Masks: A New Generation of Heroes

Game Master Cwethan

Character Bible

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Shaun Adams - The Transformed

MRW I read "Gonna borrow her B-R-B."

As much as I want to make a fourth post ;) I guess it's about time for us to let Default get in a word.

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I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

This is how I envision Default right now.

Deputy Atoms, Tycho, Imagine
Danger : +2 Freak : +2 Savior : 0 Superior : 0 Mundane : -1
Kenneth Kaine Potential 2/5 / Conditions: Angry

This has been juicily exquisite. I am enjoying it so much.

I Have Influence on: No One
Danger: 0, Freak: +3, Savior: +2, Superior: +1, Mundane:-1

@Wingblade: hehehe

Ji-Wan "Vick" Zeng Conditions: Guilty; Potential 4/5; Delinquent

The end of my most recent post is brought to you by teenage hormones.

Male Human The Beacon | Condition: None

Good news is, I think we've stated pulling things back together.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
December 26th Update

*irl* Well, let's pull up the games and get to updating :D

*20 gameplay posts*

*irl* Slowly closes laptop and walks away.


But seriously, you guys are doing great and I'm happy you don't have to rely on me for new things to react to. I got some reading to do but should have a new post up by tonight.

Ji-Wan "Vick" Zeng Conditions: Guilty; Potential 4/5; Delinquent

Sorry about that Default. It just... unfolded like that. I feel it was a great cooperative story, and it didn't exactly *change* anything about your narrative at all!

December 26th Update

That first part of the earlier post was a joke. Love that you guys are having a good time and feeling out interactions.

December 26th Update

Just updated.

Great roleplaying everyone, but I just LOVE the fact that you all just threw Ghost Dragon to the wolves there.

You got this GD!

Take notes GD!

I'm leaving GD!

That was great.

Male Human The Beacon | Condition: None

Well, the Beacon's playbook does basically say I got into this because "Wooo, superheroes!" So if anyone's going to be left behind, it might as well be me.

Ji-Wan "Vick" Zeng Conditions: Guilty; Potential 4/5; Delinquent

Why do I feel like I just completed some hurdle of a Gal-Game?

What is this, the world god only knows? :p

All in jest. I am greatly enjoying how this all turned out.

Shaun Adams - The Transformed

Speaking of hurdles! Atoms now has Influence over the entire team.

Ji-Wan "Vick" Zeng Conditions: Guilty; Potential 4/5; Delinquent

Atoms, the secret leader. :P

You have been good about how you interact with people. Me, however, I tended to be combative. Though, I've just been asked to be *nice* to you guys... so that might change.

Shaun Adams - The Transformed

Going to post tonight :)

December 26th Update

Deputy, not sure what you were going after in your last post...can I get some more explanation?

Shaun Adams - The Transformed
DM Default wrote:
Deputy, not sure what you were going after in your last post...can I get some more explanation?

Without the Theta Suit to block it, Atoms' body causes energy fluctuations around him, and these can affect electronics. Matrix is an android, so it's likely that she can detect or even feel this. Atoms is seemingly talking about it out of concern for her. Admittedly though, this effect absolutely couldn't possibly be harming Matrix, as it doesn't do much more to electronics than small annoying things like cause soft radio static and irregularities in monitoring equipment.

Since Atoms knows this, and since he's smiling and attempting to pierce Matrix's mask, he's not really asking if he's hurting her out of genuine concern for her wellbeing. It actually has more to do with something I've been hinting at since character creation and Issue #1, that Atoms has a deep-rooted desire to not be ignored. He wants people to care about and trust him, and at this point it doesn't matter to him whether the reason they 'care' is because he's a monster (freak), threat (danger), leader (superior), 'human' (mundane), or a hero (savior). This is why he's so Influence hungry; and if I had gotten a hit on my roll, I would've absolutely asked how to get Influence over Matrix.

There's more to say about this part of Atoms' character. A lot shifted for him ever since his Moment of Truth. But I hope this is enough explanation for now ;)

Ji-Wan "Vick" Zeng Conditions: Guilty; Potential 4/5; Delinquent

Starts Whistling Tunelessly

December 26th Update

Check up time!

Giving myself a slight window (work piling up, whoo boy) to ask where everyone's at, if someone wants to drop, or add someone, questions, request, pats on the back, etc.

Will post starting Issue #2 of Proxy Wars hopefully within a couple days.

Ji-Wan "Vick" Zeng Conditions: Guilty; Potential 4/5; Delinquent

Im having fun! Continue? inserts quarters

-Posted with Wayfinder

Shaun Adams - The Transformed

Man, I could definitely use some pats on the back. Ever since the Moment of Truth, I've been really uncomfortable playing Atoms. This doesn't mean I want to drop him, on the contrary, I can't imagine playing anyone else. And I am generally having fun in the game. It's definitely been rocky on my end though, over this last issue. Of course, that's no one's fault but mine.

He's just so inhuman and unstable that it hurts.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Still having fun!

::Pats Atoms on the back::

I'm looking forward to having our little heart-to-heart. It sure seemed to be headed that way, but I got a little sidetracked with the drama between Hashtag and myself.

Although it's certainly cool that the most inhuman and untouchable one of us is proving to have the biggest heart.

Male Human The Beacon | Condition: None

Still in! What super team is complete without their Beacon?

Angry, Insecure Potential 1/5

Still in!

I Have Influence on: No One
Danger: 0, Freak: +3, Savior: +2, Superior: +1, Mundane:-1

Still here and still enjoying the game!

December 26th Update

Yay! More orientation shifts at work for me! (sarcasm) But in all seriousness, you will see some slowdown on my part in updates, but please but assured I will not go dark on you or abandon any games. I'll update when I can but between schoolwork, internship work, and work work, I'm gonna be a bit swamped. Should hopefully have more consistent breathing room sometime between one and two weeks.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Good luck with everything!

By the way, could you give Tec and me some idea of how we're stuck together? Around the waist, or something like handcuffs? How much range of motion do we have?

December 26th Update

You both are bound at the wrists, similar to handcuffs. Except super-high tech handcuffs you can't really get out of.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Well, the Flash and Supergirl are getting a musical episode. What I want to know is, given what a big hit the Masks holiday special was, when are we getting our musical episode?

December 26th Update

Will try and update tomorrow, but three simultaneous storylines needs more time than 2 am allows.

Shaun Adams - The Transformed

December 26th Update

Updates tomorrow, if I don't collapse. (joke, but seriously glad I have tomorrow off-ish)

Shaun Adams - The Transformed

Speed-Learning, ladies and gents.

December 26th Update

A little discussion for my sake as well as yours.

In the posts where Ghost Dragon and Tycho deal with their concrete issues, one could argue that no rolls were needed as Ghost Dragon and Tycho don't really need to exert themselves to accomplish thier goals (Ghost Dragon is able to phase at will and Tycho already has super Strength).

But they both want to perform such actions without getting noticed. Should that stealth action be under an Unleash Your Powers roll?

As the DM, I wouldn't mind if they simply described the scene of them escaping with no difficulty. It makes sense.

Also, I apologize. I forgot I promised to put up more accurate descriptions of each move and other useful informaiton at the top of the screen. Will get on that and finish hopefully this week.

EDIT: And remember guys, a miss means I get full say over what happens next. It could be small like accidently grazing the moon, or it could have been bad like frying an entire park's electrical system.

December 26th Update

Alright, putting everything in the Campaign info. There will be spelling mistakes here and there due to the preview software I'm viewing the pdf in. Will edit later. Adding more pertinent information.

Shaun Adams - The Transformed

Thank you, DM Default :) Oh, and...

DM Default wrote:
And remember guys, a miss means I get full say over what happens next. It could be small like accidently grazing the moon, or it could have been BAD like FRYING AN ENTIRE PARK'S ELETRICAL SYSTEM.

I lol'd.

What's that Atoms? You almost blew up the moon? Twice? Ah, that's fine, nbd, nbd.

WAIT WHAT, ELDRITCH? You caused a blackout at the boardwalk???!?!? ARE YOU INSANE? What are the kids and families on spring break going to do now? YOU CROSSED A LINE THAT SHOULD'VE NEVER BEEN CROSSED. i'm sorry man but i'm going to have to take you downtown for this.

Male Human The Beacon | Condition: None

Hey, so I haven't seen any notifications of new posts for any of the games I'm in since Tuesday. Apparently, a bunch of people lost their dotting. So, everyone might want to check for that.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Yeah, it's annoying and hopefully will be fixed soon. I've switched to watching the Gameplay threads for the black dot, since that still exists.

I Have Influence on: No One
Danger: 0, Freak: +3, Savior: +2, Superior: +1, Mundane:-1

Looks like they got the issue resolved, since I can see new updates next to my games.

December 26th Update

Just to keep you all in the loop, during the no-new-notification incident (where forum games weren't alerting folks to updates), I had a member of my family pass on.

As such, I feel it fair to inform you that I updates might take longer than usual (which I know, is plenty long of a wait already) and if you feel the need to drop out of a game I'm DMing or drop me from a game I'm participating in, I understand.

That said, I do hope to update within a couple days as I could use the distraction as the usual business of these events tend to warrant. Thank you for your understanding.

Life moves on eventually. I just need some time.

Angry, Insecure Potential 1/5

Of course. Take all the time you need.

Ji-Wan "Vick" Zeng Conditions: Guilty; Potential 4/5; Delinquent

I'm so very sorry. Take the time you need.

I'm going to hang around. You run too many of my games!

Seriously though, best wishes to you and your family.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

I'm sticking around. Sorry about your loss, and no pressure on this end.

Shaun Adams - The Transformed

Any recommendations on what Atoms should do now?

Check the dark side. There's always something hinky going on there.

December 26th Update

Relatives are almost all gone and I think I've recovered emotionally. Expect me back in posting form by the end of the week at latest.

December 26th Update

I'll give it another day or so before updating, since you're a large group of 7 at least 4 before posting would be ideal. Also, I'm tired and have an essay I need to finish. Why can't I just work for a game company and design RPGs for the next decade...sigh, the dream.

Ji-Wan "Vick" Zeng Conditions: Guilty; Potential 4/5; Delinquent

I run Golden Glyph Publishing and work with Fat Goblin Games, which makes Pathfinder stuff, and I freelance for Lone Wolf Development... and I tell you... it's not all it's cracked up to be. Sure it's great if you're passionate about the job and not worried about the money. If you're looking to make big bucks... It's probably not going to be here.

There's a certain glamour about being an RPG designer. The rest is staring at a screen grumbling as you pull your hair and try to figure out how to do something in a way that doesn't leave you with 9-kerbillion ways to break your system. :P

Still, don't let me stop you. It's also very satisfying to see people purchasing something you've worked on.

Angry, Insecure Potential 1/5




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