just freaking OBLITERATED the big bad! I mean, just O-BLIT-TER-DESTROYED that dude! LOL!
Man o man, that is freaking amazing. I've only seen that one other time but it was NOT as awesome as what Al just did.
So, this is actually the second time I've ever seen a boatload of crits in one attack.
This is the other one: Link Which was roughly 9 1/2 years ago as you can tell. :P
And I stole that line that Lothan used because I just find it hilarious. :D

Starflit |

More than I see in a year.

Javell DeLeon |

Holy smokes. That's a lot of 20s.
Lol! Yes, yes it is. An INSANE amount of 20's. Unbelievable really.
I've been on these boards for 15 years and like I mentioned above, that's only the second time I've seen anything like that.
So, with that kind of math, in another 7 years, maybe it'll pop up again. :P

Starflit |

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a joyous season to you all!

Javell DeLeon |

Sorry. Been getting killed at work. 12-hour days and getting home between 11 and midnight has me exhausted. Especially having to turn around and get back up at 6:30 am. Just can't stay awake. This is my first day to simply turn my computer on over the past 3. It's been a beating.
Will get something up here in a bit.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

I'll leave it up to you if you want to fight this shoggoth. It's not super important -- "The goal is to permit the PCs and players to encounter a rare and powerful creature and live to tell the tale," the adventure says. I'm perfectly happy to handwave it.
Here's the relevant stat blocks from the elder things if you want to see how they would be able to help:
Special Attacks phrenic amplifications (intense focusOA, mindtouchOA, overpowering mindOA, space-rending spellOA), phrenic pool (10 points)
Psychic Spells Known (CL 13th; concentration +22)
6th (5/day)—enemy hammerAPG (DC 25), legend lore, mind thrust VIOA (DC 27)
5th (8/day)—mental barrier IVOA, retrocognitionOA, synapse overloadOA (DC 26), teleport
4th (8/day)—locate creature, mind probeOA (DC 25), resilient sphere (DC 23), scrying (DC 25), stoneskin
3rd (8/day)—deep slumber (DC 22), dispel magic, heroism, telekinetic maneuverOA, vampiric touch
2nd (8/day)—false life, hypercognitionOA, ironskin, mirror image, resist energy, spider climb
1st (9/day)—comprehend languages, detect thoughts (DC 22), ear-piercing screamUM (DC 20), mage armor, magic missile, vanishAPG (DC 20)
0 (at will)—daze (DC 19), detect magic, detect psychic significanceOA, ghost sound (DC 19), mage hand, read magic, resistance, stabilize, telekinetic projectileOA

Albert Hazred |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'd be ok with a cut scene where the party has exhausted all their abilities and barely survives, but lives to tell the tale of the Shoggoth and rests in the hall of records that evening while healing their wounds.

Tristain the Chalker |

"The goal is to permit the PCs and players to encounter a rare and powerful creature and live to tell the tale," the adventure says.
But almost all of us are smart, intelligent PCs, where are we going to find anyone so cocksure and ridiculous who would want that kind of challenge?
Happy to agree with the totally normal human.

Lothan Robgard |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'll leave it up to you if you want to fight this shoggoth. It's not super important -- "The goal is to permit the PCs and players to encounter a rare and powerful creature and live to tell the tale," the adventure says. I'm perfectly happy to handwave it.
I'd be ok with a cut scene where the party has exhausted all their abilities and barely survives, but lives to tell the tale of the Shoggoth and rests in the hall of records that evening while healing their wounds.
motteditor wrote:"The goal is to permit the PCs and players to encounter a rare and powerful creature and live to tell the tale," the adventure says.But almost all of us are smart, intelligent PCs, where are we going to find anyone so cocksure and ridiculous who would want that kind of challenge?
"Screw that! I say we play this thing out and kill this <bleepity bleep> just like we killed everything else. Where's the fun in... what was the word the weird guy used? 'Handwave?' What the hell does that even mean?! And who the hell is the talking weird guy who I've never even seen before?" he asks, cocking a sole eyebrow. "He looks like a tiny little, big-headed, greenish blue... um... yeah, okay, I've no idea what he is. So, never mind. Doesn't matter. Just point me the way to this shagoff thing and let's handle our business, people. None of this dramatic, barely survive, crap. We're gonna win and we're gonna win easy. Because no baddies can stop us and we're unkillable. Now let's move! Heck yeah!"

Javell DeLeon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

For the record, I don't really care one way or another what we do. It's all good to me either way. Lothan might complain about it, but, heck, he always complains about something. ;P
I just got a kick out of what Tristain wrote...
'where are we going to find anyone so cocksure and ridiculous who would want that kind of challenge?'
...and couldn't resist. Lol!