Starflit |

Sorry to hear it motteditor. Family comes first. I wish you both the best.
What Kyffin said. Wishing both of you strength during such trying times.

Tristain the Chalker |

It's a 7th-level spell, which should be right in your general range for spells. Though you'll probably need UMD, considering your divine casters aren't full casters.
Wow, you going to take that Starflit?!

Starflit |

motteditor wrote:It's a 7th-level spell, which should be right in your general range for spells. Though you'll probably need UMD, considering your divine casters aren't full casters.Wow, you going to take that Starflit?!
Yup, pretty much. :)

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

C'mon folks. We're down to a once or twice a week posting rate. That's a campaign killer. Can we please pick up the pace a little?
Sorry, part of this is definitely on me. We continue to have doctor's appointments that require driving into Philly, so half an hour plus (for like a 10-minute appointment! It would have been really nice if the local surgeon hadn't broken his wrist shortly after my wife was diagnosed!). But it sounds like that's starting to come to an end, so hopefully I'll have a little more time.
I will also admit that I'm struggling with higher-level 1e combat. It's a lot of work, certainly to the point I don't want to bot people. One thing that might help is if someone's holding things up, instead of waiting for a DMPC, someone do a PCPC (i.e. another player bot the missing person). That would take a lot off my plate. If you have a usual combat round, having a "macro" with your typical dice rolls is really helpful. You can see this character of mine for an example of what that might looks like (in the attack tab, though I've since started just doing my macros at the top of my sheet (like this).

Starflit |

@Starflit: Lol! Sorry, Starflit. That stinkin' Lothan is such a punk, he just couldn't help himself. I try to keep that dude contained but he won't even listen to me.
What a jerk that guy is. ;P
Totally! No worries--'Flit got him back (in her mind, at least) in my latest post.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

I may not be able to post this week; I'm training a new employee the next couple of days (I may have time in the evenings, but not sure what my days will look like). Then I'll probably have time Wednesday, but after that it's Thanksgiving and my folks are visiting.
Oh, and then I may have jury duty next Monday, so who knows what will happen with that. And next weekend is Pax Unplugged, which I also need to prep for. So it may be more like a couple of weeks, though I should definitely get SOME posts in during that time. :D

Javell DeLeon |

Am I missing something? I went and I have yet to see the Dragon go again. Do I go again before the dragon? (Or whatever it is).
Because then it feels like I'm going twice in a row.
Unless I'm supposed to go twice and I just missed something Mott said somewhere?
Or is it stunned and I just missed that?

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

OK, Thanksgiving and parental visit is over, and I'm not on a jury, so posting again. I'll have through Thursday free to post, then be busy at PAX on Friday and Saturday. Hopefully after that, my schedule will be relatively free and I can post more regularly for a while!
Of course, the PRD appears to be down, which makes it harder.

Javell DeLeon |

Everyone but Tristain must attempt a DC 26 Fort save or be slowed, and UNABLE TO MOVE while within 100 feet of it.
I thought, according to this quote, that we couldn't move. That's why I didn't do anything else. I figured being "unable to move" meant not being able to move at all.
Was it dispelled? Am I understanding it incorrectly? Or what?

Tristain the Chalker |

We lost Haste, correct? When we were slowed? Because I haven't been putting it in due to that very reason.
Unless it "reactivates", or whatever, when the slow wears off. Does it return? Or no?
You’re totally right. It’s cancelled out.

Starflit |

Happy Holidays to all! May visions of the Black Butterfly dance in your heads! (Or, in Lothan's case, ON his head!)

Starflit |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It's great that you guys posted, now...how about a push or some interactions while you're posting. It would help our game go forward.
Apologies for my general detachment. I've been busier IRL lately, and if I need to reference something before posting, I tend to put things off. I'll try to do better.

Tristain the Chalker |

In the Gameplay Thread, Tristain wrote:It's great that you guys posted, now...how about a push or some interactions while you're posting. It would help our game go forward.Apologies for my general detachment. I've been busier IRL lately, and if I need to reference something before posting, I tend to put things off. I'll try to do better.
Ayep, thanks. It's just all need to push a bit more (and hopefully daily) to keep this thing going.

Javell DeLeon |

"HE'S ALIVE!" she yells to the others in utter disbelief. Whether it's "Holy cow!" Happy disbelief or more of an "Are you kidding me??!!" Sad/Angry disbelief is anyone's guess.

Javell DeLeon |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Oh man, I can just see it now:
"HE'S ALIVE!" CRAP! Why won't this guy die?! I swear! He could get run over by a horde of runaway dragons and he'd still live! Sheesh! "It's okay, I got him." 'Accidentally' casts Inflict Critical Wounds by mistake... twice. "Oh no! My healing didn't work! I don't know why! WHY?! WHY?!" she exclaims in an exaggerated and a bit over the top way, resting her forehead on his stomach as she pounds him the chest in dramatic fashion, looking like that would actually hurt if he was alive to feel it. Not a moment later though, she rises and asks, "So, does anyone need a bow? Anyone? It's a pretty good one."
Lothan then stirs and rises, "Wow. I feel tons better. Except for my chest. For some reason it feels a little sore." He rubs it a bit before finally grinning. "Anyway! I'm still living thanks to you, Butterfly! I knew you cared, darlin'." He winks.
Finding herself completely dumbstruck as she strongly resists the urge to cry - in which Lothan would have clearly taken as happy tears - she begins to wonder, who in the HELL is this guy? and finds herself deeply concerned for them all.
Oh man, you people keep me rolling. So dang funny. :D

Javell DeLeon |

Tristain pauses his bonking, thankful for the interruption and the chance to think about something else more happy than the fact that Lothan lives.
LOL!!! Oh, man, you people are killing me!!! LOL!!!
I'm still waiting for Starflit to give Lothan the what-for. And probably with SEVERAL star knives. (Oh my gosh, that guy is SUCH a jerk. I wanna punch him in the face myself). Lol!

Tristain the Chalker |

Last Level: Aug 23, 2023.
+1 lvl Loon, complete
+6 hp
+1 Feat: SF Abjuration
+many spellz
+9 skillz
+1 Know (Arcana)
+1 Know (Dungeoneering)
+1 Know (Local)
+1 Know (Nature)
+1 Know (Religion)
+1 Perception
+1 Spellcraft
+1 Sense Motive
+1 Fly

Kyffin Rhees |

+8hp (5 class +2 con +1 favored class) (total 123)
+1 BAB (11/6/1)
+1 Reflex (9/5/9)
+2 skills (2 class) (Perception, Spellcraft)
+1 Feat: Critical Focus
+1 Class Feat: Greater Shield Focus
2d6 Sacred Weapon Damage (scimitar)
+1 round Sacred Weapon (15r)
+1 minute Sacred Armor (15m)
+1 Third level spell (Second Wind)
+1 Fifth level spell (Cleanse)
Spells (Caster Level 15, Concentration +18)
Zero (13): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Stabilize
First (14): Command, Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Shield of Faith
Second (15): Bull’s Strength, Burst of Radiance, Delay Poison, Hold Person, Protection from Evil Communal, Sound Burst
Third (16): Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle against Evil, Magic Vestment, Resist Energy Communal, Second Wind
Fourth (17): Blade of Light, Blessings of Fervor, Divine Power, Shield of the Dawnflower
Fifth (18): Air Walk Communal, Air Walk Communal, Cleanse

Starflit |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Wow. Maybe people shouldn’t be building cities on rock and troll. This is what happens.
I had to read this twice to get the reference (though you only added a single letter).
Wait a minute.... Wasn't it my band that performed that song??!!

Javell DeLeon |

Starflit |

Starflit & the Goth Moths forever!