Gm Aest's Kingmaker: To Forge a Kingdom

Game Master Aest

Stolen Lands
Combat Map (Also in my Header)

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M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

"This Land" is a fine name for the new fledgling kingdom. Very descriptive.

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The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Thisland. Like, Thistle Land. Could work.

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

A typo? Me? Of course not. *cough*

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Thistle land is Mite land, Thistle land is yore land...

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Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6
Mite #11 wrote:
Thistle land is Mite land, Thistle land is yore land...

From California, to the New York isl *SLAP* What I do?!

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The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

I think I'm in love with Mite #11's singing.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Did I kill the gameplay thread with Cyanne's reveal?

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

@Cyanne: I don't think so. I know Kazimir feels out of his depth, and assume Luthor does as well. I also know that Daen has suggested moving past this scene.

So, I'm going to bump this to Flex-Time and move on to the next day after/during today's update. So far, I have:

Daen and Kazimir: Find Svetlana, Man-tage.

Laliytsa: Investigating the Fire.

Luthor: Lunch with Lilly Thatcher.

Cyanne: I'm not quite sure. You could fit in with any of the groups, most likely.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Luthor wants to be part of the man-tage, I think. Cyanne could help investigate with Lali. Girl time! And it helps pay for Kaz's restoration, which would be good.

BTW, Cyanne desperately wants to visit her teachers, but that can wait until Daen and the others are free.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

So I'm guessing the campaign is a bit too serious for us to actually call the kingdom "This Land", huh? (Love that clip. One of the best scenes.)

And yeah, OOC, I'm not sure what to do in the Rose, and IC, Kaz is just desperately wanting out. Though now that we have a drunken faerie dragon to deal with...

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

Sorry, busy day. I'll try to bang something out soon.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Yeah. The Rose is telling me a lot about Restov Two: Restov Harder. Namely, that I need to either totally retool or scrap it. You, as a group, aren't interested in conspiracy and politics, and that's fine.

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

Daen is actually really interested, but conflicted at the moment and terribly distracted. I'll be giving you something to ponder, hopefully soon. But I've got a long work day tomorrow and it's getting late. I was hoping to have some time today, but that didn't happen. Anyway, back to posting...

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Woah woah woah. Who said we're not interested in conspiracy and politics? Some of us are quite interested. Although our characters might not be good at it....I mean she'll try...but I like conspiracy and politics!

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Cyanne does have an interest as well. She's just been focused on not signing that contract.

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The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Okay. That makes me feel better about Restov 2: Restov Harder.

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Watching Lali in political situations will be hilarious. I want to see it happen.

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

Okay, I think I got out what I needed to get out. Hopefully that will give you something to go with.

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Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Daen for President!

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Yeah, that's good. Thanks. Also, I can move you and Kazimir forward, which I'll do momentarily.

EDIT: Ooooor I could do the right thing and wait for Luthor.

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

If the rolls are good or aid from Luthor wouldn't help either way, I don't think pushing forward a little would hurt. It would give him more to work with when he comes along.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

True. It doesn't matter either way. Kazimir's rolls are pretty solid.

I'll see what I can do. At the very least, Jamanda owes you an explanation. Even if you won't like what she has to say.

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The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Thanks everyone, for an awesome year at this game! Looking forward to the future, I see a lot of enjoyable times ahead!

Congratulations! It is relatively rare that a group sticks with a PbP for this long.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Happy anniversary, Aest. Thank you for one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure to be in.


Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6

Best game indeed. I had another one which went for about a year, but it was never quite this good roleplay wise. It was a multi group game with a pvp element so there was generally a heavy focus on mechanics (Though still some solid showings, I particularly enjoyed my groups Inquisitor, a follower of Father Skinsaw)

Heres to more of the same, this is one of those times where I invite that status quo to remain the same.

Congrats on the anniversary! Even making it just a few months is an accomplishment for a game, but a whole year? Rarer still. Looking forward to reading more of your adventures in the days to come :)

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

What a terrific post, Luthor! Your statement to Kaz hit me in the heart.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

I think my favorite thing about this game, and something that would have bothered me a year ago but doesn't now, is that everyone seems to enjoy helping with the world-building in tiny ways. Like, we're in the middle of this city, and Luthor just creates an NPC where it's needed. I create a nameless burlesque dancer, and Cyanne gives it a backstory. I mean, don't get carried away doing it, but it's nice that everyone's invested in the world enough to give it a bit more life.

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Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

I'm glad that you liked that detail, Aest. I just thought that it's only been 2 months since Cyanne has been on that stage. She'd know all the girls. I've been half expecting people to ask Cyanne to come up and perform. It would only make sense that she'd be upset that She couldn't give Meg the attention she deserved!

And I love your opening song too. You've been a GM that has rewarded us putting details into the world, from Luthor and I inventing the Academy, to Daen's sword-school and other details.

And Aest... do we EVER get too carried away? Wait. Don't answer that one.

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Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Us, get carried away? Never! *cough*

Happy Anniversary guys! This is my favorite game, and I love you all, lurkers included. I agree with Luthor, here's to more of the same!

Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6
Cyanne wrote:
What a terrific post, Luthor! Your statement to Kaz hit me in the heart.

Really? Well thanks, I aim to please :)

Also, wow, when Lali gets going you really get to appreciate that, I dunno, southern drawl?

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Luthor you are an excellent writer. I loved your posts after Kaz died, they gave me all the emotions.

My head cannon for Lali is that her real accent sounds like Yosemite Sam on a rampage, so she's always trying to stuff it down, which is why it changes around when I have a brain fart or if I'm posting somewhere without my notes lol.

We have a lovely thing in L.A called the Santa Ana winds. Basically the winds push all the heat from the desert to us. It was 90 today and it's going to be hot all week. Plus it still gets down to the 50s at night so there's a large temperature change over the day and bleh. Anyways, the point is my posting rate will slow down because it's too hot to think during the day :(

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Happy game-iversary, everyone! It's been an absolute blast so far; let's keep it awesome. You're a great bunch, even you lurker-folk!


Cyanne Miller wrote:
What a terrific post, Luthor! Your statement to Kaz hit me in the heart.
Laliytsa Iansoh wrote:
Luthor you are an excellent writer. I loved your posts after Kaz died, they gave me all the emotions.

Seconding both of these. The feels, man. The feels.

Lali's accent is a thing of beauty. Best accent I've done on the forums is "Cap'n Aramis Elizabeth Mirian Steele", whose accent is a sort of bastardized Irish. I can only type her dialogue on a computer; my phone chokes on all the apostrophes.

Ugh, that heat sounds most unfun. Try to stay cool.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

I do a "Fleur Delacour" French for Meliandri Chastain-Aulomaxa in Hell's Rebels. Eilidh Tilernos has a stutter. That's about it.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Daen, will you abandon Cyanne forever if she does a farewell song on stage here? She really wants to do so.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-orc Fighter/Rogue 4 | HP 40/40 (0 NL) |Init +4 | AC 19 (T 15, FF 15) CMD 20+ | F +10 R +10 W +4 | Darkvision, Per +4 | Combat Stamina: 7/7 | Active Conditions: None

(holds up tindertwig)

"Free Bird!"

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The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

I, for one, would not be opposed to a farewell song. As for Daen, he's just going to have to learn to love the one he's with, warts, fancy singing/dancing, and all.

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M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

What? There's warts?


I'll deal with it. Bring on whatever you got!

M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

So... Sleepy.

I'll try to post tomorrow, but it's my long day.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

No problem, Daen. Don't stress about this game.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

You can catch my song tomorrow.. Sleep well, my Starcount! I'm sure Cyanne just gave Daen apoplexy.

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M Half Elf
Magus (Kensai) 3 Init +4, perception +8 4/5/4, +7vs ench., 19/17/12, 7/15

Daen is feeling quite invigorated, thank you very much. It would certainly be a problem for their love life if everytime she did something sexy he went catatonic.

Male Human Witch 4
HP: 30, Initiative: +6, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +3 AC: 12 (T: 12, FF: 10), CMD: 14, Fort: 4, Refl: 3, Will: 6

That was quite something Daen and Cyanne. Loved it.

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

Yes, the whole close of the Restive Rose scene was a lot of fun. Mind, he's still not told her that he loves her. I can't wait to see what Oterisk's devious mind comes up with as Daen's way to show his love. This'll be fun.

Oterisk, you're awfully fun to write both for and with! Of course that holds for the entire group!

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

That was most enjoyable to read, from both of you! =)

Sorry for my repeated bouts of silence. I've been under a lot of stress lately, getting ready to move into the new place. Handover is on Thursday, so things are getting intense. Starting to pack all my things, which is a tiring and emotional process.

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Male Half-orc Fighter/Rogue 4 | HP 40/40 (0 NL) |Init +4 | AC 19 (T 15, FF 15) CMD 20+ | F +10 R +10 W +4 | Darkvision, Per +4 | Combat Stamina: 7/7 | Active Conditions: None
Kazimir Vasilovich wrote:
Starting to pack all my things, which is a tiring and emotional process.

Just remember, you don't have to pack everything, if you're sure you can make it look like an electrical malfunction.

In all seriousness, good luck. :-)

Female bard (duettist) 3 HP 15/23 | Init +3 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMD 14 | F +5 R +6 W +3 | Per +8
Bardic Performance Rounds 11/11 | 14/20 arrows | 15/20 cold iron arrows | 13/28 waiting for Daen's answer

But you are getting OUT. Celebrate that and remember that we love you.

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Moving sucks hardcore, but pretty soon you'll have it done and over with. We love you lots and if you need to take a break then take one :)

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Agreed. Take the time you need.

@Everyone: I'm done with a post for Lali and Cyanne, but still working on what I want to say with Daen/Kazimir/Luthor. Expect it tonight, hopefully.

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