Masks: A New Generation of Heroes

Game Master Cwethan

Character Bible

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Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

So it sounds like that was a "Yes" to Kilt's ignoring counting? I'm going to go ahead and reduce the team by 1. Current team: 4

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill
She finds the room number she had looked up earlier and hits the doorbell of Gabriela "Gabby" Pascal's apartment.

Iiiinteresting... Let's talk lol

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Returning the dress she borrowed has been on Shayera's "to do" list for a while now.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Still can't access Roll20 on my phone. Discord?

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Sorry. Busy weekend. But yeah. was done with that scene. gonna wathc superWrestle/PascalDrama unfold

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

I'm going to wait until later tonight before advancing the SuperWrestle storylone. Hopefully Kilt or Cassie will add to it by then.

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

Sorry for the continued delay - Still sick and was looking after a toddler (also sick) all by myself all weekend.

Will try to get a post up in the next couple of hours. Off to a meeting now so won't be within the next hour or so.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill


Hope you're both feeling better soon!

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

PM for you Bron

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Hanging back to see how Cassie's ploy resolves.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

I do not recall Bronwyn convincing Kaoru into talking to someone about the bullies, so I'm assuming Kaoru isn't there unless she gets summoned by higher powers. Also, just a reminder that the 3 of them have already been suspended for a couple of weeks (largely due to already having some fights on their school record recently) from when Kaoru manipulated them into attacking her, so they're probably already on pretty thin ice.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Bronwyn's planning on dragging her with. Just didn't get a chance to tell you that between finding out how the scene was starting and now :-)

I figure I'll just flashback in some texts?

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

If you are able to convince her, then sure. But it's not really a foregone conclusion since she's not going to be naturally inclined to do it.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Wouldn't expect anything less :-p

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Hey, as Alexandra has had a tracker on Bran and has been stlaking him for a few months... where exactly is the reveal scene, so I know if Alexandra would be suspicious...

also, Cwethan, don't know how much you want to drag the "B and Xan circling one another" thing out...

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

@Wingblade: That shouldn’t be too much of an issue. The important part for this little side-bit is that Shaun eventually hears about it. Unless Whippoorwill is packing some mystical trap spells I don’t know about, there isn’t much she can do to trap the Cu Sith. Scare her off yes, but not catch her.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Okay, edited that post.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Reveal's at Bronwyn's Rustside forge/training area. A fairly common place for Bran to pop up.

As for identity discovery... ::shrug:: though I'd be surprised if that tracker was long for this world. Bronwyn has to replace armor pieces fairly often, and while she's not looking for it, eventually it'll get found or smashed...

At some point, Bron'll swap playbooks or use her Moment of Truth, and it'll be kinda moot though.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Okay... what I'm hearing is I should up the clock on that... cool.

also, I love the idea of it being discovered... especially after something Alexandra's been considering for some time...

your call if you want to find it before or after the Gala...

also, apropos of very little, honestly, superwrestle is how I think most arcs should sorta play out. just tight, short things, not big sprawling chaotic brawls. well played, Alexis.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Ah, post gala please. Otherwise I'll have less impetus to do something fun :-p

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Trying to think of a character Alexandra could go to, in a manner not unlike confession, but for someone like her..

kinda tempted to horrify Bronwyn's priest, but, anyone have a good character in their roster for this?

Female Altered Human Sheet

Whip's rather no-nonsense who can cut through a fair amount of drama.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

I now have this mental image of the entire team going to Whip about their teen angst/drama and Whip being like, "Oh god, what have I done? I never should have agreed to sponsor a group of teens!"

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

Can I get a quick recap of the current timeline for Monday? I lost my sense of where Alexis might be or everyone else. I wrongly assumed we were going directly into Kaoru's team meeting.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Kaoru's team meeting is after school on Monday.

What's going on now is during class Monday morning.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

As an aside, if everybody on the team knows Kaoru's female, then me forcibly outing her later doesn't really do anything. As such, if Gill's trying to out Kaoru to Shaun, I'd really rather she didn't. We're probably about at capacity for the number of people on the team who know or suspect, and I'm actually hoping to try to throw more doubt at Bronwyn later about her "Kaoru might be trans" idea.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

oh. sorry. it wasn't the bombshell she was gonna use, but I'll retcon...

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

PM for Bron/Bran

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

:-/ Sorry if my guess put you out.

fwiw Bron will be very easy to dissuade from her guess, she's just watching K for those omissions now, and is willing to follow her hunches pretty far, especially if those hunches just end up saying, "Be super nice to this person. They might need it." :-p

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

It's fine that Bronwyn has her suspicions. Having 2/6 team members who know and 1/6 who is suspicious seems about right. I just don't want more than half the team to know/be suspicious. I also just very much want to throw doubt at her to make her question it. And I'm now realizing that my initial plan for that might not work, so I may need to rethink how I'm going to do that. But listening for omissions is fine though not necessarily helpful since Kaoru's default omission is not to talk about her ex.

Also, my plan is to kick off the team meeting tomorrow/in roughly 24 hours. Unless people tell me/post otherwise, I am assuming everybody (sans Bronwyn) is showing up (AKA silence on your part = I'm assuming you show up).

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Was Alexis ever actually legit registered as a student? I know there were some things that happened to suggest things were moving that way, but I'm unclear if that process ever actually completed or if Alexis was just going to classes anyway.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Alexis was legit registered. It's a very short process, though one that has a long potential tail.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0
Shaun wrote:

...I’m gonna put up a proper post tomorrow, but for right now, HOLY S#$% KAORU! This is not at all how I planned this reveal to go down but I am SO HYPED to play this out! 8D

(Shaun less so. >:3 )

Just going to say that I was really hoping you'd get a chance to react to this team meeting. I'm looking forward to Shaun (probably) blowing up at Kaoru. :-3

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Crying into my morning coffee that I like that last post, but am 6 minutes too late to fix the there/their...

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

*Reads wing's most recent post*
*Steps off screen*
*Series of crashes and swears are heard*
*Returns with a bowl of popcorn*
*Gesture to continue*

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

Okay so I had my post finished like an hour ago, but it was literally so big that when I went to post it crashed my crappy wifi. I had a heart attack for a bit there, thought I'd lost it to the void. 8T

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

I'm going to hold off on responding to the provoke until I know if Shaun just quit the team or not. :-P

Edit: Also, yup, suitable vague. Thanks! :-D

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Since I just got influence again, I'll shift Shaun's Superior up and his Danger down.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

So I was holding off on rolling forward with Bron's timeline to when her phone is back in this reality, and then I realized - I'm not sure what comes next!

There's a couple things still resolving in The Meeting (Plus a Bronwyn/Gabby post), but otherwise it looks like we might be ready to start arcing towards the Gala.

Shadow, you'd planned on taking the lead in that one right? Do you have a scene planned where we all get the invites? Or is that something where individualized vignettes will suit better?

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

As for the Gala, I was thinking of Alexis being Cassie's date for that, seeing as he short term plans to stay with her until he can resolve his issues with thinking the Triakosia will get him if he stays with Shayera.

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

He'll have to ask...

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

The Gala is Friday, so i was going to announce it Wednesday. so do we want to Yada-yada Tuesday? or wait a bit?

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

I'm okay yada-yadaing Tuesday. Unless someone's got some business that has to happen before we find out about the Gala, there's unlikely to be anything that needs to happen Tuesday instead of Wednesday. Oh! Speaking of business that she'd be checking back in on on Tuesday though. Assuming Bronwyn's paying attention, what were Ms. Ravencrest's moves regarding Miss Wood? Or at least their visible outcomes?

Also, since Bronwyn is in the middle of dealing with big identity questions regarding herself and Bran, and is definitely focusing more on the Bronwyn side of things, I'm going to go ahead and Mask swap her Savior and Mundane.

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

Happy to handwave Tuesday - can sort out stuff with Alexis & Gabrielle off to the side.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

@Alexis: How involved is it going to be getting the geocache? Are we talking, like, 1 DM post describing what we find or more/how much more?

I'm trying to plan my time since Kaoru is going to be busy on Thursday/doing "team stuff" on Thursday is likely to be awkward.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Oops, I guess nevermind. Wasn't expecting Wingblade to want to check that out/dodge someone quite so quickly. Guess we're doing that now.

So I guess now the better question is can this be done in parallel to other stuff if we wanted to start the Wednesday gala invite thing?

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

@Kaoru: The geocache is fairly simple for Kaoru to find. It'll have lots of little things waiting for her inside, some which are more important than others. I'd say it can be summed up in a single post whenever Kaoru wants to go for it.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill
Bronwyn Pascal wrote:
Whippoorwill wrote:
"Did you learn about the Chinese girls?" she asks, abruptly changing subjects.

My reply to this got goblined and I didn't notice in our flurry of other good stuff :-/

"I did, and I'll tell you what I learned about them either way... "

Whippoorwill: Immediately flies away without asking questions

Bronwyn: ::facepalms::

Female Altered Human Sheet


I figured we could handwave that part. Unless you want a lot of back and forth, but it seems redundant.

Not sure how you'd have the impression that she flew away. Especially since she has the harness on and is currently wingless.


Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

I'm fine with handwaving lol

Whip just came in hotter than I'd expected! x-)

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