Starflit |

Level 15 inquisitor
BAB: +1 (now +11/+6/+1; gets another iterative attack)
Saves: Ref +3 (+1 from level, +2 from Lightning Reflexes)
hp: 123 (added 8; 5 + 2 Con, +1 Toughness)
Spell Slots: 3rd--+1; 5th--+1 (+1 progression to each from level progression)
New Spell Known: 5th—greater lend judgment
New Feat: Lightning Reflexes
New Teamwork Feat: tbd
New Class Features: just a Teamwork Feat
+1 round to liberation, freedom’s call, discern lies, and greater bane abilities
New Skill Ranks: 10 total: (6 + 1 Int* + 1 skilled + 1 FC +1* Knowledge (local) from headband)
Acrobatics +1
Knowledge (arcana) +1
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +1
Knowledge (local) +1 (from headband)
Knowledge (nature) +1
Knowledge (planes) +1
Knowledge (religion) +1
Perception +1
Spellcraft +1
Stealth +1
Also added Bonded Mind for Teamwork Feat from 12th level.
Starflit should be mostly up-to-date now. I still have to compare her equipment and gold totals to what's on her current sheet and then update that. Also, I still haven't gotten to the Teamwork Feat debacle, so I have to chooses her latest one and figure out how to use them.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
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Teamwork feats simplified: The teamwork feats pretty much let you pretend that your companions also have the feats. That means you get bonuses from them whenever they'd apply, though your teammates wouldn't.
Some examples that I liked when I had an inquisitor archer:
Shake It Off: When you are adjacent to one or more allies who also have this feat, you gain a +1 bonus on saving throws per such ally (maximum +4). (So as long as you cluster together in perfect spacing for my AoE abilities, you get a bonus.)
Coordinated Shot: If your ally with this feat is threatening an opponent and is not providing cover to that opponent against your ranged attacks, you gain a +1 bonus on ranged attacks against that opponent. If your ally with this feat is flanking that opponent with another ally (even if that other ally doesn't have this feat), this bonus increases to +2
Lookout: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you may act in the surprise round as long as your ally would normally be able to act in the surprise round. If you would normally be denied the ability to act in the surprise round, your initiative is equal to your initiative roll or the roll of your ally –1, whichever is lower. If both you and your ally would be able to act in the surprise round without the aid of this feat, you may take both a standard and a move action (or a full-round action) during the surprise round.(Permanent Bonus teamwork feat)

Javell DeLeon |

Hey, folks, my Dad's in hospice care so the bulk of my time has been spent with him. I've barely been home. Pretty much only to sleep. About to head back to the hospital after I grab some breakfast.
He's been asleep since last Saturday so he doesn't really have much time left.
Just giving you all a heads up for my absence.

Tristain the Chalker |

Hey, folks, my Dad's in hospice care so the bulk of my time has been spent with him. I've barely been home. Pretty much only to sleep. About to head back to the hospital after I grab some breakfast.
I'm sorry, Javell. I hope it goes peacefully, and he is thankful for your presence. It's never easy.
Be well.

Starflit |

I second what Tristain said.

Javell DeLeon |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I want to thank you all for your kind words. I really appreciate it.
About a couple of hours after my post, we - I've a brother and a sister - lost our dad. He suffered from dementia and lost so much weight and muscle mass, he could no longer walk on his own. Unfortunately, that did not stop him from trying to walk and he wound up falling twice within the last month/month and a half, both times hitting his head and causing bleeding to the brain.
He managed to recover from it the first time, but the second time - which was just a couple of weeks ago - was just too much.
And it actually did go peacefully. When I was a kid I'll never forget what he said: "When I die, I hope I go in my sleep". And sure enough, he did. (I was like 7 or 8 at the time - which was 40+ years ago - when he said that and I just started bawling and responded with: "I don't want you to die!" He chuckled at that). :)
And you're so right, Tristain. You know, even when you are expecting it, it still doesn't make it any easier. You'd think it would but it doesn't.
Anyway, thank you all again.

Starflit |

My condolences. Take all the time you need; we'll be here when you're ready.

Tristain the Chalker |

..17709.00 gp to spend
+..6940.00 gp notyugh sale
+.24649.0 gp to spend
+.24649.0 gp to spend
+.40832.0 gp may 2024 disbursement====================
+.65481.0 gp to spend
+.65481.0 gp to spend
-.20000.0 gp upgrade headband of mighty bonking to +6
-.40000.0 gp belt of mighty dex/con+4
...5481.0 gp to spend

Starflit |

Doesn't upgrading stuff take a long time?

Kyffin Rhees |

(Actually it's 1 day per 1kgp, though that can be doubled fairly easily. Still, at high levels it means a LOT of time standing around - and most APs don't allow for it. Most GMs waive it to one degree or other. The alternative is selling your +2 stuff back and buying +3 stuff - which really takes a bite out of our profits. Like a huge bite.)
Motteditor, how do you want to handle our various improvements?

Starflit |

I'll try my hardest to post Starflit's upgrades/purchase tomorrow.
Just to be clear, we CAN upgrade equipment, correct?

Starflit |

Sorry; I'm running late (as usual). Can Starflit bump up her armor and buckler from +2 to +4 at one time? That'll cost her 24,000 out of 40,000 gp and make things go faster on my end while bumping them both up by only +1 would only cost 10,000 gp total and give me all sorts of choices about how to use her remaining 30,000 gp.
Quick Update: If I were to also bump her cloak of resistance up 2 levels from +2 to +4, that'd knock another 12,000 gp off her sheet and she could spend her remaining 4,000 gold on diamonds/diamond dust to use as spell components and have her up-to-date.

Starflit |

Ok, I'll finalize her character sheet and stats after I eat lunch.

Starflit |
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I can't help but think that the clockwork armadillo in this adventure is an homage to the original Dracula with Bela Lugosi, as that film featured a brief appearance by an armadillo, even though they're native only to the Americas. I wonder if few folks in the 1930's had ever seen an armadillo and the director of Dracula decided they were odd and strange-looking enough to include one in a vampire's manor.
My question is: Did mott or the adventure's author slip in an armadillo or is it just a weird coincidence?

Javell DeLeon |
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He shrugs, and proceeds to search the other rooms... though he keeps an ear open for the screams of combat.
HA! That might be wise. :P
As the party proceeds to the other rooms Al fixes Starflit with a serious gaze. "If there was ever a time to Not use your eyes and ears of the city this would be it."
LOL!!! Oh man, I just died on this. LOL!!! XD

Javell DeLeon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tristain feels a completely imaginary pang of regret, almost as if he had read something that he should never have read. A sharp pain hits his gut, and he will not learn from this.
Tristain follows Kyffin and tries to keep out of the way while everybody tries to clear their mind from all the unwelcome and intrusive thoughts that might be there.

Kyffin Rhees |

We need to post more frequently if we're going to finish this thing in style. Once a week, or less, isn't going to work.
I know life gets in the way. I've been traveling and picked up a nasty something that just won't let go. But please find a little time to help us keep going.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

I'm going to try to skip some of the less important encounters, but at this level, I just can't DMPC folks (especially since other than this and one other equally slow PBP, I've moved completely to 2e).
I'd suggest if there's long waits, another player can do that, which will help me keep things moving.

Starflit |
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Sorry for vanishing. No good excuse--just a lot of little problems, work obligations, physical and mental issues coming together at the same time. I got so far behind on everything that it's become really difficult to catch up and get things back on track. I'm working on it, though.
Again, apologies.

Starflit |

No problem. Enjoy your time off.

Javell DeLeon |

I think Teal is dead. That's 187 damage if all those crit threats are confirmed.
And also: DAAAAAANG GINA! Freaking 3 nat 20's out of 4?! Okay, I want to borrow Kyffin's dice. Hand 'em over, buddy. You've done enough damage. Time to share. ;P

Javell DeLeon |

And if Teal is dead, Lothan is pretty much stuck. I don't think he can get line of sight at all. Too many bodies in the way and no place for him to go.
Unless he can start melding with his own party like that undead freak tried to do. That would be interesting. Me taking over Al's body and him speaking like Lothan and shooting arrows. ;)

Starflit |

Yeah, if teal's not destroyed, maybe 'Flit could attack through the doorway (though the vamp would have some cover and a bonus to AC). Not sure what she can do to the south without potentially eating a couple of AoOs.