Motteditor's Strange Aeons PBP

Game Master motteditor

Combat map / Overall map / Treasure tracker / Thrown splash weapon rules

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RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

OK all, here's the discussion thread for the Strange Aeons campaign, so we can start discussing. I suspect I'll be ready start gameplay after Thanksgiving/start of December.

Remember, since technically your characters don't even know who they themselves are, I'd prefer to not actually talk too much at all about your builds here, at least for the moment.

As far as background, you will be in a fugue state when the game begins. Per the Player's Guide, you will feel as if they are emerging from a fog or a dream, but have trouble remembering who they are and how they got into their current situation. The only memories that remain are but vague hints and gut feelings—hardly clear recollections. A PC may recall only bits of an early childhood in a merchant family, while another might remember being born in Oppara, but nothing else. It is up to you to determine how little or much you can recall. Feel free to begin the campaign as a complete blank slate. No matter what, you will have no memories of the last 5 years.

I've already got a sense of a few of your characters. I am wondering if anyone would mind playing a female character? It seems as if early sketches are all males, and I'd like to have a little more diversity if possible (if no one thinks their concept works with a female character, I'll deal).


Another thing to possibly think about -- the start of the campaign is a bit odd and I'm not 100 percent sure how well it's suited to PBP. I'm wondering if there would be any interest in doing "live PBP": We could pick a day/time when we can all be on for a few hours at the same time and play the opening scene more quickly before getting into the more traditional PBP. If that ends up not being possible, I'll modify it slightly to work.

(I work 4 to midnight Eastern time Tuesday-Saturday, so I'm guessing this would probably have to happen on a Sunday/Monday evening to best synch up -- I think several of you are west coasters...)

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

I seem to remember having no gear as well when we awaken. How about clothing? My character wears distinctive clothes, and I'm not sure if I'm in that, or hospital-whites.

Hello everyone! I'm looking forward to this campaign. In the general nature of things, please let me know if I do something, regularly, that rubs you the wrong way. Chances are, I don't mean to.

You can PM me anytime to talk about the campaign, or chat (preferred). PM me though to get my email address for chat - I don't like posting it on the boards. :)

Also, in pretty much every campaign I'm in, I track the group treasure. Happy to do so here as well if folks want me to. The main reason is that I've developed a treasure tracking spreadsheet (link) which is pretty good, if I do say so myself. If you have any questions about how it works, please ask.

As for a 'group' session, I'd prefer Monday, but I can make Sunday happen if need be. I'm in the Bay Area, CA so I'm a few hours behind Motteditor. So Monday evening is my Monday afternoon - which is ideal for me.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

I'm an Iowan, so yay Central time. I could do a Monday night. I till need to get my profile set up, but I'm here!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Buy your gear normally. Everything else will be made apparent to you. :)

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15
Kyffin Rhees wrote:
Also, in pretty much every campaign I'm in, I track the group treasure. Happy to do so here as well if folks want me to. The main reason is that I've developed a treasure tracking spreadsheet (link) which is pretty good, if I do say so myself. If you have any questions about how it works, please ask.

Tristain stops gently knocking his head against the wall to smile briefly in welcome for Kyffin in this campaign and offers a second smile in thanks for the loot tracking. He then returns to his wall-bonking of regret, shame, and angst.

He bangs because he expects something to happen. He's been waiting for something to happen...but he's not sure what is going to happen nor why he wants it to happen. But that's why a good bang is a good bang. You don't need to answer questions like that when your head hurts.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Full disclosure, I have almost no memory of my previous ideas for this campaign, Mott, so switching to a lady shouldn't be any issue =P

As for a more rapid, back and forth coordinated session, Monday evenings are often free for me and I'm generally up late (1 am EST) anyhow.

And welcome to you, Euan! I lurked along with your Shackled City game nearly from the start (I stumbled onto it a few months after you'd began) to finish. I still dig how you took that 1 level of witch =)

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Mott, can you (or someone else who is more on point than I am =P) remind me what the guidelines are for these characters? I recall you're not a fan of pet-classes, are we staying away from some books entirely as well? Are we using a beefy 25pt buy or are we amping up our feelings of helplessness with a smaller pool of points?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Those are very good questions. I have to admit I didn't look at the stat arrays of the characters I've already seen. Did you guys use 20 or 25? Do you have a preference? I know as a player I like 25 :) but I do wonder if that contributes to some of our fights feeling a bit easier than maybe they should be (along with 5 instead of 4 players). I'm willing to do whichever you guys want.

I'm fine with any of the Paizo books (and probably any archetypes I've written myself if you have them, though I don't know that any are super appropriate for this campaign).

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Ah! I finally have a proper profile. Excellent...

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

I'd be up for a 20 or even 18 point buy, given our increase in party size and the nature and themes of the AP. A 15-pt buy makes me a little skittish though =P

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Nice to meet you Tenebrynn. Yes, that level of witch was sure special. :) Glad you enjoyed the campaign! We had a blast.

I used a 20pt buy. Happy to change it up if needed. I don't have a strong opinion.

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
motteditor wrote:

I'm wondering if there would be any interest in doing "live PBP": We could pick a day/time when we can all be on for a few hours at the same time and play the opening scene more quickly before getting into the more traditional PBP. If that ends up not being possible, I'll modify it slightly to work.

(I work 4 to midnight Eastern time Tuesday-Saturday, so I'm guessing this would probably have to happen on a Sunday/Monday evening to best synch up -- I think several of you are west coasters...)



Tristain stops bonking long enough to scrunch up his face to read things written into the invisible air. He reads and he ponders, then speaks to the empty air.

"I cannot do Moondaes, as I am very busy, but on the day of Sun, one would find my open opportunity for mirth."

Tristain cackles at something he said, and goes back to bonking.


@Atol, Mal:
Kyffin Rhees wrote:
I used a 20pt buy. Happy to change it up if needed. I don't have a strong opinion.

Atol, remind me what the rationale was for that again? I can't remember the detail, but that we discussed it. It was weird for sure. Was it to keep the scorpion?

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

conversation of days gone by with Mal and Pain:
Oh, Atol wanted to be able to heal everyone who came needing healing. So he was after the healing hex, so he could dole out a quick cure to any in need, whether it be a hangnail, or dangling finger nearly chopped off by the shredder. He wanted to help so badly.

So I took a level in witch to get the hex, but didn't have the Int to cast a single spell or cantrip. So quite the optimal choice! Much fun though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

yeah, that and:

It was Angel; dear, precious, sweet gift from the bosom of St. Cuthbert himself Angel. You couldn't say goodbye just because a juicier option opened up in the rule books! =P

dot, need to update the character...

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

I had originally envisioned Tenebrynn as an elf, but now that I made her a gnome, I'm really liking how she's turned out. Yay!

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15


Tristain stops bonking his head for a moment, looking around at something he cannot place. Again he speaks words that he thinks no one will hear.

"I feel like something has ended...something old, yet incomplete, but something that needed to end so that something new would grow. I don't get it., this is silly."

Tristain goes back to bonking to pass the time.


RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Just to confirm, sounds like we're going with a 20-point buy.

Also sounds like Mondays/live posting might not work so I'll figure out a good way to do the first scene normally.

I still need to review some characters, but I think I could be ready to start relatively soon (i.e. this week) if people want. However, the ol' ball and chain is home Dec. 16, and of course the holidays are coming up, both of which may affect my posting rate (I'm heading to Napa Valley for several days over New Year's, for example, and won't be posting). We can start with the knowledge that we may have some breaks in the early going, or do we want to just wait until the new year. (I'd rather get started, but will leave it up to a vote.)

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

I'd rather start as soon as possible, and suffer through whatever delays occur as they occur. There will (almost) always be something for someone that slows us down. Might as well plunge in and handle breaks as they come.

So yeah, my vote is to start now.

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15


Tristain stops bonking to look around, a thought occurring to him. He looks eager to do something even though he doesn't know what it is. He's ready...he thinks.

Then he goes back to bonking because it feels so good.


HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

I agree with the eager one and the hollow-headed one. Let's begin.

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Agreed as well! Huzzah!

Male Human patient #54-46

I still haven't any sweetener for my gruel!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I think I need characters from Tenebrynn, Belzoni and Heinrich.

(I have builds from everyone but Belzoni, I think, but I also need a little more of your background as you envisioned it -- you don't know what you've been up to the last five years but you can fashion some form of childhood concept.)

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

when you say you need characters from some of us, what exactly do you mean, oh illustrious gm?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I need to know your general life before the last five years. While you can choose to have your character not know anything about his/her life, I need some general idea so I can figure out how you got to where you are and also some clue of your motivations/concerns/etc.

What was your childhood like? What were you doing before the last five years began, etc. etc.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Ah, no tabula rasa's then. Understood. Hmmm.

What about...
[opening narration] Water... Earth... Fire... Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony.

No, no. That's been done. I shall ruminate!

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Right, right. I think I came up with something decent while still keeping my more-or-less blank slate approach. Is what I have now suitable for you, good sir, or are you hoping for a little more?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Yes, I think that should be good. Thanks.

Male Human patient #54-46

I believe Belzoni is complete, both background and Herolab crunch are included on his profile, gear is included, but nothing is equipped for stat purposes as we start with nothing

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Did my submission work, Warden?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Yeah, I think I'm good.

If everyone can let me know their initiative and Perception modifiers, plus AC (assume with your gear for the moment), I think we can get started.

Oh, and also, a basic description, as Heinrich has:
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 126 lbs
Hair: Receding, brown
Eyes: Dishwater Gray

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Heinrich's Vital Stats:

Initiative +2
Perception +6
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 dex)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Kyffin's Vital Stats:
Initiative +1
Perception +3
AC: 15, Flat-Footed AC = 14 (+3 leather, +1 buckler), Touch AC = 11 (Dex +1)

Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 241lbs
Hair: usually cropped short, black, and usually under a white scarf
Eyes: black

General Appearance when equipped
Kyffin Rhees, a half orc, dresses in typical Qadiran garb, layering tunics, robes, scarves, and other wraps of fine linen and silk in blue and white, red and gold. He’s brightly colored, much like a peacock, and he knows it - even revels in it. Some light leathers underneath and an array of weapons at his sides (scimitar, morning star, dagger, crossbow) show him to be a military man however.

His icon is mostly accurate, though is armor is not yet so fine, and the scarf wrapped around his head is white to denote a Knight of Sarenrae - someone to whom you can beg for mercy in battle.

Male Human patient #54-46

Belzoni is a mountain of a man at 6'7" and 265 lbs. His olive complexion, brown eyes, and black hair is offset by the flecks of gray starting to appear in his beard.

Vital stats:

Initiative +2
Perception + 4
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear and emotion effects

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15


RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And we're underway. Let's see where we go in the next five years and 10,000 posts...

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I took some liberties with that first scene, as I think it would play very differently at a table than via PBP.

Euan, you'll see I've added a couple map links to the top of the page. You'll have permission to look at them, but I'll move all the "figs." Unfortunately I haven't found an easy way to add coordinates to my maps, so if I move you to a wrong spot at any point (or forget to move you at all, which sometimes happens), just holler.

(The rest of you should also see I've added the map links, but you all should be familiar with how I work them at this point. :) )

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Sure, no problem. I did mapping that way for a while too, so I'm familiar with the style. Thanks for the heads up!

Could you also add the treasure sheet link as well please? wuk5UCto/edit?usp=sharing



RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

As some of you don't have character sheets in your alias (which is fine), can you please send them to my email: ruethday (AT)


AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

motteditor - a space crept into the treasure tracker link. Could you please remove the %20 in the middle of the link? Should work fine then. Thanks!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Some nice artwork that I didn't want to show earlier as it shows how you were possibly able to get out if you didn't have a kineticist to just kill the not-doctor from inside the cell.

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Hey now, we've already determined I peaked at that moment, so it's all good in the hood.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Heinrich, can you please include a miss direction roll for me in your posts (when they have you throwing bombs)? Will save me a little time. Thanks!

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Will do, sir!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I realize a couple of you are seeing this for the third time and everyone else for the second (unless you read this post first and the other ones later, but for Euan: My wife returns home tomorrow from med school, so my posting might be a little sporadic until she leaves again Jan. 8. It's likely I won't have time to post at all Friday or Saturday, though after that I should still be able to find a little time.

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Thanks for the heads up. Have a great few weeks and we'll see you when we see you. :D

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Just a reminder that I'll be out of contact until next Wednesday. Happy New Year, all!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hey guys, as four of you already know at this point, I'm heading down to see the ol' ball and chain once again Sunday-Thursday. With lots to do before then, I'm not likely to post until I get home.

Behave while I'm gone, and remember if you root for the Pats to win the Super Bowl, you could get a prize when I get back. :)

Actually, while I'm gone, you can level up, since that'll keep you occupied in my absence (though changes won't actually take effect until your characters rest; fortunately, it's getting close to dinner time). Go Pats!

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Tristain, Loon 2:

Last lvl: start of campaign.

+5 hp

+1 'mad' spellz

+7 skillz
+1 Know (Arcana)
+1 Know (Local)
+2 Know (Religion)
+1 Perception
+1 Sense Motive
+1 Spellcraft

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