Tenebrynn |

Mott’s correct. I have to take a special infusion later to get more than one blast a turn. I’m probably going to steer toward infusions that let me make my blasts into AoE’s or the like instead, just for a little more variety in my round-to-round choices.

Kyffin Rhees |

Sure, I'm quite happy to take the boots unless someone else wants them. I'm a bit worried about the balance of wealth as it'll put me waaay ahead. Might be we do an uneven distribution next time 'round to bring up the folks at the bottom.
Albert, you could also use the boots I think, why don't you take 'em?

Tenebrynn |

Only thing so far that’d really help Tenebrynn was the constitution belt we got, but that’s a dream belt. Even though Con modifies everything Tenebrynn does, I really don’t care enough about the bonus to deal with the bookkeeping that’d involve. =P

Albert Hazred |

Boots are probably best for you, Kyffin, those are super useful on the heavy hitter. And Con belt to Tenny. I'm not worried about wealth levels, Albert is doing alright as a damage sponge and party shield and that's what he's meant to be.

Tristain the Chalker |

Al, if you spend another AP refusing all the treasure so you're completely under-WBL, I'm going to be annoyed. (Even if it's easier to give paladin-centric loot than cleric...)
Tristain is going to start force-mind-shoving loot and treasure where the sun don’t shine, Al. Don’t make him do that. No one wants that.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Jasno, wanted to make sure you'd seen this:
You should each separately track items you gain in the Dreamlands. You do not keep these items in the waking world, but retain them whenever you return to the Dreamlands (even when you arrive in an entirely different part of the Dreamlands or much later than the last time they visited). In the event of duplication of items worn (such as if you have one armor in the real world and get another one here), you must choose which item is worn and which is neatly stowed in a pack or bag at the time you enter the Dreamlands. Also, charges you use here aren't used in the real world (though the opposite is not true, so if you have a wand with 50 charges, use 10 here, then use 5 in the real world, you'd have 45 charges in the real world and 35 in the Dreamlands.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

I realized earlier that I hadn't calculated hit points. Forgot to ask how I should set hp in character creation. Thus far I'm seeing 58 hp in damage, which is approaching max hp for Jasno if calculated max each level. Checking in as he may be down for the count at this point. Hit dice: D8 (4 lvls), D6 (2 lvls), D8 (1 lvl)
HP is 1/2 die +1.
So that would be 8 at Level 1, +20 (4d8) +8 (2d6) +14 (Con * 7) = 50 hp by my calculation (plus any FCB you may have applied).
So that would put you at -8 hp.

Jasno Drakemaul |

Having stayed away from multiclassing in the past I can see now my character concept needed a bit more editing. Game to tweaking things behind the scenes, but also fine moving forward as is. Just figured I'd toss this up here incase there was a need for Jasno here to be a bit more impactful :-)

Tenebrynn |

I don't know that I could offer any insights or advice of any worth to you, Jasno.
I've looked at this line: Rogue 4, Eldritch Scoundrel / Witch 2, Tatterdemalion & Wyrmwitch / Storm Kindler 1 at least three times and my head is still spinning. =P

Tristain the Chalker |

Having stayed away from multiclassing in the past I can see now my character concept needed a bit more editing. Game to tweaking things behind the scenes, but also fine moving forward as is. Just figured I'd toss this up here incase there was a need for Jasno here to be a bit more impactful :-)
Meh. Continue to tweak, and I have no opinions to offer, but I also have no experience with what you're trying to do. I'm also not worried about our combat ability.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

I think it might be easier if you read it as Rogue (eldritch scoundrel) 4 / Witch (tatterdemalion & wyrmwitch) 2 / Storm Kindler 1.
It's still complicated, but I think that makes it a little more how they're commonly expressed.
I think I'm still not quite sure how the build will work, Jasno. The last two combats weren't really the most indicative of what will hopefully happen. I'd say let's see how it goes, and if you want to change it, we can retrain/retcon.

Tenebrynn |

Oh, I'm sorry, it's not so much the parsing of the classes and archetypes, but more that I'm utterly unfamiliar with all 3 of the archetypes and with storm kindler, which I can only presume is a prestige class.
As I get older and our game systems deepen and widen with options, I find I'm able to hold onto less and less of it.

Jasno Drakemaul |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Onward and dreamward then. I've not had much oppurtunity to play characters of this level beyond a monk. Most PbP games I've joined don't last long enough to get to this level. I'm fine seeing how Jasno falls into place over a longer haul.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

When you do wake, you feel like you're starting to get a handle on your strange experiences in the dream realm, and you think what you're learning there is also transferring over to your abilities in the real world.
You each manage to find a shiny, brand new level under your pillows when you wake up!

Kyffin Rhees |

+8HP (5 class +2 con +1 favored class) (total 67)
+1 Wisdom (15)
+1 BAB (CMD/CMB) (6/1)
+1 Fort and Will saves
+2 skills (2 class) (Perception, Spellcraft)
+1 Blessing (7), +1 save DC (16)
+1 Fervor (6), +1 save DC (16), +1d6 Fervor (3d6)
+1 round Sacred Weapon duration (8r), +1 Sacred Weapon (+2)
+1 minute Sacred Armor (8m)
+1 Second Level spell (Sound Burst)
+1 Third Level spell (Dispel Magic)
Spells (Caster Level 8, Concentration +10)
Zero (12): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Stabilize
First (13): Command, Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith
Second (14): Bull’s Strength, Bull’s Strength, Burst of Radiance, Hold Person, Sound Burst
Third (15): Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestment

Tenebrynn |

Level 8!
(Kineticist 7 / Spiritualist [Fractured Mind] 1)
HP: 4 + 1 + 4 = 9
+2 Fort
+2 Will
+1 Cha
+4 Skill points: (+1 Disable Device, +3 Fly)
Etheric tether: trade hp 1 for 1 to prevent damage to phantom
Phantom: Nestor (Zeal)
Shared consciousness: grants Skill Focus (Acrobatics, Survival) and +4 vs mind-affecting effects
Spells per Day: 2 (1 base + 1 bonus)
Knacks (4): mage hand, mending, open/close, stabilize
Spells Known (2): alter winds, shield

Tristain the Chalker |

Last Level: Jan 2, 2020.
+6 hp
+1 Int
+many 'mad' spellz (open/close,mind thrust IV)
+17 skillz
+2 Know (Arcana)
+5 Know (Dungeoneering)
+1 Know (Local)
+1 Know (Nature)
+1 Know (Religion)
+1 Perception
+1 Spellcraft
+5 Sense Motive

Jasno Drakemaul |

HP +5 (total 55)
+1 to all Saves
+1 Int
+1 lvl spellcasting class (witch)
- Add 2 lvl 2 spells known and 2/day; aggressive thundercloud and lay of the land
+8 skill ranks (Climb +1, Fly +1, arcana +2, planes +2, spellcraft +2)
Gain Storm Kindler abilities
Seasight and Storm shape

Tenebrynn |

There's nothing that I really want or am particularly itching to get my hands on.
Tenebrynn does have the Dreamlands belt of mighty con +2, though.
If the real-world +1 cloak of resistance doesn't yet have a home after everyone else is outfitted, Tenebrynn will take it. Wait, never mind. I forgot I have a cloak of elvenkind. Carry on. Carry on.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Riverton has a base value of 1,000 gp for mundane items (so 75% chance anything worth that or less is available). It's 500 gp for arcane magic items, but 2,000 (!) gp for divine ones.
It has a 5,000-gp purchase limit so can't buy anything for more than that.
It's just across the water from Kyonin, so I'll say you can find an elven curve blade.

Tristain the Chalker |

Tristain would claim the cloak of resistance +1 and the ring of protection +1 if no one wants them. He really doesn't need the ring, but if none of y'all are going to take it, he will. Rows #148 & #149 or #165 & #166 on treasure sheet.

Albert Hazred |

Al's shopping list:
logic: 1 and (2 or (3 or 4))
1. Cloak of Resistance and a Feather Token (Tree), if they can be found
2. Masterwork Elven Curve Blade
3. Cold Iron Elven Curve Blade
4. Elven Curve Blade

Tristain the Chalker |

.8284.0 to spend
-3000.0 metamagic rod of reach, lesser
-3750.0 wand of MM, lvl 5
.2284.0 to spend
..2284.0 to spend
..1942.0 gp last distribution-----------
..4226.0 gp to spend
No purchases at this time.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Hey all, just want to let you know that I feel like I'm slowing down on this, and apologize. I want to get back to trying to post daily, since I think that makes for the best game. I've finally finished a large project I've been working on and hope that will help me get back on pace.
Now this coming week is Virtual PaizoCon, which may take some of my time, but I do fully intend to trying to devote more time to the games I'm running.

Tenebrynn |

Level 9!
(Kineticist 7 / Spiritualist [Fractured Mind] 2)
HP: 4 + 1 + 4 = 9
+1 BAB
+1 Fort
+1 Will
+4 Skill points: (+1 Disable Device, +1 Fly, +2 Stealth)
Bonded Senses
+1 Knack known: light
+1 1st Level Spell known: comprehend languages
Feat: Extra Wild Talent (Torrent)

Jasno Drakemaul |

+2 BAB
HP +5 (total 60)
+1 Fort / Will Sv
+1 lvl spellcasting class (witch)
•Add 1 lvl 3 spells known and 2/day; Perfect Placement
+8 skill ranks (Appraise +2, Fly +1, arcana +1, planes +2, spellcraft +2)
+1 BAB
HP +5 (total 55)
+1 to all Saves
+1 Int
+1 lvl spellcasting class (witch)
- Add 2 lvl 2 spells known and 2/day; aggressive thundercloud and lay of the land; Gust of Wind
+8 skill ranks (Climb +1, Fly +1, arcana +2, planes +2, spellcraft +2)