Masks: A New Generation of Heroes

Game Master Cwethan

Character Bible

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Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

I've got a fine one - what's your thought?

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

ummm... I was thinking... Y'know, nevermind, it seemed a better idea last night.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Gonna push forward tonight - Alexandra, even if you don't have time for a full post, if you can give a general sense of "Take hostages and stage a daring escape" vs. "Go along and wait for your moment/the lawyer" that'd be really helpful.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Alexandra, I've been holding off moving things forward with Wing's lawyer because I wanted to give you a chance for Alexandra to react and maybe chat some with Shayera.

I'm not sure if you're waiting on me, but I'll probably push things ahead sometime tomorrow if you don't post anything.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Only able to move that from Directly Engage to Unleash because of the Critical Opportunity, if that wasn't clear

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

so, between school going to full online, and getting called into work more, I think the apocalypse we're all going through has compromised my ability to play right now. maybe sideline me, and hopefully I can rejoin once the world quiets down again.


Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

That makes tons of sense. This is a time that's hitting different people very differently. Luckily, Alexandra's in the clutches of something that can bind and immobilize the greatest among us - bureaucracy!

Look forward to gaming with you again in a bit!

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Holding off on advancing to where Shayera is in the timeline til I know if Alexis and Kaoru are following along with Bronwyn's plan, arguing with it, or ignoring it.

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

Alexis is waiting on Kaoru's response before reacting to the officer. Far as they are concerned Kaoru knows more and should be deferred to for decisions like this.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Words are melting together, so I'm saving this draft to turn into English tomorrow :-p

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

1.) I'm back

Also, did my phone do a bunch of weird things, or did Kay cycle through a bunch of images identical to other characters?

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Welcome back!!!!

And yes to the latter. You'll have to ask them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Sorry, hit submit a tiny bit early, fixed it now.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Oh, also, Should I veil further illness stuff, given the current crisis?

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

You're not going to trigger me.

But then, I'm one of the healers of the group. ;P

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Mm. Good to check - fine here though (and welcome back!)

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

GM post later :-)

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

On the subject of Mercy giving in to real violence here:

Part of their story arc is learning appropriate force in a world where superhero battles generally only caused property damage. In a desperate situation like this where Mercy needs to protect Lucas, they're going to fall back on the brutal skills that they learned in the barracks.

That said, Mercy doesn't want to kill anyone. But they're more than capable of maiming these cultists and making them think they'll kill them all if they don't get out of their way. I expect fallout for Mercy for this later, after he meets up with Bran.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

@Mercy - Wanna hop on Roll20 real quick?

A quick back and forth sounds like it'd be useful after your PM :-)

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Fire at will, Mercy!

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

I'm inclined to cut to the heroes chatting in a new location (probably starting with Alexandra explaining her plan).

Any business/beats that should happen before then?

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay


I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

I think there's a scene that needs to happen at the location change.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Eh, nevermind. The scene I had in mind would work better during a different situation. Carry on.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

wait, I forgot we knew who Balor was trying to shove into A pascal... assume she said "He'll have access to the treasures of Manwydan"

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

So I'm good with moving on to the hostage exchange scene now, I just wanted to know in canon if Alexis was getting a new outfit or not.

Though if someone wants to coach Alexis on how to sound like Bronwyn, that might be fun...

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

How Alexis can sound like Bronwyn according to Kaoru: *gags Alexis*

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

How Gordian of you :-p

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

Probably don't need to gag Alexis, just have to give them enough food so their mouth is always too full to talk ^_^

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5
Alexis AKA Mercy wrote:

So I'm good with moving on to the hostage exchange scene now, I just wanted to know in canon if Alexis was getting a new outfit or not.

Though if someone wants to coach Alexis on how to sound like Bronwyn, that might be fun...

So much of this sounds delightful. The only problem is the urgency of the situation with Camila being captured and all. That's kind of a buzzkill.

Once the crisis is averted, then we can have all sorts of fun with this!

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Sorry for the delay all, I've been using the excuse of those who hadn't posted while I was dealing with crunch time at work, but if Shadow doesn't post first, I'll just assume she's lying in wait nearby when I update tomorrow/today/whatever Friday counts as.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Aww, I was looking forward to the "It's Effnysian" Reveal after we saved him

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Sorry, Alexandra. But you gotta admit, he dropped a lot of hints.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

look, there's only so many Gaelic Myth nerds in the world, there being 3 in this group was... okay, maybe predictable, but still!

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Wingblade isn't a "Gaelic myth nerd," but she happens to be dating someone steeped into the legends. So it stretches credulity that she hasn't at least read the wiki pages.

Her mentor's all about being crazy prepared, you know.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Okay, to avoid a "I thought you were next oh, you thought I was next " situation, I'm going to say I'm waiting on you Mercy, either make a move or tell me that I have the initiative. Thank you.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Mmm actually let me post before then. Probably tonight :-)

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

I was waiting to see how many of the cultists are still in a fighting mood after dropping a flaming van into their ranks, so hopefully there won't be many left to take down and we can focus on their backup that's coming...

On a side note, I want to say that Alexis tossing Kaoru's car was as gentle ad possible in a stressful situation. And also operating under the assumption he could handle sudden relative forces like that. Sorry for that!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

(My read was that Kaoru getting to be annoyed by stuff is a feature not a bug :-p )

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

You know what they say about assuming...

Besides, you've repeatedly and consistently indicated that Alexis has a lot of trouble controlling their strength. How many things have they "accidentally" destroyed in significantly less stressful situations? When those are the signals you put out, don't be surprised when other people latch onto them. :-P

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Now picturing the Wingblade museum for after she retires, where they have all her inspirational speeches recorded, and one of them is definitely:

Wingblade wrote:
"Stab her, just a little"

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

2 doom left... We might actually do this... Gleeful, Slightly manic grin

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

I've got a team spend in mind to boost it to a hit, but what you're going for feels more like an Unleash to Extend your Senses to me, especially because it presumes that Balor's the most dangerous thing here...

So we can go with an Unleash, and Bran'll boost it to a 7 (so either a condition or an unstable/temporary result for me to determine)

Or you can find out the answer to that question ;-)

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Honestly, I was afraid it would be that... frick, I still need to take a condition... I guess I don't super need mundane...

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Okay, mark angry and I'll write the Team Spend (down to 2) into my next post.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

No, honestly, I just gave the whole "If I don't make it" spiel to Kaoru. I think Either Hopeless or afraid make more sense narratively, so... Hopeless I guess, and hope I don't need to unleash again.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Doing GenCon Online this week, so I won't have time/energy to post between Thursday and Sunday.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Kaoru's waiting for the door to open. Either via the enemies coming out or via Shadow deciding to go in.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

So since the gadget syringe won't work on Balor-bot without modifications, what's Alexandra up to?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

I'm not even mad. that's fantastic. a -1

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